Chapter 2

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“Why are you pretending not to know me?”

Translated by rcast
Edited by


It had been 199 years, but Ashanerbecky Rael, also known as Asha, the white dragon, remembered everything that had happened back then.


The black dragon who emerged in front of her when she was helpless was a perfect creature.


It was a race created to punish a God, but the gods had incredible abilities. A sensation of elegance poured from its black eyes that stood steady and peered down at Asha.


And the reverence she felt while she was with him. No, being a manifestation of god wasn’t enough. From the black dragon in front of her, she could even sense the familiar spirit of a God.


Then she had a thought.


‘Why did they spend so much effort into a race designed to punish a God?’


For a while, however, the uncertainty remained. Soon after, her chest was covered in the overpowering emotion that had risen up inside of her.




It was unclear whether she had a love-at-first-sight experience or if it was akin to the imprinting effect that had accompanied her from the moment she was born.


She just thought that way.


‘Are my eyes broken? What gives it the appearance of a halo? Plus, those lovely black scales and black eyes that seem to pierce me.’


She’d like to see him on a regular basis. For quite some time.




“Please wait here.”


Marie, the maid with the gleaming eyes, exited the drawing room by closing the door.


Ashanerbecky Rael, no, “Chanelica” in human form, looked around at the maid’s words.


On the outside, it was a black mansion that resembled the owner’s body, while the inside was completely normal. On a clean beige wall, there are luxurious statues. It’s not very fancy, but it’s adequate for entertaining visitors.


Chanelica reached the window after looking around the drawing room. The sun is still shining brightly. She’ll have to wait a long time because the butler indicated that the master would come out in the evening.


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‘Did I come in too early? Should I go outside? I shouldn’t have come.’


The first reason she came to the human world was to meet her companion, but she didn’t think it was necessary. She felt bad about it for a while. She stepped out for the first time in 199 years, and she came to her destination immediately.


“Dragon’s play.”


The majority of dragons reside on Spitzer Island, a volcanic island located south of the Heres continent.


They are claimed to have coexisted with other races on the continent in the past, but they now live alone on Spitzer Island.


It was due to the god’s limit that emerged some time ago, but the truth is, dragons are satisfied because they are comfortable living on Spitzer Island, the optimal environment tailored to them.


However, there are times when such a dragon hides and goes to the continent of Heres, which is “Dragon’s Play”.


For a dragon with a life that lasts more than 10,000 years, going to the continent and living the lives of other races is often quite interesting. As a result, dragons are free to play without fear of being caught by other races. It turns into the race’s shape and blends in using “Polymov magic”.


According to the Dragon Society’s laws, if a dragon goes out to the continent and causes accidents or difficulties, they will be severely punished, therefore Chanelica prefers to enjoy it quietly. 


Also, because “Dragon’s play” is only a little part of the dragon’s long existence, no dragon can interfere. Unless it causes a big problem to break the rules.


In their long lifetimes, most dragons will play at least once. However, Chanelica does not enjoy going out. She is curious, but she prefers to be lazy and calm, and she gets bored easily, so she frequently quits and returns to sleep.


Chanelica’s companion, the Dragon Lord, had been playing for 199 years, which was quite unusual. In a world where humans have a life expectancy of less than 100 years, the dragon’s continue to play in order to easily outlive it.


It’s a good thing she showed up right away. She assumed he would have gone somewhere else if it was late.


Chanelica was rationalizing herself at the time. Something sparkled in her eyes at that very instant.


A mirror?


As she got closer, she could see herself. It really is a mirror


Chanelica was simply good. She escaped the island with transportation magic shortly after being caught using the Polymov Magic, which converts Dragon into a different race. When playing in the human world, there are a few things to keep in mind.


She hasn’t been able to confirm her human appearance thus far. She can see herself for the first time now that the mirror is in front of her.


Chanelica’s eyes were rounder as she excitedly stood in front of the full-body mirror.




She didn’t expect much because it wasn’t a polymov magic she had created herself. It didn’t matter if she appeared to be ordinary. Her purpose was to get off Spitzer Island and meet up with her companion, not to put up a show.

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Chanelica, on the other hand, couldn’t keep her gaze away from the mirror. When she looked in the mirror, she tried to change angles by touching her face with her hands.




It was pretty from any angle. It was a very satisfactory appearance.


The mint-colored eyes, which appeared to be in their late adolescent years, were dazzling in color and gave the sense that round eyes and double eyelids were attractive and pretty. On a white face, the little, tall nose and small, thin lips were beautifully positioned, and the shape could not be more adorable and attractive.


The soul is a god, even if it’s a dragon, but she needs to make this the basic round.



Although the dragon was created to punish God, the gods must have kept their conscience in mind when creating it.


She could see why Chel, a Polymov-casting buddy, opened her lips, hugged Chanelica, made a fuss about how cute she was, and whined that she didn’t want to let her go.


Her pale pink long hair was the most prominent aspect of her features.


Chanelica didn’t check her face during the Polymov spell, but she could see her hair reaching her waist. The color was pristine white at the time. Hair that is bright white.


“It’s because you’re a white dragon.”


“The color of the scales becomes the color of the hair. But it’s better to do something about this. If you’re young and have white hair, you’ll get attention anywhere.”


Chel claimed that while she couldn’t modify her body structure, she could change the color of her hair with simple magic. As a result, the finished hair was white with a hint of pink. The white tint, which served as the foundation, was so powerful that it gave off a white sensation that rivaled pink, but it was still preferable to completely white hair.


Chanelica thought her hair color suited her well, even if she was a little too good for it. The contrast between her white complexion and her silvery light pink hair was ideal. It also suited well with Chel’s long light sky-colored outfit that she had prepared magically.


In fact, after she left Spitzer Island, she felt a lot better about “Chanelica”. It didn’t matter how she looked, yet it’s unavoidable that being attractive is desirable.


Knock, knock…


Chanelica had been preoccupied with her appearance for some time when she heard a knock at the door. A beige door opened with a clinking sound by the time she moved her gaze away from the mirror to the door.


Chanelica barely held back the urge to open her mouth as she saw the man walk through the door.


“I heard that you came to see me.”


The man spoke stiffly.


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A handsome man with black eyes.


That was Chanelica’s description of the man. He was tall enough that two more identical heads could barely reach him, and his somewhat broad shoulders were a bonus.


This is like a scam. Even if it’s polymov magic there’s a limit to being handsome!


She couldn’t take her gaze away from the man, who was a magnificent creature. The color of his eyes and hair matched perfectly.


Chanelica looked at the man as if possessed. She was attracted by the color of darkness, which seemed to attract all of the world’s darkness to one location. She even believed that if she kept watching, she would be dragged in.


In addition, the things he was wearing made him stand out. He was dressed in a dark suit that matched the mansion’s all-black exterior. The tone of the gleaming metal was incredibly appealing, almost black.


Chanelica sighed heavily.




Chanelica finally realized that the man kept calling her, but she was not answering.


She thought the dragon lord was cool when she first saw him, but now that he’s human, he’s even cooler.


Chanelica shook her head.


She needs to get her head straight. 199 years ago…


Her heart filled with the same joy she felt when she first saw him.


She tried to ignore it. It is fake. Thinking that it is just an imprint effect.


“Lady, you don’t look good.”




“Your cheeks are flushed. Are you sick?”


At those words, Chanelica seemed to be heating up more.




‘I got hit once. How can I get hit twice? Uh, but… Huh?’


Chanelica, who had bowed her head deeply, raised her eyes to the man, who had a suspicious expression on his face. She also saw something odd.

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‘Black hair and black eyes?’


A sigh of exclamation came out of Chanelica’s mouth.


‘He must be crazy! He’s a black dragon! Oh my, why did he do that while polymorphing with such a handsome look?’


Chanelica could not truly understand. 


Chel explains that when a dragon goes out to play on the continent, especially in the human realm, the color of the dragon’s scales isn’t applied to anything that has altered.


When it came to playing, Dragons preferred to have a high status and a prominent presence. It was typical for persons with great ability to stand out from the crowd. It was reasonable for them to want to enjoy themselves more than others because they had gone out to have fun.


However, because of this, they were more likely to be recognized as “dragons” by other races simply by existing. 


Normally, people have no idea that they are dragons, however there exists the chance of encountering species with exceptional skills, such as elf races. 


The dragon had a hard time figuring out who it was. It is a rule to basically continue with the “play” without being caught and making other people angry.


Therefore, it was undesirable to reveal one’s scale color to the polymorphous human appearance.


But the handsome human standing in front of Chanelica seemed to have written from head to toe, “I’m the only black dragon, The Dragon Lord!”.




Chanelica, who was in shock, blinked her long eyelashes.


Even his voice is nice.


It was a moderately low and good voice that made her heart pound.


“Oh, I’m fine.”


“That’s a relief. By the way, what brought you here?”


It was not until all the appreciations were completed that Chanelica understood the current situation.


“What do you mean?…”


A more shocking fact came than that he had black eyes and hair..


“Why are you pretending not to know me?”

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