Chapter 13 Pre-Marriage Course

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    Who else but Luo Shuyu could have a date with Li Mingjin for lunch? Shen Mingyun didn't even think about asking about Luo Shuyu's whereabouts. If he was a little bit more careful, he wouldn't run to him and made this stupid little report.


    Shen Mingyun's act of instigating separation was too obvious. Luo Shuyu didn't even know his thoughts were difficult, not to mention that he also knew that he still had a system hidden in his mind.


    He was very sure that there was no part of Shen Mingyun instigating his marriage with Li Mingjin in the book. Even the marriage was something Shen Mingyun wanted to get rid of. Was he really so kind to help him escape the marriage? According to him, not necessarily, Shen Mingyun had no sympathy for these "ancient people", and only treated them as NPCs who earned commercial coins.


    Was it because of his rebirth that the system could detect his existence and prepared to issue a task for Shen Mingyun to obliterate his existence?


    If this was the case, then he had to deal with Shen Mingyun, who had the system, and dealing with the system was the ultimate goal.


    The sudden change made Luo Shuyu's vigilance stronger again. Before that, he hadn't considered that the system could detect whether he was reborn.


    In the book, Shen Mingyun did the tasks under the guidance of the system. He was bound to the system, including the tasks that were mandatory, without any initiative. It was just that he had a natural tendency towards the system, never disgusted, but complacent. From the perspective of reading books, he didn’t think the system was so terrible, but now, if the system really detected that Luo Shuyu was reborn, which was inconsistent with the purpose of the task it released, it was possible that his existence would affect Shen Mingyun, then the system issued to Shen Mingyun the task to deal with him, and the system had become Luo Shuyu's ultimate target to deal with. As for Shen Mingyun, was it just a tool that it depended on? Based on this reasoning, Luo Shuyu felt that it was reasonable, but what was the purpose of the system attached to Shen Mingyun's mind?


    In short, if Luo Shuyu wanted to live a good life in peace and stability, not only Shen Mingyun had to disappear, but also the system in his mind would also disappear. He had to deal with not only people but also things that didn't know whether they were gods or weird thing, which was suddenly increased the difficulty.


    Despite this, he was not afraid of anything, at least Shen Mingyun's actions were predictable, as long as he controled his movements.


    He read the whole text, and didn't find that the system had occupied Shen Mingyun's body, thinking that it couldn't control the body.


    In Luo Shuyu's place, he had an additional piece of information that needed to be recorded and an invisible enemy that needed to be dealt with.


    At this time, Shen Mingyun didn't get the response he deserved. He asked Luo Shuyu: "You don't worry about your future?" He couldn't help but despise the ancients for compromising his own destiny. If Luo Shuyu admitted his fate, he could only start with the third prince.


    After a round of well-founded speculation, Luo Shuyu already knew Shen Mingyun’s purpose. He followed Shen Mingyun’s thoughts and said: "I will be married to him soon. In the future, I will be the wife of the third prince. The third prince can take concubines. The confidante outside can talk about the wine, and I can’t control it. My marriage contract was given by the Holy Spirit. How can I change it, even if you tell me that he stays in the brothel day and night?” 


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Shen Mingyun finished listening to Luo Shuyu’s words. There was more sympathy for him on his face, thinking that it was indeed a bit miserable, Luo Shuyu couldn't change his own destiny, but he would help him solve it!


He thought he had a good word to persuade him: "Don't you want to change it? Marry such a carefree man, you will be ruined in the second half of your life!"     


He said that he wouldn't give up anything for 200 mall coins, and Shen Mingyun began to give Luo Shuyu an idea. Decided to pour more chicken soup for Luo Shuyu, an ancient person: "I feel it's really worthless for you. You are the son of Shang Shufu. You need to look good and have a reputation. Why stick to a decree? I think you should think more about yourself, or let the third prince destroy the marriage."     


"Let him destroy the marriage?" Luo Shuyu sneered in his heart. Did this Shen Mingyun really knew what he was talking about? He really didn’t listen to what he had said about punishing the nine races before, so that he couldn't escape the marriage and went another way. After treating him as a task, he would do everything to do the task, and he would be a fool full of shit?     


It was true that if Shen Mingyun said this to a person who had no opinion, he should be able to see results, but he didn't know how terribly Luo Shuyu was harmed by him in his previous life. When he thought of his previous life, Luo Shuyu's good mood for a day was dispelled by him. After calming down, he made a plan.


    Shen Mingyun wanted to sabotage his wedding with Li Mingjin. It was better to block it. The more he refused him, the more he would find a way. At least he could see things under his nose, and fight him again and again. He really didn’t know that Shen Mingyun still had it. How many things happened, his props were not only effective for him, but also useful for others to use.


    "Yes, let him ruin the marriage." Shen Mingyun felt that his chicken soup was quite effective, and he noticed that Luo Shuyu's attitude was slowly changing, and he could continue his efforts. "This kind of thing had become a game between the third prince and the emperor. It had nothing to do with you. In the future, you could live a more carefree life and marry someone who didn’t have that troublesome trouble at home, it's very good."


 "Really?" He really felt that Shen Mingyun was terribly innocent now, the ger who was retired by the royal family could still be married well? He really didn't have the slightest common sense, and he used all means to achieve his goal. He pretended to be relaxed and hesitated, "Do you really want to help me?"


    "Of course, I am your cousin". Try to make himself looked genuine.


    But Luo Shuyu only thought he was a bit funny, and even somehow, this Shen Mingyun still had a distinctive feature of his cousin Shen's skin, but now he felt that it was not so dazzling.


    Shen Mingyun was talking about this with Luo Shuyu and didn't shy away from other people. Qingwang and Grandma Feng stood not far away and listened to their conversation without missing a word. Luo Shuyu didn't mean to stop it, he deliberately .


    Grandma Feng was Li Mingjin’s people from the start to finish, but Luo Shuyu didn’t mind her passing the conversation between Shen Mingyun and him to Li Mingjin’s ears.


    After getting a satisfactory answer, Shen Mingyun left Ruyiyuan and went back to think about how to make the third prince refused the marriage contract with Luo Shuyu.


    Luo Shuyu watched the overjoyed Shen Mingyun left, frowning slightly, Shen Mingyun would definitely start from Li Mingjin's side, he must take precautions, but how could he guard against his system props?


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    At the same time, Luo Renshou went directly to Fu Rongju to meet the old lady after returning from the job. Seeing that Luo Shuyu would be married in one month, the royal side was intensively preparing for the wedding of the third prince, and they couldn't lag behind. After the court, Emperor Tiansheng also specifically asked him about the preparations for the marriage of the two childrens. He felt that he was sloppy, and Emperor Tiansheng didn't look like he was indifferent to the third prince.     


Nowadays, it was impossible for Liu Shi to act on Luo Shuyu. Even if Liu Shi was willing to do it, Luo Shuyu couldn’t agree with his current stiff state. He even called Liu Shi auntie Liu. It was impossible for Luo Renshou not to hear this. The dowry matter really angered him.     


The old lady hadn't learned from other, she fasted and recited Buddha recently, and was enjoying the little girl's leg pressing. Hearing Luo Renshou's request for her to come forward to host Luo Shuyu's wedding, she frowned and said, "Why do you still let my old arms and legs handle this, Liu Shi?"     


"You don't know, Shu Yu knows she has misappropriated Chen's dowry, a few days ago, there was a commotion, and Liu Shi was so scared on the spot and Shu Yu doesn’t want to see her. I thought then I have this thoughts. After all, I'm the one who is sorry for him first. Mother, you just need to show up. After all, we are married to the royal family, and we can do it better, lest outsiders say that the son doesn’t like the marriage given by the sage.”


The old lady agreed after weighing it for a while. She wasn't always confused. In the final analysis, this was not a marriage of an ordinary official and eunuch. She had to worry about her son's official career. Nothing was more important than her son's career.     


Luo Renshou stopped by the old lady for dinner and drank some mung bean soup before returning to the yard after the heat dropped. When he passed by Liu Shi's yard, he thought that he hadn't seen Liu Shi for many days, so he went to see her. As soon as he walked in the door, he heard her scolded the maid out of anger. After seeing him, Liu Shi cried so much that it was raining. 


Luo Renshou was bothering her about messing up Chen's dowry. At this moment, he heard her crying and said a few words, and then the two quarreled. When he got up, Liu Shi's younger brother was mentioned in the fierce verbal quarrel. The more they quarreled, the more upset they became. Luo Renshou didn't sit for a while and raised his foot and left, turning around to go to his concubine who had just been in for more than a year.


    All this was known to Luo Shuyu in the next morning.


    The master went to the wife’s yard and had a fight. As long as you inquired about it, you knew it. What's more, Luo Shuyu had been paying close attention to the movements of Luo Renshou and Shen Mingyun recently. Anything big and small in the house would soon be introduced to his ear.


    Luo Renshou and Liu Shi's renunciation, this was a good thing, the house was restless, Luo Renshou had any thoughts to care about the Third Prince's Mansion in the future.


    Qingwang had gained experience in homecoming from Grandma Feng. He became more sophisticated in inquiring about news, and chatting with people was a set. Of course, the money was not less expensive. The money Luo Renshou had recently given to him was spent on buying news. The money was originally used to spend, and it was useless to have money if he was dead.


    After breakfast, Mingyue, the maid next to the old lady, came to pass a message, saying that it was the old lady who had invited him.


    Luo Shuyu asked her, "I don't know what the old lady told me to do?"


    Mingyue was willing to tell him: "Third young master, it's a good thing. Yesterday, the master came to ask the old lady to come forward and take care of your marriage. She ask you to go over and say something about yourself."


    "Oh, okay, thank you ." 

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"Young master is polite."


    Luo Shuyu understood as soon as he heard that the dowry matter was still being processed, and some items sent out by Liu Shi were afraid that he would not be able to find them. It was impossible for Luo Renshou to fill him with all the silver. It must be hoped that the old lady would come forward to do the marriage, so that Luo Shuyu would go out more decently, and he would have more face. Luo Renshou was the one who sold him well. No, it should be made up the deficient in dowry.


    Luo Renshou understood more than anyone thought.


    Luo Shuyu took the useful Grandma Feng and Qingwang to the old lady's Fu Rongju.


    The old lady's yard was not as lively as usual. When he came here, it was either Liu Shi's and the concubines flattered or the juniors were trying to please the old lady, or he was listening to Shen Mingyun talking nonsense with the old lady. Shen Mingyun was not the same as others. He probably had a good relationship with the old lady. The book said that the old lady reminded him of his grandmother who lived in the country and was very patriarchal.


    It was very quiet today, Luo Shuyao and others were not there, and Shen Mingyun didn't come. The old lady saw him alone.


    It turned out that changing a way of living could be more respected. Luo Shuyu couldn't help feeling sad for his own life in the past. It was impossible to protect himself by not causing troubles. As long as he was in the game, he would be the middleman. Those who played chess didn't regret the move.


    The old lady was not close to Luo Shuyu, but it was the grandmother and grandchildren, and there was no holiday.


    She asked Luo Shuyu to come over to mention some things about the marriage. She didn't say much about it, and she also took the initiative to ask him if he needed anything.


    He also invited him a married ger in his thirties who was a pre-marriage teacher. He was specially invited to teach Luo Shuyu how to deal with house affairs after marriage, and learned how to get along with husband and wife.


    In the previous life, the wedding was hosted by Liu Shi. There was no such process. Luo Shuyu only found out after exploring it in the Third Prince's Mansion. Looking back now, Li Mingjin had never embarrassed him in this regard.


    However, when it came to how husband and wife get along, even if he had been married once with Li Mingjin, he still had a bit of a hot face.


    He and Li Mingjin came too suddenly at that time, and later became pregnant directly. After more than a year, there was an accident at home and they hadn't yet enjoyed a real married life together. In that respect, there was only one time, which was not an experience.


    The gers of Daxia Kingdom were different from women, and some of their physical structures were different. Many noble gers had no experience in this area before getting married. Naturally, there would be special teachers to guide them, to take some courses to let them roughly understanding this process and wouldn't make a joke in the night of the bridal chamber.

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    In the past few days, Luo Shuyu had spent the past few days listening to the class. He had learned a lot of how to deal with house affairs, heard the blushing knowledge of husband and wife's life, and saw some erotic pictures.


    That night, Ansan reported Luo Shuyu's itinerary for the past two days to Li Mingjin.


    Li Mingjin: "Class? What class."


    Ansan: "The subordinates didn't dare to listen."


    Li Mingjin raised his cold eyes: "Is it discovered?"


    Ansan: "Master, it's a course for the ger before getting married. It's inconvenient for this subordinate to listen." Afraid of being whip by you!


    Li Mingjin was clear and waved to let him went out.


    After Ansan went out, he dragged out a box in the corner and turned out a stack of books, all of which were named "Men's Essential Secrets: The Young Master".


    Since the imperial concubine took the pre-marriage lesson so seriously, he couldn't fall behind!


    The next day, Li Mingjin faced everyone with his black eyes, and the courtiers saw the third prince standing aside with his eyes gloomy, feeling deeply that their hair was horrified, and couldn't help shivering.


    Today's third prince was terrible!


    In fact, he only studied the secrets necessary for marriage.


The author has something to say: 

The Third Prince: wife, believe me, I'm for our love!

Luo Shuyu: ...Go away!

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