“Please let me stay here”

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199 years ago. A week after Ashanerbecky Rael, the white dragon, opened her eyes.


“Be my companion.”


A few days after “he” suddenly came.


There was no place for them to live when they first met. 


Only the feeling of seeing him for the first time remained. 


The appearance of a magnificent black dragon that seems to shine in its own right.


“Companion? What?”


When Asha asked with poor pronunciation, he answered, facing his black eyes like an abyss.


“A destiny where we will be together forever.”




‘After saying that, you’re pretending you don’t know me?’


Chanelica, who remembered what happened 199 years ago, was speechless.


As Chanelica knows, the moment he sees her, he must acknowledge his companion regardless of how much fun one is having. 


This is due to the fact that Dragon Heart’s emotions are shared across companions.


A companion is someone who will stay with a dragon for the remainder of their life.


The two dragons become destiny as soon as they become companions. The heart of a dragon, which is called Dragon Heart, is one of three things that a dragon has. 


When a partner appears, one out of every three things reacts to each other’s fate. When a companion whose fate is interwoven dies, the dragon heart stops beating.


In addition, there is a function of sharing emotions not only in fate but also in close proximity. 


Even if it’s not too much of a concern, some can be shared. One doesn’t feel it during Hatchling or the Dragon’s infancy, but one can definitely feel it when fully grown as a dragon.


However, the handsome man, who is clearly the Dragon Lord, was showing a very different attitude from the common dragon that Chanelica knew.


“Don’t you know who I am?”


After much consideration, Chanelica’s lips closed. She doesn’t know what the man is thinking.


“Do I have to know?”


“You have to know.”


“Do I look a lot like your fiancee who taught you how to write abroad?”


At the man’s last words, Chanelica blinked. She thinks he heard it from the butler and the maid earlier.


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“Do we look alike?” the man asked again.


Something isn’t right. It’s possible that it’s because there’s a misleading context of facts that haven’t been taught in a foreign nation. He should not, however, act as though he is unfamiliar with her.


“You do not just look like him, “you’re” my fiancee.”


To be exact, It’s not “fiancee”.


It’s “companion”.


The term “companion” has a different connotation than “engagement” for a Dragon.


“Do you mean I’m Lady’s companion?”


Chanelica’s heart fluttered once again as she heard the man’s gentle voice. Chanelica, on the other hand, made a huge effort to shake her head.


‘Don’t be fooled again!’


After setting her mind to it, she asked again.


“Do you really not know me?”


‘That can’t happen!’


Less than five seconds after she thought about it, she made a decision. It was a problem that she didn’t have to think about.


The dragon, which went out to play in the human world, is said to be a human being, but the essence is a dragon.


“Dragon’s play” is literally “enjoying” dragons who have lived for more than 10,000 years, not taking risks without memory.


‘What dragon goes out to play while erasing all of its memories?’


Therefore, the man is pretending not to know Chanelica now. It’s not that he doesn’t know.


‘He felt guilty, huh?’


That was the conclusion that Chanelica came to.


“Are you pretending you don’t know because you’re afraid I’ll get angry?”


After thinking that much, the man became a little funny. They have to live together for thousands of years, but pretending not to know her because she’s in human form is like covering the sky with his palm.


“Then shall we ask for an excuse?”


Chanelica looked serious and crossed her arms.


“An irresponsible dog who left the play without saying anything?”


Even when Chanelica said to make excuses, the man stood still and did not respond.


‘What kind of expression is that?’


Chanelica couldn’t read the man’s expression. It was just that vague expression.


“Didn’t I keep my promise?”


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Not long after, in the words that came out of the man’s mouth, Chanelica felt so much shame.


“Wow. Are you pretending you don’t know?”


“No. I really want to know.”


‘You don’t know what you did wrong?’


Chanelica is full of frustration.


‘That’s absurd.’


However, when she saw the man staring at her with a transparent look, she thought it would be better to talk to him.


‘Yeah, after a long time, his memory might have faded. No, it’s not! No excuses. I’m the victim. He can’t lie to my face. It’s bad not to keep the promise!’


Chanelica cleared up her shaking mind and opened her mouth.


“Instead of me being your companion, you promised to let me meet the god of this world. Then you suddenly disappeared. You abandoned me.”


“Did I promise to let you meet God? Me?”


“Don’t pretend.”


“What am I in the first place? Can I let the Lady and God meet?”


The more she listened to it, the more she knew that he seemed to be playing a joke. Chanelica barely managed to hold back her stomach from boiling.


“What do you mean? You’re the Dragon Lord!”




“The Dragon Lord is the only dragon that can communicate with God! That’s why I became your companion. You thought I wouldn’t be able to find you if you disappeared into the human world like this? Aren’t you ignoring me too much because I’m a Hatchling?”


But the man didn’t say anything. Chanelica realized that she was brave without realizing it.


She was going to speak calmly! It doesn’t matter if she’s brave. She lived with resentment for 199 years!


“You must be very angry.”


The man spoke calmly to Chanelica, who could not win. 


Even if the speaking temperature was different, it was too different. He even thought for a moment about whether Chanelica was overreacting to the point where she was strange.


“Let’s calm down.”


“Other things are fine, so let me meet God first. Any scene is fine. Then I’ll forgive you! It’s a little… I’ve been holding it in for 199 years…It’s unfair, but…. It’s okay.”


Actually, it wasn’t okay. However, Chanelica continued bravely.


“I won’t care what kind of play you do, whether you do thousands of years, or whether you come back after that. You don’t have to come back to Spitzer Island at all. I’ll live well on my own. That would be convenient, right? So please keep the promise you made before.”


Chanelica decided to wrap up the frustrating situation quickly.


From the time she came into the human world, she had only one purpose.


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Meeting the gods of this world. She never came to be angry with him.


Dragon’s infancy, Hatchling. 


Hatchlings become a fully grown dragon after 200 years. The average life expectancy is about 8,000 years, and if they live short, they live up to 5,000 years and if they live long, they live up to 10,000 years.


It’s already been 199 years since Chanelica lived as a Hatchling. He said ordinary dragons don’t remember much about Hatchling. It seemed like humans couldn’t remember anything during infancy.


However, Chanelica had the soul of a God since birth, and unlike ordinary dragons, she was very sober enough.


She spent years like that.


The trouble was that she was still going crazy after a long time since she was curious about why she had turned into a dragon. All thoughts were centered on one thing in the 199-year-old hatchling.


Meeting God is the only way to find out why she had turned into a dragon. And the Dragon Lord, the guy standing in front of her, was the only one who could get her to meet God.


“I can’t keep my promise.”



Chanelica tapped her ears with her hands. It seemed that the human ears were not well adapted. Seeing that she can hear something unexpected.


“So go back now.”


Chanelica then stopped touching her ears. She didn’t misheard anything.


Chanelica was stunned and unable to reply to the man’s words, as if they were taken for granted. However she quickly came to her senses and maintained her posture.


“Until I meet God, I will never go back! I’m not going to go back.”


“You may be disappointed, but I don’t have that ability.”


“What did you say?”


“So I want you to go home now.”


The man wrapped up the conversation with a neat look. Chanelica was just dumbfounded.


‘Calm down. I didn’t come all the way here to hear that.’


“It doesn’t make sense that you don’t have the skills?”


“Because I’m a human right now.”


“Then deactivate the Polymov magic! You can desolved it and go back to your original body and keep your promise!”


“That’s impossible.”




“I can’t tell you.”


Chanelica was more vain than furious, to put it bluntly. Just by looking at his expression, she could tell. When he said no, he meant it. His entire body radiated a sense of firmness.


‘What should I do?’


Unexpected situations have arisen. Chanelica felt humiliated. She had no idea what had happened to the man, but she didn’t believe that being enraged would help.


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“Then I think you understood.”


“I don’t have a place to go!”


First of all, she thought she had to hold out.


Chanelica is not someone who plans. As a result, stepping out into the human world, meeting the Dragon Lord, and finally meeting God is all she ever thinks about. She hasn’t come up with anything else yet.


So it’s over if she leaves. She’s at a loss.


Then she instinctively thought that she should never fall to the man.


“It doesn’t make sense to have nowhere to go.”


“I really don’t have any! I don’t know anyone in the human world.”


“Then you can go back to where you came from.”


“Well, I ran away.”


The man’s black eyebrows wriggled slowly for the first time as if they were uncomfortable.


“I escaped Spitzer Island in order to meet you. I won’t be able to go back by myself. To return, I must be accompanied by you.”


“I don’t want to go with you.”


“So let me meet God.”


“I said it was impossible.”


She felt like she was trapped in a wall. Chanelica thought with a tearful face.


“Then what should I do? I can’t go back to Spitzer island and you’re the only one I know in the human world!”


“I know that.”


“I didn’t bring anything, to be honest. All I have is money, jewels, what I’m wearing right now, and this huge hat. I simply had faith in you.”


There was nothing but silence. 


While the man was thinking of what to say, Chanelica spoke first.


“Let me stay here! I’m ‘playing’, but you still have a duty to protect me. I’m your companion, but more than anything else, I’m a Hatchling!”


Chanelica stated categorically that she would never be forced to leave this place.


There was a deafening silence once more.


Chanelica grew agitated. She was dizzy with worry about what the man was thinking and what she would do if she was thrown away.


“And I have nowhere to go.”


The words that came out later put strength into Chanelica’s hands.


“Please stay in the guest room for a while.”


Only then could she regain her distant spirit.

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