ImOS – Chapter 82: This Isn’t Part of the Plan

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“Oh? The opposition is playing global comp?”

“What a joke. With their level of skill and they are trying to play global comp?”

“We just need to smash them in the lane and make sure they can’t fly even if they want to.”

“But why did they pick Heimerdinger?”

“Who cares? Just smash them!”

The players of YM(Young Miracles) didn’t even care about the messy picks from JAY. The mid-laner and ADC picked Lucian and Alistar.

On the analyst desk, when Wawa saw the current team composition from YM, he smiled and said: “As expected, YM’s bot-lane is going to use the champions that they are more proficient in. At the same time, Lucian and Alistar are actually a very good combination. It seems like this match’s focus will be on the bot-lane again. It will be an aggressive fight.”

“Mm, that is true.” Mille nodded: “I wonder what kind of bot-lane combination would JAY pick.”

On the venue’s LED screen, the in-game screen was still at the pick phase.

It was now JAY Team’s turn to pick their fourth and fifth champions. The champion icons had lit up at almost the same moment.

As soon as the champion icons appeared, they were quickly locked in.

Tristana, The Yordle Gunner.

Tahm Kench, The River King.

When the champions were locked in, the entire venue was in a loud uproar and noisy commotion.

Tristana + Tahm Kench?

What kind of tactic was JAY playing!?

“Tristana already has the W spell for displacement. Is there a need for Tahm Kench?”

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“In any case, I am truly confused by this match.” Wawa shook his head and said, “This is a global tactic and all the other lanes are going to rush the bot-lane, it will work. But Tristana has been nerved in this patch and it wouldn’t be as effective.”

Mille had also nodded in agreement: “Jinx might have been banned, but there are still plenty of other choices like Kog’Maw, Twitch, Sivir, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Ashe… All of them have a stronger late-game burst power than Tristana, right?”

Rita agreed as well: “That’s right. Since Tristana was nerfed, I have never seen her in professional matches.”

Wawa sighed and said, “Tristana was my favorite previously and the nerfs are making her increasingly worse. The W and E spells are no longer stacking, the reduced cooldown on E and Q spells are also gone. The growth in attack speed is lesser, and the Q spell’s cooldown is longer. It is getting more difficult to get maximum stacks on E spell…”

Mille noticed that Wawa was drifting away from the topic and quickly pulled him back: “Do you guys think this is JAY’s new tactic?”

“What kind of a new tactic… Tristana + Tahm Kench, why can’t I see anything new?”

“If I have to say something, this is like a global+Protect the ADC tactic. It is to see if the late-game Tristana is able to carry JAY to victory.”

After Rita spoke, her eyes suddenly lit up: “It seems like we forgot a crucial point.”

“Oh?” Wawa asked with a puzzled tone: “What crucial point?”

“We have focused too much on JAY’s bot-lane and overlooked their mid-lane champion.”

“Look, JAY’s Mid-laner is Taliyah and if she is able to split the terrain properly, JAY would be able to create a situation where they would outnumber the enemies. This is probably their trump card, right?”

As Rita was speaking, it was YM’s turn to pick their fifth champion and they had already picked out their final top-lane champion.

Keeper of the Hammer, Poppy.

Subsequently, the blue and red side rapidly swapped around for their champions and were in positions.

At this moment, both sides had already locked in their positions and the in-game screen was now at the loading screen.

JAY Team: Blue Side

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Top-lane: Heimerdinger

Jungler: Rek’Sai

Mid-lane: Taliyah

Support: Tahm Kench

ADC: Tristana


YM Team: Red Side

Top-lane: Poppy

Jungler: Elise

Mid-lane: Lulu

Support: Alistar

ADC: Lucian

In JAY Team’s players booth, Xiao Ran chuckled as he looked at the red side’s composition.

“Ohh, Lucian + Alistar. Our opposing lane is very powerful…”

Immediately after, he continued to prattle: “But it is useless.”

If their combination is powerful, then we aren’t going to be confronting you.

Furthermore, even if we confront you in lane, do you think you will surely win?

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I have cheats and I once I stack up some crit items and use the [Bless Card], let’s see if you will be afraid after some consecutive crit attacks!

Soon enough the loading screen dimmed and a familiar female system voice announced:

“Welcome to Summoner’s Rift.”

The match between JAY and YM was officially starting.

This match was truly a difficult one for the analysts.

Heimerdinger, Tahm Kench + Tristana…

They simply didn’t know how to explain this team composition!!!”

After learning the lesson from WEF’s(WE Future) mistake, YM prioritized something at the start of the match. They occupied the key positions at the bot-lane jungle and planted vision.

Once the wards were planted, they had completely prevented JAY’s bot-lane duo and Jungler from invading their jungle area to gank at level 1. If they were to be caught off guard, the situation would be severe.

As for the severity? It was obvious after taking reference from WEF.

“Mm, it seems like YM has done a thorough study on the tactic that JAY used against WEF. Their bot-lane river and jungle area’s vision is done properly.”

“YM’s Elise is preparing to start with blue buff. It is also good, as she can protect Lucian and Alistar who are going to take Gromp before going to lane.”

“Lucian can kill Gromp very quickly while Alistar can recover some health. It is indeed much more worthwhile to take Gromp first before going to lane.”

“If JAY’s bot-lane and Jungler are here to catch them, they would surely give up their lives here. Elise, Lucian, and Alistar are too overwhelming…”

Before Wawa finished his words, he stretched his head and saw the LED screen. He was confused as he said, “Eh, where are Tristana and Tahm Kench going?”

At this moment, Xiao Ran gave his commands in the team voice chat: “Xiaofan, follow me, let’s stir something up.”

With the [God’s Vision Card], Xiao Ran could clearly see the movements of the opposing champions.

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Elise, Lucian, and Alistar were at the bot-lane jungle area and there were plenty of wards planted at the river and the jungle.

But by doing so, there would be a lack of wards for the top-half of the map.

Xiao Ran targeted this point and took a large detour with Tahm Kench before arriving at the top-lane jungle which was close to the river.

“Follow me and walk close to the walls. The opposition might have planted wards in the river.”

Xiao Ran spoke and controlled Tristana to walk along the wall in the jungle area. He then made a detour around the vision of the opposition’s river ward before entering the brush at the mid-lane’s river.

“This is?” JAY’s Mid-laner Taliyah was a little startled.


This isn’t part of the plan, right?

Xiao Ran was angry to see no improvement from his teammate: “Me and Xiaofan are already camping here. What else can it mean? Later on, go and bait a little.”

Taliyah: “…”

Right now, whenever JAY’s team members hear Xiao Ran saying, “Go and bait a little’, they would feel a mental trauma.

During yesterday’s match, Gangplank nearly died from being the bait and he was being reprimanded by Xiao Ran for escaping too early.

It seemed like being the bait was truly a dirty job…

Taliyah held back the tears and nodded forcefully.

“You don’t have to worry. This time, I am asking you to bait with great skill and all the audience and viewers will surely cheer for you.”

Xiao Ran then started to laugh mischievously, “Hehehe…”

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