Chapter 1: Fully Awake

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[ Mian’an City, Yamu Villa District, Inside of Song Family’s Villa POV ]

The cell phone rang suddenly, breaking the tranquility of the room and disturbing Song Xingcheng, who had been sleeping restlessly in the middle of the big bed. He subconsciously frowned.

    When the next second came, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up on the bed, gasping for breath while his bright black eyes blankly swept across the familiar bedroom. His expression was in a trance, not knowing what was going on.

    Before waking up, Song Xingcheng had an unusually realistic dream, which was still lingering in his heart even now.

    In his dream, he saw a novel. In that novel, there was a character with the same name and surname as him. At first, he thought that the character was the protagonist, but later on, he found out that it was just cannon fodder. He looked dazed until he was woken up by the ringtone.

    After waking up, all reasoning has come to the surface and all the details neglected in the dream emerged. Song Xingcheng realized the misery of his predicament. The cannon fodder not only has the same name as him but also has the same background and experience. It was almost like himself…

    The annoying ringtone is still there, incessantly ringing as it interrupts Song Xingcheng’s daze. He wiped the cold sweat off his brow casually, followed the source of the noise, and took the mobile phone from the bedside table.

    The two words “Senior Wu” on the screen of the mobile phone are jumping with the ringtone, and the name that was previously entered with joy has now caused instant displeasure.

    Song Xingcheng raised his eyebrows. In his dream, he mistakenly thought that “Song Xingcheng” with the same name and surname was the dream’s protagonist because the plot was written from the perspective of “Song Xingcheng” at the beginning. But later on with the development of the plot, he realized that he was just cannon fodder to be used by the protagonist as a stepping stone.

    Coincidentally, at the beginning of the dream, the character named “Song Xingcheng” received a call early in the morning, a call from the real protagonist “Wu Jingran”.

    What’s even more coincidental is that in reality, Senior Wu’s name is Wu Jingran.

    Song Xingcheng turned his head to look at the electronic watch beside his bed. The date and time were exactly the same as those mentioned in his dream…

    Now that the phone really rang, could it be that the content of the dream was real?

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    Song Xingcheng shuddered uncontrollably.

    Ah, the air in early spring was still very cold.

He quickly laid down and wrapped himself in a warm blanket.

    At this time, the phone automatically hung up because the ringing time was too long. Song Xingcheng ignored it, opened the phone memo, and entered the plot of the dream by memory, taking advantage of the freshness of the dream to leave a record, while at the same time, sorting out his train of thought.

    Looking at the last recorded large keywords with some messy words that only he could understand, Song Xingcheng showed an angry expression on his delicate facial features. Because he had the same name and surname, he had a strong sense of substitution, and he was very angry at the experience of cannon fodder “Song Xingcheng”. Feeling miserable, he felt that the so-called “Protagonist” is deceiving people too much!

    While Song Xingcheng was angry, he casually opened the software of several social platforms and then entered keywords to search for the latest news. He stared at the photos and videos that popped up and his eyes widened in absolute horror.

    Could the content of the dream actually be true?!

    Song Xingcheng was so surprised that he couldn’t hold the phone steady. Because his hands were shaking, the phone dropped twice, and for the first time, it hit his face…

    Song Xingcheng couldn’t care about the pain on his face anymore. He sat down suddenly, quickly flipped through the news on the Internet as he crawled out of the bed in a hurry, put on pajamas casually, and rushed to the study like the wind.

    Song Xingcheng didn’t want the content of the novel he dreamed of to come true at all. The tragic experience of the character with the same name is just the secondary thing. The most important thing is that it is a novel about the end of the world!

    However, Song Xingcheng was dealt with a heavy blow by the Internet which hadn’t been shut down yet. Much information showed that zombies appeared in the real world…

The end of the world has come…

    According to the content of the novel, the meteor shower that caused the doomsday disaster was from the night before. In that super-large-scale meteor shower, a large number of extraterrestrial meteorites entered the orbit and fell to the ground.

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    The unknown substances carried by the meteorite spread rapidly all over the world, and without human beings noticing, the entire planet was changed.

    Then at eight o’clock in the morning of Anguo’s time, that is, twenty minutes before Song Xingcheng was awakened, an unknown mutation targeting humans suddenly broke out uniformly.

    Half of the humans on Blue Planet suddenly fainted for no reason, ranging from a few minutes to half an hour, and those who got up again turned into irrational zombies eager to devour human flesh and blood.

    The other half of the lucky humans were also having a hard time. If they fail to avoid the attack of the zombies, they will be eaten by the zombies or become new zombies after being injured.

    Even if you are lucky enough to escape the attack of the zombies temporarily, what you will face next will be disastrous situations such as having no form of rescue, no food, polluted water sources, no survival supplies, and a collapse in social order…

    The more Song Xingcheng recalls the content of the dream, the more serious his expression had become. He turned on the computer and quickly searched for information related to the meteor shower last night and how to increase survival. He quickly downloaded them and printed them out.

    The chaos has begun to emerge. The online world has been completely detonated by keywords such as “Zombies” and “The End of the World”. While printing, he did not forget to use his own travel account with more than 100,000 fans to forward and spread the news article.

    At 8:35 am, the computer network was suddenly disconnected, followed by the mobile phone network and signal.

    With no network or signal, Song Xingcheng couldn’t receive any news from outside. He left the mobile phone with multiple missed calls, arranged for the printer to continue working, and started running up and down to check the supplies in his home. He had a good idea of ​​the food stored at home.

    The good news is that the newly replenished staple food of rice and noodles at home is packed in 50 catties, which is enough for him to eat for more than two months; The third floor’s refrigerator is filled with his favorite grilled chicken, all kinds of seafood and meat are frozen in layers. The bad news is that fresh fruits and vegetables may not last for two weeks. Even if the grilled chicken can be stored at room temperature, he will have to eat sparingly, the original half-month quantity can be divided into two months, and you can only eat two packs a week…

    Song Xingcheng loves grilled chicken the most. He usually eats it as a snack. One pack a day is not a problem. If he is watching a football game or watching a movie, he can eat another pack. Good thing he just had a fresh grilled chicken delivered to himself.

    Thinking of the dream becoming a reality, it dawned on him that the end of the world has really come, and the grilled chicken will no longer be eaten after eating all his stock. Song Xingcheng suddenly feels sad, and sorrowful for his favorite grilled chicken.

    What’s worse is that there is no time for him to grieve. After he drank a glass of milk and took two slices of bread, Song Xingcheng continued to search every room in the house, trying to find more useful supplies while continuously whispering [Panel].

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    Now that the dream has become a reality, Song Xingcheng had no other choice but to believe that the cannon fodder in the dream was himself, and he really doesn’t want to accept that he will have the same fate in the future. It was so stupid; Falling in love with someone even though he hasn’t known them completely, spending all his wealth on a wedding dress that will be taken away by another person to use, and finally ruining his own life… It was so stupid that Song Xingcheng felt ashamed!

    As for the fact that his life might be a novel, Song Xingcheng didn’t have too much difficulty accepting it, and he didn’t have any thoughts of being devastated by the blow.

    His only thought is that even if the novel comes true, he will not accept his fate easily, he will rise up! He wants to be the protagonist!

    As the saying goes, If you Don’t want to be Cannon Fodder, Then be the Protagonist!

    He will absolutely never live his life as miserable as in the dream!

    He thinks about himself, Song Xingcheng, who came from a wealthy family and became a character who owned two residential/ apartment buildings when he was an adult. The rent of 40 houses provides him with millions of cash each year so that he doesn’t have to worry about money at all, and he can live a chic and happy life.

    And according to the information revealed in the dream, even if the end of the world comes, he still has a golden finger, and he will get awakened by a supernatural power.

    Not to mention that now that he got the plot spoiler in advance, Song Xingyan firmly believes that he is the darling of the heavens, and it really can’t be justified that someone as lucky as him can’t be the protagonist!

    Song Xingcheng is now discovering his talent. And according to the content of the dream, the cannon fodder “Song Xingcheng” will find out that he has a golden finger and a city management system a few days after the end of the world.

    As a city lord, as long as you pay energy points from the energy beads that are found inside the head of the zombies, you can build houses, farmland, factories, and shops in the real world, just like playing a business/ city management simulation game. If you succeed, you can build a super-large city with complete facilities.

    The control of the talent system relies on himself to provide energy beads, and he only needs to open the [Panel]. It is the most basic control command of the city management system.

    Now Song Xingcheng was wondering if will he still get the golden finger from the sky at the beginning of the end of the world, and if could he open the city management system in advance?

    After chanting a few times, a translucent operation panel really appeared in front of Song Xingcheng’s eyes as the [Panel] appear!

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    Song Xingcheng: ! ! !

    The operation panel is very clear and simple, with only a few icons here and there. The translucent icons do not block Song Xingcheng’s view of the real world.

    There are four circular icons arranged from left to right below the operation panel, which say [Task][Road Repair][Construction], and [Demolition].

    At this time, the [Road Repair] and [Construction] icons are colored, and the other two are gray.

    Song Xingcheng’s attention was focused on the [Construction] icon, thinking of opening construction, and the [Construction] icon immediately expanded to a large amount of content, including [Residential], [Agriculture], [Industry], [Commercial], [Technology] ], [Municipal], [Military] and a long list of secondary icons.

    Although the [Residence] icon is in color at this time, other icons are in a gray state that cannot be selected, but Song Xingcheng, who has played a business/ city management simulation game, knows that other icons will have a chance to be unlocked in the future.

    While Song Xingcheng was obsessed with studying his talent system, the video intercom at the door of the living room downstairs suddenly rang, and through the camera, he could see two people standing outside the Family Villa’s Gate.

    A man and a woman were ringing the doorbell in horror and observing the surroundings vigilantly. The boy among them was Wu Jingran, the senior Wu who had called many times before.

    What Song Xingcheng observed more carefully was the pure and beautiful girl next to him. She was the “Heroine” Su Xiner in his dream. She had a very powerful role.

    In the novel, “Song Xingcheng” picks up the mobile phone, and when he learns that Senior Wu is looking for temporary shelter, he readily agrees to the senior he has a crush on to come to his house as a guest but in the end, it turns out that The Wolf was Lured into the Chicken House after all.

    In reality, Song Xingcheng didn’t answer Wu Jingran’s call at all. Unexpectedly, Wu Jingran and Su Xiner still went straight to his home, which is quite interesting.

    Song Xingcheng walked to the screen to observe the two people outside the gate, feeling angry and curious.

    The camera is one-way so he is not worried that the two people outside will see him.

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