“I have a favor to ask of you.”

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Chanelica’s eyes correctly read the man’s expression this time. He doesn’t seem to understand.


Chanelica understood the man’s thoughts. She was a woman who entered a banned temple, saying she would meet God because she was hungry.


“That person doesn’t know. It just happened today… It’s my first time doing it…”


“I asked too much. You don’t have to say anything. I’ve made a mistake.”


“No, I did it first.”


‘The word “handsome” just came out in vain, but how did we end up in that conversation?’


Chanelica almost finished eating, so she looked down at the food that was only a little left. She was going to eat everything without any leftovers, but she lost her appetite. 


“What I said was really rude and it wasn’t my business. You must be working hard in your own way.” Chanelica said, putting down the fork she was holding. 


“You have to make the most of what you can.”


It remains the same in her opinion. But all of that…


She shouldn’t force her opinion onto others.


“You’re right. I’m sure I’ve hurt your feelings.” 


“Still…” Chanelica rolled her big eyes.


“…Can’t you see it as just a small mistake? It came from the thought of you being really handsome. How many people can I meet who can say this in my life?”


Chanelica’s words were followed with an embarrassed smile.


The man stared at Chanelica silently. 


Chanelica smiled and waited for the man’s mouth to open with anxiety.


‘I hope you say it’s okay.’


But the man didn’t say anything for a long time.


‘What should I do?’


Chanelica had no idea how she was going to get through that unpleasant situation. Chanelica, who had judged the man who appeared to be reasonably calm even if he was offended, needed to apologize once more.




“I’m fine, Lady. I’m not offended.”


The man’s deep voice covered up Chanelica’s words.




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“I just thought about it for a moment. You don’t have to worry.”




“Yes, that’s right.”


‘I was nervous for no reason.’


Chanelica sighed in relief.


“Did you finish eating? Let me know if you want more.”


“No, I’m already  full. Thank you.”


Following Chanelica’s response, the man stood up and payed at the counter. He pushed open the door to make it easier for Chanelica to leave. Manners poured out of his every action.


When Chanelica came out of the restaurant, she felt quite chilly. The man asked Chanelica, who walked slowly.


“It’s late at night. Do you have any place to stay?”


There can’t be a place she can stay.


“I have a favor to ask of you.”


Chanelica, who was going to openly say, “Please find me a place to sleep.” changed her words. 


She decided to maintain the story so far. As pitiful as possible, as a very unfortunate woman.


“Can you help me one more time?”


“What do you mean?”


“I want to go back to the temple. Can you let me in again?”


The man’s forehead quickly narrowed due to Chanelica’s words mixed with impatience.


“Lady, you’re not going to spend the night there, are you?”


“Uh… Umm… Can’t I do that? I don’t want to sleep outside. I hope there’s a place to avoid the wind.”


‘I’m really a beggar right now.’


Chanelica pretended to be poor, but it was also quite fun for her to do something that believers and dragons would never have done.


“Not the temples. Can’t you visit your fiance?”


Somehow she felt a chill from the words of the man.


“Fiancee… Ah….”


Pathetic. As pitiful as possible. If she does something wrong, she may have to sleep on the street.


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Chanelica said, lowering her head.


“It’s a difficult situation for me to meet him and it’s a little far from here.”


That is not true. In fact, she only needs to get a wagon to the Cartel mansion.


Chanelica expected it. If she goes back saying she lost everything, Derwin will accept it.


‘But, how can she do that? Shame on her. And in that case, she is more likely to be trapped in a mansion. No. Let’s endure it somehow. Without his power.’


“So… Please let me stay at the temple for just one day. If the temple is not allowed, even a corner of a warehouse is fine. Just so I can avoid the cold wind. Please.”


Chanelica asked with her small hands together.


With a very mournful look, the man could not immediately answer. He seemed to be seriously worried because he couldn’t let her sleep outside because he felt sorry for her, and the temple is off limits.


“Lady, there’s an inn run by someone I know. Please stay there today.”


After much consideration, it was a conclusion made by the man.


‘There you go!’


Chanelica cheered inside. But he still didn’t erase his poor expression.


“No, please. As you can see, I can’t owe you anything because I don’t have anything to pay you with.”


“It’s okay.”


“What? How could I cause such inconvenience?”


“Please think of it as a return for saying that I am handsome. I feel uncomfortable thinking that you are spending the night in a cold temple.”


She can’t refuse anymore.


Chanelica knew the timing instinctively. If she doesn’t do well, she may freeze to death while sleeping on the street with a really fragile human body. It was terrible enough that she was still a hatchling.


“Thank you. I won’t forget this favor.”


Chanelica smiled broadly.




Eleusis, a blonde man, brought the woman to the inn. He doesn’t know how many times she thanked him from the temple when they first met, to the restaurant and to the inn.


As he left the inn and walked on a big stride, he turned around for a while and looked at the inn.


‘I didn’t even ask her name.’


He believed she was not only attractive on the outside, but also a fascinating woman on the inside. She expresses her honest ideas without hesitation that she appears to be a snob, and impolite, but the subjectivity is clear.


She said he has to make good use of what he has.


‘She said she couldn’t because she wasn’t beautiful, and she said it so humbly, but she wasn’t.’

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The woman made good use of what she had. Not only her appearance but also her personality. 


‘Aren’t her dinner and warm accommodations problem all resolved?’


He knew it, he was fooled.


A smirk came out. Eleusis thought today’s event was unusual.


‘Then what about it? We’re not going to meet again.’


His impulsive behavior is okay at times. He felt possessed by a lovely fox, yet it was fresh and fine. Above all, she has no idea who he is. He wouldn’t have felt as strongly otherwise.


“Are you finished with your business?”


To Eleusis, who was standing while looking at the inn, a man approached and talked to him. He was covered with black clothes, so it’s hard to see him at night


But Eleusis knew that the man was Glynn.


“It’s finished.”


Eleusis replied with a nod. Then Glynn said, “You waste too much time.”


“No nagging. It’s been a while since I went out.”


Eleusis soon lightly climbed on the horse in front of him. Glynn followed suit.


The horses moved slowly.



“What happened at the temple?”


Glynn, who followed closely from the left, answered Eleusis’s question.


“It seems that the route has changed today. No one came after that.”


“Has the tail been trampled on?”


“It doesn’t seem like that. She was heading towards the temple, and it seemed like she was going back because of an urgent matter.”


“Any other traces?”


“There are no traces. The peculiar thing is that the Bible and the candlestick were moved, which seems to have been touched by someone who was with them.”


“The bottom line is that it’s nonsense.”


Glynn, who was having a conversation, stopped talking and stared at Eleusis. His voice was too cheerful to say nonsense. ‘Isn’t that something that usually needs to be taken seriously?’


“You look so happy.”




“Aren’t you?”

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When asked suddenly, Eleusis pondered. ‘Am I in a good mood right now?’


“It’s been a while since I had fun.”


He briefly recalled what had just happened, and answered meekly. Although it was pointless to ask him about anything, it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. And he honestly didn’t know how things were going with the woman he’d met earlier.


“I think you liked it. At most, you prepared clothes for commoners, but I can see that you spent so much money.”


“Again, again, with the nagging.”


“This is not nagging. I’m worried. Didn’t you find her suspicious?”


“The young lady… She believed me as the temple’s manager. She also gave me great advice.”




Once again, the pretty face of the woman, who was beaming brightly and saying that he was handsome, came to his mind.


Eleusis was brimming with energy. He didn’t expect to feel good when he heard it, but it had been a long time since he had been complimented.


“There’s nothing you need to know.”




“I took her to the inn because it was a place for my relatives.”


“Why did you do that?”


Eleusis heard Glynn clicking his tongue, but he ignored it lightly.


“If you care about her, shall we investigate her?”


To Eleusis who had become quiet, Glynn asked in a subtle voice.


“No. This is the end of my relationship with the woman.”


Eleusis flatly refused. A look of disappointment crept across Glynn’s face.




“You seem disappointed?”


“Disappointed? Come on. That’s not possible.”


Glynn ran forward, holding the horse’s beak tightly. Eleusis also followed the man who was ahead by speeding up his horse.


Eleusis can’t help it even if he’s disappointed. It’s a woman with a fiancee. Although curious, it is not right to continue to pay attention to that person.


Still, if he’s lucky, he wonders if he can see her again somewhere.


On a dark night, the gentle spring breeze tickled the heart of Eleusis, the king of the kingdom of Campton.

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