Chapter 20 It seems to be twisted

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    According to reasoning, the disappearance of Li Mingjin should never happened in the last life, otherwise Luo Renshou and others wouldn't have been silent, and Shen Mingyun had a big mouth, how could the things he knew not be exposed, the fourth prince at this time had already hooked up with him. Together, the two had met privately several times.


    At this time, after the Emperor Tiansheng and the Empress decided to continue their marriage with the Luo family, they let them go back, and the father and son left the palace.


    In the process of returning from the palace, Luo Shuyu sat on the carriage and recalled the matter of entering the palace today.


    He was concerned, but he was also confused. When he heard about Li Mingjin's accident in the afternoon, he became uneasy. He just observed the  Emperor Tiansheng and the empress from the corner of his eye, and neither of them were as worried as he thought. The Emperor Tiansheng shouldn't be so calm, was there any hidden meaning in it?


    Luo Renshou didn't know what Luo Shuyu was thinking. He looked at Luo Shuyu with admiration today. When the  Emperor Tiansheng asked him how to choose, he thought that Luo Shuyu would regret it and directly mentioned the divorce, but he didn't expect him to think so much for the Luo family and fought for his face. He deliberately comforted Luo Shuyu, who made him looked at him differently: "Don't worry too much about the third prince. When I look at His Majesty, I think he already sent people to look for him, and there should be news tomorrow morning."     


"Well, I know." Luo Shuyu didn't really want to talk to him.     


Luo Renshou asked him: "What do you think? If the third prince really never come back, you will have to live on your own for the rest of your life after you get married, and it's no different from a long-term with no companion." 


But as he said this sentence, the time was too unconvincing. He who just wanted to maintain a father-son relationship with him, this reminding him about Liu Shi who always be with him.     


Luo Shuyu, as soon as he heard his polite words said, "No if, he will come back, father, if you are really good for me, don't say these words, why don't you send more people to help me find people now, I want to see people if he is still alive, and I want to see the corpse if he is dead." 


Luo Shuyu calmly said, he didn't look so fragile and sad like when he was in the palace. He believed that Li Mingjin was still alive, they hadn't married yet, and they hadn't done a lot of things that were left unfinished in their previous lifes, and he hadn't apologized to him yet.


    Luo Renshou felt that Luo Shuyu was too obsessed with Li Mingjin, as if he had made a private relationship with the third prince. As far as he knew, the two had never met before, so how could they had a deep relationship? What to think about, a big change in temperament would make a big change in decision, and it was also the glory of their Luo family to be able to enter the Third Prince's Mansion as an imperial concubine.


    After returning to the mansion, Luo Renshou didn't rest immediately, but ordered people to look for the third prince. Now, this marriage was on the mind of the Emperor Tiansheng. Purchasing, adding another 20% to Luo Shuyu's dowry.

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    Compared with Luo Renshou's arrangement, Luo Shuyu was much simpler. He asked Grandma Feng if there was any news from the Third Prince's Mansion. Grandma Feng shook her head, and there was no need to say more comforting words, Luo Shuyu didn't want to hear it.


    He stood in front of the gorgeous green wedding dress that was stretched out, which was his wedding dress.


    In order to distinguish whether a woman was married or a ger was married, the Daxia Kingdom made a difference in the color of the wedding dress. The women wore red wedding dress, the gers wore green, and the men who greeted their relatives were all red. The ger's wedding dress was bold in color, and there were more stories than women. There were always people who say that red and green were the most suitable to make the difference between the ger and the woman.


    Luo Shuyu told himself that he couldn't fall down at this moment. Since Li Mingjin was fine in his last life, he would be fine in this life.


    Now he wanted to rush to Shen Mingyun's Youyou Xiaozhu to find him and beat him up, but that didn't help, it was the same sentence, as long as Shen Mingyun didn't admit it, he didn't have the slightest evidence to prove that he was related to this matter, and would only expose the matter of his rebirth.


    The chirping of insects and birds in the summer night was annoying, but to Luo Shuyu, it was the proof that he was alive. He sat in front of the window, waiting for the good news that would come tomorrow. 


Qingwang advised him to rest but was sent away by Luo Shuyu. The more he thought about it, the more he thought that Li Mingjin was definitely still alive. No matter whether others saw his jokes or not, at least he couldn't back down. Li Mingjin was his backing, and he would also be the person behind Li Mingjin,  who could give him advice in the future, as long as they survived the current hurdle.


    He already had a new way to deal with Shen Mingyun in his heart, as long as Li Mingjin came back safely, as long as he came back.


    If Li Mingjin died early because of his rebirth, he wouldn't live alone. Before he died, he would really pull Shen Mingyun with him!


    He didn't sleep all night, and Luo Shuyu was still very energetic until the early morning, and he was not overly sad because the groom might not be present at the wedding.


    The sadness now was the most useless thing, he hadn't experienced these things? No matter how painful it was, could you let the person you love died in front of you?


    On a new day, the Luo Mansion began to clean up. The gardener took care of the plants in the mansion, and the maids tidied up the curtains and cleaned the courtyards.


    After Luo Shuyu had breakfast, he sat in the yard and fed his little goldfish.

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    Just after throwing down a few feed grains, he heard the maid in the courtyard yelled: "The Fifth gongzi is here!"


    Luo Shuyu: ?


    Luo Shuyu raised his head and looked at Luo Shuyao who came towards him arrogantly.


    "Luo Shuyu, I've heard all about it. You don't say anything about your life. You're still a trash."


    Luo Shuyu arrested his mother a few days ago, and she was still kneeling in the ancestral hall. It was said that the third prince was missing, and didn't know whether it was life or death. He may not even be able to come to greet  relatives the day after tomorrow. If the third prince was gone, wouldn’t Luo Shuyu become a widow? He actually had it today, it was really the feng shui turned around, and the words of sarcasm were not at ease.


    Luo Shuyu patted off the feed scrap in his hand, and said lightly, "Where is the dog barking from? It usually eats unclean filth, so its mouth is so stinky."


    Luo Shuyao was once again scolded by Luo Shuyu. When he came, he lost in every fight , and he got angry again: "Whoever you say eats filth!" Even when he came to fight with him, Luo Shuyao didn't understand how Luo Shuyu became more and more brave.


    Luo Shuyao's three sentences revealed hypocrisy: "Luo Shuyu, don't deceive people too much." 


The more Luo Shuyu looked at him, the more interesting it became: "This is my yard, how did I deceive you, is it because I used fairy magic to deceive you? Luo Shuyao can't you use your pig brain?" He was in a bad mood and didn't bother to be polite to him.


    Luo Shuyao pointed at Luo Shuyu: "You, you, you!" He originally meant to come over to teach him a lesson, to vent his anger for his mother, but he never thought about it and he was angry.


    Luo Shuyu: "Go back if you have nothing to do, don't get in my way here."


    Luo Shuyao: "Hmph, I'll see how you get married in the future!"


    Luo Shuyu's face sank.

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    Luo Shuyao said again: "I'll see that you must worship with the chicken in the day after tomorrow!"

(if LMJ doesn't come, the chicken will be his substitute as a groom XD)


    Luo Shuyu said to grandma Feng: "grandma Feng, send him out."


    Then, Luo Shuyao, who wanted to come over and satirize Luo Shuyu, was kicked out by two strong and powerful aunties, and once again suffered a loss from Luo Shuyu's hands, he couldn't dealt with it yet, so he could only stand at the door and stomped. He was about to leave Luo Shuyu's yard, and when he thought of something, he spit at Luo Shuyu's yard.


    "Luo Shuyu, I curse you to grow old alone!"


    Luo Shuyu stood in the yard and looked up at the sky. Even if Luo Shuyu worshipped with the chicken the day after tomorrow, he would still be the third prince's  concubine who was married to the third prince.


    To blast Luo Shuyu away in the most straightforward way, Luo Shuyu felt very refreshed.


    After walking around the courtyard, he went to the study, asked Qingwang to prepare the ink, and wrote to Li Mingjin as usual.


    Another day passed in the blink of an eye.


    Luo Shuyu still hadn't received the news about Li Mingjin's safe return, and his heart sank more and more.


    It was night, and Luo Shuyu just fell asleep when a black shadow jumped over the wall, gently pushed open the window of Luo Shuyu's room, and jumped in easily.


    He walked in lightly, and when he saw Luo Shuyu sleeping curled up, he felt a lot more at ease. Hearing that he had  disappeared, the Luo family came to bully him and so he came to take a look.


    At this time, Luo Shuyu had already fallen into a deep sleep, but he was very uneasy when he was dreaming, and he dreamed of the most tragic scene in his previous life. Once again, he went back to experience those inhuman days, and the corners of his eyes unknowingly shed tears.

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    The shadow standing in front of the bed raised his hand and wiped it away quietly.


    Did Luo Shuyu dream about sad things related to him?


    The warm fingertips touched Luo Shuyu's cheek, Luo Shuyu seemed to feel it, he held the finger that rested on his cheek, and muttered: "Li Mingjin, you will regret it if you dare to let me worship with the chicken."


    Li Mingjin was startled by his sudden voice, his movements were stiff, and he didn't dare to move, for fear of waking people up.


    Looking down again, Li Mingjin breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the man was still sleeping, but there was no more tears.


    After confirming that Luo Shuyu was no longer crying in his dream, Li Mingjin gently pulled his fingers and climbed over the wall to leave.


    At the wall, Li Mingjin asked Ansan: "One of the marriage customs in our Daxia country is that the groom and the bride can't meet three days before the wedding. I met with him just now. Do you think it will affect our future fortunes?"


    As the master's confidant, Ansan said smartly: " Luo gongzi fell asleep, and he didn't see you, so it shouldn't be considered a meeting."


    Li Mingjin nodded with satisfaction: "That makes sense." He confidently turned over and jumped off the wall.


    Ansan followed Li Mingjin with agile movements, and then he saw that Li Mingjin suddenly leaned against the wall and didn't move, he asked, "Master, what's the matter with you?"     


Li Mingjin paused: " seems I have twisted my foot."



Something to say: 

Third Prince: Wife, my leg is broken! QAQ

Luo Shuyu: ... I'd better worship with the chicken.

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