I stood in agony in front of the wasps that had been burnt without leaving a trace.

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Well, how should I put it?


“Actually, I’m-”


…that Finger Technique who can’t even spend money working for world peace?


That Finger Technique who earns money to buy Capri Sun?


That Finger Technique who’s forced to live a life of small but certain happiness?


That Finger King who’s the strongest in the universe?


Whatever it was, I couldn’t reveal that I was the Finger Prince.


I was silent as I looked at the ashes floating in the air. It was a method I chose because it was difficult to find a distant mountain to stare at.


“Minju, to the right! Your right!”


“Seobin! Hey! Where are you going, dude?!”


Unlike our silent side, it was still noisy where the Hunters were.


Come to think of it, the Red Dragon’s outburst seems to have gotten worse than before. Has the support finally arrived?


I turned my head toward the gate where the monsters came out.


A massive scimitar danced with the flames.


A middle-aged woman wearing orange hiking sunglasses was defeating the Red Dragon Army in her hiking suit.


I couldn’t fathom how strong her flame was, seeing the Daybreak’s 3rd raiding party and the remaining civil servant Hunters falling into spectators.


“There’s another Hunter at the gate now.” I quickly changed the subject to avoid explaining the situation.


Is that the older sister the auntie mentioned? My guess should be right.


“Really? I heard that your eyes get better when you awaken. I guess it’s true. Who is it? A government Hunter?”


“No. A fire attribute Hunter who uses a scimitar. She’s now handling all the monsters by herself.”


“Oh, it’s my sister! My sister is finally here!” the auntie clapped her hands and jumped for joy. I thought I was the only one surprised.

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OMG. That old-fashioned Hunter is your older sister? Anyone can tell she’s younger than you.


Well, they said that the Awakened ages slowly.


Awakening itself was no different from metamorphosis, so sometimes there were cases of rejuvenation.


Braided white hair, dragon-shaped flames, and a scimitar that swings cheerfully to crush and slash enemies.


There was only one Hunter in Korea with such a fighting style.


The strongest Hunter among the A-class Hunters in Korea, a Hunter who’s attracting attention as soon-to-become an S-class.


9th in the country. Fire Dragon Natural Dream, one of the few people who can stand against Daybreak.


“Since my older sister is here, this wave will be sorted out soon. Those good Hunters from earlier will be able to return safely. It’s good, it’s good.”


Most people think, ‘If those Hunters had taken care of us until the end, we wouldn’t have almost died.’


If I had been a genuine ordinary person, I would’ve thought so, too.


Government Hunters work for the public good, and Hunters belonging to guilds all work for private interests.


Even though everyone knows this concept, we naturally expect them to protect us.


Ordinary people do not know the rank of monsters because they do not have terminals. They don’t know the rank of the wave, and there’s no way to protect themselves.


So, even if Hunters run to the high-ranking monsters for the profits that fell after the attack, ordinary people who don’t know anything will think this way, ‘Ah! They care more about their money than our lives! That’s why I almost died!’


People cheer for Hunter’s heroism. However, if their image deviates from the hero even once, they curse and blame them.


Those who are now dead must’ve resented Daybreak Guild before they died.


They would’ve resented the Hunters since they died because they didn’t protect them, even though they didn’t have to protect anyone at all.


Well, it is natural to be resentful. There’s no such thing as a hero.


As much as Finger King is famous, there are a lot of people who dislike Finger King.


Look. Even now, I’m the only one who said that things got bigger because those Hunters missed the timing.


“Miss, we’re going to find a way out, but what are you going to do? Since you’ve just awakened, are you going to try your best?”

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So I was intrigued by these people.


In times of crisis, it is normal to think that a person with power will protect you, but someone doesn’t think that way.


A person who helps others, understands others, and is resolute in the face of crisis.


‘Mom! You said you’d be in a shelter! Where did you go?!’


‘There were people lying outside the shelter. If I hadn’t brought them, they would probably have all died.’


‘The other Hunters will take care of it. Why did you go there?! You’re not even Awakened!’


People like my mom. People who are different from me.


“I’ll go with you. There could be monsters left.”


I hope everyone in the world does this, but it’s hard to find someone like that.


I’m not that kind of person. If I were an ordinary person, I would’ve abandoned them.


They would’ve been larvae’s meal. Like those who are already meatballs.


It is not useless to say that there’s nothing wrong with listening to adults.


Everyone tells you to live a good life. And I got this result because I live kindly. Although honestly, it’s all because of luck.


I brushed the ashes off my shoulder and took off my hat. There was also a pile of ashes on top of the hat.


Ugh, this is why I don’t use lightning. I can’t do it in moderation.


I took my cell phone from the auntie again and put on my hat.


The child’s mother held her little child, who had stopped crying, and the older child also held her mother’s hand tightly.


“Then which way should we go?”


“Let’s go to the end for now. Usually, the stairs are at the end.” The auntie, who introduced herself as having 30-year experience in riding the subway, took the lead.


Is having 30 years of subway riding experience the same as a restaurant with 30 years of tradition? Somehow I don’t trust it.


I walked after the auntie leading with the flash on as if she wasn’t scared of the wasps’ bodies.


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On the gate side, a dragon made of flames was eating the Red Dragon Army with its tongue flapping.


I knew that lady was amazing, but I didn’t expect her younger sister to be as impressive. This side is great, and that side is great. What a great sister combo.


On our way to the exit, we encountered the wasps that the dead Hunters had not yet disposed of again and again.


Whenever that happened, I would quietly step forward and electricize them. Since Finger Technique is known for their body enhancement and fire attribute, this can be seen as a preparation to avoid suspicion.


Well, who would think that Rank 1 would be pretending to be a normal person? … Still, you never know.


A huge wasp, burnt to the surface with a flash of light, fell to the floor with a thud.


I raised my hand to deal with the wasp that rushed after me.


A blue trajectory darted forward, then a blue arrow that tore through the air was lodged in the wasp’s exoskeleton, followed by a blue light exploding as soon as it penetrated the wasp’s interior.


“Is everyone okay?”


The mastermind, who shot and killed several monsters, aimed his bow at the monster whose outer shell was burnt in the electricity.


Subsequently, the arrow stuck in the monster’s head exploded, and the monster’s head also exploded.


“Oh, my God. That Hunter came back to protect us now?” the auntie holding my shoulder covered her mouth with her hand and whispered softly.


I nodded my head, feeling cold sweat running down my back. I guess it looks like that.


The chick Hunter, who confirmed and killed the monster wriggling in a roasted state, lowered his bow and came this way.


Seeing the strange expression on his face, it seemed that he thought the composition of the survivors was strange.


Well, it must be strange.


Right now, only one exam school student wearing a hat and sunglasses, a middle-aged woman, two small children, and only one mother survived.


“Everyone else…?”


Like the trajectory seen earlier, the blue irises rolled around.


I put my hand lightly on the shoulder of the auntie who opened her mouth to say something and started first. 


“They’re all dead.”


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“They went first. They say that when a child cries, the risk of being caught by monsters increases.”


An unexpected troubled expression appeared on the chick Hunter’s face.


You didn’t even think of a situation like this, did you? That’s true. A week-old Hunter doesn’t know anything.


It looks like he’s never been involved in dungeons or waves.


“Then how did you survive? The Garuda Army are under the King of Greed, so they must’ve found another prey immediately.”


“I also think it was a very difficult situation. We almost died, too. But you know that law when you’re about to die? So we saw it.”


I clasped my hands like a drug dealer, closed my eyes, and opened them.


The group’s gaze at me screamed, “What the hell is she doing?”


I’m sure you guys think I’m weird. But I don’t think I can help it either.


“We saw a super-duper-ultra Hunter passing while overturning all the wasps in this area,” I spoke very seriously, solemnly, and honestly.


Others, dumbfounded by my words, objected, but I did not accept it.


“Hey, miss. The one who defeated the wasp was you…”


“No, it’s not.”


“Hey, I saw lightning earlier, too…”


“I’m telling you it’s not.”


In a situation where everyone said I did it, I persevered and went my own way.


My mom was like that, too. A person who is swayed by others cannot be a leader.


“Oh, I didn’t do it. It was a super-special Hunter that passed by.”


I heard you’ve got FingerT in position. I think FingerT beat them. Hurry up! Think like that!


I had a snowball fight with the bitter-looking chick Hunter and expressed that my argument was not wrong.


It was the other side that gave up first.

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