Chapter 22 The Night of Flower Candles

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    The royal wedding process of Daxia Kingdom was quite cumbersome, but today was different. Li Mingjin patiently followed the process customized by the ministers step by step.


    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin had to give incense to their ancestors, prayed for the blessing of the gods, and told their ancestors the good news.


    "Kneel, kowtow, second kowtow, third kowtow!"


    When offering incense, Li Mingjin's legs were inconvenient, but he was able to support himself with the crutch. Luo Shuyu was a little worried that his legs would hurt too much. He just want to know where he had been since he disappeared, whether he suffered, how he was injured, and whether the bandit Jiang Yang who injured him was caught.


    Thinking of this, Luo Shuyu felt that it didn't matter how complicated the wedding process was. At least he could touch the living Li Mingjin, and he stood in front of him and got married.


    As the process continued, Li Mingjin felt Luo Shuyu's glowing eyes.


    The ceremonial official in the hall recited loudly: "The incenses are misty, the candles are brilliant, the groom and the bridegroom are in the flower hall."


    Luo Shuyu looked up at him and met Li Mingjin's gaze. Today's Li Mingjin was well-dressed in a crimson wedding dress. It made him more heroic. Compared with the black clothes he wore all the year round, he was much brighter today. He was different from the elegant young master in white clothes that day, but he was equally handsome and extraordinary.


    He only got to know Li Mingjin in the last year of his past life, but when he looked at him now, there was always the appearance of the Li Mingjin that he knew in the latter part of his past life. It was him, this was Li Mingjin, the same Li Mingjin.


    "The auspicious time has come."


    "first worship the heaven and earth!"


    "second worship the high hall!"    


 " The husband and wife worship each other, and send them to the bridal chamber!"


    Compared with the layout of the Luo family, the Third Prince's Mansion was full of royal style, decorated with lanterns and colorful.


    All the ministers and guests had arrived and were all watching the ceremony.


    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin went back to the new room first. There were red curtains in the room, and Li Mingjin could only send Luo Shuyu into the new room.


    Li Mingjin wanted to stay and see Luo Shuyu more, but it was useless to be impatient. Even if he was too self-sufficient on weekdays, today was his big day. Madam Xi and others had stopped him and dragged him.


    Madam Xi said bluntly: "Third prince, you have to go to toast first. This is the etiquette of marriage."


    Li Mingjin snorted coldly and stood at the door for a while before leaving. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. 

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Yes, he has to do the bridal chamber first, so what should we do?


    The marriage between a man and a ger in Daxia was different from a marriage with a woman. The ger lifted the veil, and the woman removed the veil. After all, the ger looked more like a man, and was different from a woman in all aspects, so the etiquette in marriage was also different.


    Luo Shuyu sat on the bed, and Madam Xi said some auspicious words before leaving.


    Li Mingjin was in the banquet outside,  he didn't return to the room so quickly for a while, leaving only Qingwang in the room.


    Luo Shuyu looked at the room where he lived in the previous life, the layout hadn't changed, the furniture was polished, there was joy everywhere, and the words "double happiness" were pasted on the curtains and windows.


    Seeing all this, he felt warm in his heart.


    In the last life, Li Mingjin seldom slept in the main room. He mostly slept in the study room. The two of them only slept together occasionally for a year later, mainly because he was pregnant at that time and would always get kicked up in the middle of the night by the small things in his stomach. In order to reassure him, Li Mingjin would sleep with him in a room and sleep on the couch.


    Then he didn't know which day he began to sleep in the bed.


    Qingwang quietly pushed the door in, and saw Luo Shuyu walking in the house, with nostalgia in his eyes, as if he had been here before.


    Qingwang brought a bowl of wontons in his hand and said, "Gongzi, eat something first. This is what His Highness asked the kitchen to cook for you. He said that you haven't eaten for a day, so eat something to cushion your stomach first."


    Luo Shuyu's fingers glancing across the dressing table he used to use there was a bowl of wontons, his heart warmed: "Got it, let someone prepare some hangover soup, His Highness doesn't know how much wine he will drink outside, and I will give it to him later when he comes back. Next bowl of noodles."


    "Understood." Qingwang would occasionally joke with Luo Shuyu, "Gongzi, you are already had the demeanor of an imperial concubine just now, and this wedding dress suits you."


    Luo Shuyu smiled, took off the veil. He picked up the spoon and started to eat the wontons. The skin melted in the mouth, soft and fragrant, and added sesame oil, which was not greasy at all. Li Mingjin knew that he always liked light food, and this wonton was just right for his taste.


    After a tiring day, he ate a bowl of wontons and finally came back to life.


    Luo Shuyu was drowsy sitting at the table with his chin on the back of his hand. When he almost fell asleep, Qingwang hurried in and shook him: "Gongzi, gongzi, put on the veil quickly, the third prince comes."


    Luo Shuyu patted his face and woke up. Qingwang put on the veil for him before leaving. Luo Shuyu was the only one left in the room.


    When he returned to the place where he had lived for five years, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but felt at ease.


    There was a commotion outside, and some people were booing, saying it was going to be a bridal chamber.


    Luo Shuyu's ears were sharp, and he heard a prince joked about him: "Third brother, we also want to meet the third sister-in-law, so let's satisfy our curiosity."


    "Today is my big day, I haven't seen him yet, and now it's not your turn, go back."

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    "Third Highness, you can't do this, you finally get married, and don't let me wait and see!"


    Li Mingjin: "If anyone can't do it, you can't do it."


    Everyone burst out laughing.


    It was rare for Luo Shuyu to hear him talked so much to people. Obviously, his mood was very high today. In his last life, he only thought about the bridal chamber at night, and he never noticed it. Now it sounded quite interesting. It turned out that this was the legendary bridal chamber trouble.


    However, Luo Shuyu had no chance to be disturbed by the bridal chamber, and it was quiet for a while outside.


    The door was gently pushed open, and soft footsteps approached Luo Shuyu. No need to think much to know that all the guests outside who wanted to make trouble for the bridal chamber were chased away by Li Mingjin.


    Luo Shuyu listened to the sound of leaning on the crutche from the outside, and then stopped again.


    Why didn't he come in?


    After waiting for a while, Luo Shuyu found that Li Mingjin still hadn't come in, so he decisively got up and walked outside.


    Luo Shuyu opened the curtain and saw Li Mingjin leaning against the door with his head lowered. If he saw it correctly, he saw a panic flashed across Li Mingjin's face when he saw him.


    Luo Shuyu probably understood, thought he was drunk, and asked softly, "Are you very drunk?"


    Li Mingjin stared at his face through the thin veil, thinking, now that the wine wasn't intoxicating, people were self-intoxicating, and he was suddenly a little bit nervous and wanted to relax, but he never thought Luo Shuyu would worry about him.


    He was stared straight at by Luo Shuyu, and his ears were slightly hot: "It's okay."


    Luo Shuyu supported him: "You sit down and drink a cup of sober soup, I will have it ready, and I will ask them to give it to you."


    Li Mingjin was led away by him, smelled the faint fragrance on his body, and suddenly felt a drunken feeling.


    The candle shadows flickered, and the surroundings were silent.


    Luo Shuyu helped Li Mingjin to the table, and she sat next to him, and was about to take off the veil on her face, but Li Mingjin held her hand.


    Li Mingjin stared at him: "I'm coming."


    The distance between the two suddenly narrowed, surrounded by Li Mingjin's breath, mixed with the aroma of wine, and he seemed to be slightly smoked.


    Li Mingjin slowly took off his veil, and the two sat, facing each other, their hearts beating wildly.

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    Finally, he saw Luo Shuyu, who was dressed in full makeup today. He was different from everyone else. Compared with the young master who preferred to dress up as a woman, Luo Shuyu could be regarded as relatively heroic and full of clarity. He had a pair of beautiful and agile eyes. It seemed that there were stars in it, and when he smiled, there was a small pear vortex on the corner of his mouth, which was very cute.


    Today's Luo Shuyu was different from usual. The eyebrows depicted were more slender, but the makeup was not heavy. It just made his facial features more delicate and not tacky.


    Li Mingjin took off the headdress on his head, put the headdress aside, poured two glasses of wine, and handed it to Luo Shuyu.


    Luo Shuyu felt that his neck was much more relaxed, and he also knew that Li Mingjin was going to have a drink with him at this time.


    In the last life, when they drank the wine, they were quite restrained, and they sipped it without tasting it.


    Thinking about it, it shouldn't happen in this life. The person in front of him was no longer the terrifying stranger he thought, but someone who he could rely on to live and die together.


    The two of them crossed their arms and raised their heads to drink the low-degree fruit wine, which was sweet.


    Luo Shuyu put down the wine glass, got up and went to the dressing table to get a pair of scissors and a small box: "Your Highness, can you let me cut a strand of your hair?."


    Li Mingjin nodded: "Okay."


    Luo Shuyu first cut off a section of his own hair, then cut off Li Mingjin's, tied the two's hair with a rope, and put them in the box.


    Luo Shuyu raised a small smile: "Your Highness, do you know what this means?"


    Li Mingjin said succinctly: "You and I, husband and wife like this hair."


    Luo Shuyu looked at him and said, "Not only I want to be husband and wife like this hair in this life with Your Highness, I want to think about it in my next life."


    "Why?" Li Mingjin asked him, a little surprised.


    Luo Shuyu lowered his head and didn't answer. He was still a little helpless when he looked straight at him and said something he liked, so let's take it as shy.


    Li Mingjin wondered if it was a bit redundant to ask. Since they were already married, they were naturally married. They would live a lifetime, and it was understandable to book for the next life.


    After putting away the box, Luo Shuyu handed the hangover soup to Li Mingjin: "Your Highness will feel better if you drink it."


    Li Mingjin complied with his words and drank the hangover soup. In fact, he seldom drank hangover soup when he drank. After drinking the hangover soup, it seemed that getting married was not bad. He finally realized how interesting it was for those ministers who had families to talk about "what's wrong with my wife".


    He was a little confused by the words "husband and wife", and he didn't notice why Luo Shuyu was so familiar with the bedroom cabinet.


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    Li Mingjin looked at the candlelight and reached out to hold his fair hand: "Are you tired?"


    Luo Shuyu shook his head and asked the question he cared most about: "I heard that you have suffered outside the past few days, how did your right foot hurt? Is it serious?"


    Li Mingjin actually wanted to take a break, but Luo Shuyu didn't play cards according to the routine, so he had to answer the question about his foot injury first.


    He felt a little guilty, and said with a guilty conscience: "It's nothing, I just didn't stand properly when I was fighting with people, and it's not in the way."


    Luo Shuyu begged: "Can I take a look?"


    Li Mingjin: "Okay." He pulled up his pant legs and pulled down half of his socks.


    Luo Shuyu squatted in front of him and stared at his feet: "It seems to be very swollen, does it hurt?"


    Li Mingjin said, "I'm a martial artist, so this pain is nothing."


    Luo Shuyu: "I think it's extremely serious. I'll help you to rest on the bed."


    Li Mingjin nodded: "Okay." 


Luo Shuyu stared at him for a while, and suddenly felt that his feet were swollen like steamed buns and hurt, "Then let's rest together."


    Luo Shuyu undressed him, He took off his complicated auspicious clothes, and at the same time, he smelled a little sweat on his clothes, and his body was a little itchy. If he hugged Li Mingjin later, he would be disliked, so he asked Li Mingjin: "Your Highness, why don't we wash up before going to bed?"


    Li Mingjin was also sweating today and smelled of alcohol: "Alright." He liked this proposal and could prepare for it.


    He asked someone to bring water in to wash up. After tossing for a while, Luo Shuyu went to bed first. He yawned and waited for Li Mingjin to come out after washing and grooming. He felt a little nervous in his heart. Although it was not the first time, he was still nervous.


    Waiting until his eyelids to start fighting.


    At this time, Li Mingjin was hiding in the compartment and reading a booklet. After making sure that he remembered the steps correctly, he shoved the booklet on the top of the cabinet and limped to their bed.


    But when he climbed into the bed, he found that Luo Shuyu, who hadn't seen him come out after waiting for a long time, had already fallen asleep with the quilt.


    Li Mingjin stared at Luo Shuyu's sweet sleeping face, and thought angrily in his heart: Should I regret reading that booklet!



The author has something to say: 

Third Prince: Wife, let me show you a particularly beautiful and unique book, which is rare in the world.

Luo Shuyu: ...don't look at it.

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