Chapter 4 Part 1: Obediently wait for me, baby~~

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Tang Luo opened the website and faced the gentle and cultured smile of the man clothed in a formal black suit.

The photograph coming out from the hands of professional news media made his originally profound features become even more perfect.

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In addition to his exceptionally proportional figure, that pair of long legs wrapped fittingly in the trousers suit was very eye-catching.   

It was an especially rare thing for such a man with an already flawless appearance to be able to make people think of nobility and grace through a mere photograph. 

Superbly comfortable.  

Tang Luo first happily enjoyed the photo for two minutes before clicking right to save the picture.  

“Chu Chen.” Her mouse scrolled down as she looked at the introduction of the man below, “28 years old genius young actor who is sealed as the film emperor.”  

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Tang Luo gave it a quick look through then turned her head to open a web search page.   

The information pertaining to Chu Chen was very detailed on the internet. But in regards to being an actor, his background was somewhat excessive.

At the age of 23, he graduated from a famous school abroad with a double degree in theatre and finance. After concentrating in being a theatrical actor for a year overseas, he returned to his home country.  

He officially entered the domestic entertainment circle at the age of 24, beginning with a supporting role, he started to rise.

The first drama he acted in when he entered the industry was an idol drama without any splashes. 

However, relying on his exquisite acting skill and his outstanding looks, Chu Chen had unexpectedly stood out brilliantly in this drama and became widely popular in that same year.   

Afterwards, when he entered the movie circle, the movies were shot one after another.

A good actor that was well-known for being diligent, able to bear hardship and humble. 

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Naturally, no need to mention his acting skills.

From the start up till now, he was the best male match, the best newcomer, and this year he was the film emperor. 

It could be said as smooth-sailing wind, but the name was also deserving.  

Tang Luo finished reading the information and faintly felt that it wasn’t too assuring. 

The good-looking little brother she laid her eyes on didn’t seem to lack anything. It’s not so good to interfere……. in this manner ah.  

That’s right!

Upon discovering that the Maybach man was actually an actor, as the super rich Ms Perfect Tang Luo, her first thought was ——

En, could try to step in for a while, too perfect, happy~~  o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o  

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Tang Luo touched her chin and continued to look. Perhaps because his outer appearance and his temperament looked too remarkable. In addition, his academic qualifications were very good. This Chu Chen already got an endorsement when he was still acting as a supporting role in the TV series.   

Tang Luo rummaged through Chu Chen’s endorsement over the years. 

Actually, in terms of quantity, his endorsement couldn’t be considered a lot.

But they were mainly famous watches, famous cars, and luxury brand-name clothing……. 

Based on what Tang Luo knew about the entertainment industry, these could basically be considered the best types of endorsements an actor could get. 

Moreover, these brand names were all extremely big!  

She once again browsed Chu Chen’s official blog and his schedule for the next two years was already full. 

Full of famous directors, good scripts, big IP, super production teams.

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Even if she was thinking of stepping into the other’s business, it’s impossible for her to give better resources.  


Tang Luo felt a bit unwell. She spent a lot of time reading up Chu Chen’s data and the result was —— She had no way of spending money on this man.    

Then she recalled that black Maybach. Recalling those tall, seemingly well-trained bodyguards. Perhaps being a film emperor was much wealthier than her?  

Tang Luo held her cheeks and click her mouse over and over again.

This target seems to be truly difficult. Shall she change it?   

No! She’ll  look for another way first before deciding. Tang Luo rejected herself. If she hadn’t seen a person as perfect as Chu Chen, then she could still try switching to another target. But when you’ve got the best selection, your heart would feel especially unwilling to settle for second best.   

Tang Luo thought carefully and decided to set a small goal for herself first. In half a month! Her time was really pressing. If she couldn’t make any progress within half a month, then she would resign to part with her beloved, clench her teeth and switch to another!

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