Luo Shuyu was also very cautious about Shen Mingyun's actions to prevent Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin from getting married. The two secret guards sent by Li Mingjin were also relatively professional. The surveillance content sent back to Luo Shuyu was all detailed, and it was almost impossible to put Shen Mingyun's mind. The system was uncovered.

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    With the presence of professionals, Luo Shuyu's heart fell back to the truth. Li Mingjin was framed in his last life not because he was incompetent, but because he didn't have a system that could issue tasks and props, and props were very important to Shen Mingyun's growth in this world.


    According to Shen Mingyun's usual style, every time he wanted to hold an event, he would publicize it for a while, mainly by distributing flyers, posting advertisements in major stores, and telling words from mouth. Obviously, otherwise Shen Mingyun wouldn't have accumulated a huge amount of wealth so quickly after he arrived in this world. The money he earned was later used to recruit troops to buy horses for the fourth prince. 


    Did Shen Mingyun take out "Hua Kui 101" to stop his and Li Mingjin's wedding? If so, how he would stop it?


    In the past life, this event had nothing to do with his wedding with Li Mingjin. Shen Mingyun was busy making money, while Luo Shuyu was busy getting married, waiting for marriage in Luo Mansion, and they had nothing to do with each other.


    In the book, only Shen Mingyun's planning for this event and communication with people were written, but at that time there was no such thing as Shen Mingyun wanting to destroy his marriage with Li Mingjin. What would he do?


    Seeing that there were less than ten days to be married.


    Shen Mingyun's warm-up period for the event was just 15 to 20 days. By then, the event would spread throughout the capital and became a hit.


    "Sweeping pornography" was not so easy, after all, in their era, the existence of brothels was legal.


    Wait, the Fourth Prince also seemed to have a brothel. Although it was inconspicuous, it was also a middle-to-upper-level passenger flow. In the later stage of the novel, when he and other princes scrambled for the throne, they used it to transmit information from various places, which was not small.


    What was the name of the brothel he opened? It was definitely not Huancai Pavilion. This brothel had an official background but it was not as big as the fourth prince. In the book, no one knew who the owner of Huancai Pavilion was, not even Shen Mingyun, who had been dealing with people in Huancai Pavilion for a long time. This was also one of the places that Luo Shuyu was very puzzled when reading the book. It ended without explaining the content clearly, but later he didn't care too much. He just remembered it.


 Who was the owner of this Huancai Pavilion?


    Luo Shuyu wrote down this doubt for the time being.


    It was a cloudy day today, and it was finally cooler. Luo Shuyu sat in the yard to enjoy the shade after dinner.


    Ansan came first to report to Luo Shuyu about the information from Shen Mingyun today.


    Shen Mingyun's actions were indeed different, and it was difficult not to be remembered.


    "What other feats did Shen Mingyun do today?" He was now preparing to marry, and he couldn't run out every day, so he waited for Ansan to report Shen Mingyun's situation every day, and then made plans.


    Ansan respected Luo Shuyu like he respected the third prince. After all, he was the future third imperial concubine, and he didn't dare to be sloppy when he did things.


    "He was writing and drawing in the yard today. I saw that he wrote a list. I didn't know what it is used for, so I copied it down for gongzi to see." Ansan then handed over his copied list.


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    Luo Shuyu smiled decisively when he saw the list: "So it is, he has an idea."


    Facing Luo Shuyu, Ansan didn't feel the same sense of oppression as the third prince: "I don't know what gongzi means?"


    Luo Shuyu: "You know he recently wants to cooperate with the brothels to start a program called Hua Kui 101."


    Ansan: "I know, the relevant leaflets have already started to be distributed outside, and many people have started to ask about this."


    Luo Shuyu: "Then you know the process of this program, How to choose those hua kui?"


    "About singing and dancing?" Ansan guessed.


    Shen Mingyun's secrecy skills were quite in place. Now he first let the brothel set up the scene and did the relevant design, invited the audience, and then the most confidential one was the selection of the Hua Kui ranking mentor, and the intiator of the whole show.


    Luo Shuyu: "There are singing and dancing, but the most important thing is group dance, vigorous singing and dancing, you may not have heard of it."


    Ansan: "Ansi is the most proficient in music theory, he has never heard of it?"


    Luo Shuyu: "The most dazzling national dance, Xiao pingguo, Haicao wu, Kaluli, have you heard of it?"

(Xiao pingguo = little apple, Haicao wu = seawed dance, Kaluli = Calories)

(最炫民族舞,小苹果,海草舞,卡路里. These are names of modern dances, googling for more information)


    Ansan shook his head.


    Luo Shuyu: "Have you heard of pole dancing, striptease, hula dancing?"


    Ansan shook his head again.


    Ansan: "However, I seem to have seen the names of these songs on a piece of paper by Shen Mingyun." Ansan was amazed, "How did you know that?" 


He had heard people sang these songs at the gathering in the harem, but the songs were too straightforward and noisy, so he didn't like to listen to them. Now that he thought about it, it was really thanks to his outstanding memory.


    Ansan: "..." Luo Gongzi was more powerful than the master!


    Luo Shuyu continued: "Keep watching, and report to me in time if there is any new situation."


    Ansan: "Yes."

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    "Wait." Luo Shuyu stopped him again, "Bring me something for Li Mingjin."


    Ansan: "Yes."


    After half an hour, Ansan appeared at the Third Prince's Mansion, stood in Li Mingjin's study, reported the day's work, and presented a small box.


    The box was unlocked and could be opened at any time.


    Li Mingjin was looking forward to it, and twisted his fingers, wanting to open it but was a little nervous.


    In the end, curiosity overcame nervousness, and he wanted to know what Luo Shuyu gave him.


    A white rounded little finger jade appeared in front of him.


    Li Mingjin picked up the jade with engraved a "ten" at the bottom. What does this mean?


    After thinking about it for a long time, Li Mingjin thought about what it meant, and put it away for the time being. He could ask about it on the day of their marriage. He had calculated everything, and there were thirteen days until the day of their marriage!


    Afterwards, Li Mingjin automatically filtered out the part of Luo Shuyu's information: "He still has the ability to remember it?"


    Ansan: "Yes, Luo Gongzi told this subordinates himself."


    Li Mingjin said to himself: "I think it will be the same in the future. Can he remember my preferences?."


    Ansan: "..." No, is that all you think of?


    Forget it, he had also witnessed the beginning of a relationship, and fully understood what a man in love could think about.


    Time passed by, and there were still three days before they got married.


    Luo Shuyu learned from Ansan that Li Mingjin had handed over the waterwheel drawings to a trustworthy person, and good news would come soon.


    After waiting for more than ten days, Li Mingjin couldn't wait for Luo Shuyu's small box every day, counting the days every day, and looking forward to it very much.


    Li Mingjin was now looking forward to Luo Shuyu's text messages and small boxes every day, and he also gave Luo Shuyu something. Yesterday was the sugar man he used to look down on the most, and today was Luo Shuyu's favorite green sweet-scented osmanthus cake in the pastry shop. He didn't know what to send tomorrow.


    Luo Shuyu never thought that the original Li Mingjin actually could treat him so well. If he gave him a little more trust, a little more care, and a little less indifference in his previous life, maybe the ending would be different.

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    The closer to the day he got married, the more restless he became, for fear that Shen Mingyun would make a fool of himself that he didn't know about.


    After eating the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand, Luo Shuyu patted his trousers and stood up. He was about to go to the garden in the house.


    Luo Renshou had a hobby, that was planting flowers, he liked to collect fresh flowers, and now there were many in every season.


    Luo Shuyu was bored in the yard for a long time, thinking about where to go, and you could go to see the scenery of Luofu.


    He hadn't come out to breathe for a long time, and when he looked at Luofu, he had a different feeling.


    There were many kinds of bamboo in the walls of Luofu. It looked very comfortable in summer. The words "elegant", "clean" and "indisputable" were not exaggerated.


    Slowly swaying, he arrived at the back garden that Luo Renshou specially set aside.


    Luo Renshou had such a hobby, so he naturally set aside a yard to grow the flowers he bought from other places. Of course, there were also some that the officials below gave him as a gift. This hobby would bring him benefit in the end. It was also a good place to visit for many like-minded colleagues, and occasionally played chess and drank tea in the yard full of plants.


    There was a plantain bush in the middle of the garden, which looked a little sweet in summer.


    Luo Shuyu stood in the shade of greenery and fanned the air with a fan.


    Qingwang asked Luo Shuyu if he was thirsty. When he went out, he specially brought a water bottle and followed by the maid. Originally, he could just go out and strolled around, but Grandma Feng said that she couldn't rest assured without people, Luo Shuyu still wanted to persevere. As for her own thoughts, Grandma Feng later became anxious and said that this was all the order of the Third Prince.


    Just as he was about to continue looking around, he heard a man and a woman chatting and laughing. Luo Shuyu raised his hand to make the people behind him quiet down and listen to them.


    Luo Shuyu was blocked by bushes in front of them, and the two of them didn't notice his existence.


    The next person were cheating?


    No, he should had heard this man's voice.


    The more he listened, the worse Luo Shuyu's face became, and he tightly usurped the fan in his hand!


    "Master, you can't forget what you promised Ping'er. You agreed to accept me this year."


    "Good Ping'er, how could I forget about this.


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    " Can it be done?"


    "Indeed, I promise you to do it right away!"


    "How many times have you said it, can you count it? I think it's better to tell the third gongzi about it, anyway, I don't mean to look at you!"


    " Don't worry, Pinger, your third gongzi is going to enter the third prince's mansion, can he trust you? Doesn't he always care about things? No one will know about his mother."


    "Master, Pinger also knows. You took advantage of me. Back then, I was favored by my madam, and no one could suspect me. When the third gongzi marries to the third prince's mansion, no one will be suspicious. You must remember your promise, otherwise I will, I will inform the third gongzi about this, and make a fuss."


    "Don't worry, I will ask you to come over and marry you as a concubine, so you don't need to be someone else."


 "That's a good deal, uncle. Master, please remember that I have evidence in my hand that my madam didn't die of illness, but died of poisoning."


    "Shh! Don't say it, this is Luofu, it's not good to be heard." 


The two wanted to continue to be intimate .Luo Shuyu who was standing next to them made a gesture, and the maid who followed immediately stepped forward and dragged the two out!


    The two man and woman were disheveled, the man's trousers wasn't tied, the woman's underwear was exposed, and the rope wasn't tied.


    Angered, Luo Shuyu kicked Liu Yong lower body forcefully: "Very good, Liu Shi's younger brother Liu Yong, my mother's maid Ping'er who served her when she was alive, you are so good!"


    Liu Yong was still stunned when he was pulled out, and then there was a sharp pain in his lower body. He clutched his lower part and fell to the ground: "Ahhhhh!" 


The truth came too suddenly, Luo Shuyu pinched his brows and immediately turned to his side and said in a cold voice: "Take care of them and lock them up separately! Qingwang went to find someone to invite the master back, and said that there was a major matter of life at home and he needs to come back and make up his mind!" 


Ping'er knelt on the ground and wanted to hug Luo Shuyu's thigh, but was kicked away by the maid next to Luo Shuyu.


    "Ah! Third, Third gongzi, I, I was forced back then! It was Mrs. Liu who forced me!"


    Luo Shuyu stared at Liu Yong and Ping'er, his mother really didn't die of illness!


    Mrs. Liu, I want you to pay for your life!


The author has something to say: 

The Third Prince: That kick looks a bit painful...

Luo Shuyu: Try it?

Third Prince: No, no.

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