At this moment, the guard who was full of suffocation helped the groom in auspicious clothes off the horse, and then handed him a crutch.

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    Luo Shuhan, as Luo Shuyu's second brother, came out for a ceremonial block, swallowed, looked at the third prince, who looked fierce even on crutch and asked, "His Royal Highness, our son of the Luo family is talented and handsome, we need you to answer some  questions, let you enter the door and marry the husband if we are satisfied!"


    The cousins ​​who followed behind responded together: "Yes, yes, now, please listen to the question!"


    Helper I: "May I ask what kind of porcelain is the most expensive in Daxia?"


    Helper II: "Excuse me, why can't I share a boat with an auntie?"


    Helper III: "Please, may I ask..."


    Li Mingjin as the groom stared at them coldly, without answering a question, and the scene was silent.


    Luo Shuhan lowered his voice and asked the man who seemed to be returning from hell in a soft negotiating tone: "Should we make a couplet?" Cousin Shen's question was so boring that he (LMJ) didn't even want to answer a question.


    Li Mingjin was still expressionless. Although he was leaning on the crutch, he was still full of momentum. He stared at Luo Shuhan who wanted to embarrass him.


    Luo Shuhan glanced at him again, his hands began to become cold, and he said with a trembling voice: "Okay, perfect pass! His Royal Highness the third prince really has an extraordinary literary talent!"


    It was lively, Qingwang helped Luo Shuyu, who had already put on a red veil, from the room to the hall.


    Although Luo Shuyu married Li Mingjin for the second time, he still had to be at the mercy of others. There were too many steps and the rules were cumbersome. He was dizzy and wished to go directly to the wedding room, so he could have a good rest. From the beginning, he felt tired.


    There was no news of Li Mingjin yesterday. He didn't care who came to greet him, and he could only endure it even with a rooster.


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    There were still a lot of ceremonies before getting married. Luo Shuyu had to be tortured before seeing the groom.


    The people on the groom's side were still blocked at the front, and Luo Shuyu didn't know the news from the front. Qingwang had to follow him all the time and couldn't run around.


    Grandma Feng and others were waiting by the side.


    Before going out, he still needed to say goodbye to family. Luo Shuyu said goodbye to Luo Renshou and the old lady. Because Luo Shuyu's mother was not there, many tears in the middle were saved.


    The front was blocked for less than a moment, and the next person came back and said that the groom was coming in.


    Luo Shumo squatted down in front of Luo Shuyu: "Third brother, I'll carry you to the sedan chair." 


In the last life, Luo Shumo also carried him on his back, but since reading the book, Luo Shuyu didn't want to pay attention to him anymore, and he didn't want to be caught in the wedding. He went out behind his back, he didn't want to be too involved with the Luo family.


    At the time of embarrassment, a crimson figure leaning on the crutch appeared in front of Luo Shuyu, and the person's light brown eyes stared coldly at Luo Shumo, who was half-squatting.


    Everyone was taken aback by Li Mingjin's sudden appearance. Isn't this prohibition?


    Luo Shuyu couldn't help but whispered softly: "Li Mingjin." This person appeared in front of him so suddenly.


    Seeing that he didn't lack any arms or legs, he was relieved, but he didn't know why he was leaning on a crutch, and Luo Shuyu's eyes filled with moisture.


    Li Mingjin, who was standing in front of him, had a gloomy expression, but his expression softened when he saw Luo Shuyu.


    "My people don't need your back." Li Mingjin, who disappeared for many days, said to Luo Shumo.

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    He raised his hand, and the guard behind him pulled out a beautiful jujube-colored pony. He stretched out his hand to Luo Shuyu who was standing in front of him, not allowing him to refuse: "Come here."


    Luo Shuyu looked at him and quickly reaching out his hand, his lips moved, Li Mingjin pulled him closer, and when the two approached, he whispered again: "Li Mingjin."


    Li Mingjin: "With me here, don't be afraid."


    " Don't be afraid." He relaxed, and the tears that were about to be held back slammed down.


    Li Mingjin clenched his hand and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I'll take you home." For some reason, he just wanted to say these words, and he blurted out for no reason. The most incomprehensible thing now was Luo Shuyu's tears. In a few days away, the one he wanted to see most was him.


    Luo Shuyu: "Yeah."


    Luo Renshou shook his head in the back, he was not easy to intervene, the domineering and brutality of the third prince was not a matter of a day or two, and even the wedding showed his domineering.


    Luo Shumo also knew what his father was thinking, so he got up, looked up at Luo Shuyu, and saw that his hand had already been handed over to Li Mingjin, without any hesitation, he seemed to have never seen such a third brother, the compromise was not sooner.


    Madam Xi didn't dare to make a sound, so she had to laugh. There was nothing she could do if she didn't meet the etiquette. The current third prince was the etiquette.


    Luo Shuyu was helped by Li Mingjin on the pony, and he was preparing to go out with the pony.


    A group of people immediately raised smiles on their faces and happily sent Luo Shuyu to the sedan chair.


    Luo Shuyu rode his pony to the sedan chair at the door, and was about to get down by himself, when Li Mingjin suddenly hugged him off the pony. The sudden movement almost scared Luo Shuyu, but it wasn't because he was hugged, but he worried about his feet.


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    Luo Shuyu reminded him carefully: "Be careful with your feet."


    Li Mingjin said softly, "husband can't touch to the ground."


    Luo Shuyu moved his lips, but didn't say anything.


    The third prince could do what he wanted, and no one else dared to ask or said anything, until Luo Shuyu safely entered the sedan chair, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The sweat on their face were frightened by the actions of the third prince, and they were afraid that he would go back to the house directly with the new husband, skipping the step of worshipping the hall.


    Is this the fear of trouble or the urgency of the monkey?


    Anyway, no one dared to guess that he was in a hurry. Don't die. If the third prince saw blood on the wedding day, it would be very unlucky!


    Welcoming you smoothly.


    The welcoming team went directly to the Third Prince’s Mansion from the east of the city, beating gongs and drums all the way, firecrackers blaring, it was so lively!


    When the wedding party went to the street, it was lively, with childrens clamoring to see the groom and bride, and people on both sides of the street watching.


    "Which prince's wedding is this? Why does it feel more grand than the crown  prince's wedding a few years ago?"


    "You don't know, today is the third prince's wedding! I have a friend, my cousin's sister-in-law's is a second-class maid in the house of the official of the Ministry of Punishment. She told us that this third prince is married to the son of the Minister of Rites."


    "I heard that these this third prince is fierce, with three heads and six arms, but I heard that he is normal people during the day. He looks like he will turn into a monster at night, and his right hand will turn into a whip. He is moody. Marrying this delicate Luo Gongzi is almost like giving food. I wonder if he can survive the Mid-Autumn Festival!"


    "Wow ! Shang Shu is also ruthless, how dare he send his own son into the tiger's mouth."

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    "It's His Majesty's imperial decree, who would dare to disobey?"


 " Goosebumps, just think about it, it's terrible! Poor Third Luo gongzi!"


Luo Shuyu in the sedan chair, he supported the heavy headdress.


    There were firecrackers outside, and he couldn't hear the people's comments. He only felt that his mood was completely different this time.


    In the past life, he was uncomfortable sitting in the sedan chair like being bitten by ants, but this time, he no longer feared about the future, but yearned for it.


    Shaking all the way, until the sedan chair stopped.


    The car curtain was pushed open by a hand, and Luo Shuyu knew that this was Li Mingjin's hand, and the nails on his slender fingers were always cut flat and clean.


    Luo Shuyu was stunned for a moment, and put his hand on his palm. His palm was wide and warm. Even in summer, it didn't feel hot. He put his hand in Li Mingjin's hand, and he helped him get off the sedan chair.


    The two looked at each other, and then Luo Shuyu half lowered his head, stared at Li Mingjin's palm, felt the temperature of the palm, and sighed with emotion: Not only did he come back, but he also married Li Mingjin smoothly.


    Under the veil, Luo Shuyu had a slight smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of amorous feelings, and Li Mingjin almost looked crazy.



    The author has something to say: one more.

Third Prince: My wife's hands are so soft `~ It's perfect.

Luo Shuyu: Where did you put my hand?

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