Chapter 19 Entering the Palace

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    Luo Shuyu walked around the room, and the ice basin placed around couldn't reduce the anger in his heart.


    This matter must be done by Shen Mingyun, and he still failed to guard against it!


    Now he couldn't wait to rush to Youyou Xiaozhu to drag Shen Mingyun out and beat him, but he couldn't, there was no evidence.


    With his thoughts going back and forth, Luo Shuyu's fingers were trembling: "What the hell is going on?"


    Qingwang followed his gongzi anxiously: "Anjiu only passed me a message that something happened to the third prince, and I haven't had time to ask him what happened, he ran away without a trace."


    Grandma Feng deliberately comforted him: "Gongzi, don't worry, perhaps the person who sent the message suddenly went back to answer his orders, and His Royal Highness the third prince will be fine."


    Luo Shuyu paced the room. Come and go, not a moment of silence.


    Grandma Feng also said, "Gongzi, Your Highness the Third Prince has a good personality, so don't worry too much. Since Anjiu can come back to pass the news to you, it means that there is room for things to change, and it will be fine."


    "But, the question is what happened to him now?" Luo Shuyu was anxious, was there a problem with the drawing he gave Li Mingjin?


    It was useless for him to be anxious now, he had to think of a way: "Did Qingwang send someone out to inquire?"


    Qingwang said, "I have already sent someone out to the Third Prince's Mansion to wait for the news, Gongzi, wait, maybe the good news will be reported later."


    Luo Shuyu was restless, feeling up and down in his heart.


    In the evening, the people who was sent out to the Third Prince's Mansion came back, but didn't get the corresponding answer, and the Third Prince didn't return to the Mansion.


    Luo Shuyu: "Did you go to the Ministry of Punishment to ask?"


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    Qingwang said: "Our people can't enter the Ministry of Punishment, but it seems that the top and bottom of the Ministry of Punishment are under martial law now, and they will be questioned when they stand outside, so it's hard to speculate what happened."


    At this point in the past, Ansan and Anjiu would come over to deliver letters, or reported to him the situation on Shen Mingyun's side, but now there were no figures of the two of them, it seemed that things were not easy!


    If you couldn't figure it out yourself, it didn't mean that others couldn't. Luo Mansion had a ready-made one, and Luo Renshou would definitely know!


    Luo Shuyu rushed directly to Luo Renshou's study. When he arrived, he found that no one was there. He asked the little servant again, and when he learned that Luo Renshou in aunt Cheng yi niang's room was having meals, he rushed over directly.

(yí niáng = maternal aunt; father's concubine, before LSY calls LS aunt (yi niang))


    Cheng yi niang's maid was almost frightened by Luo Shuyu's aggressive appearance, and even forgot about the report.


    Luo Renshou, who had just returned to the house, had just swallowed a mouthful of soup, and when he saw Luo Shuyu who rushed in, he almost choked: "cough, cough." He wiped the corners of his mouth, Luo Renshou put on the air of being a father. His wife was gone because of him, and now he went straight to his concubine to make trouble. Luo Renshou said, "What's the matter with you?"


    Luo Shuyu said, "Father, I have something to ask. It's a big deal."


    Luo Renshou was really afraid of him. Afraid that he would talk about some old things in front of his concubine, he waved his hands and got up and asked him to go to the study together.


    Occasionally, there would be servants passing by on the road, and they all looked at them curiously. It was very rare to see the master and the third gongzi walking together. Today, the sun seemed to be coming out from the west.


    When he arrived at the study, Luo Shuyu changed his calmness before: "Father, what rumors did you hear about the third prince today?"


    At present, Luo Renshou and Luo Shuyu were not really ripped off. Luo Renshou was still a little apprehensive about the third prince and his marriage contract .


    Luo Renshou didn't understand what he meant: "What did you hear? What happened to the third prince?"


    Luo Shuyu didn't answer but asked: "Did the third prince go to court today?


    " ." Luo Renshou finally saw that Luo Shuyu was in the wrong mood. "What do you want to ask?"


    Luo Shuyu said bluntly, "He seems to be in an accident."

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    "Accident?" Luo Renshou raised his eyebrows, "What happened? "


    Although the current Luo Renshou was strategizing in the court, he was still relatively low-key. He was also complacent that the Luo family could marry the royal family for a while. Now he was looking forward to Luo Shuyu marrying into the Third Prince's Mansion, just to increase his influence in the court.


    But now Luo Shuyu asked him if something happened to the third prince? He was also puzzled.


    What could happen to the third prince?


    Luo Shuyu shook his head: "I don't know either, I'm not here to ask you if I know."


    Luo Renshou asked Luo Shuyu, "Where did you get the news?"


    Luo Shuyu said, "The people in the third prince's mansion told Grandma Feng that he hasn't returned to the Third Prince's Mansion yet, father, we might go to the Ministry of Punishment to inquire." There was no problem with this reason.


    Luo Renshou: "Okay, I'll send someone to the Ministry of Punishment to ask.", he just kept in mind how Luo Shuyu knew the whereabouts of the third prince, thinking about whether the third prince was sincere to Luo Shuyu. You couldn't tear your face off with Luo Shuyu.     


Luo Shuyu just came back from the rebirth, and finally saw some hope. Now Li Mingjin had an accident again. He was not sure what happened to him at this time in his previous life, but he was really anxious and scared now, and the picture before his death in his previous life was in his mind again. Reverberating, his chest became more and more stuffy and uncomfortable, he knew that it was useless to worry, he could only wait.    


 Luo Renshou was about to send someone out to inquire about the news, but the butler ran in and said that an eunuch had come from the palace and wanted to see Luo Renshou and Luo Shuyu.     


Luo Renshou and Luo Shuyu went to the front hall with doubts. This eunuch was serving in the queen's palace on a daily basis, and he came to pass on the queen's oral decree to declare Luo Renshou and Luo Shuyu to enter the palace.     


Luo Renshou asked the eunuch what happened to his father and son so the queen called them. The eunuch shook his head and said that he was just an emissary, and he was not too sure, they would know as long as they went to the palace to see the queen.    


The father and son were rarely in sync with each other, so they got into the carriage to the palace uneasily.


    Luo Shuyu didn't have much time to deal with the queen in his last life. She suddenly announced that they entered the palace. It should be related to Li Mingjin. Now he was not only anxious, but also overwhelmed. Why the queen looking for with their father and son?


    While sitting in the carriage to calm down, Luo Shuyu pinched a blue mark on the palm of his hand, and Luo Shuyu took a deep breath until Eunuch Chen reminded them that they arrived.


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    Luo Renshou couldn't say anything. He and Luo Shuyu had no common language at all. He couldn't understand Luo Shuyu at all now. He had changed too much. At the same time, he also found that Luo Shuyu's attitude towards the third prince was very strange. The two had never met before, and this marriage was just marriage by the royal family. Why did he care about the third prince so much, and it was uncertain if he could live well with the third prince in the future, okay? Were they in love with each other?


    Looking at Luo Shuyu with a pale face, Luo Renshou couldn't help thinking of Luo Shuyu's biological mother. Luo Shuyu inherited his mother's appearance. She was white and clean, stubborn and strong. Now Luo Shuyu had completely inherited this.


    Along the way, the father and son didn't speak, their thoughts were different.


    When they arrived at the Queen's Changchun Palace, it was already the beginning of the lantern.


    An eunuch was already reporting the arrival of the Luo family's father and son.


    The two entered the hall and found that there was not only the queen, but also Emperor Tiansheng.


    Luo Shuyu paid respectful visit to them, and was not at all cowardly. Emperor Tiansheng called them up and gave them a seat.


    Neither Emperor Tiansheng nor the Queen had ever seen Luo Shuyu, but seeing his appearance and attitude now, they felt that he was quite atmospheric.


    Emperor Tiansheng didn't talk to them. He put down the tea cup in his hand, sighed, and said with some embarrassment: "Aiqing, I'm so anxious to announce you here tonight, there may be something I need to discuss with you."

(aiqing = something like my beloved official )


    Luo Renshou was disturbed by Emperor Tiansheng's attitude: "This minister is frightened, I don't know what your majesty needs the minister to do."


    Emperor Tiansheng said: "It's like this. This morning, Mingjin followed the people from the Ministry of Punishment out of the city to arrest a group of bandits. It was too dark at that time. After they chased to the edge of the cliff, a group of people disappeared. The person who came back to report said, Mingjin fell off the cliff when he was fighting with the Jiang Yang bandits, and now his life and death are unknown."


    Luo Shuyu's heart was half cold when he heard this, his face turned pale, and tears rolled in his eyes.


    Why did Li Mingjin suddenly go to arrest the Jiang Yang bandits?


    He didn't remember exactly what Emperor Tiansheng and Luo Renshou said later.


    Until Emperor Tiansheng asked him:  "Luo gongzi, three days later will be your wedding day with Mingjin. I have discussed with the queen, if Mingjin doesn't come back in three days, there are two options for you now, one is to postpone the wedding date, The other is to cancel the marriage with Mingjin, we will not embarrass you."

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    Luo Shuyu quietly wiped away his tears, but his eyes were firm: "Thank you Your Majesty and the Queen for being considerate, since Caomin has a marriage contract with the third prince, no matter whether life or death, I'm willing to marry him, and I'm willing to wait for his safe return, and I will never regret it!"

(cǎo mín = the grass roots, the hoi polloi. Maybe it's the same like this humble me)


    Emperor Tiansheng and the queen were moved by Luo Shuyu's firm words. Although they didn't know if the two childrens had met before, the tears that burst out of Luo Shuyu's eyes wouldn't be fake. There was determination in their eyes. Emperor Tiansheng and the queen originally thought that they might cancel the two people's marriage contract, but now they had to reconsider it.


    It was not a bad thing for Li Mingjin to get a wife who was willing to follow him, and he (LSY) was not afraid of him. Even now, people didn't know his life and death, which put a lot of pressure on Luo Shuyu. If Li Mingjin really disappeared, Luo Shuyu could only guard a tablet in the future without marrying another, if he was still alive, this was a happy event and a blessing for him.


    The queen also wondered why she hadn't paid attention to Luo Shangshu's ger before, and was cut off by the third prince. Seeing that this child was so sensible, it was not a bad idea to give it to the crown prince, even Luo Shangshu didn't come from an aristocratic family, Luo Shuyu still had a good character.


    The queen asked Emperor Tiansheng: "Then, Your Majesty, the wedding will continue as usual in the next three days?"


    Emperor Tiansheng sighed: "Since Luo Gongzi has no opinion and can afford to wait, then I will decide to let the wedding continue. Luo Aiqing , you have taught a virtuous son, I will thank you for Mingjin."


    Luo Renshou hurriedly knelt down: "Your Majesty is too honorable, this is what this child should do."


    Luo Shuyu also knelt down, with a very sincere attitude. There was no dissatisfaction with the marriage. Such behavior had improved the impression of Emperor Tiansheng and the queen, and the queen was even more regretful in her heart.


    She also got Luo Shuyu's portrait when she was choosing the crown princess for the crown prince, but unfortunately she put it in the "abandoned" place because his eyes were too cold at that time, and now she regretted it a bit.


    Luo Shuyu didn't know what the queen was thinking. He lowered his head and thought about how Li Mingjin fell off the cliff.


    In the book, during this period of time, Shen Mingyun and the third prince had no interaction, not even a single word. The story revolved around him and Luo Shumo working on the renovation of the waterwheel together, and then it was the end of the year. Therefore, during this period, Luo Shuyu really didn't know what would happen to Li Mingjin.


    Li Mingjin, you will live, right?



The author has something to say: I'm really hardworking. 

The Third Prince: Not only alive, but also very hard, very easy to use!

Luo Shuyu: ...Go away.

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