Ch3 - If I don’t call you Gege, then I can’t possibly call you husband?

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Edited by Divetus and kat

“I don’t like it.” The microphone icon in front of the YY ID that was just a string of numbers lit up. The voice was as serious and deep as before, but it now also seemed a bit cold and distant. 

Shen Qi’s fingers tapped on the keyboard, and he peeked his head up to the window and instantly killed someone who was running away.

Fu Mingyuan changed the way he gripped his mouse. He stared at the place where Shen Qi had just sniped, but didn’t even see the lootbox.



Countless question marks streaked through the barrage.

[I’m immediately taking back all the vulgarity that came out of my mouth] 

[Was someone there ah?]


[Hahahahaha Gege is stunned]

[How honest]

Shen Qi took a look through the 4x scope again at the person he just killed. That person only had a level one armor and helmet, so it completely wasn’t worth running out to loot it. Seeing the barrage, he let out a cold snort. “Pay attention ah. Who said you all can call him Gege?”


Fu Mingyuan: ….

The barrage immediately became unconvinced.

[Fuck, you’re so shameless]

[Fated online marriage from a draw] 

[You’re being so gay, going to report you]

[Aren’t you disgusting? Selling rot?]

[Does the previous poster have a problem?]

[The previous poster has cursed the anchor out so many times, why is he still here?] 

Finally, the stream moderator couldn’t stand it any longer, and started to ban people.

[Overhead Prairie: I used to think that I only had a mod title to look good, hehe]

He was the only moderator in Shen Qi’s livestream.

Shen Qi’s burly black male character crouched against the wall, strafing twice. 

“Does this livestream have a green title?”

[No ba]


Shen Qi clicked his tongue and sounded a bit regretful as he said, “A pity.”

[Overhead Prairie: ??] 

Shen Qi didn’t pay any more attention to the barrage.

He looked at the circle. The poison circle was shrinking again, so they had to run.

This poison circle shrinkage was seriously unfriendly, and was encroaching on Paradise Resort.

He glanced in the direction of Paradise Resort. In fact, Sanhok was especially unfriendly towards people like Shen Qi, who liked to get into direct gunfights. There were too many people who hid, and with this lush vegetation, if you weren’t careful, then you wouldn’t even see someone lying beneath your feet. 

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“Gege, let’s take a vacation.” He put his gun away and jumped out of the window.

Fu Mingyuan, who hadn’t moved until just now, looked at the items on the ground and ended up looting them. After a while, he finally said, “Don’t call me Gege.”

It wasn’t good to address someone so intimately when you just met them.

Fu Mingyuan glanced at the other party’s livestream title, not knowing when it had changed into “Sweet into your heart.” 

Sure enough, he couldn’t let his Didi watch this kind of improper livestream any longer.

After this match was over, he would immediately leave and cut off Fu Mingli’s thoughts of watching the stream.

He took a sip of his warm goji berry tea and secretly thought to himself.

He had completely forgotten that just before, because of the overly beautiful pair of hands, he inexplicably opened his mouth to say that he would play. He had also forgotten that he had become a bit entranced when he watched the way this person clicked his mouse to shoot. 

The barrage began to become rowdy.

[Hahahahaha, cold-shouldered]

[What’s wrong with you ba? Ungrateful even though the anchor’s carrying your corpse]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[What’s wrong with you, previous poster? It can’t be that if someone doesn’t like hearing something, they can’t say it?] 

[The anchor is disgusting, selling f*cking rot]

Ynfgtfjv Ugjlglf bcmf jujlc qfgobgwfv tlr ilnfragfjw wbvfgjabg vealfr. Lf erejiis vlvc’a rff rb wjcs jcalr lc atf ilnfragfjw.


Me Zlcusejc ibbxfv vbkc ja tlr mfiiqtbcf, ogbkclcu jujlc.

Ljv tf kfca abb ojg klat ktja tf tjv rjlv? 

Lf tfjgv Vtfc Hl rboais ifa bea jc “jt” atja rffwfv j yla jccbsfv.

The two of them ran in different directions for a bit, before he said, “If I don’t call you Gege, then I can’t possibly call you husband?”


[Can you wake up?] 

No. 2, who was about to join Shen Qi at his location, suddenly turned the corner and entered Paradise Resort.

[Rejected again]

[Hahahaha, I can feel No.2’s helplessness]

[Sweetie, can you stop being flirty?] 

Shen Qi was typing in a somewhat dissatisfied manner, but he wasn’t typing in-game. He laid down in the grass and minimized the window to reply to a pinging YY message.

It was from Overhead Prairie.

He had sent some screenshots.

The first one was a message from M1G’s owner, Chen Ling, asking Overhead Prairie to ask Shen Qi to add him back on WeChat. Shen Qi quickly glanced at it and directly ignored it. 

The second was a screenshot of a livestream. The livestream ID on the screen was a bit familiar, and the video in the lower right corner showed a girl with heavy make-up on. She was an anchor on the same platform as him, and the barrage was full of intolerable insults.

The following screenshot was the IP addresses of the antis who had just entered the livestream, and they were all identical.

Shen Qi replied with a “?” and then switched back to the game.

No. 2 had already become a corpse. 

It had only been half a minute, so how had his body already gone cold?

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He thought a bit regretfully about the 98K that he had given him, and then came out of the grass equipped with his M4.


Fu Mingyuan turned off his mic.

His fingers curled up unconsciously. 

He really wasn’t good at playing games. He never had any talent for it, and all his knowledge of PUBG had completely come from that young man with very beautiful hands.

He simply bowed his head to look at his phone and began to watch the livestream.

Shen Qi’s point of view shook fiercely, and it was if he wasn’t playing the same game as Fu Mingyuan.

The black male character quickly jumped to where Fu Mingyuan’s lootbox lay, lying in ambush before the person who had sniped him came over to loot him. 

He heard the male anchor’s clear voice ring out once again, “Mingming, I’m going to ravage you ah.”

Fu Mingyuan: …

His in-game name was Mingming.

He had an impulse to just log off, but it would be impolite to do so. 

The barrage filled up with question marks again.

[?? I’m going to report you]

[I suspect you’re being perverted, there’s even evidence]

“I’m ravaging a lootbox, what about it?” In the webcam, his hand quickly clicked the mouse a few times, and then he shot from an extremely difficult position. Afterwards, two kill notifications floated up in the upper right-hand corner. 

The barrage was filled with 6666’s.

Fu Mingyuan stared for a while and frowned again.

Surely his young man wouldn’t have become so frivolous.

After several intense gunshots, Shen Qi chuckled, a little breathy. 

“Ah, I’ve avenged you.” He got two more kills.

Fu Mingyuan was pulled from his train of thought. Sure enough, the person who had sniped him was in the top right-hand corner.


Once No.2 had fallen, Shen Qi no longer played overly cautious.

Moments ago, he was dedicated to flirting, but now he was dedicated to killing. 

The last circle was at Paradise Resort, and Shen Qi’s massacre was a little invigorating. At the end, he had 20 kills and had dealt a formidable amount of damage.

It was only when the words “Big Fortune and Great Delight, you’re eating chicken tonight” appeared on the screen that he continued interacting with the barrage.

“See? You guys can’t achieve that.”


[I’ll go to a rookie concentration camp and slaughter them for you to see!]

[Wait for me, previous poster! I’m going to kill bots!]

Shen Qi snorted and smiled, while his hands were quickly replying to Overhead Prairie’s messages. 

Fu Mingyuan waited until his typing speed slowed down before he said, “I won’t play anymore, I have something to do.”

Shen Qi let out an “en.”

And then there was no follow-up.

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Fu Mingyuan: … 

All of a sudden, he had the illusion that the other party was heartlessly pulling out in the middle of things.

Then, he massaged his eyebrows. After playing one match, he felt a little dizzy.

He logged out of YY and exited the livestream.

He still had to read a script tonight. Next month, he was going to record a new program where he was going to be a judge. 

In fact, at his age, he wasn’t originally qualified to be a judge on this kind of big budget performance arts program, but the organizers had invited him mainly because of his internationally acclaimed actress mother.

His mother didn’t have the time to come, so they had to settle for the next best thing.


Even though he had won the most prestigious Best Actor award, most people were saying—look, the winner was Jiang Chuyao’s son.

Fu Mingyuan’s perpetually serious expression showed a fleeting mocking smile. 

Then, he got up and went to find Fu Mingli.

Shen Qi only remembered after Fu Mingyuan had left.

He hadn’t had time to say goodbye to that person.

The barrage was full of accusations saying that he abandoned this person after playing around with him. 

Shen Qi: ???

He sighed and bade farewell to his stream followers with his usual tone.

[Today was too short ba!]

[AHHHHHHH Sweetie, when are you going to sign a contract to be an official anchor ah?] 

Shen Qi just happened to see the message while turning off the webcam and replied, “I’m not going to sign.”

Then, the livestream went dark.

He left behind a wailing audience.

Shen Qi continued to reply to Overhead Prairie after his livestream was turned off: What are you angry about? I’m not even angry 

Overhead Prairie’s real name was Lu Tun, and his in-game name was TUN. He was a substitute player for HUOJ.

He had been a benchwarmer for many years, and was also one of Shen Qi’s few friends in the e-sports industry.

Seeing him like this, Lu Tun was so angry that he pounded on his keyboard and tossed him several Weibo screenshots.

In these screenshots, the original Angry supertopic had been spammed with curses from antis. Every single line was saying that he had left the team because he had fixed a match. 

Combined with the ambiguous words from Rong Jing’s interview today, everyone knew who had bought the antis from today.

M1G didn’t seem disgusted either, and the e-sports team was using this typical fan circle method.


However, Shen Qi himself didn’t care at all. Lu Tun had even put all these words in front of him, but he still didn’t have the slightest desire to get on Weibo.

Lu Tun: You don’t even want to clarify why you left M1G? 

Lu Tun: Are you that old, where you won’t play anymore because of these bastards?

Lu Tun: Idolizing you was a waste of my time!

Finally, Shen Qi seemed to have a reaction and slowly began typing: I’m still your idol right now

Lu Tun: … 

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Lu Tun: Do you have any shame?

Lu Tun: Okay ba, I admit that’s true

Shen Qi softly laughed and then replied: Good boy ah, it’s not so difficult to admit that I’m strong

Lu Tun: … 

He was really worrying and meddling too much for nothing.

Fuck ah.

Having sent off this great Buddha Lu Tun to go and practice, Shen Qi scrolled through TikTok for a while. His thoughts wandered back to that man from before with a very nice voice.

Ah, it was really a pity that they didn’t give each other a happy ending. 

At that time, he only had enough attention to watch Lu Tun curse people out.

The culprit was Lu Tun.

He hadn’t felt vexed for long before his cellphone rang.

He was forcefully interrupted in the middle of playing video games, so Shen Qi was a little upset. When he saw the caller, he grew even more upset. 

However, he picked up the call anyways.



The familiar male voice rang out. Shen Qi narrowed his eyes, staring irritably at the computer. Then, he gripped his cellphone and got up to make instant noodles.

“Don’t call me that,” He said as he resisted the urge to hang up the call. 

That hadn’t been his name for a long time.

The other party wasn’t angry, and his tone even carried a hint of cautious flattery.

“Okay, okay, okay, whatever you want to be called.”

“Have you gotten used to living in that house? Do you want an auntie to come over? You can’t eat instant noodles all day long…” Before he could finish talking, the sound of packaging being torn transmitted through the phone. 

Shen Qi didn’t care at all.

“Is that all? If that’s all you wanted to say, then I’ll hang up?”

The other party hurriedly said, “Don’t, don’t, don’t.”

“Dad recently invested in a show. Would you like to go there and learn from them a bit?” 

Shen Qi sneered and taunted, “What? Are you looking for a little star to warm my, your son’s, bed?”

“I like men, do you have any over there?”

The author has something to say

After a long time: Fu Mingyuan: En, call me Gege, call me that again.

Juurensha: Sooooo we get a bit of SQ’s complicated family! And nooooo SQ, you let FMY just die like that??? But you’ll get more chances I’m sure to impress him :DDDD

So that’s our mass release for the start, and for now until BOW completes, we’ll be updating once a week on Tuesdays! 

Divi: Ah, it seems like SQ came out to his parents and they didn’t take it well…. Kind of. They’re still providing for him, probably thinking it’s a phase?  Honestly, FMY now feels irritated that he wasn’t worth paying attention to hehe.

kat: I’m even more curious about their past now ahhhh! Also, this show SQ’s dad invested in….could it possibly be a certain big budget performing arts program….

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