Luo Shuyu knew as soon as he turned around that Shen Mingyun was testing him.

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    "The king of heaven covers the earth tiger, the demon of the pagoda town" appeared in the book before. He remembered that Shen Mingyun used it as a code for connecting with people. They were not people of their era, and they wouldn't pick up the next sentence after hearing the previous sentence.


    Shen Mingyun jumped out in a hurry, but asked him to remember this point, it should be useful in the future, he really thanked him for reminding him.


    After Luo Shuyu returned to Ruyiyuan, he started to write letter to Li Mingjin after dinner. Today he was in a bad mood, so there was only one sentence.


    Now writing letters had became their after-dinner habit.


    Letting Liu Shi stayed in the nunnery was already the biggest punishment for her. After Liu Yong and Ping'er were imprisoned, it was almost the same for the rest of their lifes. If they wanted to live a happy life of putting on good clothes, reaching out for food with only opening their mouths, it would be a dream that would never come true.


    Liu Shi's case happened suddenly and was resolved quickly.


    Luo Shuyu drank another bowl of the soothing soup sent by Grandma Feng before laying down, but he didn't fall asleep. His mind was full of the words of Ping'er and Liu Yong today. He wanted to kill Liu Shi to vent his hatred, but he also had to consider for Li Mingjin and his future children, to accumulate virtue, and hope that the mother in the spirit of heaven could bless their family to spend this life safely.


    In the afternoon, the old lady knew that Luo Shuyu had another fight with Liu Shi, but she never expected that a few days before Luo Shuyu got married, she would find out the cause of Chen Shi's death, and it was Liu Shi's poison, Liu Shi served her for many years, and when the old lady heard it, she was terrified, and she was so angry that she called Luo Renshou to Fushouju and scolded him.


    "Shou'er, Chen Shi was the one who asked for you back then, and she served me for ten years. Although I know she despised me as a rude old woman, she is also your wife. How could Liu Shi kill her? It's extremely vicious, and her heart is made of poisonous juice. I still trust her so much! I must let her know her fault!"


    Luo Renshou said: "Mother, don't be so angry! If Shu Yu is not in the courtyard that day I don't know if he would meet Liu Yong who acted erratically."


    "You still don't know that Liu Yong? I listened that Liu Shi gave him a lot of subsidy, he ran to Luo Mansion every two or three days. Liu family wants money, and now when they become serious relatives, they treat Luo Mansion as their own home!" The old lady patted her chest, "What the hell did our Luo family do to have such relatives."


    "Mother here drink the ginseng tea." Luo Renshou stroked her back, "Don't be angry, I am also responsible for this matter."


The old lady scolded: "If you are not responsible, no one is responsible, but Shu Yu has taken control. Well, before he gets married, he made a mess at home!"

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    Just as they were talking, the brothers Luo Shumo and Luo Shuhan were outside begging to see the old lady and Luo Renshou.


    The old lady wiped her tears: "What are you doing? My grandchildren will suffer this kind of crime."


    Luo Renshou was more tired now than ever. Luo Shumo and Luo Shuhan came back late. After knowing about their mother, they were still a little confused. Yesterday, the family was safe and sound, but today it had became like this. Their mother suddenly turned into a murderer and poisoned Chen Shi, which she herself admitted it. If you learned about this from the mouths of the third aunt and the sixth aunt, they would definitely be beaten and scolded by them.


    So sudden, so sudden!


    The two brothers ran to the old lady in  hope that the old man could beg Luo Shuyu for mercy. They couldn't accept the sudden result. How could the mother commit murder when she was good? Why did she suddenly plead guilty? Did their uncle do something illegal outside?.


    The old lady kept crying, and the two brothers were finally taken to the study by Luo Renshou, and the old lady was not allowed to ask Luo Shuyu.


    Luo Shumo asked: "Father, is there something wrong with this matter? Why is it so sudden?, how could my mother do such a thing to the eldest lady?."


    Luo Shuhan's temper wasn't as calm as Luo Shumo, and he had a hot temper: "Sure enough someone harmed my mother! Father, Luo Shuyu must have framed my mother!" 


The two of them gave Luo Renshou a headache: "It was Shu Yu who heard what your uncle said when he had an affair with the maid. Go, there are witnesses and evidence, they found relevant evidence in Ping'er's room in the afternoon! How can you justify that you are going to go to court with Shu Yu? It's already hard evidence, and your mother's mind was very clear when she recognized her crime. What are you doing, do you think it would be better to hand over your mother to the yamen!"


    Luo Renshou had no choice, Luo Shuyu waited with the evidence in front of him, what he could do was very limited, and there was nothing left for him at all. The chance to rescue Liu Shi was this aggressive and ruthless method.


    However, if Liu Shi didn't have such a handle, Luo Shuyu wouldn't make a trouble to this point. After all, Liu Shi was still greedy!


    Because of Luo Shuyu's dowry, Luo Renshou had a big headache. Now not only this, but even his wife had to cut her hair to become a nun. He didn't know how many rumors he had to bear.


    Luo Shumo had his own considerations, he frowned and asked Luo Renshou, "If my mother is not here, what will happen to Shuyao and Shuyue's marriage?"

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    Luo Renshou said, "Your grandmother will take care of it, you two should go back to rest first, and today I'm too tired." Now that he had made a decision, he couldn't change it. Moreover, Luo Shuyu had the third prince as a shield in his hand, which was the main reason why he couldn't help to exonerate Liu Shi.


    After Luo Shumo and Luo Shuhan left Luo Renshou's study, Luo Shuhan went directly to visit Liu Shi who was imprisoned in the ancestral hall, while Luo Shumo turned around and went to Luo Shuyu's Ruyiyuan.


    Luo Shuyu was so stimulated that he couldn't fall asleep today. After lying down, he got up again, thinking about his mother Chen Shi in his mind.


    His mother was a gentle woman who was knowledgeable and sensible. She had the charm of a Jiangnan woman of the Yangtze River. She always spoke very softly, her eyes were always squinted when she smiled, and she liked light-colored rouge. Always had her own set of principles.


    She and Luo Renshou seldom had any disputes, and they respected each other like guests. From the outsider's point of view, they had no son, but Chen Shi never pinned her hopes on it.


    In her spare time, she would guide Luo Shuyu to study, taught him the principles of life, taught him in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, never asked him to learn embroidery or did things he didn't like to do, she would always take care of her children.


    That memory was very beautiful. Luo Shuyu hadn't dreamed of his mother for a long time. He was afraid of losing this memories.


    In his last life, after his mother passed away, he no longer thought about his past with her. Now, when he thought back to the past, he could only sigh, and his mother's face was no longer clear. He was afraid that one day he would never be able to remember his mother's appearance again.


    It would be great if he was reborn back to when his mother was alive, at least he could save her, took her out of this man-eating Luo Mansion, let her saw how lovely her future grandson, and lived the idyllic life she had always longed for , you didn't have to fight back and forth with the woman in the back house every day.


    Luo Shuyu was thinking wildly when a sound came from outside.


    He asked what happened to Qingwang, who was sleeping outside, and Qingwang replied, "The eldest gongzi is here."


    Luo Shuyu knew that he would definitely face him: "Tell him to sit in the hall for a while, and I will come out after changing clothes."


    With this eldest brother, he really didn't want to talk seriously, thinking that he was here for Liu Shi's business, Luo Shuyu twitched the corners of his mouth.

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    Although Luo Shumo had never been bad to him, he had never been nice to him. He always looked at him with cold eyes when he was bullied by Luo Shuyao and Luo Shuyue. He had never said a good word. After all, he was not his own younger brother. If you wanted to talk to him about affection, it didn't exist.


    When Luo Shuyu came out, Luo Shumo was drinking the tea served by the servants.


    It was still Luo Shumo who took the initiative to call Luo Shuyu: "Shu Yu."


    Luo Shuyu cut to the point: "Big brother came so late because of your mother."


    Luo Shumo bluntly admitted: "Yes, I went to my father first. Understood, I came to apologize to you on behalf of my mother, not to intercede with her."


    Retreat to advance?


    Luo Shuyu sat across from him and said, "I lost my mother when I was ten years old. My eldest brother is different from me. He was loved by father when he was born. You are a man, and I'm just a ger, and I never thought that there would be today, you will find out that your mother will be the murderer of my mother. Brother, if an apology is useful, what else do you need to do? Apologizing can't make my mother come back to life, and you won't be able to live my life in Luo's house over the years. Maybe you don't know."


    He was destined to be on the opposite side, and it was already thoughtful that he could sit down and talked peacefully.


    Luo Shumo thought about it when he came, first apologized to him, and then changed his mother's punishment.


    However, Luo Shuyu was sharp, and he was speechless. He no longer had the position to plead for his mother.


    Luo Shumo said, "That's I'm harassing you." He was not stupid. If he paid more attention to Luo Shuyu in the early years, the result would have been different.


    Who knew, feng shui turned.


    After Luo Shumo left Luo Shuyu's Ruyiyuan, he hesitated between returning to his own courtyard and going to Shen Mingyun's courtyard.

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    In the end, he chose to go to Youyou Xiaozhu.


    At this time, Shen Mingyun happened to be eating watermelon in the yard without image, and the black watermelon seed he spit out everywhere.


    "Pfft! Putting watermelon in the well is really cool. It's no different from the iced one. Big cousin, why are you here? Come and eat a piece of watermelon, it's so sweet!"


    "No, I have something to discuss with you." Luo Shumo saw Shen Mingyun who was informal, and his heart throbbed, "You can eat it, but as a ger, you should eat less cold things."


    Shen Mingyun wiped his mouth rudely: "What do you want to discuss with me?"


    Luo Shumo leaned into his ear and asked him in a low voice, "Do you still remember a few days ago, when you asked me how to delay the marriage of the third prince and Shuyu, I suddenly had an idea."


    Shen Mingyun opened his eyes wide: "Really?


    Luo Shumo saw Shen Mingyun with eyes full of tenderness, and wiped the watermelon seeds from the corner of his mouth with his fingertips: "Naturally. "


    Luo Renshou's affair with Liu Shi was suppressed by Luo Renshou. Recently, they had been preparing for Luo Shuyu's marriage. No one was allowed to mention this matter. Liu Yong and Ping'er had been sent to the yamen to wait for their punishments. This was Luo Renshou's reassurance for Luo Shuyu.


    For the next two days, Luo Shuyu's mind was focused on the preparation of the marriage and Shen Mingyun's movement, he wanted to know how he was going to ruin his wedding, but he didn't move much recently.


    Luo Shuyu was pinching a needle to sew an ugly sachet, and it pricked his finger when he didn't pay attention. He really was not suitable for such meticulous work, so he simply put it down and poured himself a glass of water.


    Just as he got up and poured water, Qingwang changed his recent behavior and rushed into the house in a hurry and said, "Gongzi, the news just came from the Third Prince's Mansion, saying that something happened to the Third Prince!


 It's coming!

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