Ch33 - “I want my reward.”

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Edited by kat

Fu Mingyuan’s cooking skills had been developed from him teaching himself little by little. 


His parents weren’t at home all year round, and Fu Mingli sometimes didn’t want to eat the food the auntie had made, so Fu Mingyuan had learned how to make the dishes that Fu Mingli loved to eat.




Not long after, a fragrant aroma drifted from the kitchen. 



From Shen Qi’s point of view, he could only see the man’s back as he lowered his head and stir-fried something.


The light in the kitchen was bright. Fu Mingyuan had found an apron from the cabinet. Shen Qi couldn’t see what style the apron was, but he could see the thin strings of the apron tied behind his waist, which was already outlined by the loose sweater.



Shen Qi closed his eyes, felt for his cellphone, and took a few photos of the other party, the kind without any photoshop or beauty filters. Gege in the photo had wide shoulders and a narrow waist, and the camera couldn’t cover up his figure at all.


Shen Qi’s fingers moved, and the photo was set to be his lock screen picture. 


Compared with other people taking pictures, his photos of Gege were hotter.


Shen Qi’s finger slid down the lines of his back in the photo. 


He licked his upper lip.


Then, he blurred out his shoulders, waist, and butt before sending the photo to Lu Tun. 


Lu Tun, who was eating takeout: ??? What is this, it’s all blurred out.



Lu Tun: Idol, what did you send? Did the picture get blurred? 


Your Qi Ge: Your male god is cooking dinner for me


You Qi Ge: I considered it, and I can’t let you see his perfect figure, so I blurred it out 


Lu Tun: …..


You blurred it out? You blurred everything out so all you can see as a blur! 


However, he was a wimp and didn’t dare to say anything.


Lu Tun: Can I freeload a meal, Idol! Wuwuwuwuwu, where has Gege gone, do you not want Gege anymore! 


Your Qi Ge: ? Speak normally? Freeload?


Shen Qi snorted and laughed. 


Just at this time, Fu Mingyuan came out with spicy chicken.



The fragrance immediately filled the entire small dining room. 


Shen Qi put down his cellphone and went to wash the dishes and chopsticks.


When he came out, Fu Mingyuan was bent over, and the light over his head disappeared into the back of his neck, covered by his clothes. 


Shen Qi’s fingers holding the bowl moved, the tip of his tongue touched his teeth, and after he put down the bowls and chopsticks, he went around to behind Fu Mingyuan.


Then, he put his arms around his waist from behind. 


Fu Mingyuan’s waist was thin and powerful, and Shen Qi’s arms could feel the lines full of male charm hidden under his clothes.


There was the slight scent of oil and smoke on his body. 


Fu Mingyuan obviously stiffened for a moment and stopped placing the chopsticks down.


Looking down at the hands around his waist, his eyes darkened. 


“What’s the matter?”



He asked in a calm voice. 


Shen Qi put his head on his shoulder and said slowly, “You are so capable ah, Gege~”


Fu Mingyuan frowned and his ears were filled with the warm breath of the young man. They clearly hadn’t done anything, but he was already burning up. 


He closed his eyes. This was probably because he hadn’t relaxed in a long time.


Shen Qi didn’t seem to notice the difference in the other party. After talking, he stepped back, moved his hand to the back of the other party’s waist, and slowly helped him untie the strings of the apron, words still spilling out of his mouth. 


“Gege, how can you be so capable.


“It smells so good, Gege. 


“Gege, what reward do you want?”


Fu Mingyuan lowered his eyes, licked his lips, and grabbed the other party’s hand behind him with one hand, saying in a slightly hoarse voice, “Eat first.” 


Shen Qi let out an “oh,” and still tugged at the apron strings. When he turned to Fu Mingyuan, he drew up on his tiptoes a bit and rubbed the back of his hand against the other party’s ears.



Shen Qi very obviously felt Fu Mingyuan’s breath stop. 


He secretly laughed. Sure enough, Gege’s ears were very sensitive.


He helped Fu Mingyuan to take his apron off, and he was satisfied to see that both of the other party’s ears were red. Shen Qi sat back in his spot with a smile. 


Fu Mingyuan’s cooking skills were really good. Shen Qi already couldn’t remember how long it had been since he had had food made by “his family.”


After his mother had died, he wasn’t willing to live with Shen Bozong. He was afraid to see Shen Bozong, afraid to see Shen Bozong bring other people home, and even more afraid that he would dream of that day his mother had passed away. 


Shen Bozong used to hire aunties for him, but one by one, he made them infuriated with him, and they ran away. Later, he simply started to stay in the school dorms.

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Later, he started to play professionally and spent most of his time living at the base. 


In fact, the skills of the auntie at the M1G base weren’t very good. Many times, he would secretly take Ye Lai out to eat.


Shen Qi took a bite of spicy chicken and looked over at Fu Mingyuan. 


He was really elegant when he ate, probably an innate talent. He didn’t eat hurriedly or slowly, and his sitting posture always stayed the same.



However, in front of him were all vegetables. 


Compared with Shen Qi’s chicken and fish, it looked really shabby.


After finishing eating, Shen Qi leaned back on the sofa to digest. 


“Gege, tomorrow I’m going to have a meal with Dog Ge.” He raised his foot and lightly touched Fu Mingyuan, who was sitting next to him and looking at his cellphone.


Fu Mingyuan was checking his work email, and he was caught off guard when his lower leg was rubbed. 


A little sense of numbness flowed from his lower leg, and it reached all the way to the top of his head.


He stiffened for a moment before he realized what was going on. 


Dog Ge….?


As the numbness dissipated, he frowned unconsciously. 


“That anchor who played duos with you once?”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktf afza lc atf f-wjli revvfcis yfmjwf j yla vfcrf jcv yieggfv, jcv tf mbeivc’a delaf gfjv la, rb tf rlwqis aegcfv boo tlr mfiiqtbcf. 


Shen Qi let out a “wu” and tilted a bit. His whole body fell on the other party’s back, his cheek sticking closely to Fu Mingyuan’s strong back. He could feel the lines of his waist.


Vtfc Hl’r mtlc jgglnfv ja atf yjmx bo Me Zlcusecj’r kjlra, jcv bcf tjcv gfjmtfv bea lc ogbca, ugjyylcu bcab Me Zlcusejc’r tjcv, mjrejiis qijslcu klat la. 


The heating was on in the room, and his hands were very warm.


It was only after finishing these moves that he said, “Gege, don’t treat me unjustly. Since I have had you in my heart, I haven’t played duos with him while alone.” 


Fu Mingyuan lowered his head and looked at their intertwined hands.


The young man’s hand was smaller than his own, and he could cover his hand. 


“En.” A slightly ticklish feeling came from his palm.


Shen Qi scratched at his palm with his finger. 


Fu Mingyuan calmed down a bit, and then said in a tight voice, “Are the two of you familiar with each other?



“Do you know who he is in real life? You’re just going to meet an online friend that easily?” 


“I’m not doing it that easily, don’t I want to rebuild a team? With perfect timing, Dog Ge wants to join youth training, so I want to see if he’s fit for the role.”


Shen Qi explained. 


With that, he put his other hand around Fu Mingyuan’s waist and rubbed the back of his neck twice.


Fu Mingyuan’s constantly tight body suddenly relaxed. 


Fu Mingyuan’s breath stopped for a moment, and the feeling coming from the back of his neck pushed away the strange emotions from just now.


After a moment, he let out an “en.” 


In this position, Shen Qi leaned against his shoulders and laughed. The vibration of his chest stuck close to Fu Mingyuan’s back.


After a few seconds, Fu Mingyuan moved a bit. 


Shen Qi restrained his laughter, and after eating, he felt a bit sleepy.



He let out an “en?” His chin rubbed against his shoulder again. 


Fu Mingyuan’s fingers curled on his knee, and he used some strength to pull forward Shen Qi’s hand that he was holding.


Caught off guard, Shen Qi’s body tilted forward and his entire weight pressed on Fu Mingyuan’s body, but Fu Mingyuan’s posture remained unchanged. 


“What’s the matter, Gege?” Shen Qi’s cheek rubbed against the other party’s chin. There was a little bit of stubble, which brought a slight itchy sensation.


Fu Mingyuan lowered his eyes and slightly turned his head. His eyes fell on the other party’s red lips and narrowed. 


After a while, he raised his gaze and intertwined his fingers with Shen Qi’s, until their ten fingers were clasped tightly together.


His gaze was heavy. 


He spoke slowly, with a restrained low voice.


“I want my reward,” he said. 


The next second, his empty hand clasped the back of Shen Qi’s head and rubbed his hair lightly.



Shen Qi grew numb at the stimulation on his scalp, and the corners of his eyes reddened a bit. 


Somewhat dry lips brushed against his forehead.


Shen Qi closed his eyes instinctively. 


The strength of the hand on the back of his head gradually increased, as if he was restraining something.


Then, his lips brushed against his eyebrows, then eyelids. 

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The ten fingers grasped together gradually tightened.


Shen Qi had lost his strength and could only place his weight on the other party’s hand, pulling at the hem of his sweater tightly. 


Their lips and tongues were intertwined, and even his toes couldn’t help curling up.



However, Fu Mingyuan was still sitting in his original position the entire time. 


His position didn’t seem good enough to enjoy himself thoroughly, so Fu Mingyuan finally changed his position and raised their intertwined hands over his head. Shen Qi’s back went against the sofa, and he raised his head.


His face was red, and his eyes were completely watery. 




When Fu Mingyuan got back to his room, he sent a text message to Du Jing. 


Two minutes later, Du Jing rose from his bed and rushed over to his artist’s room in his pajamas in slippers, panting hard.


Fu Mingyuan was sitting at the table, holding his forehead in one hand. He looked a bit out of it, and looking at him, It seemed that something really urgent had happened. 


It was very rare for him to be like this. Even when he acted in a film for the first time and he had been criticized by the director for his immature acting skills, he just went back to diligently study how to act better.


Du Jing’s heart thumped. 


“What happened?” Du Jing breathed in and out twice. Seeing Fu Mingyuan’s [Hurry up, something urgent has come up], he had really abandoned the little Meimei he had been chatting with and rushed over.



Fu Mingyuan only seemed to notice Du Jing now. 


He looked up at Du Jing, drank chrysanthemum tea slowly, and only then said, “Something is up.”


Du Jing: …. 


“Ge, what’s the matter, quickly say it ah! You didn’t get on the Hot Search List ah! Your fans didn’t notice your guys’ CP in those photos you had me post at all! They all just stared at your face! You really can’t blame me for that!”


After hearing his words, Fu Mingyuan seemed to laugh. 


Du Jing was given such a start by his laugh that he felt that it wasn’t a good thing for him to come over here.


“Do the two of us really not match well?” Fu Mingyuan opened his mouth slowly, and his tone didn’t seem to carry any other emotions there. 


After asking, he looked down at the top of their WeChat chat, which was the “goodnight” from just now.


Du Jing: “Who? You and Shen Qi?” 





Du Jing let out a “shit.” Why was he asking him, a single dog, to discuss dating problems? 


He glanced up and down, and discovered that the hem of Fu Mingyuan’s clothes seemed to have been torn?


Du Jing let out a curse again. 


“No, no, you two are really a true match.”


Fu Mingyuan didn’t seem to be listening to him. He frowned and continued, “I didn’t understand what he meant about QAQ today, and there’s a lot I don’t understand. 


“I also don’t really understand why he tricked me about him crying.


“He’s also going to see an online friend, which is actually very bad, but I don’t want to make him unhappy, so I didn’t continue to try and stop him. 


“He’s only 21 years old, and he will meet more and better people in the future.”


Fu Mingyuan rubbed his temples and felt a bit of a headache. 


“I might…”



Du Jing immediately jumped up. “Stop, stop, stop, Ge, stop!” 


He ran to the seat opposite Fu Mingyuan and sat down. It seemed that there was a little fiery man in his heart yelling, Only you would think that Shen Qi, with that personality, would actually be crying, okay?


Then he spoke earnestly with a kind smile,, “First of all, I don’t think you two don’t match. 


“Secondly, him tricking you was just a little play between lovers, you know ba.” Du Jing sighed. “I’ll send you a complete list of online terms in a moment, and after you read it, you’ll know them. You didn’t surf the Internet very much before, so it’s normal you don’t understand.


“I also have a book about essential dating tricks, and I’ll give it to you tomorrow ba.” 


When Du Jing finished talking, he raised his eyes and saw Fu Mingyuan looking at himself with a puzzled expression on his face. He immediately explained, “Surfing the Internet means communicating online. Anyway, it’s almost the same meaning.”


Fu Mingyuan pondered for a while, then said, “You don’t have a partner, so why do you have a book about essential dating tricks?” 


Du Jing: …..


Did this count as a personal attack ah? 


He was an agent. Let alone not stopping his artist from dating, he had to even get attacked while giving him advice?



Du Jing: “You’re so special! I’m going back! I was still chatting with my good Meimei when I was called over here by you! In the future, if it’s not an earth shaking event such as getting on the Hot Search list, don’t call me! I’m going to resign!” 


Fu Mingyuan coughed.


Du Jing immediately stopped. “As for age, aren’t you two dating? If you are, that’s enough ah, what do you care about so much? Are you a whole decade older than him? You are only four years older than him ah! Or do you have an inferiority complex? Ge, if you’re afraid that he will not like you in the future, you should hold him firmly now and don’t let him leave you, and it’ll be fine ah! ” 


The more Du Jing said, the angrier he became.


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He was a single person, so why should he enlighten others here. 


Fu Mingyuan let out an “en,” looking as though he was thinking about it.


Du Jing left in a huff. Before closing the door, he heard Fu Mingyuan tell him not to forget the book about the essential dating dricks, and he nearly staggered straight out. 




When Shen Qi and Lu Tun went to the Internet cafe, it was past one o’clock in the afternoon. 


The booth had been reserved a long time ago. It was probably because the competition was about to take place, but the Internet cafe was full of people.



“M1G said again that they’re going to win the championship, how are they this shameless hahaha.” 


“Wow, Yearlings Zooming to Surrender said that this is their last competition, they’re going to break up after this game, my God.”


“Don’t cry, bro ah. At least they’ve fought. E-sports is just so cruel.” 




Lu Tun lowered his head and followed Shen Qi, saying in a low voice, “Every time there’s interviews before the competition, they get flamed publicly after the competition. I don’t know why they have to engage in this kind of interview before the competition.” 


Shen Qi pressed on the brim of his hat. There were many people in the Internet cafe, so he wore a mask and clicked his tongue.


“Otherwise, how else can you give some people a chance to brag.” 


With a chuckle, he looked at his cellphone and went to the booth.


Lu Tun rubbed his arms and inexplicably felt a chill. 


Although the Internet cafe’s equipment wasn’t as good as that of his home, the facilities were complete. After all, for a couple hundred a day, even a camera with a beauty filter had been prepared.



Shen Qi typed on the keyboard twice and got a feel for what was going on. 


“I’m starting the livestream, Tun’er.”


Having said that, he started the livestream that he hadn’t logged into for several days. 


[AHHHHHH SWEETIE IS LIVESTREAMING! What Dog Ge said was true! I’m sure you two are the real thing now!!]


[I didn’t lurk here since this morning in vain!] 


[Wait, sisters, is it DogSweetie or SweetieDog?]


[Fuck, previous poster wants me to laugh to death, do you want to inherit my double chin? It’s DogSweetie CP, okay!] 


[Have you guys forgotten the first ranked Gege by Daming Lake?]


Shen Qi glanced at the barrage, adjusted the volume of the microphone, and then said lightly, “Don’t talk nonsense ah. If Gege sees this, how can I pick myself up from bed later?” 


Lu Tun, who was just starting the game: ???



What are you talking about? Did I hear you wrong?! 


Scum man! Weren’t you with Male God these days!


[??? We haven’t seen you for a few days, so how are you already together in bed?] 


[Here? I have a friend who wants to see how he can’t get up out of bed]


[I’m that friend, just send it to me directly] 


Shen Qi chuckled and clicked on the game. His WeChat rang, and he took a look.


Lu Tun: Idol, where have you placed your number one contributor! 


Shen Qi let out a light laugh and said, “Login to the game and play a match first, and Dog Ge will arrive in half an hour.”


Lu Tun let out an “oh” and obediently clicked the game. 


The barrage exploded again.



[Is there someone by his side? Is it a boy?] 




[I heard that Dog Ge is super hot in person!] 


[Hehe, you’re not afraid that Sweetie will die when he meets the light? He doesn’t even dare to show his face, so who knows how ugly he is]


[SB has come again? Why are you still jumping out when the head of your family has already been arrested and educated ah?] 


Shen Qi rubbed his forehead, not paying attention to the barrage as he directly pulled Lu Tun into the game.


As soon as the audience in the livestream saw the familiar ID, they knew who was next to them. 


[It turns out to be this friend, I just said that his voice was a little familiar]


[I don’t want to watch the game now, I just want to watch the livestream camera] 


[One person writing in blood a request to turn on the camera]



[Two people writing in blood…] 


[Little Coriander ya: Add me! I want to see it, too!]


[Sweetie ah, look at us ba, even Little Coriander said it!] 


Shen Qi had already entered the game. He wasn’t used to the computer interface of the Internet cafe, so Shen Qi had already turned off the barrage assistant, and didn’t go look to see what the barrage was saying.

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He did a duo match with Lu Tun, but Dog Ge still hadn’t arrived. He said that the roads were jammed. 


Shen Qi simply clicked on a replay of the pre-competition interviews.


As soon as the barrage saw he was about to do commentary, they started to complain. 


[Did Sweetie take a vacation just to go watch the competition too?]


[I thought Sweetie had gone to see top ranked Gege, sigh] 


[Turkey team has changed people again. Only Boli little Gege is true love ah]



[M1G is really shameless, how can RJJ become the captain of the team ah?] 


Shen Qi let out an affirmative sound. “I did come here to see the competition.”




[Please take a picture, thank you]


[I also want to meet him by chance, I’m so jealous. I can only sit at home and watch the livestream] 


Shen Qi had already started playing the video full screen.


“Is there anything RJJ wants to say about this competition?” In the video, the sweet and lovely hostess stood next to Rong Jing. Rong Jing was wearing a blue pin-striped suit, probably in order to look more handsome in front of the camera and fit his persona better. 


Rong Jing smiled at the camera. “I hope that M1G can play normally and get first place ba.”


The barrage on the video drifted past, almost covering his entire face. 


[Who gave you this courage? Liang Jingru didn’t give it to you]



[Shit, I’m so angry when I see him stepping on God A every day] 


[Idiot, still calling him God A. He already retired so long ago, so can you still call him a god?]


Lu Tun drew closer carefully and looked at Idol’s face. 


He was actually smiling.


Lu Tun sighed in his heart. He hated that he couldn’t drill into the screen and explosively hit Rong Jing’s face that was begging for a beating. 


Sure enough, the next second, Rong Jing opened his mouth again.


“I believe we will be better than before.” 


Lu Tun: Get the fuck out with your better ah, fool. Didn’t you lose enough face at the Asian Championships?


He was gnashing his teeth, but Shen Qi didn’t seem to care at all. He had his chin propped in his hand as always and watched. 


After the interview with M1G, it was the “Yearlings Zooming to Surrender” team that someone had mentioned when they came in. The original name of the constantly losing team was YZS, but because of its poor performance, it had been nicknamed “the constantly losing team.” Nevertheless, this team had persisted for more than two years, all the way up until now, when it no longer had support from any sponsors.



In the video, the slightly obese captain was weeping and sobbing. Compared with Rong Jing’s confidence, his style was full of sadness. 


“This is our YZS’ last competition. We haven’t won at all in the past two years, which is a shame for our fans who have been supporting us the whole time.


“We might not even get through the preliminaries in this competition, but it doesn’t matter. We tried our best and realized the dream of all our players.” 


In the barrage, there were lots of vicious words.


[If you’re this noob, then don’t come out and be this obviously shameful] 


[In e-sports, being a noob is the original sin, so why are you crying? Can you become stronger through crying?]


[Looking at him, he seems mentally disabled] 


[You’re not allowing others to feel sorry?]




E-sports was just that cruel.



No one would sympathize with you just because you shed two tears. 


Losing the game and being inferior to others were all reasons for others to step on you.


Whether it was M1G or YZS. 


Lu Tun covered his mouth and clicked on the computer, his eyes red.


If it wasn’t for his impulsiveness during the competition with HUOJ…. 


Shen Qi turned his head to look at him, rubbed the tip of his tongue against his teeth, and reached out to turn off the livestream mic.


Then he rubbed Lu Tun’s head. 


“What do you think about Ge buying this team?”

The author has something to say: 


Du Jing: ?



A belated Happy Christmas Eve. 


Merry Christmas ya, little angels.


Thank you for the mines and nutrient solution. 


Single Dog me is saying this.

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