“Will you take that opportunity?”

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Translated by rcast


The man who did not answer the question, politely asks for understanding. 


Although her question was ignored, Chanelica did not feel so bad. 


However, she didn’t know that the temple was such a place. There was no sign in front of the temple. 


Chanelica would have stopped if she saw a sign saying “do not enter”, or if they bolted the door or prevented her from entering.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t know this was such a place.” Chanelica just decided to be honest. “I just wanted to see God, so I came into any temple nearby.”


“Did you just enter?”


“Yes, the door was open.”


At Chanelica’s words, the man’s expression changed subtly.


“Then, are you the one who manages this temple?”


“That’s right.”


“Will I be punished?”


The man saw a woman standing in front of him. She was a young woman with the appearance of being in her late teens and early 20s at the most.


“According to the rules, that’s right.Ten thousand…”


The man blurred the end of his speech. He could see the woman’s arms shaking slightly.


The man suddenly said something he didn’t mean.


“Since you said you came in without knowing, I’ll give you a special discount today.”




“Instead, you must not tell anyone that you are here.”


“Yes, I will!”


Chanelica answered brightly. The man thought it was a lively, pleasant voice.


“Of course.”


Chanelica’s stomach growled.


Even before the man could continue to talk, thunderous sounds resonated in the still temple.


Chanelica rolled her eyes out of embarrassment.


She didn’t want to believe it, but the sound from her stomach was clear. She heard that when humans are hungry, their stomachs make strange noises, but she didn’t know they were this loud.


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Immediately after leaving the Cartel mansion in the morning, all she bought was bread from a bakery. It was understandable that she skipped all meals after that with a single determination to come to the temple.


She didn’t know that she was hungry.


“Are you hungry?”


Chanelica wanted to deny that she was by saying “It’s not from my stomach, it’s from outside, so don’t misunderstand.”


But it was futile. The eyes of the man who was already looking at Chanelica were filled with sympathy.


“Is that sympathy for me in that handsome face?”


She felt like his face was crispy and powdery. But at that moment, Chanelica’s idea came to her mind. As soon as she confirmed the “sympathy” in the man’s eyes, Chanelica felt a spring of new opportunities rising.


“Ah yes… Actually…”


And with the most pitiful voice, she lowered her head.


Chanelica quickly recalled her situation. She lost all her belongings she received from the Dragon Lord. She is nothing more than a polymorph hatchling with nothing.  She has nowhere to sleep, so she may have to hide and sleep on the floor of this temple.


‘This is a great opportunity to get help!’


Chanelica decided to use the man’s sympathy.


“That was the reason why I came into the temple.”


Then he said in a voice that crawled as much as possible.


“Are you saying you came in because you were hungry?”


“Yes. I was pickpocketed today, so I don’t have anything in my hand.”




“My family is far away and I’m broke right now.”


“Oh, my.”


“That’s why I’m here. Usually, in temples, people who are lost are served warm food. But there’s no one here, and I didn’t know it would work….”


It was time for Chanelica to think about whether to shed a drop of tear.


“I’ll take you to a restaurant.”


“Yes? Oh no! I am so indebted to people I meet for the first time, and to those who have been kind to me.”


With the wave of her palm with a new voice, Chanelica “tried to” firmly refuse. Even though she cheered inside.


“Don’t feel pressured.”


The warm voice of the man knocked on Chanelica’s ear.


“You didn’t meet God, but you met me.”


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It was a small restaurant in a nearby village where Chanelica was guided by the man. It is so small and shabby that there is no sign that no one can think of it as a restaurant. There were about five tables in the restaurant, but there were no customers and was welcomed by the one, who seemed to be the owner near the counter.


“Do you know this place?”


Sitting at the outermost table, Chanelica asked.


“It’s my first time here, too. Since you came out of “that place”, I thought it would be better not to stand out as much as possible.”


“Oh, I see.”


“I hope you understand that I couldn’t bring you to a better place.”


“It’s alright, thank you for your consideration.”


That’s what he said, but in fact, it was Chanelica who first thought that the man doesn’t have much money. 


This is because when they are dressed like commoners, they look like people who barely lived a day.


While walking to the restaurant, she couldn’t look closely because it was dark, but when they entered the restaurant, she finally saw the man’s face properly. 


Even golden hair and white skin, whose color was unknown earlier. He was so perfect that she thought he was dazzling.


There are so many handsome men in the human world. Suddenly, Derwin’s face overlapped over the man’s face.


‘Are you skipping dinner again today?’


“Let’s eat.”


The food came out soon. It was a large grilled fish, bread, and salad. Upon entering the restaurant, the man said to make the restaurant’s most delicious and luxurious dish. It didn’t look luxurious to suit the shabby restaurant’s taste, but the savory smell poked Chanelica’s nose.


She started eating. At the same time as the food entered her mouth, there seemed to be a spark in her head. It was worse than what she ate at the Cartel mansion, but the meal she ate while she was very hungry could not have tasted bad.


“Do you like it?”


“Yes! A lot!”


When Chanelica answered excitedly, the man smiled quietly.


“That’s a relief.”


“Let’s eat together! You didn’t order only mine, right?”


“I ate first just before I went to the temple. If it’s not enough, I’ll order more, so eat a lot.”


The more she saw him, the better he was. ‘How can he be so kind?’ She followed his face, behavior, and manners. It was just that his clothes and status couldn’t support him.


This person is really…


“Your face is a waste.” Chanelica blurted out. ‘He’s really handsome.’.



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Suddenly, an uncomfortable silence came. The man asked right away.


“Did you just say that to me?”


“Did you hear that?”




It was an accident that occurred when talking to herself became a habit. She can’t believe her thoughts came out of her mouth.


Her face suddenly turned red. Chanelica, who was aware of the situation, picked up the cup in front of her and drank water quickly. And in the meantime, she organized her thoughts.


“I just thought you were handsome, but I accidentally spilled it out.”


She didn’t say anything bad so she thought she should just be honest.


“But you’re really handsome to be honest.” she murmured.






“I know it’s rude to say it but I’m sorry to say but if you use that face well, I think your situation will be better than it is now.”



“Use it… What do you mean?”


“I don’t mean anything bad! If you can meet the daughters of wealthy or influential families…. Wouldn’t you be able to find a job that pays well?””


After finishing her speech, Chanelica felt wrong. She said she would say what comes to her mind honestly, but objectively, she’s being kinda nosy. 


Giving advice to someone who doesn’t even need it. Moreover, she thinks she openly said that he is in a bad situation now.


“Uh…” Chanelica said, quickly looking at the man’s eyes. “I said useless things that I should have thought of myself. I apologize if I offended you.”


She closed her eyes tightly, bowed her head, then lifted it. Fortunately, there was no discomfort on the face of the man.


“Young lady, why do you think so?”




“Why do you think it’s all about gaining a good reputation by being well-liked by the sons of wealthy or influential families?”


The man’s tone was kind, but Chanelica had the impression that there was a thorn in his words. The man, on the other hand, maintained his calm demeanor.


Chanelica couldn’t grasp the man’s thoughts.


‘Did he ask me a question or did he return what I said like revenge? Or is he pinching her way of thinking?’


“That kind of thought…”

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She had to come up with an answer. Chanelica answered spontaneously.


“… It would be nice if I could do that, but I know my limit.”


Not “yes” or “no,” but “I can’t.”


“You’re very handsome, but I don’t think I’m that pretty.”


Of course, it was completely different from what she thought.


Chanelica was satisfied with her current appearance and thought she was pretty. However, it is an inevitable choice to get out of the crisis. Getting out of a difficult situation by lowering herself as much as possible and raising her opponent.


But the man’s thoughts seemed different.


“You’re beautiful enough, too.”


“Thank you but it’s not to the extent that the manager said.”


Chanelica was building up all her silent words to the point where she imagined she would become the queen of humility.


“Then, if that opportunity comes to you…”


However, the man did not seem to be willing to let her off easily.


“…Will you take that opportunity?”


Chanelica blinked in embarrassment. The man’s expression was very serious.


Even if she said anything wrong, she must not have done so for a long time. He’s been trying to teach her a lesson that doesn’t work. ‘Was he a mean boy? What if he reports that she entered the temple?’


“Ah, that kind of opportunity…”


Chanelica guessed it wasn’t the right answer.


Chanelica eventually decided to tell the “fact” so that he could no longer ask.


“There can’t be an opportunity like that.” It was a time when resoluteness was needed. “I already have a companion.”




Only then did the man’s face change, who had been serious all that time. However, Chanelica couldn’t read the man’s changed expression.


‘What’s that face? The embarrassment that comes from being aware of his mistakes? I was constantly asking but I couldn’t get the answer I wanted.’


Anyway, Chanelica seemed to have won the sluggish conversation. The man bowed his head.


“Excuse me. I didn’t know you have a husband.”


“Uh… No, not yet. But there’s someone who made a promise to me”


Technically, it’s not a person, but a dragon.


“Then does he know that you’re in such a difficult situation?”

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