AN: For those who might have skipped over the last chapter → “Hiroto was captured by Gray and taken to the underground laboratory. Akkad chased after them and fought Gray, but at the eleventh hour Hiroto provided back up, and Akkad narrowly claimed victory.”

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“Hahahaha, wonderful!” 


All of a sudden, loud laughter rang out from the darkness. The tall figure of a person stepped out from the shadow of a distant, fat pillar, their shoes clicking on the floor. 

The figure stepped forward into where the light reached, and turned their head round to face us.


“Look. My judgment was not wrong! Hiroto might be quick to run away in his cowardice, but when push comes to shove, he fights with the utmost determination. He has the optimal disposition for foaling1.”


Doktor Satow!


“What are you laughing for? You have no more Kaijin to command. Your eye-sore of an organization has been destroyed to hell, and your life’s ambitions with it.”

Akkad vigilantly assumed a battle-ready stance. 


Doktor Satow, displaying a calm facade, was already reduced to a single person and was utterly outclassed by our strength, and yet, he didn’t appear agitated in the slightest. 


“Haha, such a trivial thing like that…. was only a fragment of what I strove to achieve. My true ambition was… to construct a new humanity.”

“A new humanity?

“Indeed, a humanity which can discard this futureless earth and dominate space.”

“Hah? Space?”


The Doktor shook his head sorrowfully. 

“The earth’s resources have long been exhausted. Because of humanity’s continued exploitation, this planet’s regenerative ability is already approaching its limit. …But what a pity, I thought, that space, which could support mining and immigration, rejected humanity. Drowning in radiation. Scorching heat and intense cold. No water nor atmosphere, a boundless vacuum… To modern humans, space is too harsh. At this rate, if we continue to be confined to this planet, we will perish one day soon. However, the new humanity that I have manufactured… they can endure extreme temperature shifts and even radiation, and with their tough bodies and sophisticated intelligence, they can transport the solar system’s resources back to earth. And then, someday, they will set out into space for a new world.”

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So making me get pregnant wasn’t so that you could use me as bait so you could control Akkad to your will?


“You intended for the androids that you made completely out of the bodies of living subjects to be the perfect organism?”2

“Exactly so. Artificial parts degrade unexpectedly quickly. But when I used living materials, cell division was continuous enough to curb degradation. If a malfunction does occur, then at any such time we can simply remodel them and fix it. They could be called a precision machine superior to even living humans.”


The Doktor looked up to the ceiling, spellbound. More accurately, he was looking up at the distant sky above, at space. 


“A brand-new humanity which could scatter through space… This is my greatest enterprise, which not even Gilgamesh or any of those other companies could catch up to. Those fools can stomp their feet and be bitter about it for all I care.”


Those eyes which seemed to glow blue bent like crescent moons. With a complacent smile, as though he could not be any happier than he was in this moment, the Doktor laughed with his entire face.


“Out of all your androids, you gave reproductive abilities to only Hiroto and the Kaijin so that you could make a new humanity?”

Akkad spoke as though he were being strangled. As though he were desperately shutting out a frothing, seething rage. 


“Males are already quite suited to be stud-models, but I couldn’t create more than a single mare-model3. They needed to have a disposition which would let me force them into giving birth to a child and raising it, while also being stubborn enough to survive the process. Unfortunately, I could not find any other suitable males.”


Without an ounce of shame, the Doktor looked at me with a gaze that seemed to say ‘I was in such a pickle’.


“I tried to breed Hiroto with other Kaijin countless times, but when I tried to force him to reproduce, his brain would severely reject what was happening and rush to break itself 4. It seems he had a preference for strong Kaijin. The only one he displayed any interest in was you, Akkad.”


This time the Doktor looked at Akkad and nodded.

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“I had no other choice but to tell the Kaijin that they could only breed him if they won against you, and only then could I allow them to become the progenitor of the new humanity. I even had Hiroto go off into battle to cheer him up and occupy him, but… they all failed. Nevertheless, I persisted and at last I created Gray, who was even stronger than you. I no longer needed you… is what I would like to say, but for a species to flourish, it should have a diversity of genes. So before we’d kill you, I would make Hiroto have your child, and after the birth make him breed with Gray. That was my plan.”


“Are you fucking kidding me!! What do you think people are! Talking about breeding! …How much do you have to humiliate Hiroto until you’re satisfied!!” 


Akkad, who had started shaking during the Doktor’s monologue, could no longer endure and roared to the heavens. 

He screamed his own throat bloody.


Akkad lifted his fist. He swung it downward, lit with red-hot hellfire, intending to burn this insolent genius to nothing. 


“Wait! Don’t be so hasty! If you kill me, it is a loss for all of humanity! If you let me live, I could even give Hiroto the same lifespan as you! Yes, a strong Kaijin, I’ll make him a sphinx for you.”

Akkad stopped moving, his posture perfectly frozen with his fist clenched. Hey, why the fuck are you stopping. 


“A, sphinx…?”

“Y-yes, I’ll attach big, white wings, and a pair of cat ears and a tail to match. He’ll be able to control the atmosphere, and fly through the sky.”

“Cat ears…”


Get a hold of yourself! Why aren’t you attacking, Akkad!


At that moment, without warning, I stumbled into the strangest feeling that I was talking to someone who shouldn’t have been here. 5


That’s right. There was something I had to tell Doktor Satow, personally. 

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The alarm on my head cried out. Doctor Cho said that I might have a great upset in my brain. If my brain cells were set ablaze because of the extreme excitement, he said I would be in danger of losing my sense of self.

This was surely that great upset. 

I pulled off the device and threw it down onto the floor.



“What was that!?”


“….You’re always like this. You only ever wanted to use me, and humanity, and the androids.”

I stitched each word together like I was holding myself back; it was incredibly difficult to speak with my normal voice. A violent emotion, fury, the likes of which I had never before felt boiled up inside me. 

Why. I’m an android, for pete’s sake. There shouldn’t exist this sort of uncontrollable wrath. 


“Those guys only have one life. They are living people. You never even cared. For the sake of satisfying your own narcissism… you fulfilled your own desires, cut them down, and stomped on their dignity.”

I raised my beam-gun. That’s right. After the emergency-use only energy-packed load has been spent, this gun can fire off one last live round. The person who remodeled it for me, I can’t even remember them anymore.


“It finally clicked for me6. The Kaijin’s powers, like Akkad’s light and fire, in other words the sun, Gray’s gravity control, Nessie’s water… with the power of these three individuals, terraforming other planets has become that much closer to becoming a reality. In addition to those three, you were probably thinking the Deathworm could decompose toxins in the soil and promote farming, and the sphinx could adjust the atmospheric cycles. You made a secret lab in the middle of the desert as an experiment for your Kaijin to adjust to harsh environments and extreme temperature shifts. On top of that, you intended to launch the child that I would give birth to into space for this experiment.”


I slowly shifted into my firing stance, and took aim. 



“But we didn’t go along with your great plan. Where they go and how they live, our children will decide that for themselves. Even if there is a person in the distant future who ventures into space, that will be their will. All of your ambitions end here. With your death.”

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The Doktor made an astonished expression. It’s almost as though he never even had the thought that I would ever oppose him.


“Hiroto! You want to kill me! The one who found you when you were young! I was the one that took you in when you were a near cripple!”

“Doktor. I can live on without you. The one that supported me when my family died wasn’t you, but the family left in my memories.”


Glaring down at Doktor Satow, I gently held my stomach. 


“Now, I have Tosiya. And this time, I have a child I need to protect.”

That’s right. If Akkad won’t do it, then I will. 


“Take your due.” 

I pulled the trigger.



With disappointing ease, the genius who changed the world breathed his last. 



TL: Yo Hiroto’s fucking COLD. I love it. Anyway, it’s spring break! Midterms are over, and I finally have time to translate!! These last chapters are quite long, and Akkad’s ‘extras’ are the longest, so thank goodness I have some time to devote to finishing this project. I also made a cover, it’s not too fancy but I bugged everyone I knew with all sorts of designs, and this is the one that had the most positive reactions. Let me know what you think ^^


産み落とす lit. to birth and drop, i.e. to give birth to. It’s a term used for cattle, specifically animals that give birth standing; the closest English equivalent is parturition, which is a bit too neutral for this word. I wanted to translate this in a way that reflects how Satow is dehumanizing Hiroto, so I chose the horse equivalent, because Akkad is basically being treated like a stud horse and Hiroto as his breed mare :/  I think this is the same word as in chapter one, which I translated as something like living organic materials; I’ve translated it slightly differently depending on the person, to reflect how they think of it, because it’s a really vague phrase  雄型…雌型 lit. male(animal)-model and female(animal)-model. I’m keeping with the horse theme for consistency and so you know how gross this is  so… I really don’t know if they are referring to a fetus, bc that ‘reject’ is usually used in the context of organ rejection, or if Hiroto would reject the ‘breeding’ and rush to destroy the other Kaijin/himself… ASSUMING THE LATER…  idk what this means… maybe talking to himself from before he lost his memories…?  腑に落ちました lit. internal organs dropped. This is a play off the set phrase 腑に落ちない, which means ‘doesn’t make sense’ 

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