On the day of going out, the sky was beautiful and clear.

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    The national style of Daxia was still open. The gers and women were very casual when they went out. Many women could fall in love with men freely and chose to marry the people they like. As long as they could have a good talk, it was successful. However, most of the marriage contracts were based on the words of the matchmaker ordered by the parents, and when they are old enough, the parents in the family would make arrangements for the marriage.


    Because of Luo Shuyu’s decree of marriage in the front of the Luo family, Liu Shi marriage requirements for their children also became higher. Luo Shuyu could be favored by the royal family, and her children may not be unmatched, at least they must be worthy scholarly family.


    Luo Shuyu was not very concerned about these things in his previous life, but in this life, he should know everything that should be known, and try to find out what should be known. There were intersections between Shen Mingyun and Luo's family, which would affect Luo Shuyu's life more or less. Good or bad, this was the conclusion he drew from the book. Whoever had more positive connections with Shen Mingyun would get more benefits. If anyone sang against Shen Mingyun, then what awaited them was a miserable end.


    In the full text, because they sang against Shen Mingyun and became the villains, there were not a few families who had gone down. Not only that, but there were many incidents of family destruction, wives scattered, and parents abandoning children. Wanted to change the trajectory of these things, the road was blocked.


    Luo Shuyu's most important thing now was to take care of his small family first, and other things had to be considered in long-term.


    He put on his sun hat and went out with Qingwang.


    However, he went out with his front foot, and Shen Mingyun drove to go out on a date in his back foot immediately. Today, he was still radiant, like a peacock with the screen.


    After Luo Shuyu came back from his rebirth, he had never been out of Luo Mansion, and Qingwang passed on to him any news outside.


    The main street, which hadn't been greatly influenced by Shen Mingyun, was still full of the shouts of small vendors.


    In fact, the people were thinking about how to find a way to live better for their families every day. They really didn't care who the people in the power, and whoever could make their lives better they would support them.


    The carriage drove towards the main street. Luo Shuyu didn't want to be extravagant, and went straight to Fumanlou. The private room was reserved by Li Mingjin. No one would dare to stop the third prince from meeting hi future wife.


    It coincided with the market today, and there were a lot more people coming to the city. The first floor of Fumanlou was full of guests. Xiaoer actively greeted the guests in the lobby. The sound of the wine glasses touched together into the word "lively".

[xiao er = waiter]


    Vaguely, Luo Shuyu also heard someone praising Li Bai’s "Wang Lushan Waterfall", "Drinking Alone under the Moon" and other poems for its wonderful features. He also heard someone saying "A toast to invite the bright moon", and "the shadow of three people" and other poems.


    Luo Shuyu was taken to the second floor private room by Xiaoer, and it was much quieter on the second floor. Each private room was separated independently.


    He didn't come here many times. During the pregnancy in his last life, Li Mingjin gave him a lot of food from this place when he passed by in the winter.


    Li Mingjin told him that he only bought it along the way. Now that he thought about it carefully, Fumanlou and the Third Prince's Mansion were basically two opposite directions, one south and the other north.


    Luo Shuyu took off the sun hat and gave it to Qingwang, thinking about how Li Mingjin didn't let the food he brought back to the house became cold in the cold winter.

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    As soon as he arrived, the noise outside suddenly became quiet, and Qingwang just poured the tea for Luo Shuyu.


    The door was pushed open, and a man in white clothes with a folding fan in his hand appeared in front of Luo Shuyu. His lips were free and unrestrained, as if walking out of the painting.


    This young master Pian Pian was no one else, but Li Mingjin, the third prince who came to the appointment.

[pian pian = elegant  graceful, smart, to dance lightly]


    Today's dress was very different from his previous style, and no one would associate Li Mingjin with this one, who was so gentle and without a whip.


    Even Luo Shuyu almost swiped Qingwang's tea, his hands trembled, and the first sentence of the meeting was: "How do you wear this outfit?"


    He had never seen Li Mingjin dressed up like this before. His clothes were mainly dark, and he rarely wore such bright clothes. However, he had never seen Li Mingjin before he got married. Maybe he was dressed like this at that time when he was still young.


    An angry horse in a fresh clothes was a juvenile temperament, and now Li Mingjin was no more than eighteen years old.


    Li Mingjin sat down opposite Luo Shuyu, very calmly: "Don't you like it?"


    Luo Shuyu shook his head and chuckled, his eyebrows relaxed: "No, I'm not used to it. I saw you wore black clothes last time."


Ansan opened the window in the private room, and the breeze was blowing slowly, which was very comfortable.


    Li Mingjin thought that Luo Shuyu smiled happily. He should like his clothes today. Last night, he stayed up all night to read the scripts circulated among the gers and ladies. It was true that the gers and ladies inside the scripts liked the handsome men in white and rode a white horse to go out.


    No one thought that the two would meet again before they got married. For Luo Shuyu, it was a very unexpected experience. How much he had missed in his previous life. Seeing Li Mingjin before getting married, he both cherished and regretted. He cherished him now and regretted that he didn't know much about him in his previous life, he was really not a qualified princess.


    "I see." Li Mingjin moved the pastry that Xiaoer had just brought up to Luo Shuyu, "try it."


    This was the mung bean cold cake that Luo Shuyu liked to eat in the summer . It was soft and fragrant, and the entrance was melted. After one piece, Li Mingjin continued to stare at him again.


    Luo Shuyu was a little younger, with red lips and white teeth. He smiled cleanly. There was a shallow pear nest on the right side of his mouth. The light green clothes fit on him just right, one more point looked flamboyant, one point not too pale , whatever you look at was good.


    Luo Shuyu was a little embarrassed to be stared straight by him, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help rising: "Don't eat it now, I will have to eat other thing later. I heard that the braised elbows here are particularly delicious."


    "You also like to eat braised elbows?" Li Mingjin was obviously very surprised. He didn't know this at all when he investigated before.

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    "Well, I also learned how to cook it." It was not him who liked braised elbows, it was Li Mingjin.


    Before the two of them were together because of the accident, Li Mingjin cooperated with him to eat light meals.


    One day after he was pregnant, Li Mingjin received several generals in the front hall. Luo Shuyu was always vomitted when he ate something because he was pregnant and was not in the mood, so he asked on a whim what the third prince ate today, and grandma Feng answered, there were several dishes to eat, one of which was braised pork elbows in brown sauce. Grandma Feng said at that time that the third prince's favorite waa this dish. At that time, Luo Shuyu knew that Li Mingjin’s favorite was meat, and he always asked the kitchen to make vegetarian dishes, thinking that he would go back to the study after eating with him, wouldn't  he steal meat behind his back, right?


    Li Mingjin tightened his lips, his Adam apple moved: "Elbow, it's good, I also like it."


His future imperial concubine was still a bit thinner. It was better to eat more meat, but he didn't expect, there was one more item that suited him. The criteria for getting a wife.


    Ansan caught Li Mingjin's eyes and went outside to call Xiaoer, and added braised elbows.


    While waiting for the dishes to come, Luo Shuyu handed Li Mingjin the drawing he had drawn: "I asked you out today to show you this."


    Li Mingjin was still guessing if he gave himself a love letter. When he opened it, he was a little disappointed, but he was quickly attracted by the ingenious ideas inside. Luo Shuyu not only drew a picture of the remodeled keel waterwheel, he also added a detailed description of the text.


    Li Mingjin’s expression was always very few, but he was still a little surprised: "This is the keel waterwheel?"


    Luo Shuyu said: "It's the drawing after the keel waterwheel has reformed."


    Speaking of business affairs, Li Mingjin finally no longer focused on Luo Shuyu's face, he stared at the drawing and read it over and over again.


    He remembered that the Ministry of Industry where the eldest brother was, conducted a relatively confidential research recently, and he didn't know if it had anything to do with this person.


    His expression was dull and unclear, and when he looked at Luo Shuyu, he found that he was calm, without any guilty conscience or other emotions.


    The secret of Luo Shuyu's rebirth couldn't be told to anyone yet, but he didn't want to hide it from Li Mingjin, so he could only find a reasonable reason.


    "Someone gave me the picture of the waterwheel modification, but I guarantee that the person is very credible. He told me that if the picture of the waterwheel is modified by the eldest prince, not only it will not benefit the people, but it will cause more tragedies. I asked what kind of tragedy, but he didn’t tell me, but I believe him, the third prince, please believe me."


    "That person told you about the waterwheel?" He instinctively believed Luo Shuyu, but how could he know the news of the outside world if he didn't go out and the door was not open? He knew in advance about the poetry meeting and it was reasonable, but he had to think about the blueprint.


    Luo Shuyu nodded and said: "That's right."


    Li Mingjin put away the drawing: "Can anyone else see this drawing?"

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 Luo Shuyu said bluntly: "My eldest brother, they also have a copy in their hands, but they haven't used it yet not because they are not using it. It was made, and that person told me about the drawing."


    Li Mingjin wondered: "Why don't you help Luo Shumo and the others?"


    Luo Shuyu paused and said frankly, "You and me in the future. It is one body. I naturally prefer to believe in you. You know, my eldest brother’s biological mother was my father’s concubine back then. She got my mother's right after her death. Over the years, she not only invades my mother’s dowry, but also tolerates people to deduct my expenses. I have endured the humiliation and survived to this day. It's impossible for me to have no grudge against them. Moreover, after my cousin came, their attitude towards me become worse. I was thinking if I can leave Luo soon, I’ll wait for the marriage decree from the emperor. I’m willing to give you the drawing, and the drawing is not stolen. Don’t worry."


    "I believe you." Li Mingjin no longer hesitated, "I will handle the matter, don’t worry. "


    "ah, the man said, don't give the credit to the eldest prince but my brother they can, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous. "Luo Shu Yu said it again.


    When Li Mingjin saw his eyes glowing, he felt as if there were stars, so he looked very beautiful, and was almost fascinated: "Okay."


    Speaking of this, they heard Xiaoer talking with the guard at the door, and they stopped mentioning the matter.


    The lunch was pretty good. Li Mingjin was very satisfied with Fumanlou's braised elbows. Luo Shuyu had light taste, so he gave it to Li Mingjin.


    Li Mingjin dressed up as Young Master Pianpian, rolled up his sleeves and licked the elbows, and he found it very funny. Luo Shuyu's smile never stopped.


    Because the embroiderers wanted to make his wedding gown, he had to go back to try the clothes in the afternoon, so he didn't stay in Fumanlou for too long.


    The two met secretly, so Li Mingjin couldn't take him back, so he was sent to the carriage and let people secretly protect him.


    Luo Shuyu looked at him again and exhorted: "Then I'll go back, you should be more careful."


    "Yeah." Li Mingjin didn't know what to say for a while, but wanted to say something, "Write to me."


    Luo Shuyu nodded. "Good."


    Li Mingjin said again: "Write a little longer."


    Luo Shuyu gave him a faint smile: "A few more words?"


    Li Mingjin said solemnly, " Forget it." Just write it.


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    They really couldn't stay for long, and the two would separate. The next time they see each other was the day of their marriage, which was both anticipating and painful.


    Liming Jin stood in the doorway watching Luo Shu Yu's carriage left, turned around and asked Ansan: "Are you sure he is the one who drew?"


    Ansan: "back to the master, this time Luo Gongzi never seen others, thr drawing he painted with his own hand, the words were written by himself, and he didn't fake the hands of others."


    Li Mingjin was deep in thought with a calm face.


    What they didn't know was that their appointment was seen by Shen Mingyun, who also went to Fumanlou for dinner.


    In the afternoon, after Luo Shuyu returned to Ruyiyuan, he was arrested and tried several wedding dresses and several new summer dresses. He was so tired that he didn't even have time to drink water, and he didn't want to take care of other things for the time being.


    In the evening, when the meal was about to be delivered, an unexpected visitor came to his Ruyiyuan.


    No one else, but Shen Mingyun.


    Luo Shuyu felt uncomfortable when he saw him, and there was no good expression on his slightly tired face.


    "Why did my cousin look for me?" 


At this moment, Shen Mingyun was willing to be more polite: "Cousin Shu Yu, guess who I saw in Fumanlou today?" 


Luo Shuyu was a little puzzled. Did Shen Mingyun see him met Li Mingjin? He asked calmly : "Who?"


Shen Mingyun whispered: "Of course it is your fiance, the third prince. Guess what else I saw?"


    Luo Shuyu didn't bother with this way of speaking: "Cousin might as well say it all at once. I haven't eat yet."


    Shen Mingyun's entire face was full of gossip and gloat: "Then I told you clearly, your fiance was dating someone at Fumanlou for lunch today ."


Luo Shuyu, who had an empty belly, couldn't say anything. Looking at Shen Mingyun: "..." Are you blind?


The author has something to say:

The third prince: Wife, look at me and see me, I am fluttering in white, handsome, white horse comes as a standard, have you fallen in love?

Luo Shuyu: ...I don't really want to fall in love.

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