Chapter 13: Cautious

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 [ Mian’an City, Inside of Duo De Supermarket POV ]

The man’s brain went blank with fright, and it took him a while to realize that it wasn’t him who was hit by the bullet, but the sharp knife in his hand.

    Because of the violent impact, he couldn’t hold the knife in his hand, and the knife with a big hole pierced through it had fallen to the ground. The man who was so frightened and lost his mind also collapsed on the ground, and a puddle of yellow liquid quickly spread from his body.

    With a calm expression and disgust in his eyes, Han Qinmin stepped forward and grabbed the man by the shoulder. He dragged him to the side of the road and threw him away.

    The other troublemakers saw that the leading man had ended up like this, and suddenly felt scared, and retreated slowly to a corner no one dared to stop people and vehicles.

    He Qianshan didn’t even look at them and led the team into the truck first.

    Manager Ma glared at the supermarket employees in the corner resentfully. If they didn’t do this, he might be able to ask Mr. He to help the employees who were trapped in the supermarket. How can he open his mouth after such an appearance? He’s so pissed off!

 [ Mian’an City, Outside of Duo De Supermarket and Yamu Villa District POV ]

    Zheng Nianhao, Zhao Zhenhai, Manager Ma, Han Qinmin, Chetian Qiufeng, and He Qianshan each drove a truck, and Song Xingcheng drove the off-the-road vehicle that was carrying Chetian Qiufeng’s wife, children, and female employees. A long convoy drove towards the Yamu Villa District.

    Zheng Nianhao led the team. After running back and forth three times, he had finally found the smoothest road. After more than ten minutes, the convoy returned to the gate of Yamu Villa District. Zheng Nianhao got off the truck and manually raised the railing to let the convoy enter.

[ Mian’an City, Yamu Villa District, Outside of He Family’s Mansion POV ]

    When the convoy drove into the He Family Mansion, the housekeeper and the cleaning lady were still counting the supplies sent back from the previous round.

    Together, everyone transferred the fresh products that needed to be carefully preserved to the mansion together with the freezer. As for the materials that did not require storage conditions, they were temporarily left in the truck, which was parked on the large lawn in front of the mansion.

    After the unloading was over, He Qianshan divided his staff into two teams. He took Song Xingcheng to escort Manager Ma and Zhao Zhenhai home, while Han Qinmin and Chetian Qiufeng escorted the middle-aged female employees home.

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    Of course, the three escorts also each received a pistol as a reward.

    In addition to those who are leaving, those who stayed are also well arranged. In addition to the five-story mansion building, there are two small podium buildings on the left and right of the mansion building. One is dedicated to the servants and the other is the guest room. Chetian Qiufeng’s wife and children went to the guest room on the podium to rest under the leadership of the housekeeper.

    He Qianshan actually wanted Song Xingcheng to stay in the mansion to rest, he felt that the little guy seemed to be frightened and a little too nervous.

    But Song Xingcheng insisted that he could still fight, so He Qianshan took him along.

[ Mian’an City, Outside of Yamu Villa District POV ]

    The two first escorted Manager Ma, whose house was closer to them. Manager Ma’s home was in a high-end residential area between Duo De Supermarket and Yamu Villa District.

    What’s amazing is that there are security guards on duty at the gate of the community? They are really dedicated!

    As the off-the-road vehicle continued to approach, Song Xingcheng saw two zombies wandering outside the sentry box, and found out the reason why the security guards were guarding the sentry box.

    The young security guard had been trapped in the sentry box all day, and he was used to it. Seeing that He Qianshan was driving at the entrance of the complex, he poked his head out and asked about the situation in a low voice. After confirming that Manager Ma was a resident of the complex, he opened the railing and let them into the complex.

    The off-the-road vehicle drove into the railing, but instead of driving away immediately, it stopped.

    Lowering the car window, Song Xingcheng pointed his pistol at the two zombies who heard the movement outside the car window and shot from the off-the-road vehicle. Because the distance was very close, the shooting effect was very good. Four shots killed the two zombies.

    The young security guard who was listlessly lying on the desk in the sentry box was stunned. Since the end of the world, he has been trapped in the small sentry box for more than eight hours. Except for the survivors who came back from the outside to open the railing for them to get in and out from time to time, There is nothing else to do other than that.

    He didn’t dare to leave the sentry box, and no one dared to approach the sentry box. Who made two terrifying zombies wander outside all the time?

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    It’s not that he didn’t try to ask for help, but the passers-by left in a hurry, and no one was willing or dared to lend a helping hand. In the end, the young security guard simply gave up calling for help.

    Unexpectedly, this ferocious-looking off-the-road vehicle was really domineering, and he actually helped him solve the biggest threat by killing the two zombies outside the sentry box?!

    Under the surprised gaze of the security guard, Song Xingcheng got out of the car and quickly put away the two energy beads, before getting in the car and closing the door, while the off-the-road vehicle drove away.

    The car parked downstairs at Manager Ma’s house building, and Manager Ma jumped out of the car with an agility that didn’t suit his round figure. He rushed towards the door of the building, then circled anxiously at the door. After sending them home, He Qianshan followed Song Xingcheng, leaving Zhao Zhenhai to wait alone in the car.

    With two guardian gods by his side, Manager Ma finally dared to use the key to open the door of the corridor. Sure enough, he heard the familiar and terrifying sound of moaning coming from the corridor. It was obvious that there were zombies wandering in the corridor.

    But the elevator is no longer available, and the three of them can only climb the stairs.

    He Qianshan walked at the front, Manager Ma hid in the middle, Song Xingcheng stood at the back, and the three began to climb to the tenth floor.

    “Hey, I said at the time that you can’t buy a house that is too high. It would be miserable to climb the stairs when the electricity is off. My wife insisted that I don’t worry about it. The elevator has backup power and it won’t stop at all. Now it’s not okay, let me tell you. Sure it was when we have electricity but now it’s not, I should have taken charge at the beginning. Oh my God, the tenth floor, how can I climb after this?”

After they finished off a zombie wandering around on the third floor, the three of them continued to climb to the fourth floor. Manager Ma took out a tissue and kept wiping the sweat off his forehead and keep on complaining.

    Song Xingcheng sensed that Manager Ma was getting nervous. If he still had relatives he cared about, he would look for them after the disaster happened. The closer he got, the timider he would be, afraid of seeing what he worried about the most.

    So Song Xingcheng decided to forgive Manager Ma’s chatter generously, even though he couldn’t stop talking about his wife who was doing housework, and then talked about his son who was about to graduate from high school. Hurry up, as if this would make the traces of those two people’s existence in the world more obvious.

    Even though he was sweating profusely, Manager Ma didn’t ask for a break. He just took one step at a time and finally climbed up to the tenth floor.

    Standing on the tenth floor, Manager Ma collapsed on the ground with his legs limp. He handed the door key to He Qianshan tremblingly, and begged in a mournful voice: “Mr. He, For the first time, I beg you, please, help me go to my home and have a look…”

    He Qianshan was in excellent physical condition, he climbed up to the tenth floor in one breath and killed two zombies in the middle, but his state didn’t change at all. He was completely different from the panting Song Xingcheng and Manager Ma, who was about to collapse.

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    He looked at Manager Ma with his quiet eyes, and seeing Manager Ma pleading with water in his eyes, he didn’t refuse, reached out, and took the key to open the door himself.

    Song Xingcheng stretched out his hands to support his knees. He stood next to Manager Ma and gasped for breath, but couldn’t help but poke his head to see He Qianshan’s movements, and then saw He Qianshan walk around the room, then walked away quickly come out.

    What is the situation?

    Song Xingcheng wanted to ask, but before he could ask, Manager Ma, who collapsed beside him earlier, jumped up and rushed toward He Qianshan.

    He Qianshan calmly retreated sideways to avoid the rushing Manager Ma and made the rushing Manager Ma meet the shocked expression of the woman and the boy in the master bedroom whose door was opened.

    Very well, the family of three is still alive and well.

    The three round figures were similar to each other, and it looked like a family of three huggings each other and crying bitterly. After He Qianshan greeted him softly, he closed the door, took Song Xingcheng downstairs, and left.

    When the excited Manager Ma finally recovered from the good news that his closest family members survived, he realized that Mr. He had disappeared. He rushed to the window to look, only to see the shadow of the off-the-road vehicle going away.

    The young security guard, who knew that the off-the-road vehicle was not a vehicle in the community, waited until he opened the railing for He Qianshan’s car before running away in a hurry.


    The situation of Manager Ma’s family is relatively simple, while the situation of Zhao Zhenhai’s family is more complicated.

    Zhao Zhenhai’s family lives in an old community. The gate of the community is on a one-way street, and the entrances on both sides of the one-way street are blocked by a series of colliding cars. To enter the community, you have to get off the car and walk for a while.

    Not a second is there various restaurants and small grocery stores on both sides of this one-way street. Before the end of the world, there was a lot daily traffic. As a result, there are also many zombies scattered on the one-way street now.

    After carefully observing the situation, He Qianshan parked the car at the entrance of the one-way street closer to the gate of their target community, before telling Song Xingcheng about his plan. Song Xingcheng’s eyes widened in surprise after hearing the second brother He’s Crazy plan, and then He Qianshan asked, “Do you think it can be done?”

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    Song Xingcheng immediately took a deep breath, and said solemnly and loudly: ” Yes!”

    If you’re a man, you can’t say no!

    After speaking, he opened the door and got out of the car, and transferred from the co-pilot to the left seat in the rear row.

    Seeing that Song Xingcheng was ready, He Qianshan pressed down with his palm, and suddenly, a loud car horn sounded.

    On a quiet street, the sound of the horn sounding suddenly was really ear-piercing. The zombies who were wandering around seemed like social animals suddenly awakened by the morning alarm clock who came staggeringly.

    Song Xingcheng only felt that his little heart seemed to be clenched into a ball by invisible big hands, and he was so nervous that it couldn’t beat. It was roughly estimated that at that moment just now, there were probably hundreds of zombies that were alarmed in all directions!

    Even though many of the zombies are trapped in the building, there are probably hundreds of zombies looking for them!

    Zhao Zhenhai also saw the horror scene of densely packed zombies rushing out of the car window. The tall and strong man was so frightened that his face turned pale. Watching He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng who resolutely shot at the group of zombies.

    In fact, Song Xingcheng and He Qianshan were not as calm as they appeared on the surface.

    If Song Xingcheng hadn’t had the experience of fighting zombies all afternoon, he might be so scared that he would be unable to hold his gun steadily at this time. He gritted his teeth, tried his best to improve his shooting speed and accuracy, and tried his best to help He Qianshan share the pressure.

    It was even more difficult for He Qianshan. He proposed the plan. He shouldered the safety of the three of them. He calmly and efficiently cleaned up the zombies rushing on the one-way street, while paying attention to the situation in other directions.

    What he relies on is the gun and off-the-road vehicle in his hand. As long as he is not surrounded by hundreds of zombies at the same time, he can drive away from this area in times of crisis to escape.

    The battle was extremely fierce. In just one minute, the group of zombies paid the price of 36 zombies to shorten the distance between the two sides by 30 meters. Qian Shan started the off-the-road vehicle, drove forward for more than 30 meters, and then stopped again to continue shooting.

    If the zombies were sensible, they would probably yell at the man on the opposite side as a bitch at this time.

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