I came to my senses and looked around, and changed the subject.

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“Are we on our way back to the hut?”

Kayden, who was looking at me, ruffled his hair as if in trouble and sighed.

“Yes. But I don’t know where this is. I move based on the location of the cliff, but……”

“How long have I been asleep?”

“When I woke up, it was midday. I didn’t wake you up because you were sleeping too deeply.”

At Kayden’s words, I struggled to forget what had happened a while ago.

Then I walked again with him.

“It’ll be easier to find out our location if I have my bag.”

“What do you mean?”

“I drew a map of the island. It was in the bag I used to carry.”

I won’t be able to find it anyway, so what’s the point of saying it? There were grenades left in the hut, but my flare gun was wasted. What should I do?

“I wish I have my flare gun too. If I shoot it in the sky, someone in the hut might see it.”

I mumbled and sighed, wondering what I should do.

The cliff presumed to be the place we fell from was the largest and highest compared to the surrounding cliffs, so it was visible from a distance.

I crouched down and drew on the ground with my index finger.

“Kayden, think about it. Assuming that the distance from here to that cliff is five kilometers……”

Kayden crouched down with me and watched my calculations on the ground.

“What is a kilometer?”

‘Damn it, the calculation method is different.’

I diligently rummaged through Margaret’s memory, but Margaret was not at all interested in mathematics.

I sighed and continued to explain, “Let’s calculate the distance and time from here to there. If that cliff is not the cliff we fell from, and if we are on the other side of the river, then we have to go back to the starting location.”

“You’re trying to figure out the efficiency. I got it. I’ve been thinking about it. I walked about three thousand steps from the river to here. Looking at the tilt of the sun, I think it took about thirty minutes.”

I watched him calculate time and distance using methods from another world.

“I need to calculate the time again considering the angle of the cliff.”

Kayden eagerly began calculating the time with his finger on the ground.

“If that cliff is not the one we fell from, it will take at least two days or more to get back to the hut.”

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“Let’s say it’s the cliff we fell from. Then it will take a day to get back to the hut, right? Then, first of all, it’s better to get a day’s worth of food.”

He nodded at my words, cleaned his hands, and stood up.

“Now, we have to find a place to sleep first.”

Kayden said to me as he watched the sun begin to set. I followed his gaze and looked up at the sky.

“Enoch must be worried.”

I’ve had this happen before. When I was gone, Enoch had been looking for me all night.

This time will certainly be no different.

Enoch, who has completely erased his distrust of me, has always been kind to me without confusing me.


“I can’t survive on this island alone without you.”

“Margaret, I need you. So please don’t leave me.”


I remembered what Enoch had told me before.

Like a puppy who is really anxious when separated from its owner, he was so impatient that he could not think normally without me.

“I have to go back soon. Enoch is waiting for me.”

As I muttered while walking blankly following Kayden,

“Margaret,” he called me in a low voice.

“Do you like the crown prince or me?”

His question sounds like jealousy, so I’m a little puzzled.

“Why are you asking that?”

“I’m just curious. Hm? Answer me.”

Kayden stopped walking and urged me to answer.

“I like Ruzef.”

I mentioned the name of a person he didn’t even mention in a playful tone. And it was just a light joke……

“That bastxrd, I didn’t like him from the start.”

But Kayden took it seriously. He even got angry. I looked at him with a puzzled look.

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Kayden seriously grabbed me by the shoulders and asked me again, “What do you like about that bastxrd? Margaret, tell me.”

Kayden’s pretty face was right in front of mine.

I just stared blankly like a fool at his terrifying red eyes blazing like fire.

“Sigh…… I can’t even joke with you.”


Kayden raised his eyebrows, not understanding what I was saying. Sigh. I shook my head.

“It’s my fault. I won’t joke with you anymore.”

Kayden still had a face that didn’t understand what I was saying, so I forced myself to change the topic.

“Do we have to go to the cliff? There may be other shortcuts.”

Kayden, who was staring at me, scratched his head and turned his gaze.

“No, it’s better to go to the cliff. There was too much risk to find another way. And you might find your bag on the cliff.”

“Didn’t it fall into the river?”

“No. I didn’t see it.”

I also sighed after Kayden.

“We really are like losers.”

The sky was already getting dark.


Kayden cursed again.

First of all, we decided to find a place to spend the night. Fortunately, we did not wander around for long and found a suitable place.

There was room to hide under the huge tree roots, and we decided to spend the night there.

It was very similar to the place where Ruzef had hidden us, who had fainted from the poison gas of the anaconda monsters.

“There are many things like this in this forest. Where we live, the roots are not like this.”

I brought twigs and fallen leaves and muttered as I set the bed.

Then, Kayden, who was sitting next to me, responded.

“I know. I think each area has its own characteristics.”


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After listening to Kayden’s answer, I paused and put the puzzle pieces together.

Only wolf-type monsters appeared near the cave where we first stayed.

Next, anaconda-type monsters and a tarantula-type monster appeared near the hut. Is this a coincidence?

“As if someone had set it that way on purpose.”

The name Alea kept popping up in my mind.

“Is someone locking us up and doing an experiment?”

Kayden, who was sensitive to the word ‘experiment’, responded seriously.

“I don’t know either. The only clue I found was ‘Alea’.”

“That damn Alea.”

Kayden gritted his teeth.

However, it was still not certain that it was Alea’s work. It’s all just conjecture.

Besides, I don’t know what variables have arisen because I, who should have died in the original story, am still alive.

‘It seems like a lot has already changed, but what should I do? I have to live too.’

According to the original story, if we survived without dying for a year, we could escape the island. But the problem is that we still don’t even know where the escape gate opens.

If the key Yuanna has is the escape key, we might be able to escape right away without waiting for a long year.

“By the way, didn’t you see an orangutan monster in the area where wolf-type monsters live?”

At my question, Kayden tilted his head.

“I did. Is it a mutant? But I don’t think I’ve seen anything other than it.”

I turned to Kayden with a serious face and came up with the hypothesis I had thought of.

“Originally, the habitats of the monsters were divided, but if the boundary were to collapse due to the evolution of the monsters, that might be the explanation.”

“No, it doesn’t make sense even with the hypothesis you mentioned earlier. It’s true that there are fixed habitats for monsters, but someone is deliberately manipulating them.”

“Well, unlike the others, the orangutan seemed to be looking for people as if it had some intelligence.”

I was hiding in a crevice of a rock, but the orangutan knew where I was and stop right in front of me. As I recalled the situation at that time, I got goosebumps and trembled.

Suddenly, my stomach growled loudly to announce my hunger.

‘I have to eat something first.’

After pondering for a while, I sharpened the branch with Kayden’s dagger. Kayden asked with a puzzled face, “Huh? What are you going to do?’

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“I’m preparing to hunt.”

“At this night? Are you crazy?”

“I know I’m crazy. But we haven’t eaten since yesterday. If we don’t eat anything, it will be difficult to move tomorrow.”

Kayden couldn’t refute my words and got up. Then he started preparing to hunt with me.

“I think it would be better to make a fish trap. There will be a limit to how many fish can be caught with a harpoon tonight.”

“What is a fish trap?”

“It’s a tool for catching fish. I’ll make it, you can help me.”

At my words, Kayden nodded and helped me make a fish trap.

I went to the valley with Kayden with the fish trap we just made.

Hearing the sound of the flowing stream, I soon found a wide valley with flowing water.

“We have to put the bait in the fish trap, so let’s catch the fish with the harpoon first.”

The good news is that today the sky was clear without a single cloud.

Since it was a wide valley, there were no trees to block the sky, and I felt safe to some extent, perhaps because of the full moonlight.

‘I wish I had a flashlight.’

With that thought in mind, I tried to catch fish with a harpoon, but it wasn’t easy because I didn’t have a flashlight.

I think two hours have passed. Although it was difficult to catch fish with a harpoon, I managed to catch crucian carp for bait.

And Kayden, who was still struggling to catch fish, looked at the palm-sized crucian carp in my hand and made a desperate face.

“I also want to get the education taught by the Duke of Floné.”

I shrugged, trimmed the crucian crap for bait, and put it in the fish trap.

“I told you, I’m a weirdo. There are some secrets I don’t want people to know.”

Kayden nodded as if understood. The expression ‘secrets I don’t want people to know’ seems to have convinced him.

“Well, who would have known that the Young lady of Floné has the knowledge of survival?”

Kayden, who was watching me carefully put the fish trap into the valley water, murmured. He misunderstood or not, I don’t care anymore.

I got up and nodded at him. It meant to go back.

And when I returned to the place where I had made the bed, I found a familiar twinkle there.

There was a silvery egg under the roots of the tree as if waiting for me.

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