On August 10, the fifteenth year of Yuansheng, the weather was fine.

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    The capital of the  Daxia Kingdom would usher in a grand royal wedding today. The third prince would marry Luo Shuyu, the ger of Luo Renshou, Minister of Rites.


    Recently, the mistress of Luo Mansion was detained in the ancestral hall, but she didn't make any mistakes in major matters.


    Luo Shuyu got up early in the morning to dress up and put on a complicated green wedding dress.


    The ger's grooming was different from that of women. The women's makeup was relatively heavy, while the ger was relatively simple and elegant. Luo Shuyu usually didn't wear makeup. Today, he had to be pressed in front of the dressing table to dress up, thrushed his eyebrows, applied powder light-colored rouge. He was fair-skinned, but he looked different today.


    Qingwang, as a servant looked at him who was going to get married, watched from the sidelines, and couldn't help but praised Luo Shuyu after putting on makeup: "Gongzi, today is really handsome, the third prince will definitely be dumbfounded."


    Luo Shuyu didn't answer. Since that day, Luo Shuyao made a big fuss in his Ruyiyuan, all the masters in the whole house knew that something happened to the third prince, and 90% of them wouldn't appear at today's wedding, to say that another person replaced the third prince to welcome the relatives.


    Grandma Feng stared at Qingwang, the latter knew he had made a blunder, and silently retreated to the side, Grandma Feng was stubbornly changing the subject: "Gongzi's makeup is just right, I feel heartbeat when I look at you, you deserve the title of the most beautiful ger in the capital."


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    Luo Shuyu pulled out a small smile, and the haze on his face was covered by the powder.


    Grandma Feng brought him some snacks and whispered, "gongzi, eat some first, it will take a while."


    Luo Shuyu nodded and ate some casually.


    No matter who came to welcome the relatives today, he was not afraid.


    Li Mingjin's life and death was uncertain now, and he couldn't go to the ceremony with joy.


    How did he spend his wedding day in his last life?


    On that day, he was also called up early in the morning to get dressed. Compared to today, he was even more frowning and worried.


    Now, he didn't know if this was the second time sitting in front of this dressing table, looking at himself in the mirror dressed in wedding dress with makeup, he felt familiar, and he felt very calm.

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    Others could say that the third prince wouldn't come back, but he believed that Li Mingjin would come back, he was so convinced.


    They hadn't joined forces to bring down Shen Mingyun, how could he leave this world first.


    Compared with Luo Shuyu, who was restless and gradually calmed down, Shen Mingyun, who was taking breakfast slowly in Youyou Xiaozhu, was different.


    At this moment, Shen Mingyun smiled brightly, waiting for the system to give him 200 mall coins.


    After thinking about it, he decided to go to the door to watch the ceremony. He hadn't seen the ancient wedding process to see how they welcomed their relatives.


    He was very sure that the third prince wouldn't be the first in the welcoming team. It was a great joy in life to be able to see the fruits of his labor closely.


    Luo Renshou sent the two eldest sons, Luo Shumo and Luo Shuhan, to send off their relatives. Although they had a estrangement with Luo Shuyu, for the sake of the family, in any case, they were all members of the sending off team.


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    Madam Xi and others were also ready in the courtyard where Luo Shuyu was married, and they were waiting for the royal welcome team.


    The auspicious time had came.


    The masters of the Luo family who were waiting in the front hall all had their own thoughts, and Mrs. Luo sat in the first place, waiting for Luo Shuyu to come and gave salute.


    Shen Mingyun, Luo Shuyao

 and others were sitting together, the former was overjoyed, while the latter was uneasy.


    Luo Shuyao said with a stern face: "Cousin, if the third prince doesn't appear, the third brother will be really happy this time."


    Shen Mingyun nodded: "You are right." Falling off such a high cliff, didn't know if there was still life to come back to marry the beauty, "Fate is unpredictable." 


The two were chatting with different thoughts, when they heard someone shouting: "Master! The third prince's wedding team is here! The third prince's wedding team is here!"


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    Luo Shuyao stretched his neck and looked out, trying to make sure who was coming to greet. Shen Mingyun, on the other hand, showed indifference that he was very sure that the third prince would never appear, and now he especially wanted to light a cigarette, and happily accepted his task points.


    When Shen Mingyun was about to follow him out to see what Luo Shuyu was wearing, he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach. He ate too much when he was happy in the morning, so he had to give up the gossip and go to the toilet behind.


    As soon as the people who welcoming the relatives arrived, the Luo family naturally started to get busy, and Luo Shuhan, who was in charge in the front, led a group of talented people to block the door.


    Although everyone knows that the third prince was unlikely to appear today, he still needed to do his appearance, and he must also welcome his relatives. After all, it was a royal wedding.


    Everyone moved to the door excitedly, just to see who was welcoming from the third prince's party today, whether it was the fourth prince or the other descendants of other royal clans, each and everyone was burning with the spirit of gossip.


    Luo Shuhan and the others were discussing in a low voice who would come up with the question first, and then they saw the groom riding on a horse with a big red flower and a tall head. He was wearing a crimson auspicious costume. Who?, Luo Shuhan had the answer in his heart, but he still didn't dare to recognize it.


    This is the groom! Not the person who replaced the groom!


    Luo Shuhan was stunned, wasn't the third prince missing? who is this?

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