Chapter 3 Part 2: She Wants to Court Him!

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“Yes!” Tang Luo admitted in an easy manner, “I fell in love with you at first sight, it’s hard to stop this feeling. If I don’t get your contact details today, I will definitely be lovesick and die. So it’s better to be bold and come forward to ask for you phone number……. Hey, you guys don’t drag me away ah! I haven’t finished speaking! Mister, I’m called Tang Luo, live in Fengqiao County Villa District, building number 17…….”  

This time Tang Luo couldn’t finish what she wanted to say and was immediately grabbed by the two bodyguards by the arms and dragged back. 

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Their strength wasn’t small, at least Tang Luo wasn’t able to struggle free. However, they controlled their strength very well. When they released her, she wasn’t injured in the slightest.  

By the time Tang Luo was freed, the Maybach had already started and disappeared outside the hotel gate.   

“Miss.” The bodyguard on the left coughed lightly and said: “It’s the first time I’ve encountered such a daring girl like you.”

He reminded Tang Luo: “Next time, please do not joke with our mister like this, it’s not amusing at all. Mister wasn’t angry today could be counted as your good luck.”  

Tang Luo somewhat disappointedly looked towards the place where the Maybach disappeared. 

Although the plan didn’t go smoothly, it gave her an idea. She should not forget, this was inside a handsome, high-powered businessman novel. 

Wanting to increase the trust value of that unlucky male lead fiancee, her current option must be the best method. 

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Of course, able to be with a man with the kind of standard like the one just now, vigorously talking about love, would also be pretty good.  

Tang Luo made up her mind, smiled slightly at the two bodyguards then turned around to walk outside the hotel.  

Tang Luo called a taxi to send her home.

S city’s Fengqiao County Villa District, building number 17 was a small villa given to her by her parents. The villa couldn’t be considered big, 300 meter squares of indoor area and a garden. But for Tang Luo, who was an orphan before she transmigrated, this was already very wonderful.

She had conveniently checked in passing just now. In her hand, she had three credit cards and two debit cards. Both the credit cards limits were very high. So high that in the eyes of ordinary people, it was practically without limit. The kind of high where she could directly swipe the card to buy a house in S city, this kind of place where the land was extremely expensive.  

Tang Luo nested on the soft sofa in the living room, listing her assets while sighing contentedly. 

In fact, Tang father and Tang mother truly spoiled this daughter. But this daughter always made the two elders heartbroken because of a man.

But in the future, no more.

Yue Chi Feng had thoroughly been removed by Tang Luo from her world.  

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Now she’s just waiting to resolve the issue of the male lead’s trust value as well as her life’s countdown.

Afterwards she had to achieve the previous target and play everywhere around the world!  

Thinking of her dream, Tang Luo was at once full of enthusiasm.  

She already had a goal, even the system seemed to acquiesce her method and no longer made any annoying sounds.

At present, what she had to do was to find a boyfriend who was much better than Yue Chi Feng. Make him believe that she no longer loved him since long ago.  

Tang Luo thought for a bit and thought she might as well directly open the internet and start searching around.  

She thought very simply; she was the Tang family’s second miss, a genuine “Ms Perfect”. 

Whatever she lacked, she wouldn’t lack money.

If it was really impossible, it’s okay to just find an actor who’s not bad in all aspects and employ him to help her.  

She casually opened an entertainment website and started to eagerly browse around.  

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“This one is not good, looks a bit fierce.” Tang Luo closed a webpage. 

“Hmm, this one doesn’t look as good as Yue Chi Feng.” She closed another webpage.



In one breath, Tang Luo had looked for half an hour but couldn’t pick a single one she was satisfied with. 

Not because she was too picky.  

Talking about this, the male lead in this book, without filter, Yue Chi Feng’s appearance was truly excellent in every respect.

Handsome, young, noble; his figure was also top-notch from long term exercise in the gym. 

Adding in the Yue family behind him, his wealth was equivalent to that of an entire nation.

This kind of male, wanting to find someone who could crush him comprehensively was really not easy.  

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Therefore, Tang Luo’s request was that the man she’s looking for must at least have an appearance that surpassed Yue Chi Feng.

Otherwise, the other party would never believe that she really had a change of feelings. He might even think that she was in the middle of plotting something else.  

Tang Luo felt her head became bald from thinking of the hidden pit behind that -999 trust value.  

She cheered herself up, looked at the photographs of the various celebrities and selected them for a long time. But still she couldn’t find one who was comparable to Yue Chi Feng. 

The male lead halo is too formidable!

While silently muttering, Tang Luo opened the news about this year’s film festival award.  


Her eyes lit up all of a sudden.

At the very top of the news webpage, was this year’s newly crowned film emperor.

This person, isn’t he the man with the Maybach she encountered just now?!

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