Chapter 2: Different Path

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[ Mian’an City, Yamu Villa District, Outside of Song Family’s Villa POV ]

“Brother Jingran, what should we do? Is your friend not at home?”

    Su Xiner’s tender little hands tightly grasped the corner of Wu Jingran’s clothes, her expression was terrified, and she was about to cry, her soft voice was trembling. Hearing that, Wu Jingran wished he could hold the beauty in his arms to comfort her.

    It’s a pity that the situation is not right, right now. Wu Jingran can only press his heart, as he looked at Su Xiner who keeps on ringing the doorbell while comforting her gently.

    “Xiner, don’t be afraid, no matter what happens, I will protect you!”

    Receiving Su Xiner’s moving and grateful eyes, Wu Jingran only felt a surge of heat in his heart and a surge of courage, as he calmed down from the shock he received from seeing the bloody scene of zombies. They were all hurting people in front of his very eyes.

    Thinking of zombies, Wu Jingran immediately looked around nervously, and at the same time knocked on the gate vigorously.

    He remembered that when they sneaked into the Yamu Villa District, the security guards in the sentry box at the Community Gate really didn’t advise to have them to stay outside. Now they can only hide in a solid building to give them a sense of security.

    But no matter how hard Wu Jingran knocked on the gate, there was no movement in the Villa. Nervous and anxious, Wu Jingran couldn’t help resenting Song Xingcheng who didn’t answer the phone nor opened the gate for them. Didn’t Song Xingcheng say that he was usually at home on weekends?

    Today is Saturday. Wu Jingran got up early and took the initiative to accompany the Goddess Su Xiner to a nearby commercial center to conduct social investigations. No one expected that before the investigation started, the two would witness the end of the world with their own eyes.

    When they were drinking coffee and discussing the plan, they suddenly saw more than a dozen people walking leisurely in the square. They collapsed one after another inexplicably. After a brief panic, some passers-by gathered around to check the situation, and some were afraid of trouble and stayed very far away.

    Wu Jingran took Su Xiner, who was terrified, to hide away, but he didn’t leave. He just waited in the distance to see the follow-up development.

    Unexpectedly, the situation took a worse turn!

    A few minutes later, two people who had fallen down stood up again, but they changed their appearance, their eyes turned white, their bodies were black and blue, and they rushed towards passers-by crazily, biting them crazily, causing the whole square to scream and flee in all directions.

    Wu Jingran and Su Xiner, who had watched a lot of TV dramas and movies, immediately thought of zombies. Of course, they both wanted to run, but after running a few steps, they found that there were people who fell on the ground everywhere on the road.

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    In a panic, Wu Jingran remembered that the Villa of Song Xingcheng’s family was nearby, so he hurriedly dragged Su Xiner to Song Xingcheng’s Villa.

    “Brother Jingran, your friend can’t be…couldn’t be…?”

    Su Xiner’s expression was terrified, and her voice tremblingly hinted at something. Although she didn’t finish her words, Wu Jingran already understood the meaning.

    Yes, Song Xingcheng said that he is usually at home on weekends, but now no one answers the call, and there is no response after knocking on the door for so long. Maybe it is because people have turned into zombies…

    Wu Jingran suddenly realized that, and then his heart moved. He stopped banging on the door and turned to observe whether there was any other way to enter Song Xingcheng’s Villa.

    Song Xingcheng’s house is a Detached Villa, not to mention a house of safety so there must be food stored in it. It is a good place to take refuge in the last days.

    It’s a pity that Song Xingcheng, who lives alone, is too vigilant. The Gate of his Villa is very tall and heavy. Su Xiner had to be pulled up and run to go to the depths of the district and find another available or vacant Villa to occupy.

[ Mian’an City, Yamu Villa District, Inside of Song Family’s Villa POV ]

    Song Xingcheng watched the two run away and probably guessed where Wu Jingran was going. There were also vacant Villas in the Yamu Villa District, but these had nothing to do with him. The annoying disturber finally left. Song Xingcheng turned his gaze to the distant Xinghu Lake.

    Yamu Villa District is an Old-Fashioned Luxury Villa District in Mian’an City. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has a beautiful environment. According to the developers, the Villas are built one after another surrounding hundreds of acres of Xinghu Lake.

    From the height of each villa, you can enjoy the Xinghu Lake, located at the foot of the mountain, and the surrounding large green space without affecting the surrounding neighbors. The landscape and privacy are excellent.

    Song Xingcheng’s study room connects the second and third floors of the Villa. Bright sunlight shines through the large floor-to-ceiling windows on the flax-colored carpet in the study room, the central desk, and the sky-high bookcases on both walls.

    Song Xingcheng climbed up the book ladder, sat at the top, summoned his system operation panel, and studied it carefully.

    In the game, it costs gold coins to build buildings, but in reality, Song Xingcheng, who is the Lord of the City, needs to spend energy points to build buildings.

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    At this time, the upper right corner of the operation panel displayed the initial energy points owned by Song Xingcheng, which was only 5 points, but it was just enough to build a [Small Wooden House].

    Song Xingcheng operated the system panel more and more flexibly. He opened the [Construction] icon, selected the second-level icon [Residence], and then saw the colored third-level icon [Small Wooden House] that was lighting up.

    With a thought, a translucent wooden house model suddenly appeared in the center of the field of vision, moving flexibly with the focus of Song Xingcheng’s sight.

    Song Xingcheng, who sat on the top of the book ladder, looked into the distance and his sweeping eyes fell on the large green area around Xinghu Lake at the foot of the mountain. Vertical and horizontal green grid lines appeared in his vision, just waiting for him to settle the translucent wooden house model on a certain grid middle.

    Because the distance is too far, the grid looks very small, but the size of the [Small Wooden House] is in fact, 10 meters by 10 meters.

    Song Xingcheng selected the grid, and a building surrounded by a fence suddenly appeared on the green land by Xinghu Lake. If someone approached at this time, they could still hear the chaotic sounds of clanging in the fence.

    Song Xingcheng glanced at the zero-returned energy point on the upper right corner of the operation panel, and then looked at the cabin under construction in the distance, with a bright smile on his face and crooked eyebrows. He seemed to be in a good mood.

    The [Small Wooden House] takes 10 minutes to build. And then Song Xingcheng will have a cleaner and safer house.

    Song Xingcheng, who has only seen the introduction of wooden houses in novels, really wants to go to see the magical system house up close, although it is just a simple wooden house, because of the built-in “no entry except the owner and with the owner’s permission” Sure, in some cases it is safer than a solid villa.

    It’s a pity that it can’t be done now, Song Xingcheng is not going to reveal that this small wooden house has something to do with him for the time being.

    In the novel, “Song Xingcheng” is someone who believes in people he trusts. He exposed his talent too early and was fully utilized by other people. Song Xingcheng learned his lesson and must stick to his secrets.

    Unable to observe nearby, Song Xingcheng searched for a telescope/binoculars, waited patiently for the small wooden house to be built, and then admired his small wooden house from a distance, feeling very satisfied.

    Song Xingcheng put down the binoculars and noticed a new icon lit up on the operation panel, which was the [Task] icon on the home page.

    He opened the [Task] icon, and Song Xingcheng saw the conditions for the city upgrade:


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    1. Build 5 Small Wooden House (1/5)

    2. Build 1 Water Supply Plant (0/1)


    In addition, the home page icon [Construction] Two new secondary icons are also lit up, namely [Technology] and [Municipality].

    Under these two second-level icons, there is a third-level icon, [Water Supply Technology] and [Water Supply Plant].

    The construction of 5 small wooden houses required by the upgrade task is easy to understand, but the construction of the water supply plant is full of twists and turns.

    According to the experience mentioned in the novel, Song Xingcheng needs to spend 5 energy points to research [Water Supply Technology] before unlocking the construction of [Water Supply Plant].

    Song Xingcheng did the math, which meant that he needed to spend about 35 energy points to be promoted to a level 2 City.

    Huh, the long journey has just begun, and there is still a long way to go.

    Just as Song Xingcheng was feeling emotional, the printer behind him suddenly paused. Song Xingcheng looked back, and the computer screen was already black. He tried to press the headlight switch, and sure enough, the power was cut off.

    Fortunately, the household solar generator started running quickly, and Song Xingcheng ran up and down to manually turn off most of the home appliances, giving priority to keeping the refrigerator running.

    He conveniently filled the bathtubs and several containers in the bathrooms with water. The novel mentioned that the water source would be polluted and would be undrinkable. Fortunately, it is still early days, and the stored water can be used for daily life.

    When the water is used up, he may be able to use the clean water supplied by the system water supply plant in his wooden house.

    Song Xingcheng, who was constantly thinking in his mind, continued to rummage through various rooms in the house, counting and sorting out useful supplies. He also accidentally found an old radio that belonged to his grandfather. Fortunately, it still works with batteries.

    So, after counting the supplies at home, Song Xingcheng sat on the carpet in front of the French window of the study with the radio and a bunch of printed materials in his arms, studying and observing the situation outside the window.

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    The plot ratio of the Yamu Villa District is extremely low but the distance between the Single-Family Villas is large. There are less than 80 villas in total, and the residents are sparse and scattered. Song Xingcheng looks out of the window, and most of the time, he looks peaceful.

    Only the occasional passing car would let him see something unusual. Although no car stopped to communicate with him, the bodies of the three luxury cars that passed successively had signs of collision damage, and one of them even had a large area of blood. This can explain the problem very well, the outside is already chaotic…

There was another movement outside the window, Song Xingcheng, who was buried in the data, looked quickly, and vaguely saw a shambling figure approaching through the branches.

    Song Xingcheng immediately leaned forward, his face almost pressed against the glass, staring at the shaking figure. Sure enough, within two minutes, a hideous and terrifying zombie moved into his field of vision.

    He saw that the zombie’s skin was black and blue. Its eyes were white, its mouth was wide open showing sharp teeth, and it made a growling sound. The most terrifying thing was that the zombie’s face was covered with bright red blood. There are still pieces of meat left on the sharp nails…

    Even though Song Xingcheng knew that the zombies below couldn’t hear him, Song Xingcheng couldn’t help covering his mouth and slowly going backward, and subconsciously wanted to move his eyes away, but for some reason, he forced himself to look at the Zombie. He must get acquainted with this life-and-death enemy as soon as possible.

    Just as Song Xingcheng was frantically thinking about whether to smash the flowerpot that could kill the zombie, the sound of a car came from afar.

    A few seconds later, two off-the-road vehicles drove into Song Xingcheng’s field of vision, and the zombies who had been swaying slowly turned around and rushed towards the off-the-road vehicles after hearing the sound.

    Under Song Xingcheng’s anxious onlookers, the leading off-the-road vehicle not only did not speed up to escape but kept on decelerating.

    The driver couldn’t possibly be not scared, right? It’s too late to slow down and turn around so it’s better to speed up and run over to kill the zombies!

    Song Xingcheng clenched his hands nervously, squeezing himself against the floor-to-ceiling window, shouting and commanding silently.

    Then he saw the window of the off-the-road vehicle lowered, and a hand holding a pistol stretched out of the window.

    “Crack!”, after a slight sound from the gun, a hole was blown in the head of the zombie who was only five or six meters away from the driving position and shouted roaring in excitement. It fell silent suddenly and then fell backward, unable to move at all.

    Song Xingcheng, who was upstairs stared right into a gun?! This man has a gun?!

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