Rosaline, as seen in the mirror, pouted her lips and responded bluntly.

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“You probably don’t need to go.”

“However, I must look into it on behalf of the Lord. I’m still the mistress.”

Before I could finish my sentence, I heard her snort.

It was a mockery that even though I was being treated like this, I seemed didn’t understand the situation.

I got up from my chair and made a serious face at Rosaline, pretending not to hear.

“Rosaline. You don’t look well, are you sick?”

She stiffened in bewilderment as I raised my brow slightly and looked at her with concern.

I then raised my hand and patted her cheek, giving her a patient expression.

When she heard that she didn’t look well from me, who was doing medicine, she became concerned that she might have a serious illness.

“There was a dark circle under your eyes, and your complexion is very bad. Are you getting enough sleep these days?”

“Yes, that’s it; I’m a little tired these days, and I frequently wake up in the morning because my body hurts. Is it a serious illness?”

“I knew it.”

I let out a sad sigh of relief.

I went straight to the chest of drawers and took the liquid from the clear glass bottle and put it in her hand.

Rosaline’s eyes widened.

“What is this?”

“It will help relieve body fatigue if you put a spoonful of it in hot tea and drink it. Make sure to take it every day after dinner.”


“All this time, I’ve been neglecting my closest maid, Rosaline while I’ve been taking care of others.”

Her eyes seemed a little moved as I apologized to her, and she looked at me alternately with the bottle of medicine.

“You must take it consistently at the same time every day to see an effect. And you don’t have to come to clean up after you bring dinner for a while. You can clean up the empty dishes in the morning.”


I continued, gently holding Rosaline’s hand.

“From today on, don’t worry about preparing me for bed. Instead, go back to your room early and go to bed early. Until Rosaline gets better, I’ll take care of it.”


“You have to take good care of yourself. Rosaline. As you may know, you are the only person I can rely on in this castle.”


“Don’t forget to take your medicine before going to bed. Okay?”

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Her eyes, which had always looked at me with contempt, became obedient like never before.

“Then shall we look around the castle now?”

“Yes. Madam.”

She clasped her hands together.

As I left the room behind her, the corners of my lips twitched slightly.

It wasn’t even about being nice to Rosaline, who would become the most obstacle in carrying out the plan.

I’m so tired. My body aches all over. Lack of sleep. It was all because Rosaline keep on talking nonstop.

I was just helping Rosaline in getting a good night’s sleep and nicely waking up after I left.

The stable is the next stop.

‘This is also a piece of cake.’

Even after the last time I treated the stable keeper’s feet, I visited him once a day to examine his wounds.

As a result, the stable keeper was completely relieved of his vigilance toward me.

Forgetting that I’m the Lord’s wife and treat me like a friend.

I was able to find out some small pieces of information by drawing out everyday conversations with him.

How not to get lost in the forest leading out.

Where was the best-running and gentlest horse in the stables was tied up.

Even the important fact that his son will look after the stable on the Lord’s birthday.

When I arrived at the stable, I saw a young man with a rather stern face coming out.

“Are you the stable keeper’s son?”

“That’s right.”

This man, who didn’t appear sincere at first glance, gave me a complicated yet wary look.

“My father’s wounds are much better now.”

He also bowed his head and thanked me.

“I have one request…”

His eyes changed back to alertness at my words.

“Can you get me some medicine from the pharmacy outside the castle tomorrow? All the other servants are busy preparing for the Lord’s birthday.”

With a puzzled expression on his face, he stammered out his words in response to the sudden request.

“That’s… My father is injured, so I have to look after this place.”

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It was exactly what I had expected.

I rubbed my brow and sighed slightly.

“What should I do. Marie always runs errands, but this time she has a lot of things to get, so it would be nice if someone went with her… I can’t send her alone.”

Hearing the word Marie, he raised his head.

That’s right. It was common knowledge among maids that the two of them get together whenever they get the chance.

He opened his mouth and scratched his shaggy hair.

“The madam needs me, the stable isn’t that important. Madam also healed my father’s wounds.”

“Really? Thank you. You have to go to all the herbalists and get them so that you don’t miss even a single medicine.”

“Sure. Please leave it to me.”

He was already looking forward to spending time with Marie, and his smile was reaching in his ears.

I’m so happy to hear this news! I could already imagine Marie’s screaming.

The list of medicines has already been carefully designed. They were all just hard to find.

This also solves the issue of earning enough time to drive the horse out of the stable tomorrow.

“Please, then.”

Before leaving the stable, I approached a brown horse with a familiar face.

The stable keeper described it as the gentlest and best running horse he had ever seen.

Every time I came, I stroked its hair, but now it recognizes me first and pretends to know me with gentle eyes.

“Okay. Sweetheart. You should do well tomorrow.”

I whispered in its ear and gently stroked its mane.

After coming out of the stable, I headed towards the kitchen where the ingredients were piled up.

“How are you getting ready to welcome guests?”

When I walked in, the busy kitchen fell silent, as if cold water had been poured on it.

Murmurs could be heard all over the place.

“What brought her here so suddenly?”

“Is she delusional to think she’s the real mistress?”

“Shh! Shut up, she can hear everything.”

“So what if hears.”

They were the most familiar with Garnett’s position in this castle. It was only natural for them to make such a big deal about my unexpected appearance.

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Garnett would never have been involved in castle maintenance if things had been the same.

But, even though I expected to be ignored, there was another reason I came here.

“Oh. What brings madam to such a shabby place?”

A high-pitched voice filled with contempt echoed throughout the kitchen.

I turned around and saw a red-haired woman slowly approaching me with her arms folded.

Also, my prediction was not wrong.

“I came here because I was worried about whether the preparations for the Lord’s birthday were going well. I must have been in the way.”

When I replied, the woman smirked with her red lips.

“As you can see, the preparation is perfect. It seems that the madam has forgotten her duty, but you can take care of your medicine box in the room. Let me handle the castle.”

Laughter and giggles could be heard from all directions.

“I’m relieved to hear that.”

I nodded my head once and was about to go back, but I opened my mouth again as if thinking of something.

“Oh! Come to think of it.”

The red-haired woman red hair glared at me with annoyed eyes.

“Is there anything else?”

“I recently treated a soldier guarding the castle gate, and there were quite a few complaints.”

“What exactly do you mean!”

I kept speaking calmly as if I were delivering the words of a soldier.

“They were saying that guarding the castle is the most difficult task, but no one appreciates their hard work. How about serving them alcohol and food at this banquet to show the Lord’s mercy? I’m afraid the mistress will be accused of being cruel.”

For a brief moment, the woman’s eyes were filled with bewilderment.

Of course, there were those who had never considered it in their minds.

She quickly responded with a forced smile.

“Thanks for the presumptuous advice, but I was already thinking about it. We will also give the soldiers enough alcohol and meat. You don’t have to worry.”

Upon hearing the desired answer, I gently closed my eyes and nodded my head.

I could still feel the stinging gaze of the woman staring at me as I turned around.

I don’t care about whatever you do.

Tomorrow’s fierce defense outside the castle could now take a break.

I said to the red-haired woman in my head with a satisfied smile.

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‘I’m the true mistress of this castle, she should shout it proudly in front of the Grand Duke’s sword! Shout it out.’

* * *

The next day, guests flocked to the castle one after the other.

As I looked out the window at the crowds, my hands were already sweating from the tension.

It’s today. I have to get out of here today.

“Madam, the Lord is coming down soon.”

My tense face was calmed by the maid’s words, and I went down alone.

I was the Lord’s wife, so I greeted guests in the hall with Lord Willinger.

“Happy birthday to the Lord.”

“You are more beautiful today. Madam.”

The Lord couldn’t hide his delight as he was content with being the host of a fancy party.

The red-haired woman, on the other hand, has a more twisted face than usual.

Everything was planned and prepared by her, but it seems very unfair that I took place next to the Lord.

Even while greeting the guests, I glanced at the Lord and looked for the right opportunity.

I have to make an excuse in advance so that he doesn’t doubt it later.


I staggered as if my legs had suddenly lost strength, and the Lord grabbed my arm, startled. No, pulling my arm by force was a more accurate expression.

My eyes welled up with tears as the arm he was holding hurt so much.

The Lord put on a kind face and pretended to be concerned about me, but his voice was filled with anger.

“Wife, what’s wrong with you?”

“No. I suddenly feel dizzy…”

‘Geez. After all, today is an important day!’

A look of annoyance was evident in the Lord’s eyes.

He looked at me with pathetic eyes and warned me in my ear.

“It’s an important day, so behave yourself.”

“Yes. I’m sorry.”

Maybe she was watching from afar, but only then did a smile bloom on the red-haired woman’s face.

The castle’s atmosphere became increasingly heated.

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