I can’t lose my mind like this. I came to my senses and sent a quick reply.

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Why? Are we going on a distant date? ◀


▶ The head of the Constitution Guild came to see you. Dress neatly when you come. Don’t wear dirty clothes like you usually do.


What do you mean by dirty? Have I been dressed so sloppily?


No. I always wear similar clothes, but I still dress neatly.


Or is it because I don’t wash my hair every day?


I don’t go out every day, so I can wash it once every two days.


My room isn’t a pig pen. It’s all organized according to its own rules.


I pouted my lips in resentment and shook my head.


I’ve been insisting on short hair since I took the exam, and I can’t express enough how comfortable it is compared to when I had long hair.


Plus, it’s twice as good because I use less shampoo.


Mom told me to dress neatly because there’s someone amazing coming, so I have to dress really well today. I should wear the suit I bought last year.


After drying my hair, I straightened it.


It was a straightener I hadn’t held since graduating from college.


After finishing my hair, I also applied a colored lip balm.


It was also something I hadn’t used since graduating from college.


I pinched my long bangs with pins and checked my clothes thoroughly.


I would look like an office worker if I only had an employee ID. The problem is that I don’t have an employee ID.


My mom bought these for me to wear if I pass the open recruitment, but I’m wearing them here… My conscience is hurt.


Well, but I passed the 1st round this year, so it’s okay. Maybe.


I passed the 1st round last year and the year before last. It didn’t seem okay at this point.


But I can’t help it. I had already abandoned my path for two years.


It wasn’t a serious study, but I had to be serious to live like this. I had to show my mom I was leaving for work before she erupted.


In fact, it was a problem that could be solved by revealing that I was a Hunter and that Finger Technique, but it wasn’t as easy as it sounds.

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If it were as easy as it sounds, would I be doing this now?


I was more afraid of my mother than the King of Sloth, whom I only saw once at the special gate.


Mom’s back smash hurt more than getting hit by the King of Sloth’s horn.


So there’s nothing I can do. Even though I’m sad, I have no choice but to live like this.


The life of a super-special Hunter is fine, but the life of a two-time winner in the administrative and legislative examinations seemed not bad either.


… Of course, if possible.


I crumpled my sneakers which didn’t fit my suit and walked out of the apartment.


Familiar faces were caught in the field of view of the strengthened Hunter, whose physical development was particularly noticeable.


Isn’t the person hiding in the grass over there in charge of Research Guild’s YouTube?


The people who are arguing on the roof of the apartment over there are The SNS manager of Hundred Thousands Guild and Daybreak’s Choco Milk.


Oh my gosh. I Really Like of Paradise is also over there.


Everyone else is in charge of public relations, but I don’t know why I Really Like is also here.


You’re ranked 4th in S-class Hunters in Korea. Don’t you have anything to do?




A four-eyed girl popped out of the grass and stared at my face.


Her piercing gaze is burdensome.


People who didn’t come for Finger Technique, let alone Woo Yeonhui, gathered.


I stopped by the convenience store and bought a digestive medicine to relieve my stomach.


I also wanted to buy one Capri Sun, but I couldn’t because I was too careful.


They wouldn’t think I’m FT just because I buy Capri Sun, but just in case.


There are so many accidents that happen due to unexpected things in the world. I thought it would be good for my personal health to be careful from now on.


By the way, how long are these people going to follow me?


No matter how much I think about it, it’s strange that they’re following me without reason.

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In particular, I would never have expected that even Daybreak, who usually throws away vanity and ostentatiousness and shout for quick results, would be like that. Why the hell is this?


Maybe it’s because of Rank 4 I Really Like?


No, in the first place, why is Rank 4 I Really Like following me from the yard over there?


Clearly, there was something else.


Something else.


I entered the alley to go to my mom’s cafe.


Mom’s cafe, located in an alley in the city, didn’t have as many people as the franchise cafe in front of the station, but there were always a few customers.


It’s all thanks to her extraordinary baking skills. It’s to the point where she can appear in Dream X Patissier. No doubt about it.


I saw a middle-aged woman neatly dressed in a suit through the cafe window.


Her well-built body strengthened with living and fighting muscles revived the suit’s fit, and the neatly combed brown bob looked more sophisticated than the fashionista these days.


Hey, the last time I saw that lady, she had white hair. When did she dye her hair again?


If it wasn’t for the germanium health bracelet and the dungeon new material health bracelet, she would have been mistaken for a cool middle-aged businesswoman.


But she’s not a middle-aged businesswoman.


No, she’s a middle-aged businesswoman, but she’s not just a middle-aged businesswoman.


When I carefully opened the cafe door with the [CLOSE] sign hanging on it, I heard the jingling of the paper hanging from the door.


The 4th rank of the Hunters, who had been following me as if she would talk to me at any moment, was no longer in sight.


Everyone must’ve disappeared because they were intimidated by that force.


“Oh, my,” turning her head at the sound of the cafe door opening, she smiled and opened her mouth.


Like a new employee looking at the sky-like president, I entered the room hesitantly.


I’ve met her several times as Finger Technique, but this is the first time as Woo Yeonhui.


I could’ve ignored anyone as FT, but I can’t do that when they come out with all my personal details revealed.


I’m really burdened.


“Miss! We’ve met before, haven’t we?” the auntie, sitting next to her and sipping her coffee, waved her hand joyfully.

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I bowed my head to the auntie and gently put my butt next to my mom who sat across from them.


I think Mom is angry. I have to be quiet.


“Are you the Hunter who saved my sister’s life? Did you awaken at Hapjeong Station yesterday?” Natural Dream, who held a coffee cup, smiled elegantly as she drank the green juice in the cup.


What’s wrong with this person? She looks very different from the image that I know.


“Yes. That’s right.”


There was no Hunter who didn’t know that the Fire Dragon Natural Dream of the Constitution Guild had a more fiery personality than anyone else.


When she saw injustice, she always came before anyone else, and when she stood on the battlefield, she stood before anyone else.


So the guildmates followed her like fanatics, in a different sense than the fanatics in Paradise Guild.


Leaving behind her trusted guild members and filming unmatched scenes, she was like a brave general, earning her the nickname ‘Guan Yu of Seocho Province.’

[T/N: Guan Yu is a Chinese general. He was a man of righteousness and military prowess who is also known for his loyalty.]


It is not easy for a middle-aged Awakened who’s pretty old to set foot in the Hunter world where lively young people run around.


Looking at the Daybreak Guild, the pinnacle of Korean guilds, there are only two guild members over the age of 40. And in the other five guilds, except for the unique Paradise, guild members in their 40s or older are counted among five fingers.


On the other hand, her guild, the Constitution Guild, had many middle-aged Hunters in their 40s or older.


Veterans had reasons to work as Hunters, something to protect as Hunters, a desire to work again, and a will to achieve their dreams.


But the world did not accept them.


However, even if the sky collapses, there is a hole to rise, and there was someone who accepted them in that situation!


That’s who she was. Natural Dream, which was famous for being the president of a woman’s association at an apartment in Seocho province.


She laid the foundation of the guild with experienced middle-aged Hunters in many ways and grew like a storm with solid trust with guild members.


The crest of the Constitution Guild representing the twilight was the guild members themselves, and she herself.


“I owe you a great debt. Thank you for saving my sister’s life. I really wanted to see the face of the benefactor.” The brave Guan Yu of Seocho Province smiled on her elegant iron skin.


Uh, you didn’t even speak in honorifics when I was Finger Technique.


This is very unexpected…


“Well, it’s an honor to meet you, too. You don’t need to thank me. I just did what I had to do.”


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Maybe that’s why the overly formal words came out.


In the past, during the height of the war, I had a fight with that lady, and at that time, I was beaten hard for attacking without identifying friends.


I did everything possible to control myself, stiff and rigid like a robot.


An adult, especially one the same age as my mom, beat me, so I couldn’t retaliate, If she died or got hurt when I pushed her gently, I’d be in big trouble.


The fear of the past, when I had been hit without any counterattack, came again.


“You’re a good girl. I heard your estimated grade is S. I guess you’re blessed because you’re so kind.” She sipped the bitter green juice like honey water and laughed, pulling her lips up.


Like a new employee meeting the chairman, I stiffened and shook my head.


According to that logic, I’m the nicest person in the world. Because I’m the strongest on Earth.


“Since I owe you, it would be responsible to pay off the debt. I’ve been thinking about how to repay you for a long time.”


Her ring, which serves as an inventory, flared up a little, and then a briefcase popped out of the air.


I took the envelope she handed me and took out the documents in it. A building lease agreement?


“I will give this building to you. You don’t have to worry because it’s not given to recruit you into Constitution. This is a reward for yesterday. Shall I make the offer to join the guild after the contract is signed?” she said with her fingers clasped in a thick ring.


I blinked stupidly with my mouth wide open at the unexpected result.


No, ma’am. What the hell is this?


Will the genre of my life, which is a life story of an exam student aiming for the two-time winner in the exam, change to the life of a financier king in a building in Seoul?


It was truly a surprise.



[T/N: Hello, as much as I’ve tried, I’m very unused to this style of Korean novel. By style, I mean the changes between past and present tense continuously throughout the story. I usually put inner thoughts (in present tense) in italics, but most of this story is made up of Yeonhui’s inner thoughts, and it’ll only make it comical if I use italics for all of them. 

Logically speaking, present tenses are used for Yeonhui’s inner thoughts and her description of something that has nothing to do with the storyline. In contrast, past tenses describe what is happening in Yeonhui’s current timeline or Yeonhui’s description of past events. 

However, aside from alternating between the two every so often, the author also uses these tenses in moments out of “logic”. They describe one track of an event with two different tenses.


For example, the author wrote:

“Only two people in this party can catch the Hell Goat without overdoing it. Loveless and IRL.


So if I took one, it was right to leave one behind.”


They’re still understandable…but since the author often alternates between past events and the actual events in the current timeline, it can be confusing that I just had to change some tenses to fit. Not to mention sometimes the author also writes Yeonhui’s thoughts in past tense…to make things worse.


I’d like to apologize for the inconvenience my lack of ability has caused, but hopefully, it is still enjoyable. I also accept corrections and criticisms, but please avoid using harsh words. You’re not forced to pay to read; I’m doing this out of a hobby and practice. :^)]

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