Chapter 3: Amazing Man

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[ Mian’an City, Yamu Villa District, Inside of Song Family’s Villa POV ]

The off-the-road vehicle continued to slow down, and when it came to a complete stop, it stopped right next to the fallen zombie. Then the door opened, and an elegant and delicate man in a suit and leather shoes stepped out.

    Song Xingcheng stared blankly at the man who kept on standing next to the zombie and slowly straightening his cuffs. The man’s bright clothes were incompatible with the color of the zombie at his feet. Only the long, black pistol with a “Danger” label in his hand makes one realizes he’s dealing with a life-and-death crisis rather than signing a business contract in a fancy conference hall.


    Song Xingcheng gave a thumbs-up to the person, this guy is amazing!

    So here comes the important point, where did he get the pistol?

    Soon Song Xingcheng’s attention was distracted by the other side. While the man was parking and getting out of the car, the fallen zombies were also dissolving rapidly. The process of dissolution was as if the fast-forward button was pressed. In a few minutes, there were no zombies in place, except for a little dust blown away by the wind, leaving only a transparent bead in place.

    Song Xingcheng already knew this from the dream. Zombies would quickly dissipate after being killed, and the only thing left was pure energy beads, but it was his first time to see this scene with his very eyes. It was an eye-opener.

    “Energy Bead”, from the name itself, meant that we can see the attitude of human beings towards the crystallization of the ashes of zombies in the last days of the novel, and they are very happy.

    It’s amazing how zombies are enemies known for bringing death to human beings, but the energy beads obtained after killing them are a great tonic for human beings, which can be considered a mutual transaction.

    Among other things, the energy points needed for the construction of Song Xingcheng’s city management system came from the energy beads.

    Obviously, it was not the first time that the man below had killed the zombies. He had already sensed the secrets of the zombies. At this time, he skillfully picked up the energy beads on the ground with a wet towel and put them into the ceramic bottle in his hand.

    As mentioned in the novel, as long as the energy beads are placed next to human beings, they will slowly play the role of improving a human’s physical fitness. Whether this big guy with weapons knows something or is doing so by instinct, he has actually begun to enjoy the benefits of the energy beads’ effect.

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    Song Xingcheng watched enviously as the man who had successfully picked up the loot got into the car and left, and he immediately fell into a fierce ideological struggle.

    He already recognized the other party as He Qianshan, the second youngest of the He family. The Yamu Villa District was developed by the He family, and the He family kept the ones with the best location. When Song Xingcheng’s grandfather was alive, the Song family could barely catch up with the He family, so Song Xingcheng met him when he was a child.

    Although there was no contact for many years, He Qianshan was the core figure in their wealthy circle, and Song Xingcheng could occasionally hear the other party’s news and see the other party’s photos, so he could recognize people.

    After knowing the other party’s identity, a bigger question arises. Can he ask the second young master of the He family, with whom he has no friendship at all, for clues about the source of guns and weapons?

    Song Xingcheng knows his own affairs. The city management system has great potential for development in the later stage, but he basically has no combat effectiveness and self-protection ability in the earlier stage. It is easy for him to die in the final days.

    “Song Xingcheng” of the dream novel personally verified this point.

    In the dream, “Song Xingcheng” shared his talents with Wu Jingran and Su Xiner, who were borrowing from his family, and this aroused their greed and fear. They wanted to use “Song Xingcheng’s talents”, but they were afraid that he would develop out of their control.

    So they tried their best to use various good reasons for “Song Xingcheng” not to let him go out to kill zombies, but to provide him with a small number of energy beads as a way of repaying his kindness. “Song Xingcheng” is indeed “safe”, but the speed of this development is severely limited.

    Later on, “Song Xingcheng” sensed that something was wrong, and he died of confusion after a little vigilance and resistance. He had no time to show his powerful golden fingers.

    Song Xingcheng learned from his experience and clearly realized that he must arm himself to improve his combat ability and survivability under the premise of keeping secrets.

    Because he not only has to protect himself but he also has to have the ability to kill zombies to obtain energy beads. If he doesn’t want to be choked by others, he has to earn all the energy points needed for the early-stage development of the city.

    Song Xingcheng was thinking about the current situation. The good news is that he never let those two blood-sucking bugs into his home. At least he is free now.

    His biggest worry is that his combat power is only at the level of ordinary people. He is too reckless to rush out of the house to challenge the zombies, and it would be too unfair if he never returns.

    At this time, the appearance of He Qianshan gave Song Xingcheng a little hope.

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    The pistol is the most useful weapon in the post-apocalyptic world, but it’s a pity that ordinary people have no way to own this thing, and He Qianshan not only has a pistol but also a rifle on his passenger seat!

    Therefore, the most tangled question in Song Xingcheng’s mind was whether or not to take the risk of contacting the second young master of the He family to inquire about guns/weapons.

    After thinking over and over again, Song Xingcheng crumpled up all the documents in his hand and finally made up his mind to take a risk to get them.

    After the decision was made, Song Xingcheng immediately got up and went back to the bedroom, changed into a pair of sportswear with PU coating, put on wear-resistant gloves, picked up a baseball bat, and fixed a kitchen knife, which is longest in the kitchen, on his waist.

    After being fully armed, Song Xingcheng opened the door and walked out of the yard. After observing the outside of the yard through the camera, and after confirming that there was no abnormal movement, he pushed the mountain bike out of the gate.

[ Mian’an City, Yamu Villa District, Outside of Song Family’s Villa POV ]

    Even though he had made enough mental preparations, Song Xingcheng still felt that his heart was beating more violently after he walked out of his house, and it sounded as if it was going to jump out of his chest in the next second.

    Listening carefully to the abnormal sounds around him, Song Xingcheng rode the mountain bicycle and rushed towards the location of the He family’s Mansion.

    Although his entire body was so nervous that his whole body was tense, his brain was very clear and his movements were not slow. Song Xingcheng stepped on the mountain bike and pedaled so fast, he was almost flying. He pedaled all the way through the tree-lined road, passed by other Villas, and finally found the He family’s Mansion. And there was the off-the-road vehicle parked on the lawn.

    With a smart stop and a tail flick, Song Xingcheng stopped in front of the gate. He looked left and right, before reaching out to ring the doorbell, and then he waited patiently.

    Song Xingcheng was a little apprehensive. After a rough calculation, it was many years ago since he’d last seen the second young master of the He family. He doesn’t know if the other party remembered him. Would he open the door to strangers?

    They didn’t make Song Xingcheng wait long, the Gate of the Mansion opened automatically, Song Xingcheng quickly got on the mountain bike, rode across the large green area, and rode to the front of the Mansion.

    Standing at the Gate of the Mansion building was a man with a serious expression and a stern demeanor. It was He Qianshan.

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    His suit jacket had been taken off, and the sleeves of his light gray shirt were rolled up to the elbows, exposing the powerful muscles on his arms.

    Standing on the steps, He Qianshan looked at Song Xingcheng, and asked in an uncertain tone, “Chengzi?”

    “That’s right! I’m Song Xingcheng, hello Brother He!”

    He Qianshan still remembered himself? Song Xingcheng was immediately pleasantly surprised. It would be easier to inquire about the news with this start. In order to prevent misunderstandings, Song Xingcheng directly explained the purpose of coming, “Brother He, I see that you just came back from outside and wanted to ask what’s going on outside. There is, uh, that…”, said then he pointing at the gun behind him.

    He Qianshan turned his head following Song Xingcheng’s gaze and when he saw a ZK48 rifle on the porch cabinet behind him, he suddenly understood, nodded, and said “Come in first”.

Feeling He Qianshan ‘s kind attitude, Song Xingcheng felt that it was more dramatic, and immediately followed He Qianshan into the mansion with ease.

[ Mian’an City, Yamu Villa District, Inside of He Family’s Mansion POV ]

    Leading Song Xingcheng to sit down on the sofa in the living room, He Qianshan said unexpectedly, “There are zombies everywhere outside now, it’s very dangerous, don’t go out easily, do you have any relatives or friends that you need to find outside of Yamu Villa District?”

    Song Xing Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and then shook his head, “No.” He has long been alone, and protecting himself has been the most important thing.

    He Qianshan carefully observed his expression and found that Song Xingcheng was really free and easy, and was not bothered by his relatives, so he stopped asking more questions and turned to meditate.

    The atmosphere of silence made Song Xingcheng a little uncomfortable. He touched the back of his head, smiled embarrassedly, and took the initiative to mention: “That’s right, Brother He, if you can give me some pointers, I want to know where I can get this?” said then he pointed to several rifles on the coffee table.

    In their Anguo country, the control over firearms is very strict, and it is extremely difficult for the general public to find them. At least Song Xingcheng has never heard of anyone owning such weapons since he was a child.

    It must be said that He Qianshan is worthy of being the leader of the He family at a young age, he is very capable!

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    Song Xingcheng glanced at it casually, and there were more than a dozen guns and weapons in the living room. Tsk tsk, the He family was a wealthy family before the end of the world, and they will not lose after the end of the world. A gun in his hand is richer than a grain reserve in his hand.

    Song Xingcheng stared straight at the rifle on the table, not to mention boys’ obsession with guns, the most practical thing is that guns are much more reliable than baseball bats, they can give people a sense of security in troubled times, good stuff!

    He Qianshan didn’t say much when he heard the words, he just reached out and wiped it from his waist, pulled out a pistol and put it in front of Song Xingcheng, and then pushed over two magazines. On the other hand, he picked a Q16 from several rifles on the coffee table and put it in front of Song Xingcheng, but there was only one magazine.

    Song Xingcheng looked at the bunch of hardcore guns in front of him and was so surprised that he couldn’t believe it. What does He Qianshan mean? Did he just give it to him directly? Is he so stupid or naive?

    He Qianshan looked at Song Xingcheng’s wide-eyed eyes and felt amused in his heart, so he patiently told him,

    “Hold these, the rifle has a relatively strong recoil, so don’t use it lightly until you have practiced it proficiently. Be careful not to get hurt. Let’s get familiar with pistols first.”

    Song Xingcheng immediately felt happy, this was the first time he felt happy after waking up this morning, he couldn’t help but grin at the corners of his mouth, his eyebrows and eyes were curved, his smile was bright, and his whole body was bubbling with happiness.

    Those bubbles carrying happiness floated to He Qianshan’s body and burst open, seeming to have infected He Qianshan as well, and his serious expression softened a bit.

    Song Xingcheng really didn’t expect the second young master of the He family to be so generous. He just came to inquire about the news, and the other party gave him weapons in one step. He Qianshan is really a good person!

    “Are you giving me all these? Thank you, Brother He, I can exchange them with food.”

    Song Xingcheng was embarrassed to accept it, but Song Xingcheng patted his head. Without exposing his talent system, what he can give as the reward was the food stored at home, and he was even thinking of giving up his favorite grilled chicken!

    Looking at Song Xingcheng’s bright and joyful eyes, He Qianshan shook his head and said softly, “No, I can get these things. You can keep the food for yourself.”

    How are weapons easy to get? Where does he get them? Song Xingcheng wanted to say more, but He Qianshan had already got up, interrupted Song Xingcheng’s unspoken words, and directly asked,

    “Would you like to practice your aim?”

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