Exam King Woo Yeonhui’s golden life! Is it really starting?!

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“I think the gift is too much.”


… It seems to have been too much of an expectation. Mom, who had kept her mouth shut all along, finally opened her mouth.


The gift is too much? No, it’s not!


Mom, my dream has been to become Seoul’s king financier since I was a fetus! Don’t do this!


I swallowed the words hastily with a pale face.


I couldn’t understand why this madam spoiled things here.


“It is the price of my sister’s life. I thought I should give you something bigger, but I prepared the smallest one because I thought you might feel pressured. I hope you can take it,” then, Mrs. Natural Dream, who exuded a senior posture, responded with a relaxed face.


That’s right, ma’am. That’s it. I recognized your broad distribution and generosity from when you beat me up like a school kid.


Unlike the laid-back nature of Mrs. Natural Dream and her younger sister, Mom’s expression was very serious and solemn.


I was going to say that it wasn’t up to my mom whether I received the building since I was also an adult but stopped myself because it was a very rude remark.


“I saw the news on TV. Yeonhui has awakened as a presumed S-class Hunter. Constitution is one of the best guilds in Korea, both in name and reality, and I don’t think the guild leader of such a place went to a cafe for nothing. You must’ve come here yourself to offer to join the guild.”


Mom made an expression that could only be seen on important occasions.


I rolled my eyes awkwardly at that dripping cold tone.


The Constitution Guild’s leader replied after hearing Mom’s words, “Yes. It’s true that I came to pay off the debt, but it’s also true that I came to recruit your daughter. High-ranked Hunters above B-class are uncommon, especially an S-class.”


“Then we won’t be able to accept this building even more. If Yeonhui receives the building now, she must join the Constitution Guild against her will.” The sharpness of Mom, who was famous as the Ice Queen in her childhood, shone through.


The legend of the ○○ generation who received confessions from 15 people in a year and dumped all 12 of them, the very Mrs. Seo!


However, Mrs. Seo the Ice Queen and my building were separate issues.


Mom seemed to think that Aunt Guan Yu wanted to give something because she had a dark heart, but that would never be the case. Of course, I wouldn’t think so at all.


If an ordinary person with nothing is given a building by surprise, it is normal to think they will join the guild. 


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But who am I? I’m Finger Technique.


The Finger Technique who has seen Guan Yu of Seocho province for five years. The Finger Technique who has been criticized for being spoiled for five years.


Perhaps that Aunt Guan Yu wanted to give me this building because she had pure intentions. In that respect, she was a very pure and clean person.


And why would she suddenly buy this building? She bought it for me, but of course, she would have calculated the benefits of giving this building. The calculation that my chances of entering the Constitution Guild increase.


I was the only one who knew everything in this place, making me the only one who could break this cold atmosphere. Thus, I said with a very serious face and a very solemn voice, “I love that building. My dream since 26 years ago was to become a building owner.”


The frozen atmosphere melted like snow.


The two sisters in front of me burst into laughter and laughed loudly while my mom beat me on the back with a look of disbelief.


Ah! It hurts! Mom!


“I’m sorry. My child is immature because she only studies…”


“It’s okay. It is a very simple and cute dream.”


Being a financier king is simple. The shocking remark of the Constitution Guild’s Fire Dragon Natural Dream.


Isn’t it general knowledge that the building owner is above the creator? How could you laugh at my dream of becoming a landlord? Those who are affluent really don’t know the situation below! I’m going to rob the Constitution Guild’s dungeon soon. Just you see.


“That was not my intention, so please accept it. It’s not that I don’t have the desire to scout Yeonhui, but I’m not trying to burden her. I respect Yeonhui’s decision. Miss Yeonhui is my sister’s benefactor, making her my benefactor too.” The Guan Yu of Seocho province, who elegantly put down her coffee cup, secretly winked at me.


It seemed to be an expression of intention to give the building. I love you, Natural Dream! I love you, Constitution!


“Since many people are watching, shall we end it here? We will send an official invitation to Miss Yeonhui soon. I sincerely thank you again for saving my sister.”


I smiled happily at the aunt and raised my head at the sudden glance.


Choco Milk, who entered the store across the street and ordered jjamppong, was looking this way.


Moreover, the one sitting across from him was the person in charge of Hundred Thousands Guild’s SNS, with whom he had been fighting so hard earlier.


In a series of complicated situations, Mom sighed as she touched her forehead.


I winked back at the auntie who winked at me secretly. I think I blinked both eyes instead of one, but she recognized it as a wink anyway.

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Maybe because they were sisters who were really good at winking, so I felt shabby for not being able to wink. I practiced winking while watching “Produce 101”.


Bowing her head in greeting, she rose from her seat with her sister.


I bowed my head and saw them off.


They said they would take care of the law, taxes, and whatever on their own, so my financier king’s dream was already fulfilled.


In the chilly cafe without any music, with a Chinese restaurant in the opposite building in the background, my mom glanced at me fiercely.


I was very nervous and thought of several excuses I had prepared for her.


Ah, you see, Mom, I’m…


But the time to make that excuse did not come as my mom showed tears.




My family history isn’t great.


I don’t have a dad now, but I had a dad until I entered high school.


My mom, who was pretty but poor, married my dad, who worked at a large company and came from a teacher’s family, in an arranged marriage.


My dad, whose drinking habit was assaulting others, soon assaulted his boss and was fired from the company, and the settlement wasn’t a penny or two.


Naturally, Dad worked abroad to pay off his debts. Mom also got a job at a company to raise me as a baby. Then, she showed her talent in that direction and started a company, which luckily grew quite large.


Dad, who had paid off his debt from abroad, took care of me at home instead of my busy mother. The red line had already been drawn, and it was not possible for him to get a job because drinking alone would turn him into an ass, so I grew up in the hands of a father who only drank at home when I was young.

[T/N: draw a red line means someone is excepted in some list.]


The food I ate the most was ramen, and thanks to that, I lived with atopy. My personality was passive and introverted, and I grew up as a child who never cried.


Still, looking back, my dad was such a scholar-like person. He liked to study, so he went to a good university. He was cultured as much as he had learned a lot, and his character was weak and kind. He wasn’t good at cooking, but he tried to cook ramen and sometimes fried rice. He split the allowance from Mom to buy clothes and toys for me. Even if he became a blockhead after drinking, he didn’t hit me; because he hit others.


Time passed, and Mom’s business regained stability. She finally had time to look after her family.


Dad was still drinking hard then, and I had become a mold in the corner of the room.

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Mom was appalled at her failure and decided to divorce belatedly. The settlement and bail money spent wasn’t a penny or two, and above all, my condition was the problem. 


She made money for me and lived for me. The reason she didn’t divorce my dad even though she knew he was that kind of person was that she didn’t want me to grow up being called a child without a father, and the reason she left him alone was that he didn’t hit her and me as much.


After deciding to take care of me, Mom closed the company. She said it was because she wanted to spend much time with me, but I knew why.


It was because my dad demanded a large sum of money and said he would give her a divorce only then.


Apparently, he wasn’t a scholar.


Since then, I have lost all my affection for my dad.


After separating from Dad, Mom closed her company and opened a little cafe with me.


I, who had just become a high school student, studied hard to make my mom happy. I studied so hard that I was accepted into a prestigious university.


But the joy was short-lived, and soon the gate opened. It was the worst nightmare of my life.


I think I’ve seen a lot of things during the war.


During the war, I met my mom again after being separated for over a year without knowing whether each other was alive or dead. At that time, she was very skinny and wept until she was dehydrated.


My mom has always been my shield and my support.


The sight of her, who had always shown only a strong side in front of me, crying came as a great shock to me.


I see. Is this the feeling of the collapse of the heart?


I hugged my mom tightly, overcome by unknown emotions.


In front of my mom who worried about me so much, I became an Awakened and risked my life to walk the battlefield, and I could hardly say that I should continue to do so in the future.


“Mom… are you crying?”


My mom was basically a person who never cried. Like I don’t cry, she doesn’t cry.


I have only seen her cry three times in my life: the day she saw me rotting in the corner of the room, the day we met again, and today.


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I hugged my crying mom and patted her on the shoulder.


I saw the two Hunters who had been looking this way all the time from the other side solemnly.


I stared at them. What are you looking at, you bastards?


“Don’t worry too much, Mom. I’m an adult now. I eat a lot, too. I’m not as picky as I used to be.”


“You’re not? You eat only meat every day.”


“That’s because meat is delicious. And you always cook meat side dishes for me.” Regardless of what you say, you do it every day. I patted her on the shoulder and continued, “It’s not like you can undo an awakening. My rank is high, so if personal information spreads like this, it’ll be a big problem. It’s better to go into a guild and ask for information to be blocked. Otherwise, you could be in danger too.”


Or I may become a God of Destruction who destroys everything, like Finger Technique. However, if I reveal that I’m FT right here and now, there will be too much talk.


I’m still not ready to reveal that I’m FT. I don’t know what will happen if it’s revealed that the new kid is actually FT.


I had to enter somewhere, whether Daybreak, Research, Hundred Thousands, Constitution, or Paradise.


Not anywhere else. I had to get into one of those five places.


“Don’t you like Constitution? It’s famous for being a very strong guild.”


“They appear on the news for climbing Mount Everest. Yeonhui, how can you be dragged to climb Everest when you don’t like sports?”


Ah. That thing.


I recalled the news that became a hot topic five months ago with a bitter face.


The Climbing Club of the Constitution Guild is famous for being as hot as the chairman, and they eventually went to Everest at one point.


But there happened to be a dungeon.


So the members of the Constitution Guild Climbing Club climbed Everest and destroyed the dungeon.


It was so funny that it was an incident that was talked about on the news for a while.


“Then let’s put the Constitution Guild on hold. It’s not like I have to join a guild right away. If I’m going to be an official Hunter, I must register with the association.” I pulled out some tissues and handed them to Mom.


The two people in the opposite Chinese restaurant had disappeared.

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