Chapter 11 See You Tomorrow

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    There were more than 800,000 words in the book "After Transmigrating Into a Book, Four Big Brothers Are Fighting Into Marry Me". Luo Shuyu only read it once. There were many details in it. The system also sent Shen Mingyun big and small tasks.


    The system tasks were divided into the main tasks and the side tasks.


    The trigger points of the main tasks were all on the fourth prince, while the side tasks were events that may affect the progress of the main tasks or to promote the main tasks. Shen Mingyun had never used his brain to remember it, he was very dependent on the system, and he would do all the tasks released by the system. He didn’t choose too much. According to him, the more mall coins, the better. The props were his most advantageous protection tool. It would be wasteful to have a system that was not used well.


    But Shen Mingyun hadn’t received any special hidden tasks, nor he heard the system mentioned it before. This was the first time. He was a bit surprised, but when he was playing games, he also had the hidden tasks. Think about it, he just thought it was normal. This wouldn't affect his life. If the task succeed, he would get 200 more mall coins. It didn’t matter if the task failed, because this system was very friendly to him and there was no punishment.


    Shen Mingyun was still looking forward to the hidden task that suddenly appeared, 200 points could be exchanged for an item he had always wanted to get.


    At this time, the eyes he looked at Luo Shuyu were different. This person was completely the NPC he scored, and it was too easy to use.


    However, he changed his mind and thought, Luo Shuyu had nothing special, why did he suddenly trigger the hidden task? Perhaps the key point was not on him, but the third prince. Shen Mingyun now regretted that he broke his fate with the third prince, but if he didn't hand over Luo Shuyu's eight characters, this task would not appear, right? It shouldn't be difficult to do sabotage, just completed the task!


    Shen Mingyun was thinking about the pros and cons of doing the task, but Luo Shuyu thought about certain things through the muddy water on their bodies. He remembered what Shen Mingyun and Luo Shumo did today in the book.


    This incident was related to a water conservancy project. Luo Shumo worked under the eldest prince, and also found a small position in the Ministry of Engineering.


    They were going to try Shen Mingyun's previous proposal to transform the keel waterwheel, and the design drawings were produced by the system.


    However, the transformation process didn't go smoothly. There was an accident when they went to the site for a test today. Both of them were poured with muddy water, which was what Luo Shuyu saw before. However, it was finally rebuilt after many trials.


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    In this matter, the eldest prince did a very good job, he was praised by the emperor, and won many rewards. Luo Shumo also handled things smoothly, was promoted, and the family was beaming, and it helped Liu Shi became confidence, the whole family complimented her for having given birth to a good son, who would be the pillar of the Luo family in the future.     


Luo Shumo also became Shen Mingyun's future helper. Although he had friendship with the eldest prince, but after the eldest prince was pulled off the horse, Luo Shumo was completely free to help the fourth prince in his early years and was involved in any way. In the book, after Shen Mingyun became a queen, he was also promoted to be a nobleman because of his merits in escorting him, and he was the beneficiary after catching up on Shen Mingyun's line.     


It was a good thing that the newly renovated keel waterwheel could solve the problem of the people’s water difficulties, but Shen Mingyun was not generous. He suggested that since he made the design drawings for renovation, he would charge a patent fee. He suggested that the court should use his plan. They charge a certain waterwheel usage tax. Shen Mingyun's proposal was approved by a large number of officials, and even the emperor listened to the suggestions of the eldest prince and the fourth prince and agreed to impose a new waterwheel usage tax.     


The newly increased waterwheel usage tax greatly increased the burden on the people. These years had been drought and the harvest not very good. When Luo Shuyu heard about this incident, he felt that it was not quite right, but he was not involved in government affairs. Even Luo Renshou's study he seldom went in. 


When he was out wandering, he occasionally heard some complaints from passers-by. Later, he entered the Third Prince's Mansion. Knowing this, it was because of the waterwheel tax that something had happened. The Emperor sent Li Mingjin to bring troops to suppress it. It was said that many people died, and the poor people suffered even more.


    Luo Shuyu also accidentally heard from a conversation with the officials who dealt with the matter and realized that the matter about waterwheel tax was so big that it became a "waterwheel incident", and because of this incident Li Mingjin had reputation for tyrannical and wanton to harm the people, and in the court there were more complaining about him. The officials also impeached him many times. The emperor was very troubled, and then ordered him to reflect on the mansion for a month. After that, Li Mingjin, who had nothing to do, drank outside every day. Accidentally, after taking the medicine given by others, he slept with Luo Shuyu. Their children came at that time.     


This matter had a lot to do with Li Mingjin. Luo Shuyu had to work hard to recall the details in the book. There were 800,000 words in the book. Thanks to the author's clear writing of many details, Luo Shuyu, who was reading the book at the time, also deliberately kept the description of the drawings in his mind with his insights. Now as long as he concentrated on thinking back, those words would come to his mind.    


Luo Shumo inherited Luo Renshou's style, and he did a lot of superficial work, and he didn't have much feasts with Luo Shuyu. He smiled and said: "It's just some fortifications. I'm looking for father to discuss the countermeasures."


Luo Shuyu saw them panic, but there was no joy on his face. He guessed that their waterwheel had not been remodeled yet, "That's it, then I won't bother you."


Luo Shuyu had an idea in his heart, "You are busy."


Luo Shuyu walked out of Luo Renshou's study, and Shen Mingyun suddenly chased him out and took Luo Shuyu's arm. Luo Shuyu thought that he (SMY) was originally a man and opened a distance.


"My cousin just talk about things when you have something. I'm not used to being too close to others." After talking, he slapped his hand and said, "Please take care of yourself."


Shen Mingyun cursed in his heart . It was dewy, he was about to become the third princess and his temper was so big. Didn’t he just touch his hand, as if he was about to kill him, he was still shocked by the task he received, and subconsciously wanted to talk to him. Talking about the third prince, he really didn't know what to do. 

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Shen Mingyun reluctantly put a smile on his face: "I just want to tell you something, why do you stay thousands of miles away?"     


Luo Shuyu's face was pale: "Then you have something to say."


    He didn't want to say it if it weren't for the task. Shen Mingyun said, "Luo Shuyu, I just want to tell you about the third prince's external opinion, don't treat others kindness as donkey liver and lungs."


When he heard this, Luo Shuyu smiled: "That cousin is really kind."


    Shen Mingyun was pretty sure that Luo Shuyu didn't know that he had given his eight characters to the harem noble concubine, but Luo Shuyu's smile made him very uncomfortable.


    "Of course I am kind. If you don't want to marry the third prince, I can actually help you."


The weasel was not at ease in paying a New Year's greeting to the rooster. Luo Shuyu didn't know what his plan was, staring at him and asked: "Oh? Why do you suddenly think want to help me?"


    "I can help you escape your marriage." Wasn't it often written like this in the TV dramas? When the heroine didn't want to marry someone she didn't like, she escaped most of the time.


    Luo Shuyu was amused by Shen Mingyun. He used to listen to him saying swear words, but now he still listened to him saying nonsense like a lunatic: "Do you want to help me out of marriage? Do you know what it is? This is a serious crime that hurts the family. Cousin, you have to think about it clearly. The lighter  charge is that father is removed from office, and the more serious is that you are asked to be cut off and your family was ransacked. You might even be beheaded. You are also in the nine clan." He wiped his neck, his eyes piercing Shen Mingyun like an ice arrow.


    Shen Mingyun was frightened by Luo Shuyu's eyes and took a step back, and smiled awkwardly: "He, he, I just said casually, if you don't want to marry, we can think of other ways, then let the third prince divorce the marriage arrangement."     


Luo Shuyu bent the corners of his lips and gave Shen Mingyun an unexpected response: "How do you know that I don't want to marry into the Third Prince's Mansion? I still want to marry in Feng guang. Does my cousin have any thoughts about the Third Prince?"

[feng guang = to be well-regarded, to be well-off, grand, impressive]


Shen Mingyun: "How can I possibly have any thoughts about that kind of cruel people!" Only you were a fool who was willing to marry him. If it wasn't for the mall coins, would he be like this?     

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Luo Shuyu stared at him very displeased: "Shen Mingyun, pay attention to your words, Li Mingjin is not something you can talk about."


    Shen Mingyun thought that he could speak eloquently, but Luo Shuyu's eyes were full of loopholes. He said: "You really don't know what's good or bad, I'm just reminding you."


    "That's really thank you." Luo Shuyu didn't want to talk to him much, turned around and left, no matter what Shen Mingyun muttered behind him, it was nothing more than some complaining words.


    After returning to Ruyiyuan, Luo Shuyu immediately calmed down and sorted out Shen Mingyun's changes just now.


    He didn't have many face-to-face confrontations with Shen Mingyun in his previous life. This time Shen Mingyun took the initiative to mention Li Mingjin to him, and also said something malicious to him, and wanted to "help" him escape the marriage. What did it mean? He wanted to ruin his wedding with Li Mingjin?


    As far as he knew, apart from doing tasks, Shen Mingyun wouldn't take the initiative to approach a person.


    He remembered it was written in the book that once, Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince fell down a cliff together. They were rescued by nearby villagers. The fourth prince was injured. In order to live in a village, to eat and drink, Shen Mingyun extremely reluctantly did the tasks to earn shopping mall points to buy food. The task was to help the old people in the village and teach children with runny noses to read. On the one hand, he kindly taught them, on the other hand, he disliked them very much because they were dirty and sloppy.


    Shen Mingyun never bothered to make faces to people he didn't like, and suddenly showed goodness, there must be something else.


    Luo Shuyu thought left and right, writing a line in the notebook, Shen Mingyun's task must hope that this wedding wouldn't be held.


    He remembered very clearly that there was no task about him and Li Mingjin in the book, and since he got married, Shen Mingyun had no intersection with him. As for whether Shen Mingyun had any tasks related to the third prince after marriage, he didn't know.


    No matter what, he must be careful of this person now, his system was very evil, and it shouldn't be a serious fairy object.


    Now let’s write down the description of the waterwheel in the system and gave it to Li Mingjin. After the test of the previous life, he was convinced that Grandma Feng was a credible person. The content of the book, those words would come to his mind clearly, and he could silently remember it without missing a word.

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    He would give these to Li Mingjin, but how should he explain his knowledge of this waterwheel? Would Li Mingjin treat him as a spy sent by someone else?


    Looking at the blueprints that were just finished, Luo Shuyu was a little worried. Would Li Mingjin trust him completely?


    Qingwang reminded Luo Shuyu: "Young master, it's time to rest."


    Luo Shuyu finally decided to write an appointment letter to Li Mingjin. The drawing was too important to be passed on to others at will. If it was intercepted by others, it was difficult for him to explain, Li Mingjin also, In fact although his reputation now  was average, compared to the later years of his life, it was obvious that his current bad reputation was not enough.


    If Li Mingjin wanted to fight for that position, he would show him the best.


    Luo Shuyu handed the letter asking Li Mingjin to meet him to Grandma Feng and passed it to Li Mingjin overnight.


    Third Prince's Mansion.


    Ansan once again got into the study room from the window.


    Li Mingjin, who hadn't yet fallen asleep, opened the sandalwood scented note paper, and the corners of his mouth curled up in an unnoticeable arc.


    In the letter, Luo Shuyu asked him to meet him in Fumanlou at noon tomorrow.


    His imperial concubine was so eager to see him, it was only a few days since the last separation, was he acting like a baby to him?


    Ansan, who was about to leave, was suddenly called to a halt: "Ansan, what clothes do you think I wear for tomorrow?"


    Ansan looked at the third prince who was twisting the letter paper with a calculating face: "..." There was no object to the humble duty, I don't know.

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