Ch4 - Everyone would forget one’s original intention.

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Edited by Divetus and kat

Without waiting for Shen Bozong to say anything else, Shen Qi added arrogantly, “I like tall, handsome bodies with a nice eight pack. You should give me some choices ah.” 

On the other end, Shen Bozong covered his chest with his hand, looking as though he was about to have a heart attack. His assistant next to him hastily helped him find some fast-acting heart pills.

Shen Qi’s nerves only relaxed when he hung up the call.



The corners of his mouth pulled up, and he glanced at the half-torn package of instant noodles before throwing it into the trash can.

Then, he clicked on his cellphone and ordered a dish of spicy crayfish. 

How could instant noodles ever be as tasty as takeout?



The next day, Shen Qi started livestreaming as usual.

A platform administrator sent him a private message, asking him if he wanted to sign a contract with them. Shen Qi closed his private messages, feeling somewhat irritable.


Although he had shown a complete lack of concern while talking to Lu Tun yesterday, he hadn’t slept well last night.

Maybe it was because of Shen Bozong’s phone call.

He didn’t draw the curtains so it was still a bit dark in the room. The sun seeped in through the cracks.

The light from the computer screen reflected on his face. Shen Qi’s eyebrows were like his mother’s, and the corner of his eyes slightly tilted up. When he smiled, he looked a bit indifferent. 

His lips were very thin and a bit pink.

Most of the time, if he just gently quirked up the corner of his mouth, raised his eyes, and let the camera capture him, he could draw in a whole wave of fans that valued appearance.

After Chen Ling discovered this business opportunity, he often took photos during his training. This seriously and adversely affected his training, but Chen Ling still did it regardless of Shen Qi’s increasingly ugly expression.

Afterwards, Shen Qi started to wear masks when playing competition matches. 

That was probably when his disagreements with M1G started.

Thinking of this, Shen Qi sneered.

Everyone would forget one’s original intention.

But he just wasn’t pleased. 

He turned on his mic for the livestream, which already had people lurking there.

[Today is another day to see Sweetie livestream!]


[Wuwuwuwu webcam! Isn’t it better to point it at your face?]

Shen Qi raised an eyebrow. “It’s not better, I’m afraid you’ll fall irrevocably in love with me.” 


[I’m still dreading if you’re very ugly???]

“After all, if I’m going to do online dating, I need to choose someone who’s good at gaming.”

[You’re flaming me for being a noob, I can hear it] 

[Previous poster, it’s fine if you already know, but why did you have to say it out loud?]

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[I’m thinking of the little Gege yesterday, eyes emoticon ]

[Dog with double standards!]

Seeing the barrage, Shen Qi subconsciously rubbed his ears and remembered the person he had forgotten about yesterday. 

However, the other probably would only play the game once.

After all, based on Pink Loli Head’s words, his older brother should be an “old man” who only reads newspapers every day.

He still subconsciously glanced at the viewer list.

Pink Loli Head’s account was highly active and had always been in the top five most active positions. Sure enough, they weren’t online today, so his phone was most likely confiscated. 

It made sense. Junior high school students still had to study hard.

Putting aside these emotions, he launched PUBG.

“Playing a solo match first, and then pulling in a viewer.”

[A sister?!] 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Wake up previous poster, it’s most likely a man]

[Are you going to flame a sister until she cries ba?]


[Poor quality trash anchor, can only flame girls]

[Scamming dog] 

[Who are these people coming in here?]

[Wow, have professional antis come into Sweetie’s livestream?]

Vtfc Hl uijcmfv ja atf jmmbeca PGr atja kfgf jii pera j raglcu bo cewyfgr. Oe Kec tjvc’a mbwf lc sfa abvjs, jcv tf kjr abb ijhs ab wlcv atfw.

This match was in Miramar. 

Qtfc tf qijsfv rbib wjamtfr, Vtfc Hl ilxfv ab pewq ktfgf atfgf kfgf ibar bo qfbqif, rb tf qlmxfv Obr Ofbcfr.

Los Leones was full of resources, but at the same time, many people jumped there.

Shen Qi landed face to face with others and killed two people.

He was causing a ruckus on his end, while the barrage was also causing a ruckus by arguing on their end. 

Shen Qi glanced at the barrage as he rushed out of Los Leones.

His livestream had 50% more people than usual, and these extra people were probably antis.

He tapped against the keyboard and indifferently said, “Enough ah, stop arguing. Bro, where did you come from ah?”

It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen trolls before when he competed professionally. 

“I’m just saying though, your copypasta is terrible. Do you want Gege to fix it up for you a bit?”


[Please look at your ID, Cyber Sweetie] 

[Why are you even thinking about flaming yourself?]

[This trash anchor’s skills are so shit, and he still has the gall to livestream?]


[A trash anchor with no redeeming features]

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Shen Qi clicked his tongue. “Bros, how do you guys know whether my skills are good or not?”

[Sweetie’s game skills are very good!]

His words just happened to coincide with that line in the barrage from a stream follower.


[Have my thoughts gone askew?]

Shen Qi chuckled and used his 98K to directly snipe a headshot on someone. Just as he had wanted to speak, the barrage assistant flashed with a stream notice.

“Distinguished VIP Subscriber Pink Loli Head has entered the livestream”

Shen Qi was distracted, and leaned a bit forward while crouched by the window. 

Then it showed, “Distinguished VIP Subscriber Pink Loli Head has left the livestream.”

Looking at the time, it really was time for school.

The barrage also noticed and immediately changed the topic. No one paid attention to the antis now.

[Is this the account owner, or the Gege?] 

[I’m guessing it’s the account owner. They’ll be back on soon. The school internet is probably laggy.]

“Students should focus on their studies and study hard.” Shen Qi composed himself and let out a light laugh after saying that. “After all, not everyone can play games as well as me.”

[With his first sentence, I wanted to praise him as finally being proper, but after the second sentence, does he have no shame?]


“Distinguished VIP Subscriber Pink Loli Head has entered the livestream”

[Pay attention to your class ya, Loli Head]


Someone in the barrage noticed and reminded him.

Shen Qi was just about to speak. 

It was only yesterday that he had just been branded as corrupting minors, so today, he had to educate them well.

At this moment, he was crouched in a room, finishing off someone who had crept into the open fields. He then saw a message from Pink Loli Head.

[Pink Loli Head: He’s at school]

Shen Qi suddenly laughed. 

“Gege, is that you?”

He deepened his voice a bit more than usual, making it inexplicably carry a flirty air. Maybe the mic was too close, but even his shallow breaths could be heard.

The barrage immediately exploded.

[I’m willing????] 


[Sweetie’s starting, he’s starting]

[Gege, are you going to play? Gege!]

Shen Qi laughed again, accompanied by the sound of a gunshot, and reminded them, “I told you guys before, you can’t blindly call out Gege.” 

[winer killed xiada with an M416]

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A kill notification appeared in the upper right corner.

Shen Qi’s webcam showed that his hand still maintained the position of firing the gun.

Today’s lighting was much worse than yesterday’s, probably because the light wasn’t on. 

Fu Mingyuan couldn’t comprehend why he was here. He had obviously been reading his script, but then he suddenly entered the livestream.

At first he backed out, and then he came back.


Hearing the anchor’s words, he was a little stunned, and then his eyebrows furrowed.

It also wasn’t that good to call someone Gege the second day of meeting them. 

He wanted to remind the other party of this addressing issue, when his manager, Du Jing, came in.

“You’ll have to start soon.” Du Jing had just gone to communicate with the director. Today, Fu Mingyuan was participating in a live interview program. Generally, all award-winning actors participated in it.

Seeing that Fu Mingyuan was holding a cellphone, he was a bit surprised. “Isn’t this your little brother’s cellphone? Why is it with you here?”

Fu Mingyuan let out an “en.” 

Du Jing was somewhat baffled. Although Fu Mingyuan was strict with his little brother, he never confiscated his cellphone like this.

“What did Mingli do this time?” Du Jing glanced at the cellphone and discovered it was showing a gameplay. “You’re—watching a livestream?”

He looked as if he had seen a ghost.

Fu Mingyuan let out an “en,” his expression unchanging. 

“Gege, are you going to play or not?” The other side asked again, probably because he hadn’t replied.

Fu Mingyuan frowned.

Why was this “Gege” called out in such a sticky-sweet way?

Du Jing stared and pointed at the screen, before opening his mouth and letting out an “ah.” 

He didn’t expect Fu Mingyuan to have this kind of hobby. He had followed Fu Mingyuan for so many years thinking that he was some kind of saint. When he faced a beautiful woman, he wouldn’t be aroused even if she was on his lap, and Du Jing had never seen him blush or have any other reactions.

So it turned out, he liked this kind of male anchor?

Then, he saw Fu Mingyuan slowly type: “Don’t call me Gege, it’s not good.”

Du Jing: …. 

And it turned out that he was calling for you?

The gaze he directed at Fu Mingyuan grew even more complicated.


The anchor chuckled.

“Okay, Mingming, do you want to play?” The tone of voice sounded like he was smiling. 

Du Jing moved his eyes across the cellphone screen and found that the barrage was in disarray, all spamming, “Sweetie’s not behaving.”

He looked back and saw Fu Mingyuan frowning. He seemed to be very dissatisfied with being addressed like that.

But…his cheeks were a little red.

Du Jing stepped back and accidentally bumped into the table, making a little noise. 

Fu Mingyuan raised his eyes, pursed his lips, and looked at him. “Is there anything else?”

His tone was unflustered, as if the hint of red on his face was an illusion.

Du Jing quickly waved his hand and said, “Nothing, nothing, you… Um… You’ll be on stage soon, so don’t play around ba.”

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After thinking about it, he also added, “After all, you’re a public figure, so…watch less of these kinds of livestreams, in case someone digs it up…” 

He was just reminding him.

The way this male anchor talked was a bit too slovenly.

Fu Mingyuan paused in the middle of typing. “What kind of livestreams?”

He looked a little displeased. Although he was sitting as before, with his legs together and his back straight, Du Jing noticed that his fingers had just tapped a couple of times against the back of his cellphone. 

Not waiting for Du Jing to reply, Fu Mingyuan continued, “It’s nothing negative, but I’ll take note of it.”

“Then that’s fine, get ready to go onstage ba.” Du Jing felt that his perception was a bit wrong.

Fu Mingyuan let out an “en,” but his gaze was still on the cellphone screen. He even replied with a: “No, I’m busy today.”

Du Jing quickly glanced at him, and when Fu Mingyuan turned his cellphone off, he praised, “That anchor’s hand is very nice-looking…” 

Fu Mingyuan paused as he was getting up, before he let out a nearly imperceptible sound of agreement.

Du Jing didn’t clearly hear what he said.


The director stood waiting below the stage, so Du Jing didn’t ask anymore.

“Fu Ge, the questions are basically all in the script.” The director showed Fu Mingyuan the script again. 

Fu Mingyuan nodded at him and thanked him.

He was tall and long-legged, so when he stood beside the stout director, he looked even more obviously tall with good posture.

Today, Fu Mingyuan wore a pure black shirt with the top two buttons undone, and his sleeves rolled up to expose the support wristband on his wrist. 

It was sent from his fans.

They had been standing and waiting around for over half an hour, which was past the scheduled time, but there were still a large group of fans waiting at the scene.

The show host across the stage finally started to begin the scene.

The director wasn’t the least bit apologetic, and he just stared at Fu Mingyuan as he said, “I’m really sorry to make you guys wait here.” 

Du Jing rolled his eyes internally.

Fu Mingyuan lowered his head and looked at the script, while his hand lingered for a bit on the button of his collar, wanting to button it up.

“It’s fine, I’m getting used to it ahead of time.” He gave a hint of a nod to the director with a gentle smile on his face.

That director smiled insincerely. 

They didn’t know what he was thinking.

Just before going on stage, Fu Mingyuan walked up the stage stairs, his back straight. He turned his head slightly, and a dim yellow light shone on his face, making him squint.

“Director Huang, I hope you can be punctual in the future. After all, everyone’s time is precious.”

“Punctuality is a very precious trait for a person.” 

The author has something to say:


Du Jing: I really believe you ya


Juurensha: ….this director is really dumb, huh?

Divi: Why would you even try to offend FMY, director???

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