Chapter 14 Master, You're Finished

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    In the matter of Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin getting married, Shen Mingyun, who was more anxious than the two protagonists, was also given a task by the system.

    Seeing the days of August 10 getting closer and closer, he was also anxious in his heart.

    he had also taken on tasks that were difficult to complete before, and there were time constraints, but they were not too difficult. He was either going to come up with some ideas for this, or to solve some trivial things. But now, if you wanted to find ways to prevent a marriage, it was better to ruin it. He had no experience in doing such things without breaking down a bridge. And two days had passed since he talked to Luo Shuyu, and Luo Shuyu hadn't given him a clear answer yet.

    Luo Shuyu was still greedy for pleasure when he wanted to come here. It was estimated that he didn't intend to cooperate with him at all, but waited to marry the third prince and lived the life of the imperial concubine.

    Shen Mingyun wondered how to get the third prince to divorce in his leisurely little building.

    Letting Luo Shuyu escaped from marriage or death wouldn't work. How could we get the third prince to divorce and ensured that Luo Shuyu's reputation wouldn't be corrupted. Anyway, the third prince Li Mingjin had a bad reputation.

    Shen Mingyun didn't put all his expectations on Luo Shuyu, he still had to start with the third prince.

    But what to do? He asked the system, but the system didn't give him advice, only reminding him that he could buy props with the mall coins.

    correct! Props!

    If the third prince had an accident that prevented the wedding from being held as scheduled, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? The system task only said to prevent their wedding on August 10, and didn't say not to let them get married. Hahaha, as long as the task was completed. The Chinese writing was really broad and profound. As long as it wasbcarefully studied, there were still loopholes. He had taken advantage of this loophole.

    However, the ancients paid more attention to good times. The third prince could still get married if he was injured, so he must disappear on the wedding day?

    Next, first wrote a detailed plan, and then chose to use the props accordingly to cause an accident, so that he temporarily disappeared without compensation.

    That's all right, he had a plan.

    It was a pity, who exactly leaked Li Bai's poems? He hadn't found it yet. Didn't the system say that there was no Li Bai in this world? Was there any other traverser? But the system said no again, which was really a headache. Would he still dare to go to the poetry club in the future?

    Luo Shuyu had been in class for a few days, absorbed some things that his husband loved, and then thought of Li Mingjin in his previous life.

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    He thought a lot last night and slept a bit late, but at least he didn’t have a nightmare, but got up late. He was now preparing for the wedding, and the old lady didn’t need him to ask for peace. Liu Shi just fell out with him, and he didn’t want her to go.

 He and Li Mingjin didn't communicate with each other every day, too frequent was not good, and it was easy to reveal that they had met in advance.

    The most lively part of the capital recently was the widely spread "Li Bai Poems". Shen Mingyun didn't pay attention to this matter, but he was a little flustered. It was estimated that he wouldn't plagiarize the poems of his predecessors in the near future. It was easy to lose a good impression if you did a lot of things like filling yourself with swollen faces and fat people.

    After coming back, Luo Shuyu no longer did the same thing every day, he still had a lot of things to be busy now.

    In the morning, he wanted to listen to Grandma Feng talk about how to manage the prince’s mansion. Luo Shuyu in the previous life was actually very relaxed. There was no one else in the house. Li Mingjin had no concubines, not even a room (maybe a room for a woman who had relationship with LMJ but not counted as concubine, as lover), and he was the only one in the entire backyard comfortably, the only thing he struggled with was when Li Mingjin's whip would fall on his head. In fact, when Li Mingjin was with him, he rarely showed the whip on his face.

    Qingwang, the temporary spy, came back to report the new situation after he had eaten breakfast.

    Qingwang: "Young master, the people in Shen Mingyun's yard told me a new situation. He mysteriously walked out the back door this morning."

    Luo Shuyu: "What is he going out for?"

Qingwang: "I don't know yet, he just meet a close friend, he didn’t bring someone else, I sent someone to follow."

    Luo Shuyu: " Okay, don’t follow too closely, he may meet some big people, don’t be caught."

    Qingwang: "But our people are not enough to follow a professional."

    Luo Shuyu: "I'll find a way."

At this time, only Li Mingjin he could think of, and only Li Mingjin he could believe. It was time to ask him something.

    If Shen Mingyun went to see the eldest prince or the fourth prince and others, according to Shen Mingyun's description of the two, there were masters around them, very cautious, especially the fourth prince.

    The biological mother of the fourth prince was originally the maid brought into the palace by the eldest prince's mother concubine from her house. One day the emperor drank some wine and put her to sleep when she looked good, and then the fourth prince was born. Although he had a position, it wasn't high, and he was hated by the mother concubine of the eldest prince. His biological mother didn't have a strong background. The fourth prince was bullied by other princes since he was a child. After he grew up, the closest prince was the crown prince. In order to be protected, he had been very forbearing. Don’t look at his daily laughs and elegant, but his mind was very deep. People couldn't figure it out. However, his appearance was as gentle as jade, he was more like a spring breeze towards Shen Mingyun, and he had a good impression of Shen Mingyun.

    Shen Mingyun, who came to this world, liked the fourth prince who had gentle attitude. The two had experienced many things in the book, and they naturally came together. Another point was the fourth prince's appearance was only slightly worse than Li Mingjin , and his "warm temperament" was Shen Mingyun's dishes.

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    Considering that Shen Mingyun's whereabouts were related to the future of his family, Luo Shuyu decisively wrote a letter to Li Mingjin, this time he wrote a little longer.

    At noon, Luo Shuyu's asked Grandma Feng to send the letter to the Third Prince's Mansion.

    The two had a marriage contract, and a bit of correspondence was justified.

    Li Mingjin went back to the house to sleep for a while after going to court in the morning. When he woke up, he received a letter from Luo Shuyu. He opened the letter before lunch.

    He immediately agreed after reading the content about the important person at the front, but his expression remained unmoved. The corner of his mouth rose slightly at the last sentence. It was rare that his face that usually without a smiling face was a little hot, and his imperial concubine was not too bad. Be reserved, said this before getting married. But, they were going to get married soon, so it was okay to talk in advance.

    Always scratching his heart like a feather, itching to see Luo Shuyu.

    【Recently, I listened to my master's lecture and I was better than reading for ten years. Luo Shuyu. 】

    Li Mingjin, whose heart had already drifted towards Luo Mansion, went to the study to reply to Luo Shuyu's letter after lunch.

    The imperial concubine learned so seriously, what else was he dissatisfied with.

    Since they met, the frequency of writing letters between the two had increased, and there would be one in at least two days. This had became Li Mingjin's most anticipated thing recently.

    Li Mingjin was assigned to the Criminal Ministry and followed the Criminal Ministry's officers to study the law and settle cases, but he was always inattentive. He went to sleep as soon as he got there, or went to watch the prison guards to interrogate the prisoners.

    How could a prince take a pleasure in watching people whipped every day, and when he was upset, he would do it himself. His cruelty was really cruel. No wonder the saint threw him to the criminal ministry and replaced him with another department. The officers who may instruct him were all pumped by him. Went home and lay down to recover.

    Today, the third prince came to make appearance and left. The atmosphere in the Criminal Department suddenly became much more relaxed. The two Criminal Department officers, who usually disliked each other, reached an agreement on this matter. They truced first and relaxed for a while.

    However, in the afternoon, the two officers of the Criminal Department saw Li Mingjin, who was still full of emotions, returned to the Criminal Department. He said that he could take a small shift today, and signaled that the officers of the Criminal Department would send him some work to pass the time.

    The two criminal officers covered their chests and took a deep breath, let's take in the air for a while!

    Luo Shuyu didn't know how Li Mingjin tortured the officers mentally. He was waiting for the news from the next person.

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    He thought that Shen Mingyun would wait for two days before coming back to him for a few words, but he didn't expect to be so impatient, and he didn't know what bad idea he was going to make.

    Most of the time, Shen Mingyun was an extremely selfish person, suddenly being good to others was purposeful.

    In the evening, Li Mingjin's letter and the news from the people who followed Shen Mingyun arrived in front of Luo Shuyu at the same time.

    Luo Shuyu first opened the letter from  Li Mingjin, one of which contained only eight characters.

    [So good, study hard. 】

    Study? Luo Shuyu couldn't help but his face was slightly hot. Li Mingjin didn't know anything, right?

    No, he must know, Luo family not only had Grandma Feng, but also other eyeliners, including his actions, he knew, but Luo Shuyu only felt at ease.

    In the letter there was a waist card, he said he would send two guards over at night. If there was a dangerous thing to do, he must first inform him.

    This letter was written in a relatively serious manner, Luo Shuyu's heart was warm, Li Mingjin trusted him, nothing was more important than getting his trust.

    It was just that he didn't quite understand, why would Li Mingjin trust him? He hadn't figured this out till now. This problem didn't affect him, especially about the person Li Mingjin sent to stare at Shen Mingyun. Sooner or later he would let Li Mingjin knew about it, and told him in advance now that the power of one person was far less powerful than the combination of two people.

    The news Qingwang received didn't disappoint Luo Shuyu.

    Shen Mingyun's whereabouts all day long.

    Qingwang said: "Our people said that he first went to his store in the morning to buy new products, training the employees in his store, and shouting slogans, which attracted the attention of many passers-by. It was sold out. At noon, he met a man in a restaurant, young master, who do you guess this young master Shen met?"

    "sān jiào jiǔ liú?" Luo Shuyu drank a sip of tea. He remembered that Shen Mingyun was mentioned in the book. He was very longing for the ancient brothel, and he had known many brothel top brands because of the rouge gouache in these years. It was a sales idea to find them as the image spokesperson in the store. After all, he could only invite brothel women. The men he hooked up didn't wipe these gouaches and couldn't endorse him, let alone she was Su Zhixian, the number one beauty in Beijing.
(sān jiào jiǔ liú=the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) and Nine Schools (Confucians, Daoists, Yin-Yang, Legalists, Logicians, Mohists, Political Strategists, Eclectics, Agriculturists) fig. people from all trades (often derog.)

    Qingwang: "Almost, it's the top brand of Huancai Pavilion, Liang Xian'er!"

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    Luo Shuyu: "Our people still know Liang Xian'er? Doesn't she rarely show up? Seeing her is a big deal."

    Qing Wang: "I don't know. But the maid next to Liang Xian'er is a famous tiger, ugly and strong. She has a good hand in fighting. As long as there is Liang Xian'er, she must be there, and she hardly leaves Liang Xian'er. It must be her."

    Luo Shuyu: "Do you know what they talked about?"

    Qingwang: "They entered the private room, but I didn't listen."

"I see, you send someone to keep staring at Youyou Xiaozhu." Youyou Xiaozhu is the name of Shen Mingyun's yard, he consciously felt poetic.
(youyou=lasting for ages, preposterous. Xiaozhu=small building)

    Luo Shuyu pondered this Liang Xian'er, whose name was quite familiar.

    There were three famous brothels in the capital, Huancai Pavilion, Yunliang Pavilion, and Qingyuan Pavilion. This was not known from the book, but he knew it in his previous life.

    Why did you remember it so clearly, because every time Li Mingjin went out to drink with people, these were the ones he went to. When he entertained the guests, he liked to go to Huancai Pavilion the most.

    He didn't care so much in his previous life, but he couldn't listen to it in this life!

    Ansan was sent by Li Mingjin to work next to Luo Shuyu. At a certain point, he was respectfully introduced to the door by Grandma Feng.

    On the first day of taking office, he saw Young Master Luo coldly asking him: "I ask you, does the third prince go to Huancai Pavilion to listen to Liang Xianer's music from time to time?"

Ansan: "..." Oh, I'm going, It's so hard. Shall I say yes or not? One thing is certain, Master, you are finished!

The author has something to say:
Third Prince: wife, listen to me! I never listen to small songs, I only listen to buckle music! Such as Legend of Phoenix! ~~ I am like a fish in your lotus pond~~Waiting for you to be in the middle of the water~~~ 
(fish in your lotus pond means it's already yours XD)

Luo Shuyu:…………………………

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