ImOS – Chapter 83: What Are These Two Things!!!

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“As a Taliyah, you definitely have to steal the first spawn of the raptor camp on the opposition. This way, when you hit level 3, you will be leading the opposition by one melee minion and be able to make use of the level gap.”

“If the opposition doesn’t know that you stole their jungle camp during the early-game, the opposing Mid-laner will be in trouble.”

“When you reach level 3 and if your E hits him, you can use W to pull him over. If there aren’t any displacement spells, then the opposing Mid-laner will normally die.”

Subsequently, Xiao Ran changed the topic. “But, you are baiting this time. So you have to show that you are stealing their raptor camp and wait for Lulu to chase over and hit you before you start running.”

“Remember, when Lulu goes over to hit you, don’t run around to the entrance of the river. You have to pretend that you made an error in movement and Flash over the wall and into the river. Entice Lulu to Flash and chase after you, understand?”

Taliyah cursed in her heart: 

Isn’t this god damn dirty!!!

This strategy is truly despicable!!!

But, why do I feel a little excited after listening to it…

Taliyah had also let out a mischievous ‘Hehehe’ and didn’t say anything else. Taliyah followed Xiao Ran’s instruction and strutted towards the opposition jungle area while preparing to ‘steal’ those lesser raptors openly.

Everything had been spotted by YM(Young Miracles)’s mid-lane river ward.

“Oh? JAY’s Taliyah is rather bold huh? She is actually thinking to steal those lesser raptors.”

YM’s Mid-laner Lulu let out a smile of contempt:

Taliyah is indeed very ferocious during the early-game. However, you are just a level 1 Taliyah and you are JAY’s Mid-laner Taliyah. I will play you to death.

I will make sure you are left with dying health and forced to recall back to base. You will at least lose out on one wave of minions!

YM’s Mid-laner let out a mischievous smile and waited at the mid-lane river’s wall to ambush Taliyah.

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One had to admit that YM’s Mid-laner was very meticulous as he waited for Taliyah to use her Q spell before going over.

But at this moment, the live venue and all the LSPL live streaming channels were already exploding.

Mille exclaimed: “Oh my god, JAY’s strategies are truly endless. This time, JAY’s bot-lane actually came over to camp YM’s Mid-laner.”

Wawa analyzed the situation and explained: “Look, YM has planted their wards at the bot-side and the top-side doesn’t have enough vision. There is only one ward in between the Baron pit and top-lane river.”

“JAY’s ADC and Support stick close to the walls and sneak into the mid-lane river brush, allowing them to avoid the vision range.

“While Taliyah strutted over and happened to let that ward see her.”

“What does this mean?” Wawa felt as though his mind wasn’t enough to process so many things. “This means that JAY knows there is a ward there. Be it JAY’s ADC and Support sneaking to the mid-lane river brush or JAY’s Mid-laner strutting to the opposition jungle area, all this is a strategy designed by JAY!”

Rita was puzzled after listening to the explanation: “Then how did they know there is a ward there?”

Rita’s question was also the question in all of the live audience and viewers’ mind.

They weren’t really convinced by Wawa’s fantasy-like deduction as they didn’t believe that JAY could know where the wards were planted.

In fact, this was the truth but the truth was something that people wouldn’t believe…

However, who could imagine that Xiao Ran actually had cheats?

Therefore, Wawa gave his own assumption: “I reckon that JAY’s members like to gamble.”

“Think about it, during the match between JAY and WEF(WE Future), during the level 1 invasion to the opposition jungle, they were also afraid that a ward was planted in the river, therefore, they made a huge detour around the blue buff and murk wolf camp.”

“For that match, their gamble was correct.”

“If the gamble is correct, it will bring huge benefits. It doesn’t just provide the early-game lead and allow the lead to snowball until victory. They are also giving the other teams a message.”

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“The message is that JAY likes to invade the jungle at level 1 to stir things up.”

“All humans are the same. After tasting success for the first time, they would want to try for the second time. YM is grasping on this point and is afraid that JAY might stir up a commotion again. Therefore, they had planted the vision at the bot-lane jungle and river.

“However, this time, JAY thought further ahead and knew that YM would surely be precautious of the bot-lane jungle and would put down lesser vision at the top-side!”

Mille nodded: “Mm, that is rather reasonable.”

Wawa felt that he was going to transform into Edogawa Cowa as he continued his analysis.
(TL note: Edogawa Cowa is a troll version of Edogawa Conan from Detective Conan)

“Since JAY guessed that YM’s top-side has lesser vision, with your usual reckless style, they would surely stir up something.”

“But they are also afraid that the opposition has placed ward at the river, therefore, they hugged the wall carefully and sneaked to the river’s brush.”

“I believe that JAY’s members are also very nervous right now. Because they don’t know if there is any ward at the river or the brush. They are gambling and also waiting!”

“Afterwards, they sent the Mid-laner Taliyah to the opposition to steal the raptors, but did so in an open manner.”

“This means that they are sending Taliyah to see if the opposition is responding. They would then act according to the opposition’s movements to judge if their strategy is a success or not.”

Subsequently, Wawa smiled and said: “As a result, the goddess of fortune is smiling on JAY again, as their gamble had paid off.”

“Take a look at where Lulu is standing. If I didn’t guess it wrongly, she will go over to poke at Taliyah later.”

“If Taliyah uses Q to clear the raptor camp, Lulu will send her Q over. Taliyah wouldn’t just lose health, she would also need to use up her Flash and might be pursued to death by Lulu.”

Mille pondered and said: “Pursued to death? Isn’t that a little exaggerating?”

“How can it be exaggerating!?” Wawa pointed at the screen: “Taliyah is now at the opposition’s jungle area, while Lulu’s Q spell’s cooldown time is only 7 seconds and it has a slow effect. Also, look at what summoner spell Lulu is equipped with? Ignite!”

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“If Taliyah doesn’t use her Flash, she will surely allow Lulu to get the First Blood.”

Immediately after, Wawa couldn’t help but let out a mischievous ‘hehe’: “However, this Lulu would never expect that there are two more individuals camping at the river.”

After Wawa’s analysis, the game was now at the 1 minute 40 second mark and the jungle camps had spawned.

JAY’s Mid-laner Taliyah used her Q spell and threw it at the raptor camp.

YM’s Mid-laner Lulu laughed out and announced: “My friends, the mid-lane can report in advance that this lane is ours!”

“WTH, Taliyah is trying to counter jungle? But she will end up getting walloped.”

“F**k, if I knew that Taliyah is coming to steal the raptor camp, I will surely start with red buff. The two of us will definitely be able to take the First Blood off Taliyah.”

“Alright, you just have to take care of the top and bot-lanes. Mid-lane doesn’t need you anymore, hahaha.”

With a complacent laughter, Lulu rushed at Taliyah and immediately throw her Q spell over.

Glitterlance: Lulu and Pix each fire a piercing bolt dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and 70% to all additional enemies. Enemies hit are slowed by 80% decaying over the next 2 seconds.

After Glitterlance hit Taliyah and put on the tortoise-like slow effect, Lulu came over and started a ruthless barrage of normal attacks.

“Quickly, pretend that you are panicking and click your mouse in the wrong direction to walk towards Lulu. Acting, pay attention to your acting skills!!”

When Xiao Ran noticed that Lulu was baited, he quickly instructed Taliyah.

After getting hit by Lulu, Taliyah was supposed to escape through the river but she suddenly turned around and actually walked towards Lulu.

When Lulu saw Taliyah walking towards her, she was shocked.

What is this situation?

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Immediately after, Lulu saw Taliyah turning one full circle before running towards the river.

Lulu was instantly overjoyed.

Isn’t JAY’s skill level too low? He actually made an error in movement, allowing me two more normal attacks.

I originally didn’t have the intention to kill you, but you made an error in movement. Your health is already at the level that can be killed. Don’t blame me.

Taliyah was struck by Lulu’s Q and was hit by quite a few normal attacks. Right now, her health was already less than half.

Subsequently, Lulu put down the Ignite on Taliyah.

Without hesitation, Taliyah Flashed over the wall and rushed into the brush at the river.

Aiyo, you still wish to run? 

I have already given up my Ignite, do you think I will let you go?

Luly didn’t hesitate and went ‘poof’ with a flash of golden light before chasing after Taliyah with Flash.

The brush in the river was pitch black at first. When Lulu Flashed down, the fog of war was immediately revealed.

Haha, I can see Taliyah, let’s see where you are going to run!!

But at the next second, Lulu’s eyes were widened to the extremity.


What are these two things?

Why is Tristana and Tahm Kench in this brush!!!!!!!

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