Chapter 15 "Hua Kui 101"

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    After Li Mingjin, who didn't know anything, received the report from Ansan, he instantly felt a bolt from the blue, and disaster fell from the sky!


    How did his future imperial concubine know that he would go to Huancai Pavilion to listen to music on weekdays?.


    At this moment, he was sitting gloomily in the study and was about to write a letter to explain to Luo Shuyu.


    He hadn't written yet, he thought again, he didn't do anything wrong, so why should he be in a hurry to explain?.


    Wasn't explaining the same as covering up?


    After thinking for a while, Luo Shuyu usually stayed at home, why did he pay attention to places like Huancai Pavilion, and what did he want to do? First, he asked him to ask for someone, and now it was Liang Xian'er of the Huancai Pavilion.


    He thought it was Luo Shuyu who first asked him to ask for someone just to find out about his mother, but this was not the case. His concubine knew more than he thought, and he was a talent.


    He sent An San and An Jiu over, An Jiu was on duty at Luo Shuyu's side, and An San came back to report the situation.


    Li Mingjin stopped the pen in his hand: "Why did he ask about the Huancai Pavilion? Even he heard about Liang Xian'er plays the song."


    An San: "This subordinate doesn't know, Luo Gongzi mainly wants us to keep an eye on Shen Mingyun in secret."

(back to gongzi=the son of official or noble, sorry, my first time translating )


    Li Mingjin: "Shen Mingyun?" 


An San explained: "It's Shen Mingyun who came from the north to join the Luo family last year. Luo Gongzi's cousin is the Gongzi who copied Li Bai's "Near the Wine", and now lives in the Luo family. Before you had a few encounters with him."


    "It's him." Li Mingjin suddenly realized that there was such a person, but he didn't pay much attention to it, he just regarded him as an unnecessary passerby.


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    "Master, do you still remember the rumors that you had a relationship with Shen Gongzi a few days ago? Maybe Luo Gongzi cares." An San always positioned himself as a caring little jacket who could help the master. The confidant who could give the direction.


    Li Mingjin tapped the table with his fingertips. If Luo Shuyu made people stare at Shen Mingyun because of jealousy, he instantly felt that this reason was very valid.


    His heart beat a little faster, it turned out that he cared about himself so much.


    Li Mingjin: "Then let's follow the his thoughts, and let you stare at whoever he wants. Also, find someone to correct the rumors. At that time, who spread it out?"


    An San: "When Shen Mingyun opened the store, he was suppressed by the store opposite and borrowed your name, but you didn't care at that time."


    Li Mingjin: "I remember this Shen Mingyun sees me like a mouse sees a cat? Since he is afraid of me, he is bold enough. He dares to do things under my name. Do things neatly!."


    Dark Three: "Subordinate will let everyone know that you have nothing to do with him, Master."


    Li Mingjin stroked the nearest section, Luo Shuyu, he told him first was the plagiarism of Li Bai's poetry collection, and the other was the drawings. These two things had the shadow of this Shen Mingyun. What was wrong with this person?


    He still had an impression of this person, he was very nosy, he (LMJ) seemed to be able to see him everywhere, except for the crown prince, the eldest brother and the fourth brother seemed to have a good impression of him, but he really didn't care about this person.     


When he first went to Luo Mansion a few days ago, the eldest brother and the fourth brother said something nice about him, and explained for him about plagiarizing other people's poems. They all said that this person was simple, straightforward and innocent, a rare temperament. He must have been deceived to do such a thing.     


In the past, Li Mingjin seldom paid attention to the situation of the Luo family. The only person he paid attention to was Luo Shuyu. Did this Shen Mingyun occupy the mind of his imperial concubine too much? What did he do to his docile imperial concubine?     


He once again pulled out the waterwheel blueprint that Luo Shuyu gave him, and stared at it for a while. Even he, who didn't understand craftsmen, felt that the drawing was detailed and novel, and it would definitely benefit the people after it was made.     


According to Luo Shuyu's meaning, if the eldest brother made it, it would cause many problems later, and it could only be made by others in advance. But who was the opposite of eldest Brother?. Today's court game was divided into two factions, one was the crown prince, and the other was the first prince. 


    As the crown prince and the eldest prince grew older and their experience increased, the battle between the two was extremely fierce and intensified. If the credit for this drawing was transferred to the crown prince, the problem seemed to be able to be solved easily. As for the follow-up, he could send people to watch. For now, the things that benefitted the common people were what the crown prince neede the most now. He needed popular reputation to consolidate his status. The most important thing was that the crown prince had no intersection with Shen Mingyun, which was in line with Luo Shuyu's requirement.


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    The court also had the situation of the court, and there were also competitions in the palace. Father's body still looked tough, but when he was older, his body wasn't as tough as before. The struggle between the eldest prince and the crown prince was becoming more and more fierce. It was for the sake of the future, this was not only the competition between the two, but also the competition of snobbery of the major families behind them.     


The crown prince was descended from the queen, he was directly descended, and his bloodline was orthodox. Needless to say, he had the support of the prime minister's family. The prime minister was highly respected, and the family system was complicated and innumerable, like a big banyan tree with intertwined roots.     


The power behind the eldest prince was also not low. His mother concubine, Lin Guifei had always been very favored by the emperor in the harem. Before Tiansheng ascended the throne, Lin Guifei had been with him all the time. They were a young couple, and she was still very favored until now. The limelight was unparalleled, and the shelf in the palace was bigger than that of the queen. Although his mother's family was not as good as the prime minister's mansion, it was also a family that had stood for a hundred years.     


The battle between the two factions was no longer a day or two, and the struggle wouldn't stop because of one or two words from the emperor. Don't look at the crown prince's current glory, but who would ascend to the throne in the years after Emperor Tiansheng, he (Emperor) was the one who would allow to say. Likewise, under such power, it was almost impossible for other princes to make a difference. 


Li Mingjin never stole the limelight with them. Only he knew how he acted, and it didn't matter how bad he was. It was just that the trouble now was that Shen Mingyun, who his imperial concubine was staring at, had something to do with the eldest prince. The advantage was that the trouble could be solved slowly. Li Mingjin thought about it, and finally thought of a person, he could hand over the drawings to the other party, it should be safe. Wouldn't it be more fun to muddy the water a bit?


    Luo Shuyu didn't know how Li Mingjin dealt with the drawings, and he didn't mention it in his reply, but he believed that Li Mingjin was not a scumbag. He had lived in the court where power struggled since he was a child. If he wanted to do something, he shouldn't be bothered. On the contrary, it might be even more powerful than what he knew. Otherwise, how could he have escaped from the heavily guarded prison to save him and the child, only to be betrayed later.


    He hadn't seen anything about Shen Mingyun's mission against him and Li Mingjin in the book, and it was unclear what exactly Shen Mingyun did to Liang Xian'er.


    The only thing he knew was that Liang Xian'er and Li Mingjin knew each other. Could it be that Shen Mingyun wanted to ask Li Mingjin out through Liang Xian'er and then did something to him? The bad thing was that Luo Shuyu had no way of knowing whether Shen Mingyun would use the props he bought from the system mall, or what kind of props he would use, and how could he avoid getting caught?


    He thought about what props Shen Mingyun had at this time, and what he would do with the props.


    He always needed to have physical contact when using the props, and his props were limited and couldn't be transferred to others, only by himself. If it was a prop such as a recipe, the object made with the materials of this world could be given to others, and this was not a big restriction.


    Luo Shuyu continued to reminisce about Shen Mingyun's handling of such incidents in the book. What would he do if he wanted to make someone disappeared alone?


    One was the most direct way with making the other party unconscious and making an incident as a "kidnapping incident", and the next was to invite some sān jiào jiǔ liú people, pretended to save people and then gave the other party the props.


    Seeing that the wedding date was getting closer and closer, Luo Shuyu's expectations for the future were also increasing, and the contents of the book were played over again and again in his mind.


    A few days passed since Li Mingjin gave Ansan and Anjiu to Luo Shuyu.


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    The wedding dress was still being sewn, and it had not yet been completed. He heard that the embroiderers were rushing to work non-stop. The wedding of the third prince was a major event for the royal family.


    In the past few days, Luo Shuyu had received the money that Luo Renshou asked to move into his yard. Liu Shi took out Chen's dowry and all those who could come back came back. Those who couldn't come back were converted into money and shops. How to suffer, Luo Shuyu wouldn't ask Liu Shi, he only looked for Luo Renshou, who could call the shots, and the trouble was over. Luo Renshou was a little afraid of him now, so it would be better to give the money.


    The old lady talked about Luo Shuyu's marriage and tried her best not to make any mistakes. She might be a little confused in small matters, but she was able to handle major matters clearly. She originally wanted to ask Shen Mingyun to come and help, but considering the shameful troubles before, she didn't let Shen Mingyun intervene, the current Luo Shuyu was not easy to fool.


    Everything was still under the control, so Luo Shuyu stayed in the yard with peace of mind and packed his luggage.


    He was going to take everything he could and put it into his suitcase.


    In his last life, he threw away everything he didn't want, but now it was all his memories of growing up, so he decided to put it all away.


    After being exhausted for a long time, just after the maids were tidy up, they saw Qingwang running into the yard with excitement on his face.


    Grandma Feng didn't say anything about him, Luo Shuyu was the one who made the decision here, and she wouldn't go beyond the norm.


    Qingwang held a piece of paper in his hand and ran into the room excitedly: "Gongzi, I got the news!"


    Luo Shuyu turned his wrist to relax: "What news?"


    Qingwang handed the piece of paper in his hand to him: "Gongzi, look."


    Luo Shuyu took the paper and saw that it was written in bold letters: "Hua Kui 101?"

(Hua Kui = nickname for a famous beauty or courtesan)


    Qing Wang nodded vigorously: "Yes, this was something Shen Gongzi had been tinkering with recently, I heard They said that Shen Gongzi was going to cooperate with several big brothels such as Huancai to hold the 'Hua Kui 101' competition! This was the advertising paper for the Hua Kui competition. Before it started, many people outside were chatting like a raging fire, just waiting to look at this 'Hua Kui 101'. I inquired about the rules, they will select 101 people from several brothels to participate, perform in the form of a group, and the spectators below will vote for the ranking. In the end, there will be ten who debut alone, several major brothels will have their special events in the future."


    Luo Shuyu had heard about this Hua Kui activity, and it came out around this time, so he almost forgot.

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    He still remembered that Luo Renshou quietly asked his servants to vote for his favorite "Hua Kui".


    "Hua Kui 101" not only had the slogan "If you love her, vote for her", but also had a very blatant theme song "Choose me, choose me, I am the most beautiful".


    This show was not original by Shen Mingyun, and it was copied from variety shows he watched based on his original world.


    The "Hua Kui 101" program was novel in this era. Shen Mingyun made a lot of money in it, but at the same time, it also brought many disadvantages. Because of this show, how many people had thrown a lot of money in to vote for their favorite "Hua Kui", and some had borrowed usury through underground banks, causing their families to be ruined.


    In the last life, Shen Mingyun held "Hua Kui 101", which didn't affect his and Li Mingjin's wedding. Was that something to cover up with this show?


    He remembered that it was mentioned in the book that in the era of Shen Mingyun, brothel was an industry expressly prohibited by the state, calling prostitution and whoring, and there was a special department in the police station.


    Since Shen Mingyun wanted to move "Hua Kui 101", it was not impossible for him to introduce him to "sweeping pornography and illegal activities".


    That night, Li Mingjin was troubled by the new words that appeared in Luo Shuyu's letter.


    Li Mingjin asked Ansan: "What is the meaning of 'sweeping pornography and illegals activities'?"


    Ansan explained intimately: "Master, Master Luo said, the brothel has to take the truth according to the law."


    Li Mingjin pursed his lips: "..."


    Imperial Concubine, this jealousy was really unprecedented!


The author has something to say: 

The Third Prince: Wifd, choose me, I am C! (C = center position)

Luo Shuyu:  …

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