“I don't hate it.”

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Translated by Translated by rcast
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She hid the book behind her. She sat on the blanket after covering it so tightly that small dust particles flew in front of her eyes. Chanelica pushed the book aside and muttered to herself while burying her face in a pillow.


“When is he coming?”


A grumpy expression was revealed on the pillow. Chanelica flapped her legs while lying down. Whenever the legs touched, the bed rang.


Chanelica has been inside the Cartel mansion for a week now. It’s also been a week since she last saw the mansion’s owner.


They had dinner together on their first date, and that was the end of it. Some men came in as soon as he finished eating, and he hurriedly exited the room after hearing a few words. He just walked away from Chanelica.


“He must be really busy. He didn’t even come home for a week.”


Chanelica didn’t do nothing even though he wasn’t there.


Chanelica was his companion, despite the fact that the home had no owner. As a result, she ate everything and gazed around the mansion without hesitation.


Chanelica’s greatest desire was to see the world outside the mansion.


However, Chanelica stayed quiet for a week without going outside the mansion. No official announcement has been made yet, because the mansion’s personnel stopped her saying she shouldn’t go around outside alone.


That, of course, could not be the cause for Chanelica’s quietness in the mansion. She also determined that going against the Dragon Lord, the house’s owner and companion, would result in nothing positive.


Moreover, being in the mansion wasn’t too bad. Thanks to the enormous size of the library in the mansion.


Chanelica had already spent 199 years learning the fundamentals of the human and this worlds, but that was from Dragon’s perspective. “There is such a country in this world,” and “there is such a creature,” are objective and incomplete facts.


The library, on the other hand, was brimming with literature written by a race known as humans and supervised by them. That was enough to pique Chanelica’s interest.


Chanelica was stuck in the library for a week, reading books whenever wanted. That was also true of the novels that were now strewn across her bed.


Chanelica, on the other hand, believed that staying in the mansion for a week was sufficient. Her body began to heat up as she grew more desperate to leave. She’s engrossed in a book. She can do it whenever she wants as long as she’s in the mansion.


Chanelica was eager to get outside as soon as possible. However, in order to do so, the owner must return.


“I want to go outside…”


Chanelica was upset because of this. She was going to go outside, regardless of whether he came or not, and enjoy the freedom she hadn’t had on Spitzer Island. Because there aren’t many people in the mansion, sneaking out shouldn’t be too tough.


Something, however, made her uneasy. Even so, she kept thinking how lovely it would be to have Derwin by her side.

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“As a Hatchling, it’s dangerous to walk around alone.”


Chanelica, who was talking to herself in a small voice, suddenly shook her head.


“No! That’s an excuse. I came here even though I’m alone.”


She decided to be honest with herself.


“But I just want to be with him. It’s good to see him because he’s handsome, and I think it’ll be reassuring if we’re together…”


“Why isn’t he coming? Even if we couldn’t go out together, it didn’t look good not to come home at all.”


“Is it because he can’t stay home? He disappeared from Spitzer Island for 199 years, and he didn’t come home until he left to play and stayed outside.”


Chanelica, who began to roll around hugging a lot of white blankets, continued to think of him.


“Now that I think about it, I don’t know his name as a human being and what he’s doing.

All I know is that his last name is a Cartel.”


“Even though I had enough time to ask the people of this mansion, I didn’t ask. But If I ask him that, my fiancee would think that I don’t know anything, and I can’t say, “He’s a dragon, so I don’t know about you as a human being.””


Chanelica hit her forehead lightly with a pillow. She should have asked when they had dinner together last time.


“If he comes this time, I should ask that first!”




When Chanelica caused a handwind, the candle placed at the bedside went out. In an instant, darkness entered the room.




However, a faint light was outside her window. Chanelica woke up. It was already past midnight. Although she spent only a week in the mansion, she was also well aware that there was no light to be seen from outside at this time.


Chanelica, who ran to the window, stretched her neck out of the window. In front of the central entrance of the mansion, black figures were seen. When she couldn’t see well with a dim light, she rubbed her eyes with her hands and opened her eyes wide. Then she could see who was entering the mansion now.


“He’s here!”


Chanelica was so excited and ran to the door.





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Derwin instinctively put his hand on the dagger he was wearing around his waist when the door unexpectedly opened. He’d just arrived home after midnight. But who is paying a visit without permission on this ambitious night? Nine times out of 10, it’s an assassin.




The dagger, which appeared to be taken up quickly, was able to stay in position thanks to the enthusiastic voice that followed.


Derwin smirked. Because it was so far away from the light, it was dark, yet the small shape was clearly apparent. And the shape approached Derwin like a runner, slamming, bouncing, and jumping.


White features were soon reflected in the light. Her face shone white as if it were the sun, even though the candlelight was yellow. Between close, white, long hair that came down from both sides of the face, the white neck and shoulders were visible. A tiny white slip was hung over the thigh beneath it. It was a long and dreadful road. A white legs could also be seen stretching far below it.


‘Damn it.’


Derwin swallowed a swear word inside. Unknowingly, he was nauseated. He quickly drew a glance from her body. His whole body seemed to be blazing.


“Where have you been? Why did you come just now? What did you do for a week?”


A lively voice burst out. Derwin slipped back to hide his embarrassment.


“Why aren’t you answering? I was bored without you. There are so many things I want to do!”


She looked like a dog.


Derwin remembered a small dog he used to have. When he returned from a long out, Mobelion, whom he had raised since he was a baby, would run into his arms and act nice.


That’s how it felt like with the current Chanelica. It wasn’t an embrace, though.


‘What am I thinking right now?’


A part of Derwin’s body reacted strongly. It was an emergency. He thought that he had to leave right away.


As soon as he was about to tell Chanelica to leave, Derwin’s eyes showed a large pillow inserted into her side.


Late at night. Pillow. Underwear.


There was only one thought in his head.


“…Is this what the Lady wanted?”


Unlike before, in a cold voice, Chanelica tilted her head. But rather than answering Derwin, she paid attention to the faint scent coming from him.


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Sniff. Sniff.


Chanelica became round-eyed.


“That’s right, this is alcohol. I think it’s the smell of alcohol.. Have you been drinking?”


Then she came one step closer and sniffed Derwin. Chanelica’s long eyelashes moved beautifully, drawing his attention.


“Do you want to become the hostess of this house by doing this?”


Derwin did not answer Chanelica’s question. He only said what he wanted to say.




Chanelica didn’t understand what Derwin was saying at all.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about. By the way, where did you drink? Can I try it, too?”


Chanelica unknowingly smacked her lips. The smell of alcohol from Derwin was not fragrant, but she could tell instinctively that she would like alcohol that she had never drank before.


When it was late at night and she moistened her lips with her tongue, she never realized what it might look like to a man.




Chanelica was pulled by Derwin’s hand. Her body, which had lost its balance, was laid on the bed, and on top of her was Derwin. A hot breath mixed with a pale scent of alcohol touched her face.




Chanelica was taken aback by her strange posture, which she had taken in an instant, and she tried to understand her situation.


“If this is what Lady wants, I’ll do whatever you want.”


“What do I want?”


Chanelica’s voice trembled. No wonder, his very handsome face was close enough to reach just by looking at his head. The tremor of her voice was to represent the tremor of the heart.


“Don’t you want to spend the night with me?”


“Do I want to spend the night with you?”


Chanelica’s mind went blank with unexpected words.


“Oh, that’s…”

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Chanelica should say she didn’t mean it that way, but strangely, she couldn’t say anything.


Her heart was pounding.


The human heart, not the Dragon Heart, beat like crazy. Honestly, she thought it wouldn’t be bad to spend the night together in a state of misunderstanding.


His face began to get closer to her. Her heart vibrated all over her body, regardless of chest, fingertips, face, or head.


“That’s not why I’m here.”


Chanelica turned around and shouted with her eyes closed. It was a rebellion against the sudden situation.





She heard a cold voice. It was short.


Chanelica swallowed her saliva. She can leave it as it is, but it is right to say that it is not. Misconceptions become poison when they accumulate.


“I’m just here…”


The end of Chanelica’s words became blurred. Even though she said that, she actually regretted it a little. She doesn’t think she created a good atmosphere for no reason.




Derwin’s voice stretched low.


“Don’t you like it?”


“… ?”


“I’m asking if you didn’t want to sleep with me.”


Even in the midst of tremors, Chanelica tried to grasp the true intentions contained in Derwin’s words. His black eyes were not only charming but also confident.


It was a conviction. There’s no way she wouldn’t like it.


That is the answer. With such a perfect-looking man, she couldn’t possibly despise the night. He wasn’t just a handsome human man, either. Another dragon she encountered after first seeing herself as a Dragon, a person she fell in love with at the moment and with whom she would share Dragon Heart for the rest of her life.


“I don’t hate it.”


Chanelica opened her lips. Before she knew it, her face turned red.

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