Ch32 - Spinning around and landing smack into a wall for you

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Edited by kat

“Why did you come so early?” Du Jing was sitting in the lounge, screening scripts for Fu Mingyuan. When he saw Fu Mingyuan coming in, he had some doubts. 


Fu Mingyuan nodded to the others in the lounge.




Yang Su was sitting by the door, and responded slightly awkwardly. 



During the two days of filming, she didn’t know whether it was intentional or not, but every time Fu Mingyuan had to evaluate a contestant that she had been told to specially give “high praise,” his comments were particularly sharp, not pulling any punches.


Going next, her own comments seemed especially weak.



The other two judges on the other hand smiled and talked with him a bit, and Fu Mingyuan answered them one by one.


When Fu Mingyuan came near, Du Jing threw away his cellphone, glanced him up and down, and began to frown. 


“Why is your collar wrinkled?


“How come the corner of your lip also split?” Du Jing stood up and studied him for a while. “Did you get in a fight?” 


Fu Mingyuan glanced at him. “No, what are you thinking?”


He handed the bag with the clothes in it to Du Jing. 


There was no fighting.



But there had been a lot of action on the sofa. 


Fu Mingyuan’s eyes went half-lidded, and a faint smile spread across his mouth.


Du Jing had a sudden flash of insight from his glance. 


Holding his forehead with one hand, he whispered,


“Can you restrain yourself a little bit, or at the very least, don’t get your lip split ah?” 


After saying that, he went to the dressing room with a distressed expression. He should change out Fu Mingyuan’s shirt ba, it was too obviously wrinkled.


On the other side, the culprit was lying in bed, touching his lips with one hand and scrolling through the fan groupchat with the other. 


Fu Ge’s Little Fan Sister: AHHHHH thank you, 007 Dage. The picture Dage posted of Fu Ge’s side profile is too hot!


Fu Ge’s Bright Light: Fu Ge’s surroundings are an outside restaurant ba ahhhhhhhh, if only I had known earlier. I went there around noon, but I recoiled when I saw the prices wuwuwuwu 


Fu Ge’s Glowstick: I was there, I was there!! I saw Fu Ge go in! After taking a picture, I left [photo]. I know who 007 is. My God, will Fu Ge look at the groupchat ah!!



Shen Qi clicked to open the photo, and saw it was a picture of Fu Mingyuan’s back, tall and straight. He now had his new screensaver. 


He clicked to save it.


Fu Ge’s Little Angel: Who is it!!! This side profile is too perfect, right! I love it so much! 


Fu Ge’s Heart: It’s another day of crying over Fu Ge’s godly appearance


New messages continued to appear, and Shen Qi scrolled up for a long time before he found that “godly profile” picture. 


When he saw the angle of the picture, he knew that it had been taken by Du Jing.


Fu Mingyuan had turned his head to talk to Shen Qi. The yellow light was shining on his face, and the corners of his lips were quirked up. He looked very gentle. 


Shen Qi’s face had been blurred out, and the position the two of them were in seemed to be a bit intimate.


However, no one noticed him at all. 


The fans only noticed Fu Mingyuan’s profile.



Shen Qi closed his eyes and thought of the kiss just now. 


The two of them were both novices, and both of them were at a hot-blooded age, so they couldn’t stop at just a kiss.


It was Fu Mingyuan who had stopped first, helped him arrange his clothes, and left ahead of time. 


He licked the corner of his lip, covered his eyes with one hand, and couldn’t suppress his smile.


If he thought about it any longer, he may need to take another bath. 


After calming down for a moment, he went to the small groupchat to see who was there.


Your Qi Ge: Do you want to play Glory of Kings? 


Dog Ge: Play what Glory of Kings? All your fans have come to my stream to ask me if I’ve hidden you away. I’m in a bit of a difficult situation.


Your Qi Ge: Tell my little darlings that I will go to an internet cafe to livestream tomorrow 


Lu Tun: Ahhhhhh, can I come with you?



Your Qi Ge: OK 


Dog Ge: ?? You two met up?


Lu Tun: Yep!! 


Ye Lai: QAQ


Dog Ge: Where are you guys? You haven’t gone to go see the competition right 


Your Qi Ge: H City, to watch the competition


Dog Ge was shocked. 


Dog Ge immediately sent Shen Qi a private message.


Dog Ge: I’m also going to go watch the competition. I was going to come the day after tomorrow, but how about I come tomorrow, and we all meet up, Ge? 

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Shen Qi looked at the private message, rubbed his hair, and thought for a while before replying.



It was actually only a matter of time before they met Dog Ge in person. 


Your Qi Ge: Alright, set a time and place


A few minutes later, Dog Ge sent a time and place. 


It was an internet cafe near the competition venue.


It looked like they were going to have a three-person livestream. 


After Shen Qi answered, he knew that Dog Ge and Little Coriander were both livestreaming, so it wasn’t convenient for them to play Glory of Kings. Ye Lai was also preparing for the competition and had no time, so he could only pull in Lu Tun next door to duo with him.


The one bad thing about playing Glory of Kings versus PUBG was that he couldn’t kill his teammates. 


In the team, the Sun Shangxiang’s scalp was numb, and he gave a kill to the opposite side at the beginning. He didn’t have any skills, but still insisted on playing the middle lane and grabbed onto Lu Tun’s Cai Wenji to curse him out.


Lu Tun didn’t have a temper, but Shen Qi had a big temper, and Sun Shangxiang’s voice was ugly. They turned on their mic and cursed using some words that were usually easily censored. 


Shen Qi simply squatted in the grass to type.



His typing speed was fast, and he sent out many long strings of words, sending them directly to the screen. 


The Sun Shangxiang had cursed a bit, but no one had cursed back at him, and he thought it was really boring.


He nearly fainted when he saw the essay on the screen. 


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Li Bai (our teammate): Listen to what you said, bro. I just clicked record now, so go on, say some more. It’s very good, perfect, and beautiful. You’re really talented, bro, you have used your parents perfectly, and your Didi has come to fight for you. Bro, how can you die again ah? No ah, Bro, you’re really too weak there. Hurry and protect the Sun Shangxiang over on my side! Sun Shangxiang is active in the frontlines, and his children and grandchildren have come to fight for us! Let’s applaud and cheer for him! Good, very good! He rushed up again, and he fell down again with his children and grandchildren! He moved his parents out again!


Geglcu atlr qfglbv, Vtfc Hl jirb qgfrrfv bc atf afjw qgbwqa bo “qgbafma beg Vec Vtjcuzljcu.” 


Llr akb batfg afjwwjafr rfca bea akb raglcur bo fiilqrlr.


Ktfc, atfs obiibkfv Vtfc Hl jcv jirb qgfrrfv bc atf qgbwqa “qgbafma beg Vec Vtjcuzljcu.” 


Coafg Vec Vtjcuzljcu joxfv, atf afjw bqfgjafv wemt mifjcfg.


This match became a four vs. five situation, and naturally they couldn’t win, and lost in the middle of the battle. 


When they exited, Lu Tun was trembling with fear.



After all, he hadn’t played support very well. Compared with Glory of Kings, he was more comfortable playing PUBG. 


According to the previous situation, after Idol cursed out the noob and dirty mouthed teammate and lost the game, it was now time to curse Lu Tun out.


Today, however, Lu Tun didn’t hurry to click to queue and just waited to be scolded. However, he didn’t get scolded, and Shen Qi just said a sentence to him. 


Shen Qi looked at the time. Gege should be filming the program right now. 


“You’re still not clicking to queue?” The two of them were on a WeChat voice call. 


Lu Tun reacted after a moment and asked weakly, “You’re not going to curse me out?”


Shen Qi clicked his tongue and said, “You want to suffer being cursed out? How many yuans of cursing do you want?” 


He was in a good mood today. If Lu Tun insisted on it, it wasn’t like he couldn’t do it.


Lu Tun quickly denied it and hurriedly pressed the queue button. 


They didn’t know if they had bad luck, but after a few matches, if it wasn’t someone on the team afking, it was the opposite side forming teams.



Normally, Shen Qi should have lost his desire to play a long time ago, but today, he didn’t even lose his temper after being forced to kneel in so many matches. Even Lu Tun couldn’t help scolding this devilish matching system, but Shen Qi was still humming a song. 


“Um… Idol, how about we stop playing ba…” Lu Tun suggested.


It was already dark outside, and they had knelt all afternoon. 


Idol didn’t have a glass heart, but he did.


Shen Qi looked at the time again. 


It’s already past six o’clock. He hadn’t opened the curtains of the room, so he couldn’t see the color of the sky.


He took his cellphone, got off his bed barefoot, and moved around a bit. 


The room was carpeted and wasn’t cold.


After gaming all afternoon and leaning against the bed while playing, his neck and shoulders were a bit sore. 


“Idol, Idol? Are you listening to me? Should we get dinner?”



Shen Qi let out a sound and only then realized something. “You don’t need to get back to your team’s hotel? 


“Your manager isn’t looking for you?”


Even if trainees had just come to see the competition, they still had to go home at night, as they were still under the team’s jurisdiction. 


Lu Tun scratched his head next door. “Um, Idol, didn’t you book this room for me? I’ll just ask the manager for some vacation later… ”


Shen Qi snorted and laughed. 


Just now, wasn’t that to keep you away, so that I could interact with Gege alone. 


He clicked his tongue and said somewhat doubtfully, “Is it so easy to get vacation now ah… Alright, you order your own takeout later, I’ll hang up first.” 


With that, without waiting for Lu Tun to respond, he hung up the WeChat voice call.


Lu Tun: …. 


Why did he feel like a toolman.



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After hanging up on Lu Tun, Shen Qi cut into the chat box with Fu Mingyuan. 


As his finger rubbed his lip, he licked the corner of his lips and started sending messages to Gege.


Your Qi Ge: Gege, when will you be back ya~ 


Your Qi Ge: QAQ alone in the boudoir, lonely and empty


After a while, the other party’s chat box showed “typing.” 


It took a full minute for the other party to reply.


fmy: In a bit, just wrapping up things 


fmy: What is QAQ?


fmy: Alone in a boudoir is a saying for girls 


Your Qi Ge: The point is lonely and empty ya~ Gege~



Your Qi Ge: QAQ is crying. I’m QAQing now, so I need Gege to kiss me before I won’t QAQ 


After that, Shen Qi rubbed his forehead and laughed.


He opened the curtains and sat on the windowsill overlooking the city. 


It was already dark in the city around six o’clock, and there were lights everywhere. From his vantage point, he could see Fu Mingyuan’s work building, which also had all the lights blazing.


He couldn’t see the people downstairs clearly, and gradually his mind cooled down a bit. As soon as his thoughts were ready to drift away, Shen Qi was awakened by the sound of a WeChat voice call. 


Stepping on the cold windowsill, Shen Qi picked up the call.


At the other end, there was the sound of other people talking. 


“You’re doing a voice call now? Fu Mingyuan! Do you feel really bad seeing that I don’t have any heart issues ah?”


It was Du Jing talking in a low voice. 


“Tomorrow there’s still filming in the morning, and we’ll try to finish it as soon as possible. It was hard work for all of you guys today.”



Mixed in was the voice of the program director. 


And Fu Mingyuan’s shallow breathing.


Shen Qi simply leaned his back against the wall, put on headphones, and lowered his voice to talk to him. 


“Gege, are you still at the program?”


There was a rustling sound from Fu Mingyuan’s side. He only heard a reply after a while. 




“Ah, then why did you call me suddenly…aren’t there people nearby?” Shen Qi sniffed. 


Fu Mingyuan frowned and took the bag of clothes from Du Jing’s hands. One after another, people passed by them. It was rare to see Film Emperor Fu wearing headphones, and it seemed that he was talking with someone. They all turned their heads to look back at him.


The towering man slightly lowered his head, one hand holding the earphone cable while the other hand rested on the side of his leg. The light shone down from the top of his head, and the usually fierce and sharp lines of his face now appeared a little soft. 


Du Jing stood beside him, and someone walked over and smiled and nodded at them.



“It’s almost over.” Everyone else was starting to leave, but Fu Mingyuan was walking towards a corner. 


“Still crying?” In the shadows, Fu Mingyuan pinched his eyebrows.


Du Jing glanced at him, sighed, and then accepted his fate and continued to socialize with the others. 


Fortunately, everyone was almost gone by now, and Fu Mingyuan had so obviously retreated from them that no one was untactful enough to draw closer.


“What crying…” Shen Qi spoke halfway before remembering the emoticon he had just sent. 


So, Gege had thought he was actually crying just now?


He wasn’t some little kid, so how could he think he was really crying. 


His words then changed. “I’m crying.”


He sniffled again. It was actually a bit cold, and there was no blanket on the windowsill. 


“You haven’t come back yet, I can’t stop it.”



Fu Mingyuan let out an “en.” 


“Don’t cry any more, I’ll be right back.”


He tugged at the coat in Du Jing’s arms and went out. 


“No, why are you in a hurry ah!”


What crying, he could even believe that? It wasn’t like he was a two or three year old child! 


“Gege, are you coming back?” Shen Qi heard that it sounded a bit chaotic over there, with the sound of footsteps mixing with other people’s voices, and soon there was the sound of wind.


Fu Mingyuan was a fast walker. He had originally driven there, but now he would have had to wait for Du Jing to pick up the car from the parking lot. 


Fu Mingyuan carried the bag of clothes and looked at the supermarket next to him.


“What would you like to eat?” 


While Du Jing went to pick up the car, Fu Mingyuan put on a mask and went to the supermarket.



Shen Qi let out a “wu.” 


“I want to eat something you made.” His nose was a little itchy. He sniffled a bit and spoke with a nasal tone.


“On the other hand, it’s better to order takeout. We can wait until we get home for you to make me something yourself? Gege~” 

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After saying that, Shen Qi waited for a while, but didn’t get a reply. It was only then that he discovered that the signal on the screen was bad, and the voice call had disconnected.


He let out an “ah,” simply holding his cellphone while scrolling through the super topic, conveniently changing the name of his sock puppet account at the same time. 


On this day, Fu Mingyuan’s Weibo super topic gained a fanatical fan named “Gege’s Little Sweetie.”


Inside the Fu Mingyuan’s fan groupchat—— 


Fu Ge’s Little Fan Sister: Have we been exposed on Weibo?


Fu Ge’s Glowstick: ???? 


Fu Ge’s Little Handkerchief: After looking around, who is this sister who is so fanatical 2333, don’t you know that Fu Ge doesn’t manage his Weibo himself ah



Fu Ge’s Little Lamp: Infatuated with you, crazy for you, spinning around and landing smack into a wall for you 


Fu Ge’s Little Fan Sister: Gege, I love you


Fu Ge’s Little Fan Sister: Gege, I’m greedy for your body 


Fu Ge’s Ceiling: Gege, I want to see your abs


Fu Ge’s Warm Heart: It seems that she is a sister I pulled in before. Wow, is she so crazy? Before, her Weibo name wasn’t this hhhhh 


Fu Ge’s Little Hairpin: Enough you guys, the sister is still in the groupchat, you should learn from her


At the moment, Shen Qi didn’t know that he had been mentioned by the sisters in the groupchat. He was still “speaking out for love.” 




At this time, there weren’t too many people in the supermarket. The signal in the supermarket wasn’t good, and he couldn’t connect to the Internet. 


As soon as Fu Mingyuan entered, his voice call with Shen Qi was cut off.



He didn’t hear what he said afterwards. 


He sent a message, but the spinning circle appeared the entire time, and he couldn’t receive messages either.


He took off his earphones, put his cellphone in his pocket, kept away from crowded places, and went to choose ingredients. 


M1G had done an interview before. Although God A hadn’t participated in the interview, the team manager had once revealed that Angry liked spicy food.


Thinking of this, Fu Mingyuan frowned. 


It wasn’t actually good to eat too much spicy food.


However, it was fine to eat it once in a while, as long as he controlled the amount. 


What was more, the other party was crying right now. Eating what he liked could make him feel happy.


The kitchenette facilities in the hotel room were alright, so he went to buy some chicken and fish, and then turned to the seasoning area. 


A girl’s voice came from behind him.



“Doesn’t the little Gege up ahead look like Fu Mingyuan?” 


“What are you thinking ah, how could Fu Ge come to a supermarket?”


“They look alike ah, really alike! Wait for me to go around and have a look!” 


The two girls’ voices weren’t quiet, and they weren’t far away from Fu Mingyuan.


Fu Mingyuan paused while choosing seasonings. When he raised his eyes, he happened to meet the gaze of the girl who said she was coming around to take a look. 


He was only wearing a mask with no hat, so his eyebrows and eyes were exposed, and his hairstyle was easy to recognize.


After only one look, the girl blushed and couldn’t speak while standing there. 


Fu Mingyuan pursed his lower lip and nodded to the girl.


“Fu…Fu Ge…” the girl choked for a long time before finally managing to choke out some words. 


Fu Mingyuan took a bottle of cooking wine, and before either of them could react, the girl’s friend rushed over immediately, hugged the girl’s arm, and jumped excitedly.



“It’s really Fu Ge!!” Her voice wasn’t quiet, but fortunately, there was no one in the seasoning area, and the supermarket was big, so no one was drawn over. 


The girl immediately covered her mouth and bowed to Fu Mingyuan to apologize.


“Sor…sorry, Fu Ge. We hope we didn’t disturb you… We’re just too excited…” 


Fu Mingyuan let out an “en” and said, “It’s alright, but I have something to do. I hope that you don’t tell others that I’m here.”


With that, he squinted and looked at their shopping carts. They were filled with snacks. 


He added, “Eating too many snacks isn’t good.”


The two girls leaned close to each other and shivered, too excited to speak. 


It wasn’t until Fu Mingyuan turned and walked away and they saw his tall and straight back that they remembered they hadn’t asked him for an autograph.


However, Fu Ge had been concerned for them ahhhhhh! Eat what snacks ah!!! Put the snacks back quickly!!! 


Did Fu Ge come to buy ingredients ah! A man who could run a home wuwuwuwuwwu, Fu Ge, find a partner quickly!



A quarter of an hour had already passed when he left the supermarket, and his cellphone finally had signal. 


Almost as soon as he came out, Du Jing called him.


“My God, Fu Ge! I’m going to kneel down because of you! I just went to get the car, and you disappeared!” 


Du Jing wanted to get down on his knees and shout out, “Daddy.”


“Sorry, I just got out of the supermarket. I had no signal, but I’ll come to you now.” Fu Mingyuan put on his hat and walked towards the exit of the parking lot. 


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“You weren’t recognized, right? What were you doing in the supermarket! If you need to buy something, can’t I go?!


“Oh, forget it, forget it. I see you, I’m hanging up.” 


Looking at Fu Mingyuan carrying a pile of things over, Du Jing had another headache.


He wanted to say something, and had just opened his mouth before he shut it again. 





By the time Fu Mingyuan arrived, Shen Qi had already taken a bath and blown his hair dry. 


The hotel was well-equipped and had stuff like curling irons.


He curled his bangs. The bangs that he normally didn’t take care of now obediently stuck to his forehead after being curled a bit. He blinked in the mirror and sneezed. 


He then changed into a milky-yellow sweater, and his whole person looked a little younger and more tender.


Shen Qi sprayed some air-freshener around and licked his somewhat dry lips. He put on some lip balm with a faint mint flavor. 


The color of his lips was now a bit redder.


The corners of his mouth drew up in the mirror, and he raised an eyebrow. 


When he had finished with all this, the doorbell rang, perfectly timed.


Fu Mingyuan stood outside the door. He had changed into a light colored sweater and was wearing a mask and hat, and carried food in his hand. 


Du Jing hadn’t come with him.



The moment he raised his eyes, his Adam’s apple rolled up and down. 


Maybe the lights were too bright.


“Ah, Gege, you’re going to personally cook?” Shen Qi took over stuff from the other party and closed the door. 


Fu Mingyuan let out an “en,” took off his mask and hat, and went into the kitchen.


“Gege~ Should I give you a reward first~” Shen Qi stood beside him. He was a little shorter than Fu Mingyuan, and looking over from his position, he could see Fu Mingyuan’s slight frown. 


And the lips that were pressed together.


He simply sat on the counter, his hands propped against the surface of the counter, and stared directly at Fu Mingyuan. 


He kind of wanted to kiss the other party.


He licked his lips and undisguisedly stared at the other party’s lips. 


He wanted to experience the feeling of tossing and turning again.



Fu Mingyuan didn’t seem to notice his straightforward gaze. He rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands. 


He wasn’t wearing the fan support bracelet today.


“No need, go outside and wait for me,” he spoke in a low voice, and no emotions could be heard from it. 


Shen Qi’s gaze went to the other party’s wrists. Fu Mingyuan’s skin color wasn’t pale, but a very healthy wheat color, and his wrists also weren’t as thin as Shen Qi’s.


Shen Qi still remembered the strength of those two hands holding his waist yesterday. He squinted and let out a light laugh. 


He let out an affirmative noise, but he didn’t intend to leave directly.


Leaning forward slightly, Shen Qi touched Fu Mingyuan’s cheek with his cool hand, and then tilted the opposite party’s head over towards him. 


He drew forward and gave the other party a kiss on the tip of his nose, his warm breath drifting over both sides of the other party’s face.


Fu Mingyuan was stunned for a while. The tip of his nose felt a tiny bit wet, and his breathing was unsteady for a moment. 


The young man sat on the counter with a smile on his face, and even licked his lower lip.



A slight hint of mint came from the tip of his nose. 


Fu Mingyuan felt a bit uncomfortably hot. He turned away and spoke calmly.


“Leave first.” 


Shen Qi clicked his tongue and moved down from the counter. He drew close to his ear and said with a smile, “A reward in advance oh, Gege~”


Then, he left the kitchenette. 


After Shen Qi went out, Fu Mingyuan’s motions stopped.


He closed his eyes, pursed his lips, and calmed his breathing. 


His icy cold fingertips touched the tip of the nose that Shen Qi had just touched, and his fingertip now even had some mint scent.


His Adam’s apple rolled up and down, and the tip of his tongue unconsciously wanted to touch the place where the young man had just kissed. 


After a while, Fu Mingyuan sighed.



He had thought the other party was really crying. 


He didn’t understand the meaning of QAQ. The young man had said that he was crying, so he took it as real and was in a hurry to come back and comfort him.


But he actually wasn’t crying. He actually looked very happy. 


Although he felt relieved, a deep sense of powerlessness also surged in his heart.


He didn’t know how to date, and he had also never been in touch with young people’s trends before. Most of the time, he was always studying how to best act out a role. 


He closed his eyes again, pressed down on his confusion, and continued to cook.

The author has something to say: 


The road of the old rogue is about to start

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