“This isn’t it”

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199 years ago, Spitzer Island. 


A month after the white dragon Ashanerbecky Rael opened her eyes.


“Chel, why isn’t the Dragon Lord coming?”


Asha, a little hatchling with white scales, looked out and asked with her head up. The white and small dragon, the size of a sole, was sending a pure look as if sincerely curious.


Cherpineweiss the Green Dragon, who has just grown from being a hatchling, awkwardly avoided eye contact.


“I don’t know. He must be very busy.”


“He was busy yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before yesterday.”


“Do dragons count day by day like a human? Do they sleep on an hourly basis like a human?”


“I told you I’m special.” 


Asha was the first white dragon in the Dragon family. 


No one knows Asha’s parents, and what’s interesting is that there was no trace of eggshells anywhere at the time she was discovered.


Unlike any ordinary hatchling, Asha knows how to think and speak as soon as she is born. Chel didn’t even know Asha was a special dragon.


“Stay still in the cave and watch the sun rise and see the sun set. Sleep when the sun sets and gets dark, and wake up when the sun rises and shines. I’m like that.”


“That’s what humans are. Can’t we just live on time for dinner? How can you eat once a week and sleep on a daily basis?”


“So what about the Dragon Lord?”


Every single day, Asha asked Chel.


Asha was like a baby bird looking for her mother. 


Chel couldn’t be honest about saying that her companion abandoned her and went out to ‘play’. 


She can’t say that to the very small and pure soft life, smiling and waiting for the Dragon Lord all day long.


“He’ll come when he’s done with his busy schedule. I’ll visit every day instead of the Dragon Lord. I brought a lot of meat today, so hurry up and eat and sleep.”


“Then is he coming tomorrow?”


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“I hope he comes.”


That was all that a 500-year-old senior dragon and friend could say to the little hatchling, who became a little disappointed.




“This is what I’ll eat?”


Chanelica, who followed Marie, who came to fetch her saying it was dinner time, looked down at the table and asked seriously.


“Is it not enough?” asked Marie.


“No, there are too many! How can I eat all of this?”




Chanelica blinked as if she couldn’t believe it. 


Sweet pumpkin soup, green salad with seasonal fruits, and steak with excellent red meat juice. Various colors and different shapes of dishes were evenly contained in several plates.


“You don’t have to eat it all.”


“How can I not eat it all?” Chanelica shouted inside. 


Looking at the feast, the past suddenly passed by. It’s been 199 years since she ate a lot of raw meat from unknown monsters.


Although she had the soul of God, she became a dragon and had the taste of a Dragon, so she ate well without complaints. But when she saw the colorful food of humans, she felt like she was hit in the back of her head. 


It wasn’t because of the fact that she had a savage meal that wasn’t even cooked. It didn’t matter because it tasted good. The problem is that she ‘forgot’ that the good dish was made. Along with the fact that there are many different flavors in the world.


“Can I eat all of this?” Chanelica asked again just in case. 


She wonders if all that food can fit into her small human body.


“Yes.” Marie answered.


The first thing that caught her eyes was the thick steak. 


Chanelica, who tried to pick it up with her hands without thinking, came to her senses. Since she is a human being now, she must keep human manners.


She’s going to use a fork and a knife.


All of the basic knowledge and culture of humans in this era have been passed on over the past 199 years. Therefore, she was well aware of how to use tools for meals.


Slip, slop, munch.


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After taking a bite, it melted in her mouth. The soft texture, the taste of sweet seasoning, the juices overflowing throughout the mouth, and the pleasant smell of the fire!


Chanelica, whose eyes were wide open, firmly vowed. In order to enjoy these excellent and diverse foods, she should come out often for entertainment.


“This is water. Please eat slowly.”


As Chanelica put the meat in her mouth faster and faster, Marie, who was standing next to her, pushed the water kettle forward.


From Marie’s point of view, Chanelica seemed to be eating the food for the first time. It felt contradictory. While keeping table manners like any other aristocrat, the speed and reaction of eating are the appearance of a commoner who has never eaten noble food.


“Thank you.”


Somehow Marie felt sorry for her. She heard that Chanelica pretended to be the owner’s fiancee, and she wondered how hungry she must have been. Considering her past, when she struggled to find a job as a maid, pity could not help but arouse.


“By the way…”


Chanelica, who had been eating well for a long time, suddenly raised her head.


“My fiance…the owner of this house, where is he?”


Come to think of it, yes. Marie came to dinner, and Chanelica was the only one who ate.


Marie, on the other hand, was hesitant to respond. To proudly refer to her master as “drug-free” when it comes to coming and eating meals. The side she had previously heard appeared to vanish.


“He’s in his room.” Marie reluctantly replied briefly.


“What about dinner?”


“He doesn’t usually eat it.”




Chanelica jumped up from her seat with a surprised look. It was Marie who was rather embarrassed by the behavior.


“However, this food is fantastic! Does he want to starve?”




“Where’s his room? I can’t eat this alone. I will take this to him.”


Then, suddenly, she began to transfer food to an empty plate. It was impressive to carry a new fork and knife carefully, thinking about whether to drop a drop of sauce or miss a small vegetable.


Strangely, Marie thought that this sad woman was cute.


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“What’s this?”


Derwin asked the uninvited guest with a firm face.




“Why is this here?”


“It’s too much for me to eat alone, so I’m going to eat with you.”


Chanelica looked around Derwin’s room and ran to the table by the window. And she put down the plates she brought in both hands. 


She thought, “If I had more hands, I could have put them on a plate more beautifully.”


However, when the mansion’s owner saw Chanelica’s actions, he gave a cold look to the butler Cuddles standing at the door.


It is impossible to let strangers into his room without his consent. But now, Chanelica simply knocked, and the door burst open, allowing her to enter. Cuddles, who was standing next to him, had closed his eyes. He’d always been wary of skipping meals, but he seemed to have adapted into it in the meantime.


“This food is for you.”


“That’s what they said. You know, I’m supposed to eat alone but there is so much food!”


“If you can’t finish it, you can just leave it.”


“What? How can I leave any food behind? This is so good. That’s not polite to the food!”


Perhaps because she was full, Chanelica was more energetic than when she first came to the mansion.


I think her voice has doubled.


“I have no idea.”


“Doesn’t it smell amazing? I think human cooking is amazing.”


Derwin got a thumbs up from Chanelica.


Derwin’s words were cut off in the middle by her, but she didn’t appear to notice. She was ecstatic because she was completely fascinated.


“I understand why you kept playing and didn’t return to Spitzer Island. You didn’t want to come back because you could eat such great dishes here every day.”


Chanelica, who put some fruits in her mouth with a fork she had brought in, chewed and said. Derwin’s gaze was fixed on her.


“So you, too, eat enough while you are human. It’s really delicious!”


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Then she pushed out a piece of steak she had picked up with a fork.


Chanelica’s mint-colored eyes shined. It’s like a pretty piece of glass in the sun, Derwin thought.



Derwin had a habit of eating only one meal a day, so he didn’t have to eat dinner. But strangely, her words were force majeure. He unknowingly accepted Chanelica’s fork.


“It’s good, right?”


The red lips that were asked back were oily due to the juice, and her eyes kept going away.


“This isn’t it.”


Strangely, Derwin seemed to keep getting caught up in Chanelica’s pace. As if he had caught a weakness.


“To be honest, I was a little frustrated when I met you earlier, but now I feel like everything is going away.”


It seemed right. When he first met her, he felt something uncomfortable, but now she looked energetic as if she would fly into the sky if he left her alone.


“What do you usually eat?” Derwin asked suddenly.




“…On Spitzer Island.”


Chanelica, who was still busy moving her mouth, tilted.


“Don’t you remember when you we’re a Hatchling? Of course, I ate monster meat.”




Hatchling eats for development and dragon heart growth, but Chanelica can produce energy through magical training without eating anything. It was also a special constitution that only dragons had. Being a creature that can generate energy on its own without food.


“Of course. Well, it’s a bit weird, right? It’s kind of weird for me to think of the blood dripping raw meat while watching these wonderful dishes, too..”


“…Eat a lot.”


“You too!”


Before he knew it, Derwin sat facing Chanelica, holding a fork, and putting food in his mouth one by one. He didn’t even realize it.


“It’s really good! I’m looking forward to what other dishes I can eat tomorrow.”


Chanelica smiled brightly.


And it was at that instant that Derwin realized his heart may be tingling like it had been struck by a thunderbolt.

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