No matter what he feels, we must go our way.

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People gathered around the man with a light orb and began to cross the bridge.


I turned on the flash and was stuck in the middle of the group. Several people beside me lit up the surroundings with flashlights.


“Bro, if I go to the other side for a while,”


“No. You’re the main attacker of our party without Seonwu. You’re the only one who can pierce the skin of the Red Dragon.”


“But, on the other side, Garuda is still…” the chick Hunter hesitated and glanced at the people.


Anyone could tell that he wanted to come to us.


“Give up. We did everything we could. We have to leave it to chance now,” the plant Hunter, who confirmed that the last person had crossed the bridge, said as she withdrew the bridge.


The chick Hunter reprimanded that talking like that would upset the listeners, but there’s no way a normal person could hear that from this distance.


He said it had only been a week since he awakened, and it really showed that it had only been a week.


“If they’re lucky, they won’t encounter the Garuda Army, and if they’re less than lucky, they’ll meet the government Hunters who came downstairs from upstairs, so stop worrying and let’s go. Yeri is alone at the front.”


A new flower blossomed with each step she took. This time it was a menacing black rose with sharp thorns.


“Miss! Miss! What are you doing? If you stand like that, you’ll fall behind! Hurry up and come over here!” someone spoke to me, who was standing still in one place watching the Hunters. It was an older woman who seemed to be the same age as my mom.


“Are you sad that the Hunters didn’t follow us? Don’t be too disappointed. Still, those Hunters have looked after us a lot.”


The lady held my hand tightly and diligently pursued the party.


A space with corpses and bloodstains. The giant wasps’ and the dead Rosemary Guild Hunters’ corpses were mixed together to create a scene from a monster movie.


As the pseudo-religious leader said six years ago, the reality was created when the gate opened.


If it hadn’t been opened, it would have been just a scene in a movie.

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“I’ve been caught up in a wave before, but no Hunters helped ordinary people at that time. If the government Hunters didn’t come in time, I would’ve already died.” The aunt smiled as we circled around the giant wasp’s carcass.


Uncharacteristically for a face that spoke of death, she was smiling.


“Don’t worry too much. As you said to that Hunter earlier, if we were going to die, we would have died a long time ago.”


The bodily fluids of the monsters and the blood of the dead Hunters clung to the soles of the shoes.


The damp hem of the trousers was jammed with filthy things.


The path to go by relying on the small orb of light and cell phone flashes led to a mountain of cold corpses.




A child’s cry was heard again.


The warmth that warmed my cold hand left with the sound of a crying child.


The woman who walked holding my hand tightly went to the mother of the child to soothe the crying child.


Bang, bang, bang-!


There was an explosion from the far end of the subway station.


There was the sound of a strong wind, and an unpleasant smell mixed with the scent of unknown flowers.


Dozens of flickering lights and blue trajectories poured like meteors.


The scene of Daybreak’s 3rd raiding party against the Red Dragon Army.


“Hey, ma’am. Can’t you stop him? What if monsters come after hearing the sound? We’re all going to die!” the man carrying the light orb screamed in annoyance.


The child’s mother bent over and apologized, saying she was sorry, and did not stop soothing the child, but the eyes around her were still cold.

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I shook my cell phone, looking sourly at the scene, which was like a comedy. Even with multiple flashes, it was still dark.


The hurried group stopped moving for a moment because of the ignited discord.


A man in a suit told people to abandon those who threatened their survival, and people were agitated.


It goes without saying that your life is more valuable than the lives of others. It wasn’t strange for them to worry.


I have seen many such people. People who coldly remove risk factors in the face of a crisis.


To put it bluntly, those Hunters also eliminated us, the risk factor. I’m not even impressed anymore.


“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’ll try to calm the child quickly, so please don’t leave me behind…”


The child’s mother, who was comforting her child, was also crying. But people didn’t even have the slightest sympathy because, at this rate, the child would kill everyone.


To be honest, it was natural to leave her behind. If I were an ordinary person with no power, I certainly would have left her, too.




A seven-year-old child clung behind her mother and looked at her crying brother.


I saw people who spat out swear words harshly, people who brushed them off, and the man who was the leader of this group.


They seemed determined to abandon them.




The monsters’ cries echoing through the basement grew louder and louder.


I looked at the backs of those who had decided to leave them behind, then directed my flash around.


The Hunters were all fighting against the Red Dragon Army that came out of the gate, and the Garuda Army that came out from the previous wave and remained on this line was approaching here.

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It wasn’t a good situation. At this rate, everyone would die as predicted.


“What are you doing, lady?! Hurry up and follow these people. You’ll be in trouble if you stay here!”


“You didn’t go either, madam. There are also children here.”


“Augh, what madam? Call me auntie. And we’ll be fine. We just need to hide for a while. Actually, my older sister is an A+-class Hunter, and I called her earlier. She will come soon So, lady, don’t worry about us and follow them quickly. It’s dangerous.”


I saw her face as she patted me on the shoulder.


She was trembling and laughing; she didn’t look okay at all.


“All right. Follow me, auntie. Ma’am, you should follow me, too.”


“The baby is crying like this. How can I follow you? Come on, good boy. Behave, okay?” she started to soothe the crying child again, and the mother took the older child’s hand.


I looked at them quietly and looked up.


The flapping of the giant wasps’ wings could be heard from ahead. And the screaming.


Soon the wind carried the scent of human blood. And the wasp larvae ate meat.


Perhaps those who went ahead became a meal for the larvae.


It was a few minutes marked by screams. I opened my mouth looking at the stiff women a few minutes later, “It seems that all the people who went ahead are dead.” I didn’t want to do a fact-check like this, but I had nothing else to say.


This is why people have to stay calm in the rear.


All the people who went ahead died, and we were put in front of a crisis of desperation.


“What shall we do now?” the mother of the child, who embraced the older and the smaller child, said with tears in her eyes.


The woman, who had been smiling, pretending to be okay, nervously chewed on her lip and picked up her phone. She seemed to be trying to call her older sister, who was said to be an A+ Hunter.

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But what? The wasps were already just around the corner.


I lifted my phone up with only 17% battery remaining. The brightly lit cell phone flash illuminated the exoskeleton of a giant wasp.


Several monsters stained with human blood were slowly approaching.


“Hold this and stay here quietly.”


I didn’t want to step up, but I couldn’t.


I snapped my knuckles and handed my cell phone to the aunt.


Then I ran towards the approaching monsters.


“Miss! Miss!! What are you going to do?!! Come back quickly!!!”


The Garuda Army, which takes the form of wasps, is characterized by its hard exoskeleton. The exoskeleton is extremely hard and impenetrable, but the inside is fragile and soft, with a black and glossy body, black wings, a grossly outstretched lower jaw, and large hairy forelimbs.


I jumped up on a wasp’s forepaw and kicked it at the giant eye.


Its bodily fluids burst, torso wriggled horribly, wings rubbed together, and front feet moved wildly.


The current flowing through my fingertips baked the wasp’s outer skin. Lightning struck through the air, followed by thunder, and bursts of flash.


The few wasps that had approached were soon burned up, leaving a pile of ashes on the ground.


I turned my head, disgusted by the monsters’ bodily fluids soaking my thin clothes.


They were looking at me with stupid faces.


“Miss… did you just awaken?”


And the questions were even dumber.

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