It felt like the hairs all over my body were standing up.

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When I saw it last time, it was as big as a fist, but this time it seems to have grown bigger.

“What’s this, Margaret? Isn’t this like the one we saw on the cliff?”

Kayden frowned and crouched down to look at the egg.

“I…… I think it has grown.”


“And it keeps following me.”

“This is……?”

Kayden looked at me and the egg in turn with a look of disbelief.

“Well, it’s strange that something you left in the forest was found on a cliff.”

“But what if this really is a monster egg?”

Hearing my words, Kayden stared at the silver egg with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“It’s a strange egg, so it’s better to get rid of it.”

As Kayden reached out to touch the egg, I hurriedly grabbed his wrist. He looked at me with a puzzled face.

“I’ll do it. What if you get hurt?”

Kayden immediately withdrew his hand. Once again, black smoke came out of the egg. Kayden stared at the egg in surprise.

“Be careful, Margaret.”

I nodded and carefully picked up the egg.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just that the egg is a little warm.”

I looked at the egg again. Why does it keep getting bigger? How big will it grow?

“I think this is indeed a monster egg. It’s strange that an egg that was originally the size of a finger could grow this big.”

Kayden nodded at my words.

“Let’s just throw it away.”

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I nodded and followed him, laying the egg down in the forest far from my bed.

And we quietly went back and slept under the tree roots.

I went inside and Kayden was lying on the side of the entrance, but the inside was cramped, so I had no choice but to lie close to him.

It was uncomfortable and I kept rolling around.

A thick arm wrapped around my waist. I felt a firm, warm embrace on my back.

Astonished, I looked up stiffly, and I met Kayden’s red eyes.

“You look uncomfortable. I think this will be better. It’s cramped,” he said dryly as if not interested.

I just blinked while in his arms. Kayden didn’t seem really interested in doing anything, so it would be weird if I pushed him away.

In fact, it was easier to fall asleep when I was hugged in the cramped room under the roots of this tree.

In the end, I closed my eyes in his arms without any objection.

Suddenly, Kayden broke the silence by asking, “Margaret, don’t you think it’d be okay for us to just stay together like this?”

He asked me in a low voice, as if in a whisper.

I rested my face on his chest, then raised my head carefully.

I met Kayden’s red eyes again. He looked down at me and asked in a hoarse voice.

“Would you like to leave just with me?”

Obviously, Enoch had made this suggestion to me as well. ‘Let’s just leave together. Like the first time.’ Something like that.

“……even if we go together. It’s meaningless without the key that the Saintess has.”

Besides, there was a survival kit (medicine and extra grenades, etc.) in Kayden’s backpack in the hut.

Rather than answering ‘I want to leave’ or ‘I don’t want to leave’ with him, I gave him realistic answers.

The red eyes staring at me narrowed as if they were guessing what I was thinking.

“You only have survival in your head, don’t you?”

“Then what else should I think about in this situation?”

At my question, Kayden opened his eyes wide for a moment and burst out laughing. Maybe because I was in his arms, I could feel his chest moving up and down clearly.

After a while, Kayden looked at me with a pretty smile. His face was too close.

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“Well, I like it. Don’t change and stay like that.”

He gently hugged me tightly. Then he leaned his chin on my head and said, “Anyway, you’re going to respond to others like that, right?”

At his words, I nodded without saying a word.

“That’s okay then,” he said with a smile.

Of course, I had no idea what he meant and just blinked confusedly in his arms.

What the hell did he mean?


14. Picking up Eunji by Accident


When I opened my eyes, I was still in Kayden’s arms.

Since we were facing each other, we naturally maintained our body temperature, so we could fall asleep without shaking in the cold.

I looked at Kayden’s child-like face, who was sleeping soundly.

‘Your sleeping face is like an angel, too.’

It would be great to get a little bit of madness out of your eyes.

I got up carefully and got out from under the tree roots. Then I sat quietly at the entrance of the tree root and looked up blankly at the sky.

The sun is up.


And just then, there was a sound of something moving nearby.

I drew Kayden’s dagger and looked around. My shoulders were stiff due to tension.

I thought monsters wouldn’t appear because the sun was up, but didn’t monsters appear even when the sun went down? You never know.

Then I saw a silvery round object through the grass and sighed.

“Sigh…… is it you again? I’m tired now.”

It was the silver egg I saw before. Now, it was obvious that this egg was following me.

I mean…… I don’t know how I got followed by a round egg without eyes, nose, or mouth.

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It’s impossible to determine whether that creature is dangerous or not because I don’t even know what kind of creature it is.

I crouched down in front of the egg while propping my chin to observe it.



The silver egg began to crack.

“What the……?”

I was so startled that I couldn’t even move and just stared at the egg.


The top of the egg cracked and something was wriggling inside.

What the hell, am I dreaming?

And when I saw something slippery sticking its head through the cracked shell, I screamed and stepped back.

“Ahh! sna- sna- snake……!”


Kayden, who woke up in surprise at my screams, came up to me with a sleepy face and pulled me into his arms.

“You startled me.”

Kayden rubbed his eyes and buried his face in my shoulder.

“This is not the time for unnecessary touches.”

I pushed him away, warning him, and looked at the baby snake coming out of the egg.

Luxurious silver scales sparkling through the shell caught my eye. It had been wriggling for a while and then pushed its head out.


I was so surprised that I almost fell back screaming, but Kayden gently grabbed my shoulder again.

However, the baby snake must have been startled by my scream, so it trembled and then hurriedly hid its head inside the shell.

After hiding in the shell for a while, the baby snake carefully poked its head out of the shell again.

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Then, when its eyes met mine again, it flinched and hid again inside the shell.

‘That thing that looks like an earthworm is shyer than I thought.’

I calmed down my startled heart as I watched the baby snake repeatedly sticking its head out and hiding.

“I don’t think it’s a monster.”

Do you mean you’re not sure if it’s a monster or not?

I backed away and hid behind Kayden’s back. I peeked at the baby snake from behind Kayden’s back, but the baby snake that made eye contact with me flinched again.

The baby snake wriggled in its shell and hid itself like me.

Kayden crossed his arms and looked at me and the baby snake in turn.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m shy.”

“With a baby snake?”


In response to my answer, Kayden looked back at me as if it was funny. Somehow, he seems to find me cute.

Thanks for thinking me cute, but I hope you do something about that snake.

“Do you think it’s just a snake?”

At my question, Kayden looked at it carefully again.

“Well, it doesn’t look like a monster.”

Come to think of it, didn’t it follow me like a ghost even when it was an egg? Could it have done that if it wasn’t a monster……?

As time passed, the fear seemed to have disappeared, and the creature pulled itself out through its shell.

I muttered quietly while looking at it, “If it’s not a monster but an ordinary snake, it would be better to catch it……”

“Yes? Why?”

Kayden asked me with a confused look.

“It has a lot of protein. I’m hungry now.”

As soon as I finished my words, the baby snake startled and hurriedly hid inside the shell again.

It seems that it really understands what people are saying.

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