Chapter 10: Don’t dare to move!

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 [ Mian’an City, Inside of Duo De Supermarket POV ]

After Song Xingcheng finished asking, he waited for a long ten seconds before the man among the lovers hiding in the storage box finally responded. He slowly raised his hand, carefully opened the lid of the box on his head, straightened up quickly, and opened the lid of the woman next to him while breathing heavily.

    When the accident happened, the couple was shopping in the supermarket. In the chaos, they found two large storage boxes nearby and hid in them, with the lids of the boxes tightened from the inside.

    In the beginning, the mobile phone still had a signal, and the two could chat a few words through social software, collect news from the outside world, and report to their relatives that they were safe.

    Later, the signal and network were gone, and the zombies completely occupied the supermarket. They dared not move at all. They could only imagine themselves as hibernating tortoises, trying to keep quiet and peaceful in their hearts. Occasionally, they dared to secretly open a slit to take a breath. Other times, they dragged the lid in for fear that zombies would find people based on the smell.

    It’s a pity that they were still targeted by a zombie in the end. The zombie followed the smell of fresh flesh and blood but couldn’t really find the person.

    As a result of keeping a stiff posture for a long time and forcibly slowing down breathing, the reaction speed of the brain is inevitably much slower than that of a hibernating tortoise.

    So they watched Song Xingcheng deal with the zombies and heard Song Xingcheng’s questioning. They were stunned for a moment before they realized that the danger was over! They are safe!

    The man who was rescued seemed to feel sorry and first explained why he hadn’t responded just now.

    Song Xingcheng waved his hands again and again to express his indifference.

    “Thank you! Thank you so much! If you hadn’t saved us, we wouldn’t have known what to do! You are truly a living Bodhisattva who saves suffering! I don’t even know how to thank you!”

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The man said taking a deep breath while enduring the pain and grinning, he moved his stiff body a lot, and he didn’t forget to thank Song Xingcheng in multiple words. His eyes and face were full of gratitude, and his attitude was extremely sincere.

    Song Xingcheng was frightened by this person’s enthusiasm, he smiled embarrassedly, and said: “I was also rescued, so don’t worry too much.” Because he was in a relaxed mood, he couldn’t help reminding them a few more words, “If you want to leave the supermarket, now is a good opportunity. There are not many zombies in the supermarket. You can go out directly. If you encounter zombies, don’t be afraid. Run fast and the zombies won’t catch up with you.”

    Fighting zombies more times, Song Xingcheng’s understanding of zombies is no longer limited to the text description in the novel, but out of some personal experience.

    For example, the moving speed of zombies today is actually significantly slower than that of humans. Zombies can only sway, and suddenly burst forward when they are 3 meters away from humans at most. There is a good chance of getting rid of zombies.

    Of course, the most terrifying thing about zombies is their number. When the road is full of zombies, and when you are able to throw one away, three will replace and charge you head-on, and that is why human beings appear weak and helpless against them.

    After He Qianshan, Song Xingcheng and others cleaned up, the number and density of zombies in the supermarket were greatly reduced. Song Xingcheng, who knew the situation in the supermarket, encouraged the couple to run boldly.

    Hearing this, the man who had stood up and the woman who was still sitting in the storage box massaging her legs looked at each other. The man had a more warm and flattering smile on his face moved his body and took a step closer. He continued to inquire about information from the outside world and the situation of the zombies.

    Song Xingcheng is not a stingy person. He noticed that the couple intended to fight the zombies bravely, so he generously explained the characteristics of the zombies he observed.

    Until the man asked him why he picked up the transparent beads left after the zombies dissipated, Song Xingcheng paused for a moment, pursed his mouth, and did not directly mention the effect of the energy beads, but said that he was curious about the transparent beads and collected them for observation, It is recommended that lovers have the opportunity to collect those transparent beads.

    When answering, Song Xingcheng vaguely recalled that he seemed to have experienced a similar scene in his mind. Oh, yes, on the way to the supermarket, He Qianshan once told him to carry energy beads with him. Regarding this, Song Xingcheng’s sudden doubts arose.

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    Why does Brother He seem to be more certain than him who read the dream novel in advance?

    However, this doubt dissipated after only turning around in Song Xingcheng’s mind. He didn’t continue to struggle, and he didn’t plan to find out the root cause. It’s normal for a person to have secrets, and he still protects a lot of secrets. How can he have the energy and qualifications to manage others?

    It took only a few seconds for the thoughts to turn in his mind, but the man who approached Song Xingcheng quietly and had been carefully observing Song Xingcheng was keenly aware of the opportunity and made a decisive move. One hand directly grabbed Song Xingcheng’s right shoulder, and with one hand, he quickly pulled out Song Xingcheng’s pistol that has been pinned at his lower back.

    “Don’t move!” The indifferent and cruel voice sounded immediately.

    Song Xingcheng, who was pressed against the back of his head by the muzzle of the pistol gun, was completely at a loss, and even subconsciously wanted to turn his head to look at the man who was obviously pleasant and grateful earlier, now he wanted to know what the expression on the face of the person who had prevented him was at this very moment.

    But as soon as he turned his head slightly, he immediately pressed the gun against his head, and more force was exerted on him, forcing him to stop, so Song Xingcheng could only meet the eyes of the woman who was still sitting in the storage box.

    The woman in the delicate dress saw that her man had successfully won, she immediately relaxed, lifted the high heels next to her, put them on slowly, then stood up leisurely, turned around, and tidied up her clothes in the fitting mirror opposite them. She fixed her clothing and makeup.

    “Hey, you are such a warm-hearted little brother. Big sister thanks you, sister will help you with your weapons and research.”

The woman smiled at Song Xingcheng, who had a dazed expression in the mirror, She winked in all kinds of ways.

    After finishing her makeup, the woman turned around and walked close to Song Xingcheng, snatching the rifle in Song Xingcheng’s hand with one hand, and easily took away the water cup with energy beads in the side pocket of Song Xingcheng’s backpack with the other.

    Song Xingcheng’s expression had already cooled down, and the slender fingers holding the gun tightly turned pale and white because of too much force. He stared angrily at the woman in front of him, stubbornly refusing to let go.

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    “Oh my, little brother is really bad. You will destroy the nails that big sister just made.” The woman was weak and quickly withdrew her hand to check the delicate nails with bright diamonds on her fingers. She complained angrily, “Don’t be so stingy, big brother and big sister won’t do anything to you, at most they will knock you out, and they will definitely hide you well. The box that big sister was lying on before is still fragrant, you will definitely like it.”

    As she said, she waved her hand impatiently, winked at the man, and signaled him to come on.

    So the man let go of the hand pinching Song Xingcheng’s right shoulder, trying to grab the rifle in Song Xingcheng’s hand. Of course, the pistol held in his left hand was still firmly pressed against the back of Song Xingcheng’s head.

    Song Xingcheng was waiting for this opportunity. Almost at the moment when the man let go, Song Xingcheng quickly took a step sideways and slammed into the shelf. Although the vigilant man caught up in time and continued to threaten Song Xingcheng with a pistol, Song Xingcheng did not let go. He had already taken the opportunity to open the safety of the rifle, and the muzzle of the gun was raised to point at the woman with a smug smile, his eyes were cold, with the madness of wanting to die together.

    The couple never expected that Song Xingcheng would seize the opportunity to turn the situation into a stalemate, just like Song Xingcheng never expected that at the beginning of the end of the world, someone would turn their backs on him and retaliate. In short, the expressions on both sides were ugly.

    “Oh, little brother, we just want to borrow your guns, and we really don’t plan to do anything to you.” The smile on the woman’s face narrowed, and instead, she showed an aggrieved expression, flattering him with a soft voice:

    “You have a gun, so there must be a way for you to get some more. Just pity the poor unarmed big brother and big sister. We want to cooperate with you to get more guns, and we will definitely not do anything to you. We’ll give you money, and buy it! Is it okay to buy your guns?”

    Seeing the aggrieved and flattering expression on the woman’s face, it was as if Song Xingcheng had done something wrong and he was so unreasonable.

    Song Xingcheng’s eyes were wider than ever before, with anger overflowing from his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, “I’m stupid enough to be tricked by you, but I’m not so stupid to let it happen twice. I don’t even believe it! Tell him to back off, or we’ll die together!”

    The woman frowned slightly, a little regretful that her attitude had changed too quickly just now, and now the little boy is not easy to deceive. But it is also impossible for her man to back off since they cannot give up the advantage they have finally obtained.

    After hiding in the storage box and observing for a long time, the couple had a clear understanding of the danger of zombies and the cruelty of the world. When they saw the gun in Song Xingcheng’s hand, they were already greedy. They knew it very well. Getting rescued from the storage box was useless after all, only getting the gun in his hand was the real hole in the card.

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    So the man tried his best to please Song Xingcheng. After all, Song Xingcheng was such a foolish and defenseless child, he would feel bad if he didn’t rob him.

    The only thing the two of them didn’t expect was that Song Xingcheng was a hard-headed person with a bit of a temper and that he would rather die together than see them well, turning the situation into a mess.

    The woman secretly regretted that if she didn’t feel sorry for the nails she just made yesterday, she would have gone to grab the rifle by herself, and she wouldn’t have let the man let go nor given the kid a chance to fight back. Thinking in her heart, the woman gave the man a wink.

    Immediately, the man who was still holding Song Xingcheng’s head with a pistol exerted more force, like a demonstration. The muzzle of the gun was afraid that it would imprint marks on the back of Song Xingcheng’s head, and he threatened in a fierce tone:

    “Boy, you can shoot! Yes, there are a lot of women, I can find dozens of rounds after her death, this prodigal bitch, haha! I advise you to hand over your gun obediently, and then I can guarantee your life. I will knock you unconscious, how about you hide in the box and let you wait until rescue? How does that sound to you?”

The woman cooperated with the man’s words, her delicately makeup face showed disbelief, horror, and anger, and when she turned to Song Xingcheng, her eyes were full of begging, and she cooperated again. The tears shed in an instant made the woman look pitiful.

    Song Xingcheng was unmoved at all and he didn’t even care about the man next to him threatening him at the moment. He just fixed his eyes on the woman, put his finger on the trigger, and said in a cold voice:

    “I know my own gun best. My pistol is single-shot, but my rifle is burst-fired. Even if you shoot at my head, you’d better pray and hope that before my consciousness dissipates, I won’t turn the gun on you after shooting her!”

    The man holding the pistol frowned. He only shot a few imitations of pistols for entertainment when he was younger. In fact, he really didn’t know much about guns. Hearing Song Xingcheng’s threat, he subconsciously became worried, and he didn’t dare to take any more action.

    He was afraid that Song Xingcheng would be irritated. If this stubborn man shot directly, it was still unknown whether he could successfully control the pistol to kill this kid, and it would be a big loss.

    So, Song Xingcheng didn’t dare to move under the threat of man, the woman didn’t dare to move under the threat of Song Xingcheng, and the man didn’t dare to move when he saw the woman he loved being threatened and he had a guilty conscience. The situation was completely deadlocked…

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