AN: The later half as some light sexual content.

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TL: !Soft BDSM Roleplay Ahead! At the very end, Spy x hero roleplay, slight non-con kink, breeding kink/impregnation kink… nothing actually nsfw happens yet (it picks up in ch26 in Akkad’s pov), Hiroto just has a dirty mouth. Also, LAST CHAPTER OF THE MAIN STORYYYY

Once I shot and killed Doktor Satow, Akkad flew over to me and injected me with the medicine I had on hand. 

The moment I was injected, I quickly became sleepy and let go of my consciousness.

When I came to, I was laying down in one of Sumer’s research laboratories.

Doctor Cho was peering down at me, looking worried, and I slid my gaze around the room and found Gray standing nearby.

Gray standing. 

How was Gray even alive? His regeneration abilities apparently far exceeded our expectations. 

According to Akkad, after I collapsed, Gray started to shine again. 

“I will never again cause harm unto you. Now that Doktor Satow has died, I no longer have anyone I should obey. Would you mind if you took me along with you?” Gray had begged Akkad, to which Akkad thought, “I really hate this guy”, but he didn’t feel like going to all the trouble of beating him down again; on the other hand, it’d be problematic if he just left him be, so he ended up taking Gray home with them. 

“I don’t have any memories, but I believe there is something important that I have to protect, and so I believe I personally volunteered to become a Kaijin. Even now, I have a feeling that I cannot let myself die until I can accept it.”

His abilities were valuable, so Sumer decided to put him to use.

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From the start, Gray and Akkad and the rest of the Kaijin series weren’t developed from Androids, but they were all originally normal humans, and were beings that had been restructured and reborn by the Doktor’s hand. I was also originally a human… when I confronted Doktor Satow, it seems that in my excitement, the mental limiter was removed and a part of my memories returned.

After I was hit with the medicine, my memories once again became dormant, and I could no longer remember anything about my time as a human. However, I can still remember what I said at the time. 

…Family. I had a family…

After the attack on Doktor Satow, and a practice match (which they actually took quite seriously) between Akkad and Gray, Akkad, who’d been reluctantly forced into hero work in the first place, retired. As a young entrepreneur, his name ran wild throughout the world. 

We held a wedding ceremony. Akkad tried his best to convince me to wear a wedding dress, but I firmly stood my ground. The chic tuxedo that fit me like a glove was much better. …What I wore for him later will remain a secret between the two of us. 

During the reception, we somehow managed to serve steaks made from real cows. Everyone was quite impressed, and were quick to grow rowdy: “Let’s hold a ceremony every month!” “Call us over for your anniversary, too!” However, the high cost of beef production has been a huge problem for several centuries now, and it’s a severely limited luxury item. If you want to eat it again, get married yourself. 

Thanks to the efforts of Doctor Cho’s team, I managed to safely give birth to the child. 

Gazing down at him with a deep happiness, I thought he looked like Akkad, and the people who came to visit also uniformly commented: “I get the feeling he’s gonna be a looker.” 

Akkad was also ecstatic about the child. 

However, this child’s manifestations of his powers were as random as they were strong, so nursing was a nightmare. We got a lot of help from the combat androids that got transferred over from Humbaba, and we’ve somehow managed to make do. 

And then, two years after I gave birth, I recovered my memories. 

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It was kinda wild. 

I can’t express it in words. At the time, I went pretty insane. Akkad tried to cheer me up, saying that ‘I decided on you’, and that ‘we got together later anyway’… but my sins can’t be erased. 

Ah, Akkad had said that the me at the time ‘didn’t really pay attention to him’ or something, but the previous me had already begun to faintly like Akkad. 

What the hell’s with that? Even after I lost my memories, I still fell in love with the same person; is this supposed to be a 20th century romance drama? 

After I recovered my memories, I made the most of my previous knowledge and began working with the other researchers in the engineering field to investigate nullifying the effects of brainwashing. 

After that, when it comes to our nightly activities, well, after the child was born and I recovered from the surgery, we basically fuck every night, but Akkad makes sure to use both contraceptive lotion and condoms without fail. 

But isn’t it about time to want another child?

“I’m home. Hiroto? …Where are you?”

I left the child with Yuuki and co. in advance.

Akkad, who’d just finished work and came home, didn’t see me in the living room, where I usually sat to welcome him home, and raised his voice nervously.

“Hiroto, what happened? Wha-!?”

He seemed to locate where I was with his infrared sensors. 

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He opened the door of our bedroom and was left speechless, standing stiffly in the doorway. 

I was in front of the bed, and equipped with my Humbaba-era battlesuit, stood up. 

The suit left nothing to the imagination, perfectly revealing the lines of my body; Akkad’s gaze moved up and down as if licking me. 

Oh, you’re a thigh-guy? Well, I already had a feeling.

“You were quite late coming back. I wanted you so bad I nearly got tired of waiting.”

Tonight, I was a seductive spy from an evil organization. I tilted my head, and showed him an  inviting smile. 

“The Hero Akkad. If you like what you see, you better listen to what I have to say.” 1

I held up my arm as if to flaunt the switch on my wrist, and slowly moved the finger on my opposite hand closer. 


Hehe, you’re not even trying to stop me.

With a swishing sound, the suit vanished like a dream. 

“Put your clothes back on! I’m begging you! Hiroto!” Akkad shouted, turning around to avert his gaze. I glided over to him. 

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I touched his shoulder, and suddenly Akkad turned to face me, glanced at my nipples, and just as quickly turned his face away. 

As funny as this is, it seems I have no choice. 

Leaning forwards, I stretched up to my tiptoes and slid my hands up from his shoulders to cling  to his neck. 

“Now, Akkad… Violate2 me until my belly’s full and swollen.”3

I snuggled up to his sturdy back, and in a very sweet voice, whispered into his ear. 

“I want you to make a mess out of me, hero.” 

The hero, glancing at me with a bright red face, was about two seconds from coming to his wit’s end and pouncing on me.

“That… we can’t… You’re… my enemy… aren’t you…”

“Tch… What a bad boy… I’ll have to… punish you.”


Hiroto actually uses なさい, which is the the strongest imperative you can make. This is an *order*  私を犯して lit. rape/violate/ravish me…interestingly, in this roleplay, Hiroto is playing a ‘stranger’, so he’s talking slightly more formally, and changed his pronoun from 俺 to the more neutral 私  孕ませなさい again, this is an order, but this word means both ‘impregnate’ and ‘to fill up’/’to make swollen’… so yeah. I hope this translation encompassed all of that 

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