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ImOS – Chapter 77: Stealing the Drake with Ult

With four kills, the bot-lane’s Jinx now had items that were so dazzling that it blinded everyone’s eyes.

The opposition’s Sivir didn’t even dare to step out of her turret range.

Do you think it is fine if you just hug your turret?

Xiao Ran and Wu Xiaofan placed more pressure on the opposition and soon enough, the Turret First Blood was taken by Xiao Ran alone.

The gold for the Turret First Blood was also solely enjoyed by Jinx.

Immediately after, it was WEF’s nightmare.

Jinx and Blitzcrank went all over the place to look for trouble.

They were the ones that took the initiative to look for trouble and they didn’t do it in the open and were extremely crafty!

“Gangplank, bait them a little.”

Xiao Ran controlled Jinx and led Blitzcrank to hide at the top-lane’s river brush.


Gangplank was speechless.

I am Gangplank and I don’t have any displacement spells. How do you want me to bait?

Alright, if the opposition only has one Gnar, I will do it.

But we have vision in the top-lane’s brush and we can clearly see that Rek’Sai and Thresh are hiding inside!!!

The opposition has Gnar, Rek’Sai, and Thresh but you ask a Gangplank to bait?

Also, this Gnar isn’t the normal Gnar, it is a Gnar that is almost at max rage!!!!

Xiao Ran saw Gangplank’s hesitation and said in a kind tone, “Be good and listen. Go and bait them. You can eat oranges and still have Flash. Don’t worry, you wouldn’t die.”

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Gangplank was speechless but since Xiao Ran said it, he didn’t dare to defy the command.

There wasn’t a choice, he had to go.

Gangplank started placing the powder kegs.

When he placed the powder kegs, he didn’t dare to put it in the brush and was afraid he might be blamed by Xiao Ran for alerting the enemy.  He could only place them around Gnar.

As for Gnar, he was afraid Gangplank might escape and wanted to bait Gangplank and didn’t destroy the powder kegs.

As a result, the duo started to exchange acting skills.

Gangplank didn’t know to cry or laugh. In order to allow the opposition to gank him, he was really putting down the work and didn’t even explode his powder keg.

Then don’t blame me.

Gangplank took a step forward and used the Q spell on Gnar.

“Go go go, this stupid Gangplank is baited!” At the same moment Gnar shouted, Thresh’s eyes turned bright before he tossed out his hook.

The brush was warded and when Gangplank was hooked, he used W to remove the hooked effect before running backwards.

As he ran, he had even ignited three powder kegs.

The trio might have been slowed, but when facing Gangplank who was left alone, Rek’Sai disregarded everything and used ‘Tunnel’ before Flashing and knocking up Gangplank.

Immediately after, Gnar Flashed and used ‘GNAR!’ to slam Gangplank on the wall.

Subsequently, the group started a merciless slaughter on Gangplank.

“Hurry, hurry up!” Gangplank was already going to cry.

These three champions might not have much damage output, but he was a fragile Gangplank and was able to withstand the torture from the trio.

Wawa was puzzled: “Strange, why aren’t Jinx and Blitzcrank providing assistance?” 

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Mille also didn’t know what was happening: “Yes, if they still don’t go, Gangplank is going to die.”

Rita: “…”

Right at this moment, Xiao Ran was discussing the strategy with Wu Xiaofan in an unhurried manner.

“Xiaofan, pay attention to that Thresh. Gnar and Rek’Sai have already used Flash except Thresh. Don’t let him escape later.”

Wu Xiaofan was looking at the pitiful Gangplank and nodding.

“Twisted Fate, control your desire. You can come over to get assists, but don’t take any kills!”

Twisted Fate: “…”

Gangplank was panting with coarse breaths and was so angry that he was seething with smoke.

God damn it, you ask me to bait and you don’t come over? Do you really want me to bait to death?!

After the CCs ended, Gangplank didn’t bother anymore as he activated his ult and Flashed towards his turret.

“Gangplank, your actions are wrong. According to my calculation, you can still withstand three more attacks before Flashing… Forget it, this distance is enough. Start the fight!”

Wu Xiaofan had been waiting for Xiao Ran’s command. He increased his movement speed and rushed at Thresh who was at the back and knocked Thresh up with a punch.

Immediately after, it was purely Xiao Ran’s solo performance.

Gnar might be Mega Gnar now, but when he was comparing acting skills with Gangplank, he had already squandered half his health. After receiving three powder kegs from Gangplank and because he was still in Gangplank’s ult range, Gnar’s health was only at 1/3 now.

Xiao Ran didn’t hesitate and rushed over while using W spell to reduce Gnar’s movement speed before starting a frenzied assault.

None of the opposition was able to withstand Jinx’s current attacks. Gnar who was only left with 1/3 health was quickly killed by Jinx.

“You have slain an enemy.”


After killing Gnar, Jinx’s passive ability activated. The movement speed was the same as riding on motorized wheels.

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Rek’Sai and Thresh knew it wasn’t good as they had been counterganked. Furthermore, they were getting counterganked by the Jinx and Blitzcrank who were the most farmed in the match. They panicked.

Thresh acted just like Xiao Ran’s prediction. He didn’t waste any time and immediately used Flash.

Thresh reacted with conditioned reflexes. When he saw Jinx and Blitzcrank, he immediately used Flash without a second of hesitation.

But Wu Xiaofan was keeping an eye on Thresh and the moment Thresh used Flash, Q was immediately used to hook Thresh back.

After getting hooked by Blitzcrank, Thresh realized there was a row of chompers in front of him…

When the house was leaking, consecutive days of rain would arrive.
(TL note: It is a saying to describe that bad luck happens in a row)

When Thresh saw the row of chompers, he noticed a circle of light on the ground that wasn’t far from him.

WTH, Twisted Fate is also teleporting over!!!

Thresh was immediately discouraged and gave up his resistance.

This match was truly a one-sided torture!

Xiao Ran was a person that would do something that he claimed. When Twisted Fate teleported over, he used the Gold Card + Q + normal attack before activating Thunderlord’s Decree. Coupled with Blitzcrank’s normal attack, Thresh was already dying.

Xiao Ran controlled Jinx and turned around as he gave up on attacking Rek’Sai for now. He used two normal attacks to kill the dying Thresh and had only given Twisted Fate an assist.

“Double Kill!”

Was there a need to continue narrating the rest?

A Flashless Rek’Sai was surrounded by Gangplank, Twisted Fate, Blitzcrank, and Jinx whose passive ability had been activated. There was simply no chance of escape.

Soon enough, Rek’Sai had fallen.

“Triple Kill!!”

The female system voice suddenly announced with a high pitch…

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After getting the kills, Xiao Ran looked at the minimap.

WTH, WEF has yet to give up. They are still struggling.

The opposition’s Sivir and Vladimir were actually trying to get the drake.

Xiao Ran asked in the team voice first. “Where is Sivir and Vladimir?”

“Jungler, why isn’t there any vision at dragon pit?”

“Damn, Sivir and Vladimir must be slaying the Infernal Drake now.”

After speaking, [Steal Dragon Card] gave an indication. Xiao Ran didn’t hesitate and pressed down the R spell.

The ‘Super Mega Death Rocket!’ was suddenly launched from Jinx’s rocket launcher. It flew across a distance that was thousands of units and whizzed at the drake from a super long trajectory.

At this moment, Wawa was explaining to the audience: “WEF has collapsed at the top-lane, but Vladimir and Sivir are making use of the opportunity to take the drake.”

“This exchange for the Infernal Drake is rather worthwhile and will allow them to take back some losses.”

“JAY’s Jungler is stealing the red buff at WEF’s jungle area while the rest of JAY is at top-lane. It seems like this drake is going to be taken by WEF successfully…”

Before Wawa finished, he saw a mega rocket flying straight for the drake.


The mega rocket struck at the drake with extreme precision.

A horrific flaming mushroom cloud rose up.

All of JAY’s teammates flashed with a radiance and their in-game screens displayed: “An ally has slain the Dragon.”

The screen was actually displaying… Jinx’s icon!

Wawa screamed out: “Oh my god! Jinx used her ult to steal the Dragon!! Without any vision, she used her ult to steal the Dragon!!!”


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