“I understand, thank you, Mr. Lin.”

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Hearing Lin Xuan’s instructions, the old madam responded with a smile.

Can’t work hard again, otherwise it will relapse again, it will be impossible for gods to save…

But, this was complicated. As the Empress Dowager, the Empress was young, and she was still bad at handling internal affairs. How could she not bother?

Unless, in my lifetime, I can find a great talent who can assist the Empress and support the whole world with one hand!

But how difficult is it to find such a great talent?

So, less fuss in the future?

Lin Xuan glanced at the old madam and didn’t say much.

Old people like the old madam belonged to the type who couldn’t take time off, and they would find something to do when they have a bit of energy.

Therefore, in order to promote the great cause of running away, Zhao Yuehan should be reminded more to avoid accidents.

In case something happened and the plan to escape was delayed, it would be dangerous.

On the side, the old servant Li Mu was still in a state of excitement, just stood aside and kept nodding for the old madam, as long as his sister survived, he could say anything.

Zhao Yuehan took a look at the Empress Dowager, and knew that she couldn’t help it and was fooling people.

I’m afraid that when she returned to the palace later, the Empress Mother would go to review the bamboo slips.

Absolutely not!

If this continues, sooner or later she will collapse again.

In particular, Lin Xuan specially instructed that if the Empress Dowager collapsed again, no one could save her.

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It is necessary to find a way to keep her mother from being overworked. I don’t know if Lin Xuan has this method?

However, Lin Xuan can even cure my mother’s illness, maybe there is really some way to do it.

Zhao Yuehan gave the old servant Li Mu a look.

Li Mu understood immediately, left the small courtyard, went to the door and brought two jars of wine.

“Brother Lin, this is plum wine that my family has kept for several years. Please try it today and let me express my thanks.”

“This wine should have arrived earlier, but it was hidden a little deep, and it can only be delivered now. I hope Brother Lin will not be offended.”

Zhao Yuehan uncovered a jar of wine, took a large clean bowl by the side and poured it into the jar.

In an instant, the clear aroma of wine wafted around.

One must know that there was no free lunch in this world.

Even if there were some special melons and fruits that occasionally get the seeds by sign-in system, he needed to plant them and eat them after they mature.

Therefore, drinking some sour fruit wine or other fruit wine had become a major hobby in Lin Xuan’s daily life.

Even for the wines currently brewed, the longest time was only five months, and the taste was a bit old.

Zhao Yuehan, who knew Lin Xuan’s hobby, brought wine this time.

By the way, looking at the drunk Lin Xuan, what would he say?

This plum wine had a lot of stamina.

“Plum wine, good!”

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When Lin Xuan smelled the aroma of the wine, he knew it was good wine.

“Come, come, let’s drink together!”

Zhao Yuehan poured him another bowl and invited with a smile.

As far as she knew, Lin Xuan didn’t drink too much, and those with a little stamina couldn’t bear it.

“Then I will be disrespectful.”

Lin Xuan smiled.

He had always been aware of Zhao Yuehan’s disguise as a man.

What surprised him was that Zhao Yuehan invited him to drink, and he was not afraid of getting drunk.

As far as he knew, usually such a young woman would be drunk after just one sip…

This Zhao Yuehan probably took out such good wine to thank him for treating the old madam.

After drinking a bowl of wine, Lin Xuan felt a little smug.

The amazing thing was that Zhao Yuehan was like him, drinking a bowl of wine directly without wasting a drop.

The old servant Li Mu watched with envy.

First, his sister called Lin Xuan “Mister Lin”, and then the empress Ji Handan poured wine for Lin Xuan in person. This kind of honour, even his uncle, had never had it.

He was jealous!

If Lin Xuan gave up his running plan and was willing to work for Great Qian he might be able to rise to the top immediately.

Who knew what this kid Lin Xuan thought. He didn’t enjoy the food and clothing without worrying about it. He thought about running away all day, or running to a desolate island like Nanyang island.

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This plum wine was so delicious that Lin Xuan was persuaded by Zhao Yuehan to drink three big bowls before he knew it, and he was in a good mood.

Actually, seeing Zhao Yuehan drink three bowls very boldly, he followed suit.

As a man, how can I lose?

With a smile on her face, the old madam sat aside and watched the two of them drink kindly.

This plum wine had been stored in the palace for ten years, and it was brewed by Dionysus when Emperor Taizong was there.

The God of Dionysus once said that “Three bowls can make you climb the hill”. It was said that there was a hill in the Kingdom of Wei, and there was a ferocious tiger on the hill. After a common man drank three bowls of this plum wine at the foot of the hill, he rushed up and got eaten by tiger.

Dionysus told this story to remind Emperor Taizong to be careful when drinking plum wine in the future, so as not to cause accidents by drinking.

However, the Empress Ji Handan was considered a different kind, she wouldn’t get drunk after drinking six bowls.

Unfortunately, Lin Xuan was different.

He was happy that the old madam was cured.

Emperor of Wei died, and Zhao Yuehan really came to look for him, and the escape plan had made great progress. He was happy.

It was rare to come across such delicious plum wine, and after drinking a few more bowls, he could still feel blissful.

He wanted another bowl.

Hey, why didn’t Zhao Yuehan fall down?

“Brother Lin, Great Qian Emperor Gaozu and Great Qian Emperor Taizong were all exhausted to death. What kind of statement is this?”

Zhao Yuehan asked.

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At present, she was convinced that Lin Xuan speculated that Emperor of Wei would die.

And her mother, if Lin Xuan did not treat her today, she might not have escaped danger.

Zhao Yuehan was sure that Lin Xuan belonged to what the Confucianists said, a great talent who knew the world’s affairs while even observing a single leaf fall!

Maybe the doubts in her heart could be answered by Lin Xuan.

But as soon as this problem came up, the old servant Li Mu became anxious.

Your Majesty may not mind this, but Queen Mother is here.


Although Empress Dowager Li Ningyan appeared very kind in the eyes of many people, if she really wanted to strike, she would be more ruthless than anyone else.

Just like when the King Wu was killed in the palace, and the empress Ji Handan was helped to start the incident, the whole process was presided over by the Empress Dowager herself.

The old servant Li Mu quietly looked at the old madam. The old madam still looked kindly and didn’t say anything, so he felt relieved.

However, Lin Xuan’s next sentence broke the old servant Li Mu’s defence.

“That’s right!”

Lin Xuan didn’t know if it was because the spirit of wine was a little bit up, but he spoke a little boldly.

“Emperor Gaozu and Emperor Taizong, who worked so hard, were all exhausted, and even the Empress Dowager is almost exhausted. Probably in just a few days.”

The old servant Li Mu wanted to cry. Lin Xuan saved her sister’s life, and he desperately wanted to save him from her anger.

Zhao Yuehan also had a headache, and she took the initiative to avoid this point when she asked questions.

The old madam looked at Zhao Yuehan, then at the old servant Li Mu, her face still looked amiable.

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