Chapter 14: Trust

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[ Mian’an City, Outside of Yamu Villa District POV ]

It’s a pity that the zombies are irrational and cannot protest He Qianshan’s behavior. They just instinctively chase fresh meat and movement. All the zombies that came were killed.

    He Qianshan turned the car around and drove to the entrance of the one-way street again, repeating the same trick, pressing the horn to lure the moving zombies.

    Song Xingcheng stared wide-eyed and tried hard to find the energy beads scattered on the ground, he seized the opportunity to get out of the car several times, and snatched back more than 80 energy beads. The number of zombies they killed was more than that, but the rest of the energy beads were either inconvenient to pick up or could no longer be found.

    He Qianshan was the main force in killing the zombies, he deserved 80% of the energy beads, Song Xingcheng kept 17 for himself, and put the rest into He Qianshan’s ceramic bottle.

    There were only about twenty zombies picked up in the second round on the one-way street, and none in other directions. After solving these, even if He Qianshan honked the car horn for the third time, the three of them waited patiently for two minutes. They can’t see the zombies moving there anymore.

    Zhao Zhenhai was in a trance, only feeling that he had been greatly shocked. It turns out that humans are not necessarily weak against zombies, as long as they have the right weapons and strategies, humans can also crush zombies!

    He Qianshan carefully observed the situation outside the car, raised his hand to signal Song Xingcheng and Zhao Zhenhai to get off the car, and the three of them walked towards the community in the one-way street together.

    This road is not completely free of zombies, but the remaining zombies are not easy to move, some are trapped in a series of cars colliding, and some are trapped in closed shops, in short, they also hear the horn and wants to join in the fun, but it’s a pity that they have more energy than they want.

    Even though he had dealt with two waves of zombies intensively, He Qianshan was still very cautious, trying to walk in the middle of the road as much as possible while guarding against threats from all directions.

    The three lined up in a row. He Qianshan was always calm. The zombies rushed to the front without changing their expressions. In most cases, they were killed with one shot.

    Song Xingcheng’s experience in dealing with the enemy has grown rapidly. Although he still has nervousness, he has learned not to let the nervousness affect his performance. He has learned and improved every time he shoots, and he got better at the end.

    Zhao Zhenhai walked between the two of them, raised the pistol He Qianshan gave him, suppressing the fear of zombies in his heart, he tried to shoot and kill a zombie.

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    After walking cautiously for three minutes, Zhao Zhenhai suddenly noticed a zombie struggling through the closed glass door of a nearby deli. The zombie was wearing loose and rustic sportswear, and a hand-woven vegetable basket was hanging on its arm.

    Even though his body was black and rotted, Zhao Zhenhai could barely see the familiar shadow of the zombie, and Zhao Zhenhai was shocked. Before his brain could react, tears had already flowed down his eyes.

    The rough man tasted the bitter tears, came back to his senses, raised his sleeves and wiped his face fiercely. His eyes were red, he showed a bitter expression to He Qianshan who stopped in front of him and looked back at him while grinning. He said, “Let’s go, let’s go home and have a look…”

    Song Xingcheng, who was in charge of the rear, looked at the back of Zhao Zhenhai who suddenly collapsed, and then looked at the zombie in the deli that could only be seen to be a middle-aged woman. Realizing something, he pursed his mouth and said nothing in the end.

    After walking for another two minutes, the three of them finally reached the gate of the old residential area where Zhao Zhenhai’s house was located. There were two large iron gates in the residential area were locked from the inside at this time, but can be pushed away.

    They entered the community through a small gate. There are three rows of six buildings in the community. Private cars are parked between the buildings. There is no community environment to speak of on weekdays. Now it provides cover for the zombies and they are likely to walk. But then, a zombie emerged from the gap between the cars next to it, and for this reason, the three had to be more careful.

    Zhao Zhenhai’s house is in the last row of buildings, and between the first row and the second row of buildings, there is a small leisure and fitness square, a speaker is still playing the Divine Comedy Square Dance song, and several zombies are circling around the speaker. There is no way to draw attention to other directions.

    Zhao Zhenhai only glanced at the zombies gathered together and immediately turned his head away. Tears poured out of his red eyes again. The tall man bent over and wiped his head with his rough sleeves. In order to hold back from crying, his whole body was shaking from the shoulders to the whole body.

    He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng exchanged glances, didn’t say anything, and didn’t take the initiative to attack the zombies circling around the speaker. They walked around from the side road.

    Finally walking to his unit, Zhao Zhenhai took out the key, but his hands were shaking so badly that he couldn’t point it at the keyhole, so he had to ask He Qianshan in the end.

    He Qianshan skillfully took the key, opened the door, dealt with a zombie wandering in the corridor. He opened the door on the west side of the third floor.

    “Dad! Woo…”, “Daddy! Daddy, you are finally back!”

    The sound of the door opening startled the two children who were hiding in the bedroom. They opened the door secretly, saw a familiar man at a glance, and cried out immediately. Then they rushed out of the bedroom, and Little Qi Qi threw himself into Zhao Zhenhai’s arms.

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    Zhao Zhenhai was sad and pleasantly surprised, he hugged the two children tightly with red eyes, but dared not cry out.

    Zhao Zhenhai has a son and daughter, both of whom stayed at home well, but not for the children’s mother and grandma, who could not wait for him to return home.

    Zhao Zhenhai thought of the two familiar figures he saw when he passed by the delicatessen and the small square, and felt endless grief in his heart, but the children in his arms was still waiting for his protection, so he couldn’t fall down.

    He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng looked at each other. Now that they had sent him home, they were about to leave.

    Zhao Zhenhai hurriedly called He Qianshan to stop. The tall man was half-bent in order to hug the children, but when looked up at He Qianshan, his posture humbled, and he begged to He Qianshan:

    “Mr. He, can you take in the three of us? I have a lot of strength and am willing to listen to your orders. You can let me do anything, as long as my two children have something to eat. Even if it is very little…”

    At this time, Zhao Zhenhai’s brain was more clear than ever. He was the only adult left in the family, but this neighborhood and this street were very dangerous. He alone, even with a gun in his hand, might not be able to protect the two children from this place safely. What’s even more desperate is that even if he escapes from this street, he doesn’t know where to go…

    Zhao Zhenhai’s only chance is to get He Qianshan to take him in like Chetian Qiufeng’s family. He is nervously stared at by He Qianshan’s expression, and he was already thinking about whether kneeling and kowtowing could impress such a big man.

    The 9-year-old older sister and the 7-year-old younger brother have already started to be smart. Knowing that their father was talking about business, they quickly suppressed their crying, and looked at He Qianshan timidly together.

    Song Xingcheng quickly turned his head away, he really couldn’t see the two children begging.

    “Hurry up and pack your things, we have to leave before dark.”

    He Qianshan glanced at the darkening sky outside the window, and agreed.

    Today, Zhao Zhenhai was the first one to stand up to help carry the supplies, which showed that his mind was relatively clear, and the whole process of carrying was serious and hardworking, which showed that he was honest and reliable, and He Qianshan thought he could accept it.

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    As for the children, there was already more than one child in the manor, and it was okay to have more children. In fact, they seemed even more happy with them around.

    Zhao Zhenhai was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the words, so he responded loudly, and hurriedly urged the two children to pack some clothes.

    The two children hid for a day in fear, and at this time they relied on their father, and did exactly what their father said.

    Seeing the guns in the hands of the visitors, they vaguely realized that they were about to leave the home they had lived. Although they were very sad in their hearts, they knew their priorities and ran back to their respective rooms and hurried to their respective suitcases. They stuffed some clothes and important items.

    After only ten minutes, Zhao Zhenhai urged the siblings to pack up their luggage. The three members of the family each carried their own suitcases and left the house together to go downstairs.

    This is the first time for the siblings to go out after the end of the world. Although they had been hiding at home and had only seen zombies through the gaps in the curtains, they were still terrified and trembling, and when they walked out of the house, they bit their lips tightly and dared not make a sound.

    “Don’t be afraid, big brother will protect you.”

    Song Xingcheng at the back of the hall looked at the two siblings walking in front who were cuddling tightly and trembling, and couldn’t help but comfort them.

    “Thank you, Big Brother Xingcheng.” The two children turned their heads slightly and thanked him in a low voice.

    Receiving Song Xingcheng’s comfort, the two children became more courageous as they walked. They followed closely behind their father, and walked out of the community together.

    When passing by the small square and deli, Zhao Zhenhai consciously blocked the sight of the two children, not wanting them to see their relatives who had turned into zombies.

    Under the protection of He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng, the group left the community smoothly, walked out of the one-way street, and returned to the off-road vehicle. He Qianshan immediately started the off-road vehicle and headed towards the Yamu Villa District.

    Occasionally, one or two cars can be seen on the road. None of the cars obeyed the traffic rules, and they all galloped in an unknown direction. Even though zombies are stealing their lives, humans have never let go of any chance to survive.

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[ Mian’an City, Yamu Villa District, Outside and Inside of Song Family’s Villa POV ]

    After returning to the Yamu Villa District, he drove past Song Xingcheng’s house and let Song Xingcheng get off the car. He Qianshan reminded him: “Don’t pack too much, there are a lot of supplies all over the manor. Don’t worry too much. I’ll come and pick you up later.”

    After finishing speaking, he continued to drive Zhao Zhenhai’s family back to the He Family Manor.

    Song Xingcheng went back to his home, took the time to pack some clothes, packed all his grilled chicken, and finally packed up the important items at home and hid them in the safe behind the bookcase in the study.

    After hiding it, he saw that He Qianshan was already waiting downstairs in his car. After Song Xingcheng checked to make sure that the doors and windows of the house were locked, he left the house with his suitcase and got into He Qianshan’s car.

    “Uncle Fang has prepared the room for you, and the hot water is also ready. Take a good bath when you go back, and then you can come down and prepare for dinner.”

    He Qianshan’s voice was gentle, and his deep and magnetic voice was heard in the narrow compartment. Echoing in the air, he looked at the road ahead with a rigorous and serious expression.

    The sky was getting darker and darker. There were no street lights, only car lights to illuminate the road ahead. It should be an eerie scene, but because of He Qianshan beside him, Song Xingcheng felt extremely at ease.

    Song Xingcheng slumped into the comfortable seat with his tired body lazily. Song Xingcheng tilted his head. His mind was half a beat slower than usual

   He was used to living alone before, but after the end of the world, he still instinctively yearn to gather with everyone, so that he can feel more secure.

    Today’s luck is to get rid of despicable people and meet the reliable second brother He. Although they only got along for one day after many years, they have already established trust.

    Slowly turning a corner in his thoughts, Song Xingcheng thought again: maybe his character is too easy to trust others. In the novel, he believed that Wu Jingran was really good to himself, but in reality, he easily believed that He Qianshan was a reliable person…

    Ah… It seems that he still needs to be more vigilant and continue to observe.

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