Chapter 1

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“I’m his fiancee.”

Translated by rcast
Edited by


“It’s a paradise on earth!”


The spring breeze touched her heart as her light pink hair fluttered. Those who passed by the soft voice of the woman who smelled sweet seemed to turn around once.


However, they soon had to go their way with a heavy heart. This is due to the fact that the woman’s face was covered by a wide white brim hat.


Whether the people around her did it or not, the woman was smiling alone. She thought she was happy for the first time in 199 years.


‘At long last, I’m out of that boring dragon island! 100… 100… 100…. What I’m thinking on the inside makes me stutter. I came out in 199 years!’


She hasn’t counted how many times she has cheered on the inside yet. It’s been a long time since she stopped splitting her lips at the corners. Should she say she wants to dance while holding on to someone?


The woman gazed around as she inhaled the air filled with loud noises. Even though it was a fairly large square, it was difficult to move around because it was so crowded with humans.


Even though it was not pleasant to move among so many humans, the woman was great. It’s no surprise that it makes her eyes happy just by glancing at it.


From the fact that there are so many upright walking creatures in one spot to the fact that they move differently in different clothing. The woman’s heart was filled with joy.


None of those many humans look the same, and none of them act the same.


‘Oh, my. How can it be so good just to see it?’




The woman took a deep breath once again.


The woman’s nose was pricked by a variety of food aromas, including baking, butter, and meat. It appeared to emerge from the market a short distance from the square. The woman’s heart fluttered as she smelled something nice for the first time in a long time.


The artificially created scent appealed to the woman far more than the natural scent. She lived on Spitzer Island for 199 years, surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear sea. She was occasionally hit directly by black volcanic ash flying from volcanoes, and sometimes she watched glaciers drift by from a distance. So, if it’s nature, she’s fed up with it.


“Oh, I love it!”


With each step, she felt as if she were flying. For the woman, walking on human legs was a thrill in and of itself.


The woman took a step to the east of the bustling square. A large number of riders approached her, seeking clients.


“There, lady. Are you looking for a carriage? I’ll make it cheap.”


As soon as their eyes met, the woman grinned at the short horseman running.


“Please go to the Cartel mansion.”


The woman’s smile made the horseman blush unknowingly. This was due to the stunning beauty of the face visible through the large hat.


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“Yes, this way please.”


The woman climbed into the carriage with ease.


It’s exciting to be in the human world for the first time, but she must not lose sight of the reason for her visit.


With this, the door closes, and the carriage begins to move.


The woman suddenly remembered her memories from 199 years ago.


After opening her eyes for the first time, she quickly realized she had transformed into a dragon.


The trouble was that she didn’t look like any other dragon. First and foremost, she is capable of “thinking” from the moment she is born.




“I was a god… Why did I become a dragon? It’s not right.”


The woman was taken aback when she discovered her body was coated in white scales. There was no trace of the memory, as if it had been carefully erased. She can only be certain that she was once a god.


“But why a dragon?”


Her mind went blank in shock. The manual about what the woman was going through was highly conscious, even if she didn’t remember it. It’s like automatically knowing to eat when you’re hungry.


In one world, God is the supreme ruler. 


The gods split the powers of everything that lives in that universe. As a result, God is a powerful being.


When just the gods are there, though, power is meaningless. Because none of their power and authority extends to other beings, including gods. 


Within the assembly of gods, all gods are on an equal footing. As a result, a lot of things transpired among the gods, and gods who caused troubles started to appear.


However, because there is no absolute person above them, the gods have devised a means of sanctioning themselves for “wrongdoings” through agreement.



To put God’s soul into a specific creature and exile it.


There was a specific creature created for a specific reason, therefore it is not God, but the most powerful creature on the planet with strange skills and power comparable to God. However, a creature in the form of a cruel beast is lovely in the eyes of gods who enjoy beautiful things.


A Dragon.


“I… I can’t believe I’m a dragon! What kind of incredible mistake did I make?”


After regaining consciousness in this manner, the woman wondered why she had turned into a dragon, but she couldn’t figure it out.


Even worse, the woman has been ‘alone’ for days since.


“How come I don’t have any parents? What am I doing here? Why am I the only one here?”


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She couldn’t put any strength into her body, even when she opened her eyes. She could barely look back at her body since she could only lift her head.


On the third day of panic and being stuck, the woman met him.




“We’ve arrived, miss.”


At the horseman’s words, the woman awoke from her thoughts. The carriage door opened with a light frictional sound.


The woman who got off the wagon couldn’t hide her embarrassment when she saw something. Then he asked the horseman.


“Mister, is this a Cartel mansion?”


“Yes, that’s right. Is it your first time here?”




The woman blinked a few more times as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.


‘What’s wrong with this mansion?’


All the way here, the carriage, which began at the plaza, traveled through huge and luxurious residences. Not to add, the woman’s wide-eyed expression.


However, the cartel mansion that they arrived at was not that large. Of course, in comparison to the numerous ordinary residences they passed along the way, it was huge and luxurious. However, in comparison to larger houses, it was quite little, and the color of the mansion was quite unusual.


Oh, what should she do with this incredible aesthetic sense? How can a mansion be painted all black from one end to the other?


In a word, it didn’t fit very well.


It was a dull structure that seemed to detract from the beauty of the lush greenery in front of it. The majority of them are brightly colored mansions, such as white, gold, yellow, and sky blue, but they quickly turn dark.


When she pulled it all off and looked at “one mansion”, it seemed elegant and okay, but the problem is that it doesn’t fit in with the surrounding landscapes.


People began to emerge from the black mansion. A young woman with light brown hair in a ponytail and a short white-haired old man.


“I’m Cuddles, the butler of the Cartel family.”


“Oh, yes.”


Cuddles, the elderly gentleman, greeted her with a friendly smile. A standard butler’s costume consisted of a black vest suit that could be dressed up or down. It was obvious that the woman next to him was a maid because she was dressed in a made-up outfit.


“Excuse me, but I have a question for you: whose cartel did you visit?”


The butler appeared to inquire respectfully, but seeing the maid’s expression standing next to him, it appeared that a visit would be quite interesting. Her cheeks were flushed with a sense of curiosity.


“Oh, I…”


She couldn’t say anything. She came out into the human world without deciding on a human name, come to think of it.

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She can’t say her real name…. What should she do?


“… I’m here to meet the owner of this house!”


The woman chose to put off knowing what she didn’t know and instead convey her reason for being there.


She didn’t have a choice but to comply. She only knows that ‘he’ is the mansion’s owner. She doesn’t even know what name ‘he’ goes by in the human world.


“My master?”


Then Marie, the maid who had been listening in on the two of them, asked, her eyes wide open. The look appeared to be saying ‘never’.


“Yes. Can I see him now?”


“He’s on his way,” says Cuddles. “He’ll be arriving home late tonight.”


“Then I’ll go inside and wait.”


“Please identify yourself first.”


Cuddles continued to speak tenderly with a smile on his face despite his statement that he couldn’t just let her in. The woman got goosebumps at the thought of how different the woman’s appearance and speech may be.


“I will not comment. However, I can tell you that the owner of this house will be very happy to see me.”


“Is that so, but I can’t let you in just because you say so.”


The same smile, the same thing that he can’t do. It’s completely blocked. The woman decided to go out stronger.


“You said Cuddles, right? It’s better not to make things that you regret! Please let me in for now.”


“Or if I don’t let you in and get punished by my master, I’ll be happy to receive it. However, let’s abide by the principles for now.”


Cuddles’ position was stubborn.


No, if he’s going to do that, he shouldn’t have laughed. How can he laugh so consistently? Scary.


The woman shook her head swiftly. First and foremost, she must speak up.


First and foremost, since she had crossed the human realm, she needed to come up with a name.


When dragons interact with humans, they adopt a new name that is different from their original names. That is she does not recognize “him” by his human name. A friend of hers, DragonCell, told her that “he” was in the Cartel mansion in the Campton Kingdom, and the woman believed it.


Anyway, she has to make a human name. But what?


“Okay. My name is…”


The woman’s mouth slowly opened. She stopped for a bit before saying the name she had just remembered.


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“It’s Chanelica.”


Meanwhile, she yelled, ‘I hope everything works out’. As long as it isn’t the same as her true name.


She didn’t know the name she came up with on the spur of the moment, but she liked it. By reducing “Shaner” to two characters and altering only “Kira” back and forth, it became a very realistic name.


Cuddles, on the other hand, will be interested in more than just the name. He would obviously want to know that she was a significant “identity” in the human world.


“I’m a foreigner. I took a boat from the West World and crossed it.”


This was also improvised. The Kingdom of Campton, as far as she knew, was located in the southern section of the Eastern continent. So, one can roughly wrap it around the West.


“You’re a foreigner?”


Marie was the one who was astonished once more. Even her little mouth was opened wide.


“To say that and you’re so good at speaking our language.”


“I learned…” She answered spontaneously as before. “…From the owner of this house.”




She, of course, made it up. I came up with the idea of wanting to get out of this predicament as soon as possible.


“It doesn’t make sense that you learned a language from our master…”


“Have you ever heard of me?”


She asked for a fast wedge. Of course, she knew they couldn’t have heard their story from “him”, but they had to be brazen.




“Well, he’s shy, too.”


She quickly removed her hat.


Under the sunlight, the gorgeous faces mirrored on people gleamed brighter. A bashful smile appeared on the light-bearing face.


“I’ll have to tell you if it’s required for me to enter this house… I didn’t want to say it here…”


Due to the woman’s remarkable beauty, which was nowhere to be seen, the two’s faces were filled with stress, and they couldn’t close their jaws for long.


It wasn’t pleasant. The sensation of being in the middle of a storm, as if something explosive was about to come out of her mouth.


“I… he’s my fiancee.”


The woman is White Dragon, Ashanerbecky Rael. Dragon Lord, Dershevionerf’s companion.


She ignored her promise with her companion and came into the human world in person to find the Dragon Lord, who had left to the human world for entertainment.


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