C5 - I'm Disturbed to See The Future of The Villain

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Pour, drink, eat, dance, stumble, and vomit as if today is the last day of the world.

There was also vulgar swearing and drinking glasses flying around where the soldiers were gathered.

Outside, the servants and maids abandoned their responsibilities and gathered in groups to dance.

The darkness grew deeper, and the castle became a shambles.

People were busy trying to please the Lord at the large table in the dining room where I sat.

I took a look around and at the right moment, I tapped my forehead with a handkerchief. Someone worriedly inquired after seeing me repeatedly wiping my sweat and fanning my hands.

“Madam. How are you feeling?”

I shook my head as if indicating I was okay.

“I’m alright. I’m just getting dizzy for a second. I’ve been feeling chilly since the morning…”

The red-haired woman, who had been staring at me for a long time, said in a worried voice, wondering if it was just this time.

“You look like you’re going to collapse at any moment because your face is so pale. How about going up and resting first Madam? Right, my Lord?”

I looked at the Lord with fearful eyes and asked for his consent.

People nodded as if they approved of the idea, and the Lord looked at me suspiciously.

He coughed once and gently took my hand in his.

“I think my wife is overdoing it today. Because everyone is worried, you should go upstairs and rest.”

He seemed to be telling me to hurry up to the room so as not to embarrass him.

I had been worried all day that these words would not come out, so I responded immediately.

Of course, in the gentlest voice possible.

“Then I will go up first. Everyone, don’t worry about me and enjoy to your heart’s content.”

I moved my body without even taking a breath after entering the room.

I changed into the old clothes I’d prepared ahead of time, took the pockets I’d saved for the escape, and hid a pillow shaped like a person under the blanket.

Most importantly, Jaden Kirkram’s letter was packed as well.

My body moved as quickly as a machine because it was a process I had repeated a hundred times in my head.

‘If I go to Jaden and trust him, the tragic ending will be different.’

Now I just need to get out of the original story’s vortex and live comfortably.

Not even an extra, but someone who didn’t exist in this novel from the start.

My heart felt like it was going to burst, but my head was as cold as it had ever been.

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Finally, I changed into my dark gray robe and left the room.

There were some dizzying moments when I bumped into people along the way, but they were so drunk and there were so many outsiders that they didn’t recognize me.

After passing through moments of suffocating crisis, I arrived at the stables.

‘Finally, I’m here!’

I lowered my robe to cool my sweat-soaked face, then took a deep breath.

Since I didn’t have much time to catch my breath, I quickly went to the stable and pulled out the brown horse.

“Yes, yes. Sweetheart. Let’s run away from this den with me.”

But I sensed someone’s presence in the darkness.

The sound of footsteps on pebbles grew closer.

“Who is there… Madam?”

Even in the midst of this darkness, the voice that clearly recognized my existence made me stiffen.

‘Oh shit.’

It was Rosaline’s husband and gardener Tony.

He was holding a large bottle of wine in one hand, looking like he had come to console the injured stable keeper.

I never expected anyone to come to this remote place in the middle of the night. It was usually a very deserted place.

I jumped on the horse without even pretending to know who he was.

It’s a situation in which the Lord’s wife was going to the stable and pulling a horse while dressed suspiciously.

There was no excuse that would work.


He felt something strange as I ran into the forest at full speed, so he put down his drink and took a step back.

And he ran to the bright place where the people were at full speed like me.

I hurried through the dark forest without looking back.

It was a foggy forest as if haunted by ghosts, but I wasn’t scared.

Many times, a branch scratched my arm and the horse swayed in a stone beak, but I thought it was my last lifeline and clung to the horse’s back.

‘Please… please… Give me a little bit more strength!’

How far did I go?

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I turned around to see if I had run a long distance, and the castle appeared small.

Even from a distance, I should have noticed signs of people coming to arrest me at this point.

‘Did the gardener act as if he didn’t see me? Alright. Perhaps it is. Knowing that he he lost me, the Lord might have blamed him.’

I paused for a moment before making a wild guess.

Only the sound of the wind rustling like a knife blade could be heard where I stood in the middle of the forest.

I was rather anxious because it was so quiet.

And at that moment.

‘What is that?’

I squinted my eyes and fixed my gaze on the castle.

White smoke billowed around the castle like fog.

When I looked closer, I noticed that the flames were starting to soar into the pitch-black sky.

An uneasy feeling ran through my body the moment I saw that scene.

‘No way! No. It can’t be true!’

There’s no way Grand Duke Shiraz already knew that Lord Willinger had sent a letter of loyalty to General Marcus.

It was impossible in terms of distance.

‘Did I misremember the original story? It was said that the clear autumn sky was covered with crows and the castle became a huge tomb.’

My thoughts were suddenly muddled.

As I gazed at the castle that was lit up like noon with flames, I was awakened.

‘Is that important now? Let’s run away quickly!’

When I grabbed the reins again and turned the horse’s head, it was as if a black wall stood in my way.


My heart almost jumped out of my throat when I saw someone appearing like a ghost without a trace.

The rustling wind I heard earlier was most likely them approaching me.

* * *

My small plan failed just as it was about to succeed.

Like a rabbit stuck in a crowd of soldiers in black uniforms, there was no way I could get out.

They were on a different level from the low-grade soldiers served by Lord Willinger.

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He was much larger, his weapon was hideous, and he did not spout unnecessarily vulgar words. Instead, I was afraid that if I didn’t obey the order, the sword would strike me down mercilessly.

I was dragged along obediently because I was afraid of being killed without notice if I resisted.

The castle that I ran away from and returned to after a while was horrendous.

If hell existed, it would probably look like this.

The bodies were scattered, and the building was reduced to ashes with no trace.


I looked away in horror as I was dragged, seeing the faces I knew dead here and there.

The red-haired woman was also lying on the ground, bleeding from her chest.

These were people who were still alive and breathing a while ago. The festival like castle had been completely transformed into a tomb.

Caw caw.

As soon as they arrived, a flock of crows took to the sky.

My body tensed as I realized it would soon be my turn.

It weighed as much as an iron chain tied to my leg.

Did I go through all that pain until now just for this?

No matter how hard I try to avoid it, it seemed that my destiny to die doesn’t change.

Why have I never been able to live a normal and comfortable life like everyone else, in real life or in novels?

When you look at the other rofans, they seemed to possess only a princess or a daughter of a noble family.

I was a loner without a family in my current life, and I was destined to be killed in a novel I possessed.

At the same time, I feel sorry for myself and unfair, and the emotions I had suppressed during that time have surfaced.

As I was dragged into the hall like that, I saw the back of the Lord in front of me.

He was lying flat in front of someone as if his body had fused with the floor.

“I have caught a woman.”

The soldiers knelt me down harshly.

Unable to raise my head, all I could see was the Lord’s bothersome back and the lower body of someone sitting with his legs crossed in a chair.

The long, strong legs in black leather boots must be Grand Duke Shiraz’s.

I wanted to look at his face, but I couldn’t because I was afraid of the soldiers standing next to me.

The Lord turned to me and pointed at me, shouting and pointing like a lunatic.

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“It’s her! That bitch convinced me to betray the Grand Duke! I’m completely framed. You must kill that bitch. The Grand Duke!”

I stared at the Lord with an absurd expression.

‘Not, me! Crazy bastard!’

How could you tell such a brazen lie while hiding behind a human face? I uttered a curse word.

“Are you running away like a rat to live alone? Grand Duke, look! That bitch who was caught while running away!”

I think he was determined to pin everything on me.

I watched the Lord run around like a crazy dog with ridiculous eyes.

He begs for his life as if he will become the Grand Duke’s dog and lick his paws if he is allowed to live.

I laughed out loud when I saw his behavior like that because it was pathetic and absurd.

‘Since such a moron was the Lord, all the castle’s residents died, and the castle became like this. He’s a moron.’

I wanted to swear, but my situation seemed to be the same as his, so I just sighed.

The same could be said of my current appearance.

It was natural to appear to be a woman who had been caught trying to escape alone, abandoning her husband and the castle.

‘I think I understand now why Garnett committed suicide in the original story,’

With this scene that I couldn’t see with my eyes open, Garnett’s assessment may have been right.

“The husband said to kill his wife, and the wife sneaks out saying that she wants to live alone.”

A low, gloomy voice was heard. It sounded like self-talk, but it was heard so clearly that it echoed through the hall.

When the owner of the voice got up from his seat, the Lord became one with the floor again.

“Grand, Grand Duke! Please save me and I will continue to be loyal…”

When I heard the wind whipping through the air, the Lord’s neck rolled on the floor.

I gasped and stopped breathing when the lord’s head, which had opened his bent eyes, rolled in front of me.

At that precise moment, a fact came to mind.

Grand Duke Shiraz despises being begged to save a life.

He killed the person who begged for his life first in the original story.

It didn’t mean he’d save you because you didn’t beg, but anyway, the sly and obedient man died first.

He approached me now, his sword dripping with blood.

His dust-free black boots gradually filled my narrow field of vision.

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