Chapter 11: Overturned

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[ Mian’an City, Inside of Duo De Supermarket POV ]

The situation remained deadlocked for three minutes. All kinds of coercion and temptation from the men and women failed to make Song Xingcheng relax in the slightest. They realized that it would be impossible to continue like this, and they would not be able to win more benefits. There are children and accomplices, and it will be troublesome to find them after a long delay.

    The man and the woman exchanged glances, and finally decided to give up. Although it was a pity that they didn’t get the rifle, at least they got a pistol, which was still considered a profit.

    After a tacit agreement was reached, the man raised his pistol to threaten Song Xingcheng, and at the same time, his body moved away silently, slowly approaching the woman, and gradually came together, turning into a confrontation with guns raised.

    “Little brother, you see that we have already given in, why don’t we just forget about today’s matter?”

The woman’s eye makeup has been washed away by tears, leaving long black marks on her face, but she still doesn’t know it. With a pitiful expression, she looked at Song Xingcheng tenderly, and at the same time, she and the man slowly retreated toward the back of the passage.

    Song Xingcheng pursed his lips and refused to answer, but turned the muzzle of the gun slightly, aiming at the man, with his shoulder still resting against the shelf, watching the couple slowly back away.

    In fact, Song Xingcheng’s clothes were already wet from the cold sweat from his back, and his mind fluctuated violently. When he was threatened with a pistol earlier, he really felt the threat of death.

    Today, this somersault fell too hard, it can be said that it is unforgettable. If he hadn’t been quick-witted, his life would have ended today…

    Just as Song Xingcheng was staring at the couple, regretting and reflecting, he suddenly saw a person appearing at the entrance of the passage ahead, and his eyes lit up.

    The couple who were watching Song Xingcheng closely noticed the change in Song Xingcheng’s expression, and they felt a “ba-thump” in their hearts, and they had a bad feeling.

    It’s a pity that it was already too late, the hard muzzle of the gun had already reached the back of their heads, which shocked them all over.

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    He Qianshan pointed the pistol at the man with his left hand raised and walked slowly from the back of the man to the side. The muzzle of the gun also moved from the back of the man’s head to the side. The strong pain made the man clench his teeth.

    “Don’t, don’t move! If you don’t want him to die, go away, or I will shoot!”

    The voice of the man who was frightened by the sudden change changed his tone. He couldn’t aim at the people behind him, and he could only threaten in response. He pointed the gun in his hand at Song Xingcheng who was directly in front of him.

    “Oh.” The person behind him seemed to have heard some joke, and sneered mockingly, his voice was like an elegant and deep cello, but the words he said made people wish they had no ears, “I think you are out of your mind and didn’t bring your brain with you. Going out like that, are you in a hurry to find death?”

    Before he finished speaking, he quickly reached out and squeezed the man’s shoulder hard.

    With a slight “crack”, accompanied by the man’s scream, his right arm was dislocated, and the gun that was originally held in his right hand naturally fell to the ground.

    The intense pain made the man’s mind go blank for a moment, and he didn’t even care about the situation now, he just hugged his arms and screamed in pain.

    The woman next to him was shocked but realized that the situation was not good and wanted to pick up the gun, but as soon as she made a move, Han Qinmin who was standing behind her threateningly pressed the gun in his hand against the woman’s head. The woman immediately didn’t dare to move at all, and there was only one thought in her mind: It’s over! Overturned!

    Song Xingcheng, who was delighted with the reversal of the situation, rushed over in two steps, picked up the pistol he had recovered, and held it tightly in his hand. When he raised his eyes, he saw He Qianshan kick the man’s knee hard, directly hitting him, and then he was kicked to the ground.

    Song Xingcheng felt pain when he looked at it, and then remembered the panic in his heart when he was robbed of a pistol and pointed at his head, because of that he couldn’t help but step forward to the man who fell to the ground and kicked him bitterly.

    The man rolled on the ground and cried out in pain. He Qianshan saw that he was trying to attract zombies and let everyone die together, so he sneered and ignored him.

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    He Qianshan took the convoy back to the mansion to unload the supplies and then returned to the Duo De Supermarket. He arranged for Zheng Nianhao to continue to direct the transportation and brought Han Qinmin to find Song Xingcheng to continue collecting supplies. Unexpectedly, he heard someone from afar arguing, he approached quietly and quickly, He Qianshan saw a scene that made his heart beat faster. His own child was being threatened by others?!

    Anger spewed up like a fountain, and He Qianshan looked at the couple with cold eyes like ice.

    It just so happened that Song Xingcheng forced the couple to retreat, and He Qianshan took over directly, leaving an unforgettable lesson for the couple.

    Now that the threat has been resolved, He Qianshan originally wanted to educate the little guy who was almost been overturned when he acted alone, but when he saw Song Xingcheng’s listless appearance, he was obviously frightened and had learned enough lessons, so he finally didn’t say anything. He just let out a long sigh, and gently comforted him:

    “Don’t be afraid, it’s all right now. Tell me, what happened before?”

    While speaking, He Qianshan couldn’t help reaching out to touch Song Xingcheng’s little head.

    During the thrilling ten minutes earlier, Song Xingcheng’s nerves were tense to the extreme, and his emotions were still well controlled. Now that the situation has reversed, He Qianshan was still gently comforting him, but he felt his emotions collapse instantly, and he was afraid that it would surge together with his grievances. In his heart, his clear and transparent eyes were covered with a layer of water vapor, and he looked at He Qianshan gratefully and trustingly.

    How can they be so bad! He helped them escape from the storage box and generously shared his survival experience. How could he repay his kindness?

    Compared with the dishonest couple, the eldest brother of the He family is simply an angel on earth! Gentle and dependable, he can blow it up!

    Song Xingcheng’s hair is inherited from his mother, and it is very soft. His elders have liked to touch his little head since he was a child. He would touch his head subconsciously occasionally, so when He Qianshan touched his head soothingly at this time, not only did he not resist, but also tilted his head dependently on him as he recounted the previous process in an indignant tone.

    After listening to Song Xingcheng’s narration, He Qianshan looked at the man on the ground with even colder eyes, wishing he could shoot him and finish him off. After a little thought, he decided to ask Song Xingcheng’s opinion: “What are you going to do with these two people? Do you want me to deal with it?”

    When asked, he raised the gun in his hand suggestively.

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    Song Xingcheng, who had calmed down after venting his emotions, suddenly felt a little dazed. He looked at the gun in his hand, and then at the people on the ground. Could it be…?

    The man who was howling in pain had actually been observing nervously all this time. At this moment, he noticed that Song Xingcheng was looking over, and his heart was about to jump out of fright, but he immediately ignored the pain in his body, and desperately begged for mercy:

    “We were wrong! We really knew we were wrong! Please, my lord, please let us go this time! Don’t kill me, please!”

    Song Xingcheng was awakened, and angrily snorted: “Oh, kill you? I was afraid that I would get my hands dirty! Didn’t you guys plan to knock me out and put me in the box before? Well, I’ll get you back, by letting you experience this trick!”

    Asking himself to directly kill a living person is not something he can do to his heart. But by using his own way to deal with this, he can be completely capable of doing it.

    The two planned to steal his gun, knock him out, and put him in the storage box. They thought it was a kindness to him since he would have done the same, and let them feel it for themselves. But is it really kindness or some type of manipulative kindness? They’re starting a feud!     

He Qianshan saw that Song Xingcheng had made a decision, and he didn’t say he disagreed. He just added one more sentence: “Take off their arms.” To leave a deep and valuable lesson.

    Han Qinmin, who had been controlling the woman with a gun all along, obeyed his orders, chopped the man’s arms with a knife in his hand, and neatly knocked the man unconscious who was crawling wildly and trying to escape.

    Then, with two or three “cracks” and “chops”, the arms of the two were forcibly removed, leaving Song Xingcheng stunned.

    When Han Qinmin picked up the man and prepared to pack it, Song Xingcheng came to his senses and hurriedly stepped forward to lift him up together. He had seen with his own eyes how these two people hid in the box, and he put them in the previous posture and stuffed them all into the storage box.

    When putting on the lid at the end, Song Xingcheng left a gap for the lid, he didn’t intend to suffocate people to death.

    After finishing the important task, Song Xingcheng clapped his hands, finally feeling completely relieved. Just to relieve his anger, he felt a little compassion, he worries that he would be too cruel?

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    “Let’s go, let’s continue to collect things, there are still a lot of things waiting to be moved.”

    He Qianshan interrupted Song Xingcheng’s thoughts, stretched out his hand to wrap the child’s shoulders, and led him away from the scene. But when he left this aisle and turned around, he glanced at the two people in the storage box with cold eyes.

    Worried that Song Xingcheng would always be immersed in the previous fear, He Qianshan changed his daily cherished words like gold and took the initiative to chat with Song Xingcheng about the supplies he had collected before, while at the same time, he explained to Song Xingcheng:

    “The supplies that were moved back today, you can check it out at night, and then I will load a truck for you, and the truck can be driven directly to your garage.”

    Sure enough, Song Xingcheng was distracted by He Qianshan, and he shook his head repeatedly when he heard the words and refused:

    “No, no, you can collect those. I didn’t put in much effort at all, so I can’t ask for so much! I just collected thirteen carts, so it’s enough for me to divide them into three carts!”

    He Qianshan was noncommittal, and suggested instead:

    “Or don’t separate the collected materials. Store it together, while you pack up some belongings and move to the mansion. Let’s live together, so we can take care of each other better.”

    Seeing Song Xingcheng’s expression of excitement, He Qianshan stepped up, “Qinmin’s cooking skills are very good, and he has collected enough supplies today, so the food in the mansion will definitely be very good.” During lunch, the little guy ate very heartily, which seemed to suit his appetite.

    Song Xingcheng immediately raised his hands in surrender, nodding repeatedly, “Okay, okay, then I will move my family’s supplies to the mansion together, and give priority to those with a short shelf life.”

    He Qianshan looked at Song Xingcheng with a twitch at the corner of his mouth. With a slight smile, he comforted him,

    “I’m afraid we won’t be able to finish eating the food collected today in three years. Of course, you have a share of it. Why do we need to move it all to my house? Why don’t you pack it up and hide it in case of emergency, at least before it’s too late? If there is an accident in He Family Mansion, you still have a way out.”

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