ImOS – Chapter 79: Rita’s Friend

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“Let’s congratulate JAY for winning this match!”

After Rita spoke, she watched as Xiao Ran left the stage.

This young man was truly getting increasingly mysterious. Putting aside the fact that he could sing and participated in <Sing! China>, even when playing LoL, he was already giving so many surprises.

In the first match, he played Support.

In the second match, he went on to play ADC.

Rita still remembered that Xiao Ran had also played Mid-laner and Jungler during his streams too.

What was his exact position?

Rita decided that she was going to have a good conversation with him on WeChat after she returned home tonight.

This victory didn’t surprise anyone, but no one expected such an easy victory.

Among the people, it included the illegal gambling hosts.

For this match, the illegal gambling host’s payout rate started off at 1.63. After Xiao Ran’s enormous betting, the payout rate lowered to 1.41.

But even with such a low payout rate, Xiao Ran had also won $3.5 million.

Right now, Xiao Ran’s personal wealth which started off with $2 million was now at over $10 million!

Furthermore, the best thing about illegal gambling was that no taxes were required!!!

After eating dinner, Xiao Ran went to look at the payout rate for tomorrow’s match for JAY vs YM.

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This illegal gambling site hasn’t learned their lesson yet?

YM’s surface skill might be stronger than JAY, but JAY has me now and you actually dare to open with a payout rate of 2.56?

Isn’t this the same as giving me money to spend?!

Xiao Ran didn’t hesitate and bet all $10 million onto Team JAY.

Money truly grows more money.

If Xiao Ran won again, he would win around $15 million.

Right now, Xiao Ran’s concept of money truly didn’t have much significance.

For a stay-home nerd, money was merely a number.

One had to squander it to know how precious money was.

After placing the bets, Xiao Ran started to study Young Miracles(YM)’s matches.

After all, Xiao Ran had the intention to fire the coach. He should be familiar with the role of a coach and analyst first to avoid being caught unprepared later.

In fact, in a gaming organization, analysts and coaches were necessities.

It was necessary to have a sufficient understanding of all elite local and foreign teams’ strategies. Afterwards, the team would have to establish the team’s tactics and also counter tactics.

These were the jobs of the analysts and coaches.

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There was a saying that was very popular and had also revealed the importance of the coaches and analysts.

The saying was: Third-rate teams are competing with player skills; Second-rate teams are competing with coordination; First-rate teams are competing with tactics and strategies.

Right now, in JAY, apart from Xiao Ran, even Wu Xiaofan’s overall skill was lacking when compared with other teams. There wasn’t a need to even talk about the Top-laner, Jungler, and Mid-laner.

Take today’s match for example.

If Xiao Ran was the Jungler, during the catch at level 1, he would surely throw his ax and Smite Gromp at the same time.

If the angle was correct, the ax would be able to hit Sivir and Gromp at the same time. Once the ax struck, Gromp’s health would be perfect for Smite.

This was the difference between the skill level and attention to details.

Also, when the Mid-laner Twisted Fate was solo killed by the opposition’s Vladimir, Xiao Ran had to use his ult to pick up the dying Vladimir, preventing Vladimir from snowballing.

Solo kill was a factual difference in skill and there were no excuses to be made.

Apart from that, their coordination was lacking greatly.

This was due to the short period of time since they formed the team and it was also due to the difference in skill levels.

If it wasn’t for Xiao Ran’s multiple reminders, the top-lane, mid-lane, and jungler would have been destroyed by the opposition.

JAY was now relying on Xiao Ran’s entirely visible minimap to flawlessly avoid the opposition’s ganks and not to fall into traps, giving the opposition a chance to turn the tables.

But if they were going against skilled opponents, they could simply solo kill you on lane and there was nothing Xiao Ran could do.

Therefore, to be able to play against first-rate teams, the teamwork and coordination must be perfect, while the tactics must be advanced and competent.

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JAY Team’s coordination still required work while their tactics were truly incompetent.

Xiao Ran scratched his head.

LSPL might not pose much of a problem with his ‘cheats’, but after entering the LPL, it would be difficult.

Xiao Ran only had one thing on his mind now: I need a good coach/analyst urgently!

Just as Xiao Ran was pondering about the strategy for the next match, his mobile phone ‘rang’.

He picked up and took a look.


A WeChat message from Rita.

As a hot-blooded and young man, Xiao Ran immediately threw everything related to the league matches out of his mind and started to flirt with Rita with everything he had learnt.

As he flirted and chatted…

Rita suddenly said, “i have a friend who also watches your team’s matches. She said that your team tactics aren’t good and your teamwork and coordination is lacking too…”

In fact, Rita was speaking in a very reserved manner.

If she used her friend’s original words: “What kind of rubbish coordination does this JAY Team have? There is no teamwork at all and if I say that they have tactics, it is simply a humiliation to all the other coaches…”

Xiao Ran heard Rita’s words and was immediately interested.

“Oh? Is your friend a coach?”

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Rita replied, “Yea, she stayed in Europe and America for a period of time before going to Korea. She might only be an analyst in Korea, but she is an analyst for the KT Rolster in LCK.”

“Actually, my friend is incredible. If the Korean teams aren’t only hiring local coaches, my friend can totally take up the responsibility as SKT(SK Telecom T1)’s coach!”

After having conversations with Rita for the past two days, Xiao Ran knew that she wouldn’t exaggerate the truth. Even if she was bragging about her friend, she wouldn’t do it excessively.

Did this mean that Rita’s friend is an exceptional coach?

Furthermore, the friend is a ‘she’, not a ‘he’!

I wonder what she looks like, hehe…

As Xiao Ran didn’t reply for a long time, Rita sent a ‘hmph’ as she felt that Xiao Ran believed she was bluffing.

“If you don’t believe it, I will give her phone number to you. Let her speak with your coach and she will be able to help your team achieve good results in the future matches.”

“Alright, give me her number!”

When Xiao Ran received the number, he immediately dialed it.

“Hello, who is this?” 

It is a sweet voice, mm… just a little indifferent.

“Hello, I am Rita’s friend and also JAY’s player, Xiao Ran.”

It seemed like Xiao Ran’s reputation was rather high and when she heard that it was him, her tone sounded better.

Immediately after, Xiao Ran went straight to the topic and asked for her opinions on yesterday and today’s matches…

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