“Is this disease not a big problem?”

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Zhao Yuehan blinked, and the old servant Li Mu looked even more disbelieving.

As a patient, the old madam was very clear about her body, and she, who was always calm, began to wonder if she had begun to experience auditory hallucinations.

One must know that the medical sage was helpless to deal with her illness. Bluntly speaking, there were not many days left for her to live.

Besides, didn’t Lin Xuan frown like this when he was taking the pulse just now?

Now, how did Lin Xuan say that curing her disease was as easy as drinking more hot water?

“Well, it’s really not a big problem.”

Lin Xuan smiled, very confident.

The illness of the old madam of the Zhao family could be speculated to be nothing more than a heart disease caused by overwork and some stimulation, which caused the old madam’s heart rate to be unstable, and she was on the verge of sudden death at any time.

In the modern society before he crossed over, he needed heart bypass surgery and some adjustments, so she could continue to live well.

In Great Qian, where the medical technology was poor and backward, Lin Xuan couldn’t cure it at first, but he still had a sign-in system.

When he signed in every day, he got some medicine. He thought it would be useless, but it happened to come in handy here.

To treat the old madam’s disease, she just needed to take some medicine and shs would be fine.

“How to cure this, Lin boy, tell me quickly…”

Hearing that it could be cured, and seeing Lin Xuan’s self-confidence, the old servant Li Mu was a little impatient.

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The old madam said unhurriedly, “Steward Li, don’t worry, listen to what Mr. Lin has to say first.”

Lin Xuan’s expression became serious, and he said, “Before I talk about the treatment method, I would like to talk about the old madam’s living habits. This is related to whether the old madam’s illness will recur in the future.”

“First of all, we are all remnants of the former nobles living in Yongle Lane. Therefore, before the empress raised our treatment, life was very difficult.”

“I believe that at that time, the old madam must have been exhausted from taking care of the family, and the pressure was extremely high. She didn’t recover a little until these two years?”


The old madam was about to answer, when Zhao Yuehan said, “It is true that our family’s life was very difficult in the past few years. My mother was busy with us, and she rarely slept every day. Especially after I became an official, my mother did not change. Relaxed, but more busy, until recently relaxed.”

“Okay, I got it!” Lin Xuan nodded, after confirming the reason, it was easy to handle. “You guys wait a moment.”

Lin Xuan turned around, went back to the room and took out two small gourds, which were filled with medicines, and the names of the medicines were engraved on the surface of the gourds.

To be honest, the packaging of this medicine was really down-to-earth.

It was rare. Lin Xuan thought that the trash sign-in system was still useful.

The old servant Li Mu’s eyes widened. The appearance of Lin Xuan carrying a small gourd reminded him of  a wandering doctor  who was selling sham goods in the streets.

If he hadn’t known Lin Xuan for a long time and knew his skills, he would have thought Lin Xuan was a swindler…

“This is a Suxiao Jiuxin Pill.”

Lin Xuan took out the first small gourd and put it on the table. “There are 50 pills in it. If you feel heart discomfort, angina, or signs of fainting, just take out one pill and swallow it under the tip of your tongue. You can also use this after fainting. Deal with it, it can save lives.”

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“This is Pei Yuan Dan, which is used for nourishing qi and regulating the heart. It contains 100 pills. Just take one pill a day. It can be taken before or after meals.”

Lin Xuan picked up the second small gourd and said.

This way, no matter who looked at it, it made people have some doubts.

The reason was that Lin Xuan was too young to take out the pills like this again…

“Boy Lin, can these medicines really cure the old madam’s illness?”

The old servant Li Mu picked up a gourd on the table, pulled out the medicine plug, and smelled the fragrance of the pill.

The fragrance of this medicine was much better than the pills refined by those alchemists, and it also made him feel excited and energetic.

This medicine is very precious!

The old servant Li Mu immediately stuffed the medicine plug, but he didn’t dare to let the medicine gas dissipate any longer.

“Old madam, this Pei Yuan Dan, you take one first today.”

Lin Xuan picked up the small gourd containing the Pei Yuan Dan, unplugged the medicine plug, and took it out.

The old servant Li Mu instinctively wanted to take the pill. One must know that any medicine that is given to the Empress Dowager must be tested twice, and only after the pill was completely okay, it could be given to the Empress Dowager.

Moreover, the empress dowager in front of him was his own sister.

When things involved his sister, he was impulsive, including on the battlefield.

During the first battle of Shangyu, the King Jin dared to humiliate the Empress Dowager in the confrontation. Li Lin took the lead and defeated the King Jin army. Later, he was seriously ill for more than a month.

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Later, the King Jin recovered from his illness, and was beheaded by the Emperor of Wei, and sent to Great Qian for peace.

At this time, Zhao Yuehan glared at the old servant Li Mu, so Li Mu didn’t dare to go forward.


The old madam was generous, took the pill and took it with water.

But when it was time for tea, the old madam’s complexion became more rosy, and she looked much more energetic.

Even with the help of medical sage, the Empress Dowager still needed a day or two of self-cultivation before she could recover her current look.

But here, Lin Xuan just took out a pill and gave it to the queen mother, and she seemed to be fine.

“Benefactor, thank you for saving the old madam’s life, Old servant Li is here to pay respects to benefactor!”

The old servant Li Mu had tears in his eyes and bowed on the spot.

A long time ago, when they were very young, Li Mu and his elder sister Li Ningyan depended on each other for life, and their life was very hard.

At one point, the two almost starved to death in a famine.

It wasn’t until one year that sister Li Ningyan met Emperor Taizong, Ji Changkong, married and became a princess, that their life became better.

It was at this time that Li Lin had the opportunity to read and write, and followed Ji Changkong to fight in the north and south, step by step, and when the Empress Ji Handan ascended the throne, he became a general by virtue of his merits from the dragon.

However, although Li Lin became a general, he was very self-aware.

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To put it bluntly, he was actually a foreign relative. Even if he became a general, it did not mean that his fighting ability was really strong.

Therefore, when encountering a major war event, unless he had to go to the front line in person, Li Lin would brainstorm and take orders from the invincible empress to ensure nothing would go wrong.

But no matter what, the most important thing in his heart, besides the niece of the empress, was his elder sister Li Ningyan.

Perhaps, treating the Empress Dowager’s illness was really a piece of cake for Lin Xuan, but for Li Lin, it was no problem for him to use his life to pay for it.#pleasereadthisnovelatFOXAHOLIC.COM

He thanked Lin Xuan from the bottom of his heart.

If Lin Xuan didn’t think about running away every day, he would dare to compel Lin Xuan to give a guarantee with his life.

“Hey, Old Li, get up, get up.”

Lin Xuan hurriedly helped the old servant Li Mu up. After all, it was very uncomfortable to let a white-haired old man who was a few decades older than him kneel.

“Thank you Brother Lin!”

Zhao Yuehan inspected him and saluted solemnly.

Thanking him with such a solemn salute made Lin Xuan feel a little embarrassed.

But thinking that this would be of great help to the escape plan, I accepted it.

Thinking of the cause of the old madam’s illness, Lin Xuan asked with a serious expression. “Old madam, I have to tell you something. Your illness is caused by overwork over the years, so it’s not just taking one or two pills. Pei Yuan Dan can cure it completely, you need to rest more, relax your body and mind, and then you can gradually recover.”

“If the old madam feels more energetic and able to do a lot of things after taking Pei Yuan Dan, it is a big mistake.”

“When the disease recurs, it will be ten times and a hundred times more dangerous, unless there is an holy pill to save lives.”

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