Luo Renshou received the news from the servants at home, and he didn't know what it was, but when it came about human life, he didn't dare to delay, and hurried to the house immediately. At the same time, he also sent someone to call Luo Shumo and Luo Shuhan home. If anything happened, they could also be used.

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    On the way home, he also asked the servant who came looking for him: "What's going on?"


    "Master, I don't know, it was Qingwang, who is next to the third gongzi, who sent me to inform you to go back, saying it's a matter of human life. It 's a big event."


    Luo Renshou pinched his brows in distress: "Shu Yu? What's wrong with him?" 


The servant couldn't answer him, Luo Renshou stroked his right eye that was beating non-stop, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.


    wasn't the matter about Luo Shuyu's dowry already given to him? Why there was still trouble, and what was he doing? His father was now like a decoration, and he (LSY) had been leading him by the nose recently.


    Luo Renshou pondered in his heart what was going on.


    Back at the mansion, the housekeeper was already waiting at the door. He saw him looking flustered. He led Luo Renshou into the hall and said, "Master, something really happened this time."


    Luo Renshou asked him as he walked: "What the hell is going on, why are you calling me back in such a hurry? I'm busy." 


The housekeeper hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Madam's brother Liu Yong was having an affair with the maid Ping'er in our garden and was caught by the third gongzi and was arrested on the spot, the maid cried and said that the madam forced her to do something, while Liu Yong was kicked by the angry third gongzi, and he rolled on the ground for a long time in pain, and just recovered. Now the third gongzi locked them up separately, and no one is allowed to see them. He also called madam to the hall, and I saw the third gongzi looked like he was going to eat madam. He also called all the guards of the third prince's mansion, and now no one is allowed to enter the hall."


    Luo Renshou caught the point, his face ashen: "You said that Liu Yong had an affair with the maid in the garden? His house is still a brothel!" 


The housekeeper was also helpless: "Master, that fornicating maid served Mrs. Chen back then."


The housekeeper was shrewd and didn't say what he guessed, but only reminded Luo Renshou of the well-known things.


    Luo Renshou always felt that he was churning with energy and blood now, but after spending many years in the officialdom, he was still safe.


    What did Luo Shuyu find?


    The only thing that stimulated Luo Shuyu the most recently was his mother's affairs. When he mentioned this, Luo Renshou felt that it was another troublesome thing.


    After catching Ping'er and Liu Yong on the spot, Grandma Feng called the third prince's mansion's people who were guarding outside to enter Luo Mansion to protect Luo Shuyu. Now some were guarding Liu Yong's door and some were in the hall. At this time, Ping'er in the hall was strictly guarded by several maids, who blocked her mouth to prevent her from speaking, and bound her hands and feet to prevent her from self-harm.


    Liu Shi was "invited" by Luo Shuyu before. At first, she thought Luo Shuyu had a dowry matter with her, but when she entered the hall, she found that her legs were weak after seeing Ping'er. Where is this just a little things!


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    Her brother Liu Yong happened to come to her this afternoon to ask for money. A few days ago, because she had to make up for Chen's dowry, she was even deprived of her qualifications as a housekeeper. Where did she has money now! She scolded Liu Yong and told him to get out. Who would have thought that he was so daring to have an affair with Ping'er in Luo Mansion, and she almost passed out of anger after hearing it, and when she saw Luo Shuyu's cold face, her legs were even weaker, and she couldn't even stand still.


    She wanted to be helped when she passed out on the grounds, but Grandma Feng was an old hand from the palace, and there were some ways to deal with her tricks of pretending to faint at every turn, and Grandma Feng pinched her twice to neutralize her skin. Immediately she was honest and didn't dare to go against the cold-faced Luo Shuyu.


    She couldn't faint, she could still cry, Luo Shuyu didn't say anything, she continued to cry, until her children came to rescue her, and until the master came back!


    When Luo Renshou walked to the hall, he saw two guards with swords standing at the door with a solemn expression. The guards saw Luo Renshou and the housekeeper coming in and let them in.


    Luo Renshou put on airs: "Are you from the Third Prince's Mansion?" 


The guard : "Yes, Lord Shangshu, I'm under the command of the Third Prince to protect the third gongzi's safety."


    Luo Renshou angrily rebuked: "It's totally unreasonable, there is still something happen to my son when he is in my home. If you can't go because of me, you can leave Luo Mansion quickly."


 The guard said again: "I hope Lord Shangshu understands, it's difficult to obey orders, and I will leave Luo Mansion after the third gongzi's affairs are finished, and I will not embarrass the adults."


    Luo Renshou had nothing to do, and threw his sleeves and went into the house.


    If it was the crown prince and the eldest prince, he would still be able to play, but the third prince was not afraid of anything, and even His Majesty couldn't control him.


    Luo Renshou said again: "You guys are completely clueless." 


The guards scolded him in their heart without replying. Compared with the punishment of their master, Luo Shangshu's words were nothing more than a painless scolding. 


    At this time, the servants of Luo Mansion were all around, the housekeeper scolded them, and everyone shrank their necks and left to work.


    Luo Renshou was annoyed at the door, and when he entered the hall, he saw Ping'er who was kneeling on the ground and tied up with five flowers knot.


    Liu Shi burst into tears, and when she saw Luo Renshou, her crying became louder. Luo Shuyao and Luo Shuyue stood behind her, for fear that Grandma Feng and others behind Luo Shuyu would come to pinch people again, and the rest of the servants were all locked out, and no one was allowed to come in.


    Luo Shuyue first complained to Luo Renshou: "Father, save mother quickly. The third brother is simply unreasonable. He detains mother here, and she is not allowed to go anywhere. You must decide for us!"


    Luo Shuyue shed tears in cooperation. Compared to Luo Shuyu, who was sitting on the side with a sullen face, the three of them looked very innocent, like a little white flower swaying in the wind, which was lovable.


    Liu Shi said weakly: "Master..." Compared with the two ignorant childrens, she panicked and asked Luo Renshou for help.

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    Luo Renshou looked at Luo Shuyu: "Shu Yu, what do you mean?"


    Compared with when he first heard the truth, Luo Shuyu was much calmer now: "Father, do you want your good wife to explain to you?"


    Liu Shi struggled Said: "Master, I don't know anything, that girl must have framed me!"


    Luo Shuyu said leisurely: "How does my father feel about my mother's sudden death, I didn't know how to distinguish between being sick and being poisoned when I was young. What kind of symptoms, I think you can remember a lot of things when you recall your memories."


    Luo Renshou didn't expect Luo Shuyu to pursue his mother's death on the way back, let alone Luo Shuyu directly arrested Liu Shi.


    Luo Renshou said, "Your mother died of illness, and the doctor's diagnosis at that time was lung disease."


    "A doctor from Zhongdetang?" Luo Shuyu sneered, "I heard their staff said that doctor Liang, who treated my mother back then and said that she was ill, the doctor left after making a fortune, and his whereabouts are still unknown. How could a doctor disappear immediately after my mother died, there is nothing wrong here, do you believe it yourself?"


    With a bang, Luo Shuyu threw the teacup in his hand. It fell to the ground and was torn apart. A few small fragments flew to Liu Shi's feet, making her shrink back to the chair in fright: "Ah!"


    Luo Renshou was also taken aback by Luo Shuyu's appearance: "Luo Shuyu, what are you doing!"


    Luo Shuyu raised his voice and said sternly: "What am I doing?, I just want to get justice for my mother, Liu Shi not only embezzled my mother's dowry, she is also the culprit who killed my mother! You want to ask me for evidence again. Is that right? Liu Yong and Ping'er are both here. I can still hear what they said during their fornication today. The servants who passed by when they were disheveled should have seen it, but don't say that I slanders them. A few old maid checked Ping'er's body to see if she had just been with a man! Father, I asked you to come back to deal with this matter today because I have lived in peace for nearly 18 years. Give you and Luo Mansion a face, and take full care of your kindness for raising me, otherwise they will be in the yamen or the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. You can measure it yourself!"


    Luo Renshou didn't show a fatherly gesture at this moment, and said solemnly: "Are you threatening me?"


    Luo Shuyu wasn't afraid at all, and sarcastically said: "It's really funny, I have a reason to discuss with you, but you actually said that I threatened you, since you want to cover up Liu Shi, that's okay, I'll take these two people away. I'll throw it directly to the yamen, oh no, it's more appropriate to hand it over to the Ministry of Punishment."


    Liu Shi's legs were not only weak now, she couldn't stand anymore after listening to Luo Shuyu's words, she couldn't argue, she was just allright just now, now she knelt directly on the ground: "Master, don't hand Liu Yong over to the Ministry of Punishment, I admit it, I admit it, it's my fault, I did everything in those days, and it has nothing to do with Liu Yong, he is the next generation of our Liu family. You can't go to the Ministry of Punishment, he will die!"


    Luo Shuyu really felt bored and said to her: "Liu Auntie, you don't need to cry in front of me, why didn't you think that others would cry when you were poisonous back then, what's the use of crying now, no one bullies you, who you will show it to?"


    Luo Renshou, who was shown it, said, "..." He had always liked Liu Shi's pear blossoms and rain, and once in a while, a drop of tears would make him soft-hearted. Luo Shuyu really directly pierced his thoughts as a man.


    But now it was indeed a matter of human life, he had to think of a way, he slowed down his voice: "Shu Yu, allow me to think about it."


    Luo Shuyu didn't give him time: "Do you still need to think about it? A human life, or that's your attitude to your former wife? I'm really impressed today."


    Luo Shuyue, who was standing beside him, was obviously not as badly hit as Luo Shuyao, who was so frightened that he felt from the chair, his mother actually Poisoned to kill, Luo Shuyue was calmer: "I see the third brother, you are using my uncle to force my mother to admit her fault, what direct evidence do you have to prove that my mother killed someone? My mother doesn't even dare to kill a chicken, so what about she killed your mother."

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    Luo Shuyu also looked at Luo Shuyue who suddenly spoke up: "Oh? According to what you mean, I forced your uncle to do bad things in Luo Mansion and fornicated with the maid? Is it the rights I gave him, or Father has been tolerant to him so far, Luo family is your Liu family's back garden, right? If you want to kill people, kill people, if you want to play with women, you can play with women! Luo Shuyue, don't forget, your surname is Luo, not Liu."


    Because the object of her power was Luo Shuyu, and pushing Luo Shuyu was completely easy to crush him, but here Luo Shuyue was facing Luo Shuyu who had dealt with the royal family for five years, and she hadn't yet reached this ability.


    At this time, Luo Shuyue was in a dilemma. To help Liu's family meant not to treat herself as Luo's family, to eat inside and outside, didn't help Liu Shi, but this was her mother, so she had to kneel down and beg Luo Renshou: "Father, you must decide for mother!"


 At this time, Luo Renshou even felt that he had been led by Luo Shuyu. From the day he received the imperial edict, he had lost the respect he had for his father. Luo Renshou knew that Luo Shuyu called him back not to discuss with him, but to let him accept the next processing result.


    He sat slumped on the mater chair: "Since Liu Shi has admitted it, I have nothing to say." He was already dissatisfied with Liu Shi used Luo Mansion's money to help Liu family, and he had no objection to use Luo Shuyu's hand to deal with Liu Yong.


    Liu Shi was no longer a pitiful pear flower with tears in her eyes, but her tears were flowing and her hair was messy: "Master, I, I don't want to die, don't send me to the yamen, Shumo and Shuhan can't have a killer mother, master!"


    Luo Renshou didn't say a word, Liu Shi crawled in front of Luo Shuyu: "Shu Yu, I really did the things, I know that paper can't hold fire, but please let your eldest brother and second brother go, they have never done anything to you, can you please let them go?"


    Luo Shuyu asked her sharply: "When you poisoned my mother, did you ever think about letting go of my mother? She was killed by you. The whole family still kill her son!"


    Liu Shi couldn't say a word, she twitched her mouth: "It's my fault, it's my ghost, it's my wife's position, it's me, it's me!, Shu Yu, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"


    Luo Shuyu pushed her away and said, "Beishan Nunnery, cut her hair and becomes a nun, and she has to be accompanied by someone. If she wants to return to the secular world, wait until I die."


    Luo Shuyue said angrily: "Luo Shuyu, you want my mother to die, is the nunnery reserved for people?"


    Luo Shuyu sneered: "My mother is dead, she is not dead yet, Just eat some plain food and recite the scriptures, what's wrong?"


    At this point, Luo Renshou sighed, "What else?" He knew that Luo Shuyu had more to say.


    When Luo Shuyao and Luo Shuyue heard this, they looked at their father who had always been there in disbelief, and then rushed to Liu Shi, hugging her head and crying with her.


    Luo Shuyu told him clearly: "Liu family used to be just a poor businessman. Now all the shops are subsidized by my mother's dowry. All of them are taken back. I've been in prison for more than ten years."


    Luo Renshou closed his eyes and opened them again: "Okay, I'll handle it."


 Luo Shuyu: "Ping'er, I'll also send her to the yamen." As for the reason, he knew that Luo Renshou would find a way.


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    Ping'er, who had been unable to speak, slumped to the ground, she knew she was finished.


    Luo Shuyu asked Luo Renshou, "Does my father have anything else to say?"


    Luo Renshou was both sentimental and regretful: "It's a pity that your mother didn't give birth to you as a man."


    At this time, Luo Shuyu thought of a sentence Shen Mingyun often said in the book: everyone born equally.


    what about a man or a ger?


    Said Cao Cao and Cao Cao would arrive.


    Shen Mingyun's high voice came from outside the door: "Who are you, why don't you let me in?"


    Luo Shuyu said to the door, "Let him in."


    Shen Mingyun really came in, and saw Liu Shi, Luo Shuyao, and Luo Shuyue kneeling on the ground, he looked at Luo Shuyu unfriendly.


    "What are you doing to them?"


    Luo Shuyu asked him back: "You want to save the murderer?"


    Shen Mingyun was stunned: "...What murderer?" He just came to save people because of mission!


    Luo Shuyu got up and looked at Luo Renshou: "I hope my father keeps his promise."


    Luo Renshou seemed to be ten years older and nodded weakly. When he looked at Liu Shi, his eyes were complicated.


    When Luo Shuyu was walking out, Shen Mingyun suddenly whispered: "The king of heaven covers the earth tiger."


    The Demon of The Pagoda Town.

    Luo Shuyu pretended not to understand, and left with an expressionless face, ignoring the three crying mother and childs behind and Ping'er who was lying on the ground.


    Shen Mingyun asked the system: "Is he a transmigrator?"


The system didn't answer, but sent Shen Mingyun two words: Mission failed! ! !

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