ImOS – Chapter 80: You Shall Fall

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This phone call lasted for over 40 minutes and most of the time was Ouyang Xue giving an analysis of the two matches to Xiao Ran, it was also the so-called after match revision.

Finally, Ouyang Xue said, “It is already week 8 for the season. It is most important to maintain your hand speed, feel, and reaction.”

“I believe that your coach has already arranged a practice schedule for your team. You just have to follow the schedule and practice.”

“It is best not to play any more 5v5 ranked games. Professional teams generally wouldn’t appear in the ranked games. You just have to play the premade practice matches that are arranged by your coach.”

“I have great expectations of JAY. Actually, I have great expectations of you, but there is another player today. Your Support is rather good too and has great potential.”

“Eh, wait up…” Xiao Ran suddenly interrupted and asked in a confused manner. “What are called premade practice matches?”

Ouyang Xue was startled, “A professional team’s practice has a system. It is separated into fundamental practice, premade practice matches, and free practice. Don’t you know?”

“I don’t know, what are all those? I have never heard them before.”

Ouyang Xue had a powerless expression as she explained, “Fundamental practice refers to last hit practice, hand speed practice, reaction practice, and etc. This is the most boring and also the most important segment. It has to be done for at least six hours a day. There should be morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. It should be extended according to one’s lack of skill.”

“Premade practice matches are the basics of in-game practice. Normally, the coach will arrange for a team with comparable or superior skill level to practice with your team. It will be conducted in a league match manner and must not be taken lightly.”

“Premade practice matches are normally done twice a day and there are two matches per session. It also means that each day should have at least four matches of practical training. It is to practice individual skills, teamwork and team tactics.”

“Next up is free practice. Each player will use their accounts to play in ranked games. You can play on the Korean server, NA server, or China’s server. It can be treated as an individual practice and when playing with other highly ranked players, you can encounter all sorts of opponents.”

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After finishing, Ouyang Xue asked with doubts, “Doesn’t your team have all these?”

“Oh, we do have last hit practice, but we don’t have the rest.”

Ouyang Xue felt as though she was going to faint: What kind of weirdo team is this? A team like this actually won against WYD and defeated WEF with ease…

Ouyang Xue felt like she was going to doubt her own life.

“If your team doesn’t do all these, then it is impossible to make an analysis of spell range, vision range, spell synergy from different champions. All of these require long-term practice in order to achieve them.”

“You are saying that all these aren’t supposed to be up to the players’ experience but can also be practiced?”

Ouyang Xue had the urge to smash her phone.

Ultimately, she took a deep breath and said, “My advice to you is to go to other teams. JAY has no future. Goodbye!”

After hearing the ‘duu duu duu’ sound from the mobile phone, Xiao Ran had an increasing urge to change their coach.

Did anyone hear how Ouyang Xue said all those things systematically? Such professionalism!

Take a look at JAY’s coach again… I can’t even eat when looking at him…

Ahh, the current coach isn’t professional at all!!

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After listening to her voice, she must be a beauty…

Xiao Ran felt his mind going into chaos.

He was looking forward to changing a coach for JAY!!!

After finishing the call with Ouyang Xue, Xiao Ran teased Rita for a little while longer. Xiao Ran still had proper business to do and had called for all the team members to gather as they started to research tomorrow’s tactic.

Finally, everyone started to practice the wretched tactic with high spirits and practiced all the way to 3 am before going to bed while being filled with confidence.

4 pm the next day, JAY’s match against YM was about to start.

If someone asked which team was the best in this LSPL season?

Everyone who watched LSPL would be hesitating, but they were hesitating to choose either YM(Young Miracles) or IM(I May).

Team YM’s boss was Foul Pig PDD and their popularity had always been through the roof. In fact, they were even more popular than the ranked no.1 IM.

Today, the most popular Team YM was going to battle with the rising dark horse, Team JAY! The match venue was unprecedentedly bursting with passionate screams and thunderous cheers. The venue was constantly trembling due to the commotion.

This was the highest level of attendance since the beginning of this LSPL season.

“There are too many live audiences today. I heard that even the standing tickets are all sold out. Some people almost started selling fake tickets.”

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Analyst Wawa started to bring up the hype with his jokes.

For a match like this, it was natural for it to be hosted by Wawa and Mille who were the most popular and comical duo in the analyst world.

After finding out that Rita had an especially good relationship with Xiao Ran, coupling with the fact that the officials were trying to nurture her, this match was still going to be shoutcasted by Wawa, Mille, and Rita.

It was a match between two highly discussed and highly skilled teams in the LSPL. It was accompanied with two reputable comical shoutcasters and a very attractive Rita…

Be it the imminent match or the analysts, the live venue’s atmosphere had reached its climax.

“Is everyone having a hard time waiting? Don’t be in a hurry, next up shall be the most exciting matchup today. That’s right, it is the match between Young Miracles and JAY!”

“Will everyone please give a round of applause to welcome Young Miracles!!!”

Once Wawa’s voice echoed, the live audiences were showering the venue with unending applause.

“Go on then. JAY has nothing fresh and merely has a slightly stronger bot-lane. The rest of the lanes are rubbish. I believe that all of you will obtain today’s victory.” PDD smiled and said to the YM five.

“Don’t worry Boss, I will shutdown the mid-lane today.” Team YM’s Mid-laner spoke with confidence.

“Top-lane isn’t a problem too. JAY’s Top-laner is trash. I have encountered him several times during ranked games and each time, I am the one that is pressing and grinding his face on the ground.”

“Keke, it is just one God Kun. No matter how good he is, it is useless. Furthermore, our bot-lane isn’t inferior to them.”

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“That’s right!”

“Don’t worry, your bot-lane just has to play safely. I will help you to gank.”

“My mid-lane will also provide assistance. Isn’t God Kun very incredible? Let’s bust him up today!!”

“Haha, bot-lane remember to plant wards. Today, we will make sure that their bot-lane receives the opposite of Legendary!!!”

PDD was smiling so nicely that his eyes had turned into a line. His fat cheeks jiggled as he said, “Very nice, our YM requires confidence like this.”

“Just wait and see, Boss.”

All of Team YM’s members walked up the stage with the passionate applause while their faces were all filled with confident smiles.

“Next up, let’s welcome the members of Team JAY!!”

When PDD saw Team JAY’s members on stage, he revealed a smirk.

“You actually refused my invitation and went to the trash JAY. Do you think you can lead JAY yourself and turn the tide? You are too naive!!”

“Today, I shall let you understand that your refusal to join my Team YM is the worst mistake!!!”

PDD mouth had a cigarette as he took a forceful puff.

“Since you didn’t come to my Team YM, then you shall fall.”

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